Identity gives rise to challenging questions which are not alto

Boy 3, 17 years
The amounts of food (or the equivalents of the dishes)
and the nutritients consumed during 6.3.2008.
Amount of calories
gained from food
seemed good, as
the daily amount
for men has been
estimated to be
From carbohydrates:
Wheat bread, 1 slice, 30 g
From fats:
Chicken soup, 1 portion, 300 g
(saturated fats )
Oatmeal porridge(to water), 1
portion, 250 g
From alcohol:
Kebab, 1 portion, 250 g
From proteins:
49 %
27 %
(10 %)
23 %
0 %
2341 kcal
9802 kJ
Lemonade, 1 bottle, 330 g
0.5 2500
Carbo248 g
Salmon (fried), 1 portion, 150 g
0.5 kcal
(234 Proteins:
Milk (fatfree), glass, 170 g
135 g
Macaroni/Spaghetti, 1 portion, 135 g 1
81 g
gaine (of which
(28 g)
Berryjello 1 portion, 200 g
saturated fats)
d in
Sourmilk, glass, 170 g
8.8 g
Sachercake, 1 piece, 70 g
case) Fibres:
18.9 g
. My
consumption of energy was very close to the estimation: According to the test concerning energy consumption,
I did very well: 2511 kcal!
The amount of energy gained from unsaturated fats seems appealing to me: 17 % out of total 27 % of
the energy from fats was gained from unsaturated ones. The amount of vegetables consumed was rather poor:
in addition to some strawberries in my breakfast, porridge, I only ate a plentiful cup of berryjello, and
comparing to the plate model (½ of the food amount (about) should be vegetables etc.) it is far too little. One
thing that affected this was that the school meal had no salad but only the jello-- I would have probably enjoyed
some greens more if regular salad would´ve been a part of the meal.
Also, the amount of fibre was left slightly too small (nearly 19 g out of recommended 25-36g)
However, th percentages of energy gained from different sources was quite good: 49 % from carbohydrates
(50-60 recommended), 23 % from proteins (10-20).
The slight amount of vegetables also messes the pyramid model up some: however, excluding the
”balance shift” between vegetables and ”real food” (meat etc.), the model is in quite good shape: good amount
of grain products (and so carbohydrates), plenty of milk products, quite enough proteins--and the lemonade
listed up wasn´t even an entire half a bottle.
The amount of fluids enjoyed was optimal, totaling two liters, taking the glass and a half of water not
mentioned in the list into account!
All in all, my eating has clear spots that could do some reparation: I often tend to shift some ”weight”
from the vegetable-side to the meat-part, but not as dramatically as here. I am not worried because of this since
I am located barely on the ”normal weight” -part in weight scales, observing from the bottom. The amount of
salt needs to be reduced though to match the recommended amount of 5-7 g/day. Clearly, all the bad parts
could be fixed by replacing about one fourth of the meat etc.with salad and fruits (less salt&protein-based