June 1, 2013 Quarterly Volunteer Training The Heart of an Artist

June 1, 2013
Quarterly Volunteer Training
The Heart of an Artist
Volunteering vs. Being Called
Q: Are you a _______________ Or are you a _______________?
Today: The Difference Between ______________ and BEING __________.
Huge difference between those who volunteer out of _________ and those who
feel Called by God to _________.
“See to it you complete the work you have received in the Lord” (Colossians 4:17)
“The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s
deep hunger meet” (Frederick Buechner)
10 Differences between Volunteering and Living out a Call:
1. Volunteers see their involvement at church as ________________, but
people called of God see it as ____________.
2. Volunteers whine about what it’s going to ______ to serve, but people who
are called are ____________ to serving.
3. Volunteers shrink back from resolving ___________________, but people
called of God seek to ___________________ for the sake of unity.
4. Volunteers look upon rehearsal/training as another _____________ they
are ________ to fulfill, but people called of God look forward to
rehearsal/training as another _________________ to be used by God/grow.
5. Volunteers do no outside ______________, but people who are called of
God come to ___________ as ______________ as possible.
6. Volunteers are not open to ___________________; they get ___________
about it. But people called of God are __________ for __________, because
they want to be the best they can be.
7. Volunteers feel threatened by the __________ of others, but people called
of God praise Him for distributing _____________________ as He Chooses.
8. Volunteers want to quit at the first sign of __________ or _____________,
but people called of God ___________ and ______________.
9. Volunteers find their main source of fulfillment in their _______ and
_________, but people called of God know that being _____________ is the
most fulfilling thing you can do with your life.
10. Volunteers can’t handle situations in which they will be ____________, but
people called of God respond to God’s call with ________________ on Him.
SUMMARY: Difference between volunteering and being called
• If this is a call you will be _______________________.
• If you are a volunteer, you will be ________________.