Calling all High school students

2014-2015 Christmas Concert
Light of the World
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4
Parent Information/Permission Packet
The heart of the performing arts department is to come alongside parents to help students make
the best individual choices regarding their extracurricular involvements. Please know that for a
production to be successful, all band and choral members will need to be fully committed to all
rehearsals and performances.
“For which of you intending to build a tower, does not sit down first
and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it?” — Luke 14:28
Please discuss this commitment level and his/her current schedule of school and family
responsibilities with your student prior to auditioning, and prayerfully determine if the Lord is
leading in the direction of performing arts during this season.
It is also extremely important for parents to discuss the reality of the audition process.
Auditioning does not guarantee a role of any size in the production, and we foresee many more
students auditioning than we will be able to cast. This disappointment may be too difficult for
some students. As a parent, you know your child best. You, therefore, are in the best position to
determine if he or she is ready for the audition process and the responsibility that goes with
participating in a concert production of this caliber with reduced rehearsals.
In general, all musicians are expected to attend scheduled rehearsals fully prepared to play each
listed selection. The rehearsal schedule will be given out at the first meeting and will be available
on the Light of the World Cast and Crew page, accessed from the blue menu bar on the CCA
Arts webpage. Every band and chorus member is expected to be at every rehearsal during the last
week of production, including one Saturday.
Please note: modifications may be made to the initial schedule as the production progresses.
Parental involvement is a key component of the performance process here at CCA. Please
contact us if you can help with set construction, set-up, snacks, etc. We know that in meeting the
needs you will also be blessed through your involvement. If you haven’t had the opportunity to
plug into CCA yet, here is a great opportunity! We are looking forward to getting to know our
performing arts parents better.
Communication is another important part of participation in the performing arts. Please be sure
to provide us with an e-mail address and check that account regularly. The majority of our
information is communicated electronically, and you and your student will be responsible for
staying informed that way. It is often the best way to communicate with us, too. On the Quick
Links blue menu bar on our CCA Arts page you will see a link for: Light of the World Cast &
Crew. Bookmark this page in your favorites so that you can easily find all the information you
need regarding the production — updates, rehearsal schedules, T-shirt order form, etc. Please
check this page frequently.
Financial Obligation: Due to the all-school campus fee, there is no participation fee for being a
part of the production. However, we will have T-shirts available for purchase, which you can buy
online from the cast and crew webpage.
Audition Process
If you would like to give your child permission to audition, we are going to ask you and your son
or daughter to electronically sign the online audition registration form and bring in a signed
Parent Permission/Parent–Student Commitment affirming you have read all the information,
prayed about your involvement, and are making the commitment.
Auditions will be held on Monday and Tuesday, September 15 and 16 from 3:15 – 6:00 pm.
Callbacks will be Thursday, September 18 from 3:15 – 5:00 pm.
All students wishing to audition MUST register online. Registration closes Sunday,
September 14 at 11:59pm.
Audition packets are available in the Fine Arts office. Instrumental and Vocal links are
available on the Light of the World Audition page on CCA’s website under Arts.
All students should report to the lobby in front of the Theatre promptly at 3pm on the day of
Students will sign in, turn in Parent Permission/Parent-Student Commitment and receive an
audition number.
Students will wait until they are called to enter the hallway into the audition room.
If a student is not available when they are called, they will be moved to the end of
the schedule.
Due to space and distractions, we kindly ask that all parents wait in the lobby.
Parents and students should be aware that a student’s behavior in class as well as their
academic progress is taken into consideration during the audition and production process.
The cast list will be posted on the Call Board and on the website by Friday, September 19.
All cast members must attend a meeting on Friday, September 19 from 3 – 4pm.
 Rehearsal schedules will be handed out, and the schedule will be posted on the
Light of the World Cast & Crew webpage.
All band and chorus students should plan to be available for weekday rehearsals from
3 – 6 pm; Saturdays from 9am-3pm; during TECH WEEK from 3 – 9pm, and from 3 – 8 pm
T-shirts will be available for purchase for $15 on the Light of the World Cast & Crew
Every cast member is required to stay for strike immediately following the final performance.
Roll will be called at the end of the night to determine that all cast members have
If you have any questions, please call the performing arts office at 954-905-5188.
2014 Band and Choral Christmas Concert
Light of the World
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4
Parent Permission/Parent & Student Commitment
I give permission for my child to audition for Light of the World.
I understand that not everyone who auditions will be cast, and some students may be offered
tech roles rather than a performance role.
I understand that if my child is cast they will be in rehearsals from September 19 until the
production date during the first week of December (TBD).
I understand that there are no small roles in a production, and that it is important for everyone
to be present, prepared, and on time for each rehearsal.
I agree to make this a priority and to schedule other obligations accordingly.
I agree to provide an e-mail address and to check that account regularly for updates and
I understand that all cast members are required to stay after the final performance to help
strike the set. This is non-negotiable and roll will be taken at the end of the evening before
students may be dismissed.
I understand that all parents are expected to support the production through various volunteer
opportunities and will offer my gifts and talents to help make this production a success.
I am available and willing to help with set construction.
I am available and willing to provide food for the cast party.
I am available and willing to plan and organize the cast party.
I am available to greet, sell concessions or be a T-shirt assistant on show days.
Parent Signature:
Student Signature:
Print Name:
Print Name:
Important Note: No student will be allowed to audition without an online electronic signature
and submitting a printed/signed permission form from the parent and student.