Risk Assessment

Professors & Instructors
Industry Session
IND 015
Certified Entreprise-wide Risk Manager
Based on ISO31000/ONR49000
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Speaker Information:
Professor Jean-Paul Louisot, MBA, ARM, FIRM
Anc. Université Paris 1 Panthéon/Sorbonne
Institut Catholique de Lille
Institut International d’Assurance (Cameroon)
Dean of Curriculum CARM_Institute
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What to Expect
After attending this session, you should :
•Recognize the need for RM competencies for part-time RM
practitioners or risk owners in medium size enterprises
•Understand the role that ONR 49000/ISO31000 can play in this
•Understand the examination and assessment process in ONR
•Evaluate the inclusion of the designation to produce additional
value for the enterprise and for your university curriculum
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• Is fast becoming a major issue for board members
and executives whether the enterprise is large or
• Global economic players need to be assured that
their suppliers and subcontractors manage their risk
• Medium size companies cannot afford full time Risk
managers; however more and more recognize that
they need to appoint a member of their leadership
to take charge of RM
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• Need to gain formal education for RM that
most have never had
• Need an Internationally recognized
certification to reassure their stakeholders
• Want an efficient program that delivers both
practical competencies and a certification
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The ONR 49000 OFFERS
• A risk management for organizations and
system based on the ISO 31000 framework.
• A certification granted by the Swiss
Certification Agency.
• A certification already required for RM in
Switzerland and Austria.
• A compact program developed in a 150 pages
book available in German, English and French.
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Requires the student to show a practical “hands on”
command of risk Management through:
•PART 1 – A 3 hours proctored Exam combining objective
and essay questions to demonstrate competency in
implementing the ISO 31000 standard with a 70% pass
•PART 2 – A Case Risk Assessment consisting in
developing a risk assessment for an existing organization,
an activity or a process within an organization. (to be
completed within 2 months of passing part 1)
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A coaching program based on ONR 49000
CARM_Institute has designed:
• An eight-day program to lead to the certification, split
into four two-day residential seminars each one month
• Friday & Saturday classes to take less time off work.
• Small group for peer interaction and to ensure
implementation is started before the end of the
• Other program combinations are possible
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CARM_Institute ONR 49000 program
First Seminar
Day 1 – The risk management process and fundamental
•Managing uncertainty
•Understanding ISO 31000 – Principles/Framework/Risk
Management Process
•Risk Management objectives
Day 2 – Risk Assessment – CARMIN Method
•Exposure space
•Risk Centers Methods
•Exposure Matrix/Risk Map/Heat Map
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CARM_Institute ONR 49000 program
Second Seminar
Day 3 – Risk Assessment Methods
•Creativity Techniques (Brainstorming, Delphi Method, Scenarios Analysis)
•Causes & consequences Diagrams (root cause analysis, fishbone diagram,
butterfly diagram, and Ishikawa diagram)
•Breakdown and event trees
•Indicators Analysis (Critical Incident Reporting System – CIRS –; Change based
risk management – CBRM –)
•Functional Analysis (Failure mode and Effect Analysis – FMEA –, Hazard
Analysis ; Hazard and operability study – HAZOP –; Hazard analysis and critical
control points – HACCP –)
•Statistical Analysis (Standard deviation ; Confidence Interval - value @ risk;
Monte Carlo Simulation)
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CARM_Institute ONR 49000 program
Second Seminar
Day 4 – Risk Management – risk treatment – reduction
& financing
•The main tools for risk reduction
 Avoidance/Suppression
 Prevention/Protection
 Segregation
 Contractual Transfer for risk control
•The main tools for risk financing
 Pre- loss financing versus Post- loss financing
 Retention/Transfer/Hybrids
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CARM_Institute ONR 49000 program
Third Seminar
Day 5 – Managing disturbances – continuity
•Responding to the levels of disturbances in a
•Business Continuity Planning
Day 6 – Managing disturbances – crisis
•Crisis Management
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CARM_Institute ONR 49000 program
Fourth Seminar
Day 7 – Integrating Risk Management into the
Management System
•Risk & Strategy
•Optimizing risk taking (risk appetite & risk tolerance)
•The risk manager – missions & competencies
•Practical exercise – designing a risk register for each participant
Day 8 – Implementation & Exam
•Practical exercise – designing a risk register for each participant
•ONR Exam – Part 1 - Proctored
•Synthesis & evaluation
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The program can be adapted to fit each university
curriculum and:
•The examination process can be adapted to conform to your
online or classroom proctored examination procedures.
•Classes can be opened to students from different tracks e.g.
finance, marketing, or general business.
•Thus, even before graduation, students can demonstrate RM
competencies to prospective employers and others through a
recognized international certification.
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About the CARM_Institute
For twenty years CARM_Institute, a non-for profit
limited company, has developed and offered a
“French Connection” for the ARM professional
designation, adapting and deepening the American
program so that it has become the reference for risk
management professional in the Francophone world.
More than 1500 full time risk managers have
completed the program consisting of 36 full day
residential seminars in France, Switzerland, the
Maghreb and French Speaking Africa.
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Questions, Final Comments and
Contact Information
Professor Jean-Paul Louisot, MBA, ARM, FIRM
Dean of Curriculum CARM_Institute
Tel France – 011 33 6 07 22 36 65
Tel USA – 1 215 888 68 96
[email protected]
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