WFTDA Skating Skills Assessment for Referee

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WFTDA Referee Skating Skills Assessment
Section 1: Referee Information
Officiating Name
League Affiliation
Section 3: Performance Assessment
Evaluations to be completed by an authorized league representative and submitted to the WFTDA Referee Certification Committee for review.
Assess the referee's performance in each of the following areas, using the following rating system [4=Exceptional, 3=Satisfactory, 2=Needs Work, 1=Unacceptable] and
by providing comments below:
Performance Area
Falls Safely – While skating - hands and knees, single knee drop (both left & right), both knees and recover within
three seconds.
Stepping – From a standstill, stepping front, back, and side-to-side.
Hopping – While skating, the ability to hop with both feet in the air and land together and able to hop foot to foot.
Looking – Is alert at all times while skating. Can anticipate and react to fellow referees while still having an eye on
the pack.
Slalom – Can maintain control while weaving through 10 cones, maximum of 6 feet apart w/ turns.
Dodging Skaters – Ability to evade skaters and officials when they present an obstacle both inside and outside
the track.
Skating Backwards – Ability to skate 3 laps backwards and perform crossovers in turns.
Turn Around and Stop in Both Directions – The ability to stop quickly and safely on both the inside and outside
of the track, in both directions, while maintaining a view of the track.
Wheel Clipping – The ability to maintain control or safely fall when wheels are clipped.
Taking Light Hits Safely – The ability to take light hits safely (both expected and unexpected hits).
Knee Taps – Can alternate left and right knee taps while maintaining control and speed.
Stepping – While skating - can step over a 1" raised barrier.
Speed – Time it takes to complete 10 laps on the track starting from a standstill. A time of 1:35 is the performance
Indicate completion time:
Authorized League Representative’s Name
Authorized League Representative’s League Affiliation
Authorized League Representative’s Contact Information (e-mail or phone)
Authorized League Representative’s Signature
Fill out this form to the best of your ability, sign it and return it to [email protected]
Requested file format to save for electronic submission is:
RefereeName-SkatingSkillsAssessment-Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format).pdf (e.g. TheShoveler-SkatingSkillsAssessment-2014-12-21.pdf)
© 2014 Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA)