Reading Booklet Year 3 - Barlow Hall Primary School

Your booklet to check your progress in
Reading in Year 3
Assessment teacher’s
I can apply phonic knowledge and skills to read unfamilar words
I can apply knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes to read aloud and to
understand the meaning of unfamilar words
I can read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondences between
spelling and sound and where these occur in the word
I can attempt pronunciation of unfamilar words drawing on prior knowledge of
similar looking words
I can recognise a range of prefixes and suffixes to construct the meanings of words
in context.
I can repeats short phrases if sense is lost
I can discuss and record words and phrases that writers use to engage and impact
on the reader
I can begin to explore and comment on the impact of unexpected word choices and
I can identify where language is used to create mood or build tension.
I can show awareness of writers’ use of figurative language and how it is used to
create effects e.g. simile and metaphor
I understand how paragraphs are used to organise and build up ideas
I can identify technical language choices
Assessment teacher’s
I can check the text is meaningful
I can discuss responses to text
I can explain the meaning of words in context
I can use dictionaries to check the meaning of unfamilar words
I can retrieve and record information from non-fiction
I can retell a story clearly and with appropriate detail
I can extract and summarise information from the text and discuss orally with
reference to the text
I can locate and talks about information from different texts when prompted and
I can show understanding of main points with reference to the text. (Point +
I can identify the key idea in a paragraph
I can use the features of non-fiction texts to locate information
I can make notes from information located in texts
I can use text marking to identify key information
I can read longer texts, using independent strategies to ensure full understanding
Assessment teacher’s
I can discuss books, poems and other works that are read to me or my myself, taking
turns and listening to others’ opinions
I can explain and discuss understanding of books, poems and other material, both
those read aloud and those read independently
I can draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives
from their actions
I can predict what might happen from details stated
I can ask questions to improve understanding of a text
I can begin to understand the effects of different words and phrases, e.g. to create
humour, images and atmosphere
I can show awareness of underlying themes and ideas within a text
I can identify key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories
I can summarise the main points from a passage or a text
I can use clues from action, dialogue and description to establish meaning
I can deduce from the evidence in the text what characters are like
I can infer reasons for actions and events based on evidence from the text
I can make sensible predictions and justify them by referring to the text
Assessment teacher’s
Assessment teacher’s
I know and recognise some of the features in text types covered
I can identify how structure and presentation contribte to the meaning of texts
I know that non-fiction books are structured in different ways and I can use them
I can gain an overall impression of a text by making predictions about
content/subject of a book by skim reading, title, contents and illustrations
I can use navigational features to locate information
I can use the features of non-fiction texts to locate information
I understand how paragraphs are used to organise and build up ideas
I recognise different media layouts e.g. newspaper, web page, leaflet
I can make comparisons between books, noting similarities and differences
I can begin to understand that narrative books are structured in different ways
I have begun to understand that narrative books are structured in different ways
I can choose books for specific purposes
I am clear about the purpose and audience of a book
I continue to make choices about which texts to read based on prior reading
I can give reasons for personal choices
I can relate events and characters’ feelings to my own reading and personal
I can evaluate how effectively specific text types have been written
Assessment teacher’s
I can discuss books, poems and other works that are read to me or by myself, taking
turns and listening to others’ opinions
I can experience and discuss a range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and
reference books or textbooks
I can develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding
I know a wider range of stories including fairy stories and legends
I can compare stories and identifies common themes, e.g. the repetition of three in
traditional tales
I can compare and contrast different information books saying what is the same and
what is different
I can make predictions using experience of reading books by the same author or
book with similar themes
I can investigate what is known about a historical setting and events and how they
affect a text
I can make connections of the same character across texts
I can begin to recognise some different forms of poetry
I can connect different characters and plots across two or three texts
Assessment teacher’s
Oral Retelling and Performance:
I can orally retell some known stories
I can prepare poems to be read aloud and to perform, showing understanding
through intonation, tone, volume and action
I can pause appropriately in response to punctuation and/or meaning
Assessment teacher’s