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Programmazione Europea della
Ricerca 2016 - 2017
Modena, 19 Aprile 2016
Horizon 2020
Promoting healthy ageing
and personalised healthcare
• Main challenges:
ageing of european population
increaisng burden of chronic diseases on individuals, on
existing health care system and on society
• Priorities:
Personalised medicine;
Rare diseases;
Robotics & ICT solutions for health; data management;
Infectious diseases (vaccines)
Maternal and child health
• European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy
• European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
• To accelerate the development of
– new or improved drugs,
– vaccines,
– microbicides and diagnostics against
• HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as well as other
poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases in
• sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on clinical trials.
Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2)
– to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and
treatments, such as new antibiotics.
• Expected outcomes:
– a 30% better success rate in clinical trials of priority
medicines identified by the WHO;
– clinical proof of concept in immunological, respiratory,
neurological and neurodegenerative diseases in just five
– new and approved diagnostic markers for four of these
diseases and at least two new medicines which could
either be new antibiotics or new therapies for Alzheimer’s
IMI2 Call for proposals
Active and Assisted Living
AAL aims to create better conditions of life for the older adults and to strengthen the
industrial opportunities in Europe through the use of information and communication
technology (ICT)
Call 2016: Living well with dementia
Deadline: 24 may 2016
Main challenge: People with dementia are confronted with a syndrome that increasingly
affects their memory, thinking, behaviour and ability to perform everyday activities
Key priority: to integrate existing technologies to create solutions based on ICT that will
enable the wellbeing of people with dementia and their communities (family, caregivers,
neighbourhood, service providers, care system, etc.).
The proposals should include a user-centred approach as well as pilots with a considerable
number of end-users involved in order to demonstrate the benefits and added-value
necessary to make impact on the market.
Budget of the Programme: 25% UE; 25% Fondi Nazionali e 50% a carico delle imprese.
Personalised Medicine
SC1-PM-02-2017: New concepts in patient stratification
• Deliver novel concepts for disease-mechanism based patient stratification to
address the needs for stratified or personalised therapeutic interventions
• EUR 4 and 6 million
• Total budget 40 Million
• Opening July 2016
• Two stage submission procedure; 1st deadline Oct 2016
SC1-PM-03–2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases
• Apply genomics and/or other –omics and/or other high-throughput approaches
for the molecular characterisation of rare diseases in view of developing molecular
diagnoses for a large number of undiagnosed rare diseases
• contribute to the objectives of, and follow the guidelines and policies of the
International Rare Diseases Research Consortium IRDiRC (
• EUR 15 million
• Only 1 proposal funded
• Opening July 2016
Preventing diseases
SC1-PM-07–2017: Promoting mental health and well-being in the young
• Develop population-oriented primary prevention
• The interventions to promote mental well-being of young people and
assess them for their effectiveness.
• The interventions should build on but may go beyond existing state-of-the
art knowledge on biological, psychological and social determinants of
mental well-being such as societal, cultural, work life, lifestyle,
epidemiological, economic and environmental perspectives
• Multidisciplinary approach
• EUR 2 and 4 million
• Total budget 20 Million
• Opening July 2016
• Two stage submission procedure; 1st deadline Oct 2016
Treating and managing
SC1-PM-08–2017: New therapies for rare diseases
• Rare diseases: affect not more than 5 per 10 000 persons in the
European Union, as defined in the context of the EU legislation
• Support Clinical trials (CT)
• CT may focus on a range of interventions with an orphan
designation, from small molecule to gene or cell therapy, may
include novel interventions and/or repurposing of existing and
known interventions.
• Selected proposals shall contribute to the objectives of, and follow
the guidelines and policies of the International Rare Diseases
Research Consortium, IRDiRC (
• EUR 4 and 6 million
• Total budget 60 million
• Opening data July 2016
Methods and Data
SC1-PM-16–2017: In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products
• develop innovative in-silico trials for designing, developing and assessing drugs, radiation and other
biomedical and bioactive products.
• They will build on comprehensive biological and biomedical knowledge management and advanced
modelling paradigms in order to be able to simulate the individual human physiology and
physiopathology at the biological levels relevant for the biomedical product under study (at the cell
level, tissue level or organism level) and the interaction with the product, thus taking into account
the variability among individuals
• Safety and efficacy of biomedical products
• EUR 4 and 6 million
• Total budget 19 million
SC1-PM-17–2017: Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being
• develop of new integrative dynamic computer-models and simulation systems of acceptable validity,
with the potential to being reused, build on open service platforms and with application in wellbeing, health and disease. The projects have to support computer modelling and simulations able to
aggregate various information sets e.g. molecular, biochemical, medical imaging, social, lifestyle,
economic, occupational, microbiome, environmental, gender…
• EUR 4 and 6 million
• Total budget 19 Million
• Opening Nov 2016
• Deadline mar 2017
ICT key enabling
ICT-30-2017: Photonics KET 2017
• Reinforciing Europe’s industrial
competitiveness and leadership in photonics.
