social sports doubles tennis rules

1. Rules Of The Game
1.1 All matches will be self-officiated
1.2 Each match will follow the FAST 4 tennis format which includes the following changes from the
regular tennis format:
1.2.1 First team to four (4) games wins the set (best of 3 sets). It doesn't matter how many
games separate you and your opponent, there are no advantage games.
1.2.2 No advantage scores when deuce is reached. Instead, what happens is a 'Power Point' or
‘deciding point’. The receiving player/doubles pair decides the service side for that point.
1.2.3 If the set reaches three games all, a tiebreaker game is played. First team to five points
wins, with a Power Point played at 4 points all.
1.2.4 Lets are played. If the serve hits the tape and lands inside the box, it's a legitimate serve.
2. Venue
2.1. UWA Sports Tennis Courts (Crawley Campus)
3. Players
3.1. Each team must consist of one (1) male player and one (1) female player
4. Forfeits
4.1. If a team forfeits, a 9-0 victory will be recorded for their opposition
4.2. All forfeits must be communicated with the UWA Social Sports officer. Contact details can be found
4.3. If the notice given for a forfeit is less than 48 hours in advance, the offending team will be charged
a $16 forfeit fee
5. Player equipment
5.1. Players are encouraged to bring their own tennis racquets. If a player does not have a racquet, one
can be hired from the UWA Sports reception for $5
5.2. Two (2) tennis balls will be provided from the coordinator at the commencement of each match.
Both balls must be returned at the end of the match to the coordinator
6. To Play
6.1. All weekly game fees must be paid prior to the start of scheduled games and the receipt given to
the coordinator on the courts. NO RECEIPT=NO GAME
6.2. Not only does it keep the other team waiting, late starts affect the whole evening’s fixtures times,
therefore the clock will start running at the scheduled time.
6.3. If a team is late, the following format will be followed:
6.3.1 Five (5) minutes late= loss of one(1) game
6.3.2 Ten (10) minutes late= loss of a second (2nd) game
6.3.3 Fifteen (15) or more minutes late= the offending team will forfeit the match
7. Length of the game
7.1. All games including finals- one (1) x forty (40) minute match
8. Suspensions and Ejections
8.1. Incidents of a dangerous or unsportsmanlike nature that are reported by the umpire or an
opposing team will be taken seriously
8.2. A warning will be issued to offending player/team and the coordinator has the right to remove a
player/team should further incidents occur during the match.
8.3. Further action may be taken for serious incidents and repeat offenders. All information regarding
the incident will be taken into account and a decision on an appropriate resulting action will be
made by the Social Sports Co-ordinator in consultation with senior members of staff. Actions may
include suspension of a player or withdrawal of a team and banning from the social sports
8.4. Should a team wish to make a formal complaint their team manager should do so in writing to the
Social Sport Coordinator