Activity Write Up Zumba - Temple University Sites

Name of Activity: Zumba
Type of modality
Zumba- form of dance (Exercise also)
Type of play
Shared Cooperative , Solitary
Interaction pattern
Aggregate - Action directed by a person
toward an object (music, instructor as “object”
you are responding to but not interacting
with) while in the company of other persons
who are also directing action towards objects;
action is not directed toward each other; no
interaction between participants is required or
# of participants required
25 or less for a class, instructor
instructor, exercise clothes, sneakers and
water= most important, small cloth or towel
for sweat
Facilities required/environment
Dance Studio, or open area to fit many
1. if falls risk, amputee, wheelchair userchair
2. if light headed, sit down and drink
3. if Pressure Ulcer is present, no aqua
4. Instructor needs to be certain that
voice will carry in order for everyone
to hear what to do next
a. Also, instructor makes hand
motions and points so that if
someone if HOH then they can
see what they are doing.
1. Be hydrated before the class to avoid being dizzy, light headed or sick. A participant will sweat
a LOT if doing full out moves. Arrive at studio/classroom about 15 minutes before hand.
2. Start to stretch arms and legs and warm up muscles on own - ( will also warm up in class )
Approximately 10 minutes. Enter classroom
3. Music begins. First song is a little slower and will give everyone ample time to warm up
together as a group. Instructor will show you what to do and you follow. Everything is in
counts of 8. Approximately 5 minutes.
4. Music will switch to a more upbeat song which that instructor has had training on and
participant will follow with verbal and gestural cues from instructor.
a. Some steps include a very basic salsa back step. Right foot back, then
bring the right foot back so that both feet are together, then , Left foot back, and then
bring the left foot back so that both feet are together . Turn core completely around.
Moving hips and arms comes later once footsteps is understood. (Spanish step)
b. Another basic Salsa step in the video below, is right foot out, then
bring right foot back in so both feet are together, left foot out, then bring left foot
back in so both feet are together. A participant would keep doing this until
comfortable, then adding in hips, arms. (Spanish step)
c. Another example is step right, bring left foot in to right foot, step right
again, and then bring left foot in to right foot, and then push arms out to the Right
side. Then step left, bring right foot in to left foot, step left again and bring right foot
in to left foot pushing both arms out to the left. (Spanish step)
With all these, a certain flare or style to a participants
dancing will come eventually. Learning the basics is always explained and in
class the instructor starts slower during the Zumba session so it is a bit easier
to keep up and then pick up the rhythm.
Understanding if it’s a Spanish step, Columbian step,
or Indian step will help a participant understand the flare to put into each
5. Step 5 will be repeated for about 45 minutes duration of the class with different songs,
rhythms, and beats. About 11 songs.
6. Last ten minutes is stretch and cool down to slower songs to calm the heart rate and make
sure no injuries will ensue upon departure from the class.
7. Thank instructor, say goodbye, exit dance studio.
Activity Analysis
Primary body position
Dynamic standing-max range
Part of the body required
AROM upper extremities and lower extremities, core.
bending, hopping, jumping, moving around obstacles
(own feet), pulling, punching, reaching, standing,
stretching, turning core, fluidity,
balance: dynamic standing, bilateral integration,
cardiovascular endurance, crossing midline , flexibility,
gross muscle coordination, motor control, muscle strength,
AROM UE, AROM LE, Speed, Visual Motor integration
Arousal and Alertness, Alternating Attention- paying
attention to instructor and of own muscle movements,
Concentration, Decision Making: Simple, Initiation, Insight,
Judgement, Orientation: Place, Organization, Sequencing,
Spatial Operations, Directionality for left/right movements
Interpersonal interactions, Regulating behavior, Social
Auditory function, visual function,
Reception to spoken language, Reception of Body
Language, Reception of signs and symbols
putting deodorant on, eating, drinking, knowing to stretch
before hand, dressing, putting hair in up-do
Psychological/emotional (possible)
Need to know pain- if something hurts stop immediatley,
Joy because Zumba is a great activity to be able to
participate in and also healthy to do, Frustration if a
participant cannot get the directions the first time around.
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands
Ways to make more
Simplify movements and
rhythms of songs to follow
the instructor with and cut
the class time down
More complicated
movements and faster
rhythms to follow along with
Cut the class time down,
CHAIR zumba(Easier on LE) ,
or Aqua Zumba(easier on
joints and LE).
Add in more complicated
patterns and footwork and
more physically tasking
Follow someone in a video
rather than following
someone in real life
Partner steps and
movements in between
normal steps.
Other Comments: People with Pressure Ulcers that cannot be in the water can do chair zumba (if
Ulcer is not on buttocks/back). Aqua Zumba is much less taxing on all extremities of the body: this
would be best for amputees and Spinal Cord Injuries, and geriatrics. If people like a specific song they
can request it and see if the instructor was trained on that song.