announcements - North Sewickley Presbyterian Church

September 27
September 30
IScreams (4 - 6 grade) 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Senior High (7-12) 6:00 - 8:15 p.m.
Visioning Team at 6 p.m.
October 4
World Communion (Intinction)
Youth Advisory Delegate - If you would like to apply for the Youth
Advisory Delegate to General Assembly for 2016, applications are
available in the front of the sanctuary. The Assembly takes place in
Portland Oregon from June 18 to 25. Applicants must be age 17 to 21.
Deadline for application is Wednesday, Sept. 30.
Ladies Night Out & Secret Sister Reveal - Wednesday, Oct. 14 at
7 PM at Cathy Pflugh’s house. Please RSVP to Cathy (724) 846-3986 if
you can attend.
Mission Opportunity - Volunteers needed to sort and pack unused
medical supplies donated from hospitals for Global Links on October
28th. Transportation is provided and we will meet in the church parking
lot at 8:45 AM to travel to Global Links Office in Pittsburgh. Please
contact Alice Hall (724-846-5846) or Don Aiken (724-758-5035) if
you can join us or call with any questions.
Aaron Zimmerman will be appear ing in the Romantic Comedy called
Almost, Maine on Oct 1,2,3 and 4 at the Beaver Ar ea High School.
See bulletin board for info on tickets, times and reservations.
Sportsman's Barbeque Dinner/Deer Seminar - Saturday, Sept. 26,
at 5:00 p.m. at the Westminster Church in Saxonburg. This is an
evangelistic outreach event featuring keynote speaker Wade Nolan, a well
known sportsman, adventurer, and outdoors enthusiast. For tickets call
Westminster U. P. Church office at 724-352-1376.
In Service This Week:
Liturgist: Car ol Smith
Greeters: Dolor es McDanel
Bonnie Gorrell
Dale Sullivan (Head Usher)
Dan Pflugh
Andrea Householder
Mary Koah
September 20, 2015
Attendance Total - 85
Offering Total $2,269.88
Building Fund $679.50
In Service Next Week:
Liturgist: J oe Fisher
Greeter: J udy Richar ds
Josh Koach (Head Usher)
Bonny Lenz
Dan Pflugh
Tracey Creese
Danica Creese
(To meet budgeted income, we
need $3,000 each week)
106 Chapel Drive, Ellwood City PA 16117
Evangelism Sunday 2015
Acts 1:8
“As the Father has sent me, so I send you…”
September 27, 2015
Rev. Dr. Judy Angleberger
Office: 724-752-1272
Home: 724-728-1158
Cell: 412-638-4448
[email protected]
Church Email: [email protected]
To know Jesus and to make Him known.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
9:45 A.M.
Evangelism Sunday
Welcome and Announcements
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Judy Angleberger
Liturgist - Carol Smith
“He’s Everything To Me”
Mark DeWalt
(Please take this time for quiet reflection in preparation for worship.)
*Call To
Psalm 124
If the Lord had not been on our side, let the people of God now
If the Lord had not been on our side when enemies rose up
against us, they would have swallowed us up alive in their
fierce anger toward us.
The water would have overwhelmed us, and swift torrents
would have swept over us.
Blessed be the Lord who has not made us their prey. Our
help is in the name of God who made heaven and earth.
“This Is The Day”
*Call To
Prayer Of Confession
God of salvation, You have not left us alone in times of
distress, but have drawn near to comfort us, bound up our
wounds, brought light into our darkness, and made our way
safe. Yet we have turned away from you, looking to other
sources for prosperity, to other teachers for wisdom, and to
other healers for wholeness. Rather than keeping our hearts
and eyes firmly fixed upon you, we have set our gaze and
fastened our grasp on things of this world.
In mercy, forgive us. By your Spirit, draw us again near to
yourself, that our hearts would be rekindled to trust and
proclaim the good news of how kind you are to your children,
how merciful you are to the wayward, and how strong you are
to the weak, and how responsive you are to all who call upon
you; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN.
*Words of Assurance
Patri #812
Children’s Message
Judy Richards
Special Music
Denise Broadwater
Prayer For Illumination
Scripture Reading
Everybody Carries Water
Ruling Elder Jim Paff
Sharing Of Joys And Concerns
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Reception Of Tithes And Offerings
Offertory “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”
*Prayer of Dedication
Hymn #424 (vs.1,2,4,6)
“The Servant Song”
“Show Me Your Ways”
Good Morning!
Thank you for choosing to worship with us today! Our worship
experience is enhanced by your presence with us. Please join us
after the worship service for a time of fellowship with coffee, tea
and refreshments downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday
School classes will follow.
An adult supervised nursery is provided for children ages 3 and
under during the worship service. The nursery is located down
the hall, last room on the right. Wee worship is offered for
children 4 years - grade 2.
Large bulletins, with hymns, are available. Please ask the greeter.
If you are interested in joining North Sewickley Presbyterian
Church, please speak with the Pastor.
*Those who are able are asked to stand.