Variable Name Question / Possible Answers Comments Wave

Variable Name
Question / Possible Answers
Investigation number
No. of household:
below 20000  wave 1
above 20000  wave 2
Province Code
District Code:
• A01 = Aliabad
• I02 = Imam Sahib
• T03 = Taloqan
• W04 = