Head Teacher: Mrs Sharon Stevenson Tel: 01325 377246 Email

Thursday 1st October
This newsletter is an important link between school
and home. I hope you will find it useful as it gives
news of forthcoming events and a list of dates for
your diary.
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a wonderful start to the year here at
Barton. We are delighted to have so many family
and friends attend our Community Collective
Worship and Messy Church on a Friday. The
children enjoyed our Road Safety and E;safety
morning with PC Paul Stephenson and Kevin
Pratt. They had good fun whilst learning important
safety messages. Our Year 5 and 6 children have
had fun at East Barnby and it has been a pleasure
to read about their adventures on the Barton Blog.
Thank you so much to Mrs Chandler and Mrs
Kirby for giving up their family time to care for the
children during their residential visit. All of the
children in school are taking advantage of the
lunch time sports clubs run by Simon Carson
Sports School and are learning new skills in their
PE lessons. Our afterschool sports clubs are well
attended (but there are still some spaces left if you
would like your child to attend). Miss Verity and I
are having fun singing with the children at
Community Choir but would love it if a few more
children (and adults) could attend. Please see Mrs
Coates in the school office or email the school if
you would like your child to attend any of the after
school clubs or breakfast club.
Mrs Macpherson will be leaving us at Christmas as
her husband takes up a new post in Scotland. We
will be so sorry to lose her but wish her love,
happiness and every success in the future (and we
are going to make the most of her this term!!). We
have started the recruitment process and will let
you know when we have appointed a new Class 2
MacMillan Community Coffee Morning
Mrs. Coates is delighted to announce that the
MacMillan Community Coffee Morning raised
£225. The most we have ever raised! Thank you
so much for your kind donations and thank you to
Mrs Coates for organising this community event.
No Violin and Piano lessons – Tuesday 6th
Head Teacher: Mrs Sharon Stevenson
Tel: 01325 377246
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.barton.n-yorks.sch.uk
There will be no piano and violin lessons on
Tuesday 6th October as Mrs Jameson has a
training week. The children will still receive all ten
music lessons this term and they will also treat us
to a (low key) Christmas concert. I can’t wait!
Year 3 and Year 4 Storytelling Event for
Dyslexia Network Plus
Thursday 8th October 2015
Dyslexia Network Plus have arranged for the
storyteller Taffy Thomas to come to Richmond
School Pavilion on Thursday 8th October and
deliver four 45 minute story sessions for local
schools. Taffy is currently artistic director of Tales
in Trust, the Northern Centre for Storytelling,
based at The Storyteller's Garden in Grasmere.
He held the honorary position of first Laureate for
Storytelling from January 2010 to January 2012.
He has a ‘tale’ coat, covered in pictures, each of
which has a special tale to tell.
The children in Year 3 and 4 will have an early
lunch and leave school to start the session at 1pm
until 1.45. We will return before the end of the
school day. We will be taking part in this activity
together with the Year 3 and 4 children from
Ravensworth and Melsonby. Mrs Stevenson and
Mrs Dreaves will accompany the children on this
Educational Visit. This event and the cost of
transportation is provided by Dyslexia Network
The British Dyslexia Association has asked local
dyslexia support groups to hold story time events
during Dyslexia Awareness Week to encourage
children’s love of stories. As children with dyslexia
often struggle to read books and put their stories
into writing, but are usually very able at expressing
their ideas in words, we thought it would be a good
opportunity to highlight the value of oral storytelling
for all children by inviting a storyteller to come and
tell stories to local primary school children.
“Drop Everything and Play” Maths Afternoon
Thursday 8th October 2.45 – 3.30
All parents are invited to join their child in their
classrooms to play some maths games together
and find out how we teach and learn “Key Instant
Recall Facts” (mental maths facts). We will be
launching our “Instant Recall Space Mission” to
help the children have fun at the same time as
improving their mental maths skills. More details
to follow.
Parents’ Consultation Evening
Monday 12th October
3.30 -7.00
Tuesday 13th October
3.30 – 5.00
Parents’ consultation evenings are an essential
part of working together to achieve the very best
outcomes for your child. It is important that you
attend parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s
The lists to book your appointment at a time
convenient to you will be available in the entrance
from Friday 2nd October. If you are unable to
come into school to book your appointment please
contact the school office and Mrs Coates will be
able to book your appointment for you.
Year 5 and 6 High Five Netball Festival at
Richmond School
Thursday 22nd 2 – 4.30pm
All the children in Year 5 and 6 will take part in the
Small School High Five Netball Competition at
Richmond School.
The children will be transported there and back by
mini bus and accompanied by Mrs Chandler and
Mrs Kirby.
You are very welcome to come along to support
the children at and cheer on “Team Barton”.
Supporting your child’s learning at home
Learning can be done most effectively when all
staff, parents and children work together towards
the same goals and help to support learning.
Please support the school by making sure that
homework tasks are completed and returned on
time. A child who hasn’t completed their homework
is often an unhappy, worried one!
Also, please use your talents and experiences to
enhance your child’s learning at home. Your child
will benefit greatly from what you can show them,
discuss with them and teach them.
Your child’s teacher will set differentiated and
achievable homework to extend the curriculum
and provide the opportunity for independent
learning. Clear information will be provided so that
you will be able to help your child if required.
Your child will be given a reading book (picture
book to start with) and a free choice book. These
books can be changed daily if you write in your
child’s planner that they have finished the book.
Please ensure that planners are in school every
Head Teacher: Mrs Sharon Stevenson
Tel: 01325 377246
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.barton.n-yorks.sch.uk
day. It is really important that you read with your
child every day and enjoy stories together.
Your child will bring home letters (lower case and
capital) to recognise and write.
They will also bring home number recognition and
formation homework.
Please practice these daily. A few minutes every
day is much more effective that half an hour every
Year 1
Your child will be given a reading book and a book
to share. These books can be changed daily if you
write in child’s planner that they have read the
Your child will bring home a list of tricky words to
read and to spell weekly.
Every week your child will be given number and/or
shape homework.
Year 2 and 3
Your child will receive weekly spellings, given out
on a Friday for a spelling quiz the following
Your child will also be given weekly Maths and
English homework on a Friday, to be returned on
the following Wednesday.
Reading books will be changed throughout the
week as required by your child – please record
reading in your child’s planner and ensure that
planners are in school every day.
It would be great if you could hear your child read
and ensure that they are reading at least three
times a week.
Year 4, 5 and 6.
Each half term you will given a parent and child
challenge homework.
Your child will receive weekly spellings – they will
be given out on a Monday for a spelling quiz the
following Monday.
Your child will be given a weekly maths and
English homework activity on a Friday to be
returned by the following Wednesday.
Weekly Instant Recall Mental Maths
Reading books will be changed throughout the
week as required by your child – please record
reading in your child’s planner and ensure that
planners are in school every day. It would be
great if you could hear your child read and ensure
that they are reading at least three times a week.
Topic homework will be given as appropriate.
Please use your child’s planner to record when
they have read and if they have completed their
Water bottles in school
Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle
to school every day. Your child can refill their
water bottle using the cold filtered water dispenser
in school. Our Healthy Schools Policy does not
allow juice or fizzy drinks in school. Please do not
allow your child to bring juice into school.
Thank you.
Dates for your diary
Thursday 8th October
Thursday 8th October
2.45 – 3.30
Monday 12th – Friday
16th October
Monday 12th October
3.30 -7.00
Tuesday 13th October
3.30 – 5.00
Thursday 15th
October, 12pm
(last orders 5th Oct)
Thursday 15th
October 1pm
Tuesday 20th October
Friday 16th October 6pm
Thursday 22nd
Friday 23rd October,
Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd
November, 8.50
Tuesday 3rd
November 1pm
Wednesday 4th
November 10 - 12
Friday 13th November
(last orders 2 Nov)
Sunday 6th
December, 4pm
Year 3 and 4
Storytelling Event at
Richmond School
Drop Everything and
Play Maths afternoon
World Food Week
Parents’ Consultation
Parent’s Consultation
World Food Week
Community Lunch –
Chicken Korma
Childline Workshop
for Y5/Y6
(more information to
Community Harvest
Praise in Church
Year 5/6 High Five
Netball Festival at
Richmond School
Messy Church
All welcome
School closes for half
term holiday
School resumes
Class 3 Inventions
Afternoon and
Collective Workshop
(more details to
Multi-skills Festival
Richmond School
(more details to
Children in Need
Community Lunch
Christingle and
Nativity in Church
Head Teacher: Mrs Sharon Stevenson
Tel: 01325 377246
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.barton.n-yorks.sch.uk
Monday 7th December Jack and The
Beanstalk Georgian
Theatre (more
details to follow)
Monday 14th
Community Christmas
December, 12 o’clock Lunch
(last orders 27th
Tuesday 15th
Quicksticks Hockey
December 2:30-4:30
Richmond Astro-turf
Tuesday 15th
Christmas Production
December 6pm
Wednesday 16th
Christmas Service in
December, 2.30pm
Thursday 17th
Puppet Workshop for
Class 1,2,3
(more details to
Friday 18th December Christmas Party
Lunch and Christmas
Friday 18th
End of term
December, 3.30pm
Please remember that we do have an open
door policy. Your first point of contact is
either the office or your child’s class
I look forward to seeing you in school soon.
Mrs Sharon Stevenson