Tofu - Makerere University News Portal

Breaking through Social Cultural limitations,
‘The Case of Uganda’.
Martin Ssali
Director, Smart Foods Ltd
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mob: +256-702-285608, +256-782-285608
• Registered as a limited company
• Production premises;
Dept of Food Science and Technology pilot
plant-Makerere University, under the Food
Science and Technology Incubation Centre
• Currently producing Tofu in Kampala under the
brand name ‘Nutrit’.
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Our Vision
To have soy products in every ones home.
Our Mission
Committed to innovative methods of production of
high quality soy products, to uplift and uphold
the health, lifestyle and livelihoods of all
stakeholders sustainably and equitably
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Our Objective
To carefully match peoples’ wants, needs,
preferences, attitudes, purchasing and
consumption behaviour with a fairly
priced and great tasting tofu version that
can ignite excitement and relish any
time, any where while obtaining and
enjoying its numerous health benefits.
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The Team
• Mr. Martin Ssali. Director
• Mr. Abel Atukwase- Technology and Product
Development Advisor
• Mr. Ivan Mukisa- Product Development Advisor
• Mr. Gaston Ampek Tumuhimbise - Business Advisor
• Mr. Wentao- Tofu production equipment expert
• Mr. Ongario Joseph- Process Assistant
• Mr. Nicholas Opule- Production Manager
• Miss Rachel- Production Ass. Manager
• Miss Rachel Bahika- Nutrition Marketer
• Mr. Isaac Kimaze Semakadde- Company Advocate
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The Branding
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Why Soy?
• 38-42% protein
•Amino acid profile equivalent to animal based products
•18-20% oil
•85% unsaturated, no cholesterol
•15-18% Soluble carbohydrates
•Sucrose, starchyose and raffinose
•14-15% Moisture, Ash and
other components
•High in isoflavones
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Soy products in Uganda
• Infant formulas- Produced by 4 medium
scale enterprises
• Soy nuts (dry and oil fried)- By numerous street
• Composite flours for porridges and meals e.g.
maize, rice, cassava, sorghum and millet. –By 20 SMEs
• Soy beverages (from roasted beans)- By 20 SMEs
• Soy sauce (Imported)
• The soybean is also used wholesomely in making
animal feeds-Produced by about 20 SMEs
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
It is a whitish cheese-like product from soybeans
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Why Tofu?
• A staple diet for 20% of worlds’ population
• Its remarkable growth and adaptation in America
and the West, thus a great potential in East Africa
• An unfermented food that can fit into East Africa’s
staple diets.
• Need of a meat replacer- Tofu a perfect choice
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in Rwanda
3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Tofu nutrition and health virtues
• Cholesterol level reduction and Arterial
function improvement (Ho et al., 2000, Teede
et al., 2003)
• Prevention and reduction of breast, stomach,
endometrical and prostrate cancers (Peeters
et al., 2003, Fisher et al., 2004, Horn-Ross et
al., 2003, )
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Health merits cont’d..
• Ease of menopausal symptoms (Krebs et
al., 2004)
• Bone resorption and formation (Harkness et
al., 2004)
• Counteract effects of pollution & radiation
and reduction of toxic materials in the body
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Why tofu cont’d..
• Reported successful advances in transforming
tofu into meat-like products.
• No rocket science or sophisticated technology
needed for its development
Its All About Art, Skill and Style
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The Ugandan situation
Alcohol and Meat are the most highly indulged foods
Meat is treasured and preferred at all levels of income,
ages, gender, ethnicity and occasions esp. red meat
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Why tofu cont’d..
• With consideration of the numerous
negative health effects of high meat
consumption, Nutrit Tofu was developed
as a perfect replacer/alternative to meats.
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Opportunities for tofu
• Changing eating habits and increasing concern about
diet and health
• Rising number of the urban population
• Increasing number of the middle class and the high
income earners
• High expenditure on food and health
• Increasing number of the foreign community
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
• Rising number of uptown hotels, restaurants and
• Rising number of nutrition clinics and herbal
research centres
• Rising number of small, medium and large
pharmacies all over the country
• Increasing number of companies successfully
marketing expensive food supplements through
multi-level marketing and direct sales
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The Case of Tofu in East Africa
• Tofu is a completely new phenomenon in East
• Only known to foreigners, those who have
traveled to Asian countries or visited Asian
orient restaurants, nutritionists and
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Introducing Tofu in Uganda
• Started as group product development project in 3rd
yr Food Science class at Makerere University.
• Implored by Dept of FST to innovatively refine the
product (Tofu) to suit the local palate.
• Developed a business proposal and received a grant
of USD 5,000 from I@Mak, an
NGO in the
• Purchased start up raw materials & engaged in local
equipment fabrication
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Processing Nutrit Tofu
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Coagulated soy milk
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Fresh Nutrit Tofu after pressing
& ready for packing
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Vacuum packed fresh and Nutrit Tofu
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Preparing Nutrit Tofu stew at our first
exhibition at Makerere University, Kampala
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Fried and scrambled Nutrit tofu
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Every one deserves a taste of tofu
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Comments from first time tofu consumers.
(Dish-Stir fried tofu in mixed-vegetable stew);
Its tasty, delicious and a great innovation
The tofu looks and tastes like beef
It’s a perfect product for vegetarians
One may think its bacon
It tastes like mushroom
Its taste mimics that of pork
Yummy, It tastes like liver
Tofu stew with vegetables
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Comments cont’d..
Comments from those familiar with tofu
• It tastes like soybean
chunks from whole beans
• Tastes exactly like TVP
• It tastes exactly like the
best tofu in Japan
• It’s the best tofu I have
Tofu balls with vegetables
Tofu stir fry
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Comments cont’d…
• Finally we have some
thing to eat in place of
meat that we have
been trying to avoid
for a long time.
A Procurement officer
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
An Electrical engineer
Comments cont’d…
• The President Of
the Republic of
Uganda wondered
whether it was
• His support is
Tofu stew served with rice
Tofu in pea stew
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Enjoying the first taste of tofu
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community
health in Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The press takes tofu on
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Current collaborations
• Department of Food Science and Technology,
Makerere University
• Innovations @ Makerere (I@Mak)
• Makerere University Business School
• National Soybean Network (SOYNET)
• Food Science Research Institute (FOSRI)
• Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI)
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
Areas of possible partnerships
• Research and training in market oriented soy
product development.
• Capital investment (grant or share holding) in
order to;
– Acquire specialised equipment
– Up-scale production and set-up of a
commercial soy foods processing enterprise
– Marketing of Nutrit brands, in Uganda and
the regional markets including Rwanda.
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
• Tofu has a potential for feeding millions and
curb Malnutrition in Africa.
• Low cost and healthy avenue for fighting
against chronic diseases and cancers for a
better & sustainable living
• It is a totally new and exciting food to the
African palate.
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in
Rwanda 3rd - 4th , February, 2010
The Magic Bean Can Make a
Difference in Africa too
Thank you
A conference presentation on Food fortification and Nutrition solutions for community health in Rwanda
3rd - 4th , February, 2010