GENERAL RULES FOR CRIBBAGE 1. One player from each pair

1. One player from each pair will be designated to keep score. The other player will then cut the
pack of cards to determine who deals first. The player cutting the lowest card will deal first (Ace
2. The Dealer will then shuffle the cards and Offer the Pack to be cut, to the player on his right.
Cards will be dealt one at a time starting with the player on the left of the dealer until each
player has been dealt five cards. The pack will then be placed on the table and not touched by
anyone until all four players have discarded one card each to form the crib. For singles, 6 cards
are dealt and 2 cards are for the crib.
The Dealer will then offer the pack to the player on his left to be cut. After the cards have been
cut, the dealer will take the top card only off the portion of the pack still remaining on the table
and the cutter will then replace the portion of the pack that he cut, the dealer will then place
the one card face up on top of the pack. At no time is the cutter of the cards allowed to flash or
look at the bottom card of the portion that he picks up in cutting the cards. If the bottom card is
flashed or looked at, the opponents may call this a misdeal and the dealer would then deal the
cards over again. A penalty of two points would be imposed against the cutter of the cards and
his partner. All misdeals have a 2 pt. penalty.
3. A card being dealt and is flipped over maybe kept by the receiving player or a new card can be
requested – no penalty is accessed.
4. Standard counting procedure will apply. A "Jack" turned up on the cut will count two points for
the dealer at any time and you can finish a game in this manner.
5. It is the responsibility of all players to check the scoring or pegging of score at all times. Any
irregularity in score must be pointed out immediately before play resumes. Players must place
their cards on the table when counting so that all may check. Counting begins with the player on
the left of the dealer and revolves to the left ending with the dealer, who will count both his
hand and the crib.
6. Sitting pairs are responsible for properly filling in the scorecards. Moving pairs must check for
correctness and one member of each pair to initial scorecards at end of each game.
7. A player who calls "Go" when able to play may not correct his error after the next card is played.
A player, who gains a "Go" and fails to play additional cards when able to do so, may not correct
his error after the next card is played. In either case, the card or cards erroneously withheld are
dead as soon as seen by the opponents and the offender may not play them or peg with them.
This player will be subject to a two-point penalty. Dead cards will be counted with the hand
following the pegging play.
8. The Convenor and his appointed representative will call for the game to start and any player or
players not present at this time will forfeit that game to their opponent.
9. Anyone deliberately causing the count to be confused by knocking the cribbage board to the
floor, turning the board over so that the pegs fall out, or pulling all or enough pegs out so that
the correct count is in doubt will immediately forfeit the game to his opponents regardless of
the score at the time of this rule's infraction.
10. No Muggins – points missed are lost.
11. At no time will anyone be allowed to interfere with the play at any table. If this is being done
you are required to notify the Convenor or his Assistant.
12. No slow play – 27 minute time limit. At the end of time, play stops and only the hands are
counted. The team with the highest score wins. In the event of a tie, all players cut a card from
the same deck and the team with the lowest value card will be the winner.
13. In general, the Convenor will rule in accordance with Hoyle's Rules of Games.
1. Any player may enter in either singles or doubles but NOT BOTH. However, the single or double
entrants may form part of the team.
2. Suggested order of play: It is recommended that where possible the singles and doubles
commence at the same time in order to allow the team playoffs to commence as soon as
3. Team Play - The team will consist of four players, (two sections of two players each, for a total of
four players) all of whom must be from the same Branch within the Zone which they represent
and shall represent that Branch within their present Command. Each Zone may have one team
entry. Once the BC/Yukon Command play downs have commenced (for team only) substitution
will be made only under extenuating circumstances with the approval of the tournament
chairman/committee and the BC/Yukon Command representative. The captain will pick a name
from a list of eligible host cribbage players named by the host committee before the start of the
BC/Yukon Command tournament. The substitute will play out the tournament.
Doubles Event - Each Zone may enter one doubles team in this event. The players may be drawn
from the team if so desired. The players must be from the same Branch within the Command
they represent.
The host branch may enter one doubles team. Those players must have competed in the zone
playoffs and the zone must have paid the zone entry fee.
Singles Event - Each Zone may enter one player in this event. The player may be drawn from the
team if so desired.
4. Teams may use a spare in order to continue play, subject to the rules governing the use of
spares. A spare is used to replace a player unable to participate for a valid reason. Should a team
have only three members to start the competition the host committee and the BC/Yukon
Command representative will make a decision on whether or not the team can begin
competition. It is understood however that no team will be accepted if its strength was
obviously only three members prior to coming to the finals.
Following the Zone play downs, the Zone Commander is authorized to approve substitute
player(s) should a member of the team be unable to attend the BC/Yukon play downs due to
injury, illness or other extenuating circumstances. The substitute must be a member of the same
Branch as the team members and meet eligibility criteria. Such authorization must be obtained
prior to arrival at the site of the BC/Yukon Command play downs.
5. All events will be a round robin.
6. A "leg" will consist of two games with one point awarded for each game won. An additional
point is awarded for a "skunk." A skunk is awarded only if there is a minimum thirty-one (31)
point spread at the cessation of play. A further point is awarded for a double skunk only if there
is a minimum sixty-one (61) point spread at the cessation of play. Each leg will be completed in
twenty-seven (27) minutes for command players. Upon expiration of the time limit play will
cease: the players will calculate their points, peg their score and the player(s) with the highest
score will be declared the winner(s). Should the score be tied, the deck will be cut by all players
and the player(s) with the lowest value card will be declared the winner(s).
7. The singles and doubles winners will be the ones with the greatest number of points after round
robin play. Team winners will be the team with the greatest number of combined total points
from both sections after round robin play.
In the event of a tie for most points in any of the events, a single playoff game will decide the
winner and runner up. If more than two are tied, Lots will be drawn to choose the order of play
for a single knockout format.
Should there be a tie for runner up, the team/player that defeated the other in round robin play
will be named runner up. In the event of "no winner" in round robin play, the runner up will be
decided by a cut of the cards, low card winning. As always the ace in cribbage is low.