• Application driven core photonics devioces
integrated in systems
– Biophotonics imaging systems for in-depth disease
• RIA 41 Mln
Nanotechnologies, Advanced
Materials, Biotechnology and
Advanced Manufacturing and
Public Health Programme
• Salute dei migranti: le migliori prassi nell’offerta di assistenza per i migranti e i
rifugiati vulnerabili - Importo indicativo: 4.500.000 EUR (saranno finanziati uno o
più progetti)
• Raccogliere le conoscenze e scambiare le migliori pratiche sulle misure per ridurre
la disponibilità di bevande alcoliche - Importo indicativo: 1.200.000 EUR (saranno
finanziati uno o più progetti)
• Raccogliere le conoscenze e scambiare le migliori pratiche sulle misure per
prevenire l’uso illecito di droghe in linea con gli standard minimi di qualità nella
riduzione della domanda di droga - Importo indicativo: 600.000 EUR (saranno
finanziati uno o più progetti)
• Sostenere gli Stati membri e gli stakeholder nell’affrontare la sfida delle malattie
croniche - Importo indicativo: 2.500.000 EUR (saranno finanziati uno o più
• Facilitare l'accesso a un'assistenza sanitaria migliore e più sicura per i cittadini. In
particolare, si finanziano azioni indirizzate a selezione e protezione dei donatori
(tessuti, cellule e sangue). - Importo 550.000 EUR (saranno finanziati uno o più
I progetti vengono finanziati fino al 60% dei costi ammissibili;
ERRIN Brussels-based platform of more
than 120 regional stakeholders
• Gruppo di lavoro “sanità” della Platform ERRIN organizza per i
prossimi 21-22 giugno in Bruxelles un evento di brokerageprogettazione europea.
• Le principali tematiche su cui si concentreranno le proposte
progettuali, scelte dal gruppo di lavoro sono:
o Patients’ conditions in hospitals (infections, antibiotics, nanotech in
medicines, food)
o Silver economy and welfare
o Urban environments of ageing (transport, public services)
o Digitalisation of health systems (e-health, big data, data security,
open data)
International Training for Horizon
2020 Applicants in Health,
Demographic Change and Wellbeing
• Applicants of the Call on Personalised Medicine in Health,
demographic change and wellbeing in Horizon 2020
Future and Emerging Technologies
Marie Curie Actions
Future and Emergin
• sostenere la ricerca di frontiera attraverso idee alternative
e non convenzionali nel campo delle scienze e tecnologie
• favorendo il connubio tra scienza e tecnologia d’eccellenza
3 Azioni:
• FET Open: ricerca iniziale su idee emergenti Bottom up
• FET Proactive: ricerca su tematiche emergenti che devono
essere ancora trasferite nell’ambito industriale Top down
• FET Flagship: ricerca su iniziative di ricerca su larga scala e
da cui ci si attende un grande impatto su tecnologie e
società, come le flagship "Graphene" e "Human brain
Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Tre principali schemi di finanziamento:
Starting Grant (StG):
2-7 anni di esperienza maturata dopo il PhD
fino a 1,5 M/Euro per grant
fino a 5 anni
StG deadline october 2016
Consolidator Grant (CoG):
7-12 anni di esperienza maturata dopo il PhD
fino a 2 M/Euro per grant
fino a 5 anni
CoG-2017 deadline february 2017
excellent established researchers > 10 anni di esperienza
fino a 2,5 M/Euro per grant
fino a 5 anni
AdG-2017 deadline august 2017
Advanced Grant (AdG):
Sole evaluation criterion: scientific excellence of researcher and research proposal
Opportunità per
Experts, as peer reviewers, assist in the:
evaluation of proposals
monitoring of actions
In addition, experts assist in the :
preparation, implementation or evaluation of programmes and
design of policies. This includes the Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups.
• Assignments mainly concern research and innovation, falling within
the Horizon 2020 programme designed to address the challenges
Europe is facing through funding excellent science, technology and
Barbara Rebecchi
Donata Franzi
Fabiola Bedini
Ferdinando Di Maggio
[email protected]