Tablet and Smartphone Market

Tablet and Smartphone Market – Highest Demand And Sales Of Media Tablet Devices
The report, titled “Tablet Market and Smartphones Market: Global Database & Forecast (2010
2015)”, published by Transparency Market Research, studies the growth trajectory of the global
tablets and smartphone market between the years 2010 and 2015. The report tracks the
market for twof the most popular electronic devices of current times: smartphones and
tablets. While the market for smartphones is one that saw unprecedented growth at a
consistent pace over the entire past decade, the market for tablets has alsstarted gaining huge
momentum in the past few years.
The report states that the sales of tablets on a global level recorded 67 mn units in 2011.
Expanding at a healthy 38.80% CAGR between 2011 and 2015, the market recorded sales of
nearly 248 mn units during these years. Sales of tablets in the Asia-Pacific regional market,
owing tits huge population base, exhibited 36.10% and 35.30% CAGR, in terms of global
shipment and end user sales respectively, during this period.Sales of smartphones across the
globe reached 469.9 mn units in 2011. This was a 66.7% rise in the sale of smartphones since
2010, when the global smartphone sales stood at 282.0 mn units. During 2010-2015, the
market for smartphones significantly expanded and reached nearly 1,048.0 mn units by
registering a 39.50% CAGR growth. Asia Pacific led the market for smartphones over the period
and expanded at a 36.30% CAGR.
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Sales of tablet computers saw a game-changing boost in the year 2011 when it increased by a
never-before-seen 276.5% as compared tthe sales in 2010 and reached 17.8 mn units. The
growth in sales can be highly attributed tthe extremely encouraging consumer response
tproducts such as Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Amazon Kindle tablets. Amazon’s Kindle
tabs, especially, received exceptionally incredible response among the consumers and the ‘Fire’
version of the device sold about 3.5 million units only in the final 45 days of the year 2011. On a
global-level, there were around 81.1 million units of tablet computers across the globe in 2011,
and the number reached 388.8 million units by 2015.
The report states that although smartphones are the primary competitor for the market of
tablets, nearly 10% smartphone owners alshad a tablet computer by 2013. The market segment
for communicator tablets has remained a niche segment in the market over the years.Form
factor of tablets plays a highly crucial role in the overall consumer response tthe product. The
report states that the largest number of tablets sold in the market between 2010 and 2015 had
screen sizes ranging between 8 t10 inches and weight of the device was between 450 t900
grams (1 t2 lbs). The end-use segment of general consumers exhibited highest demand and
sales of media tablet devices whereas business users preferred communicator business tablets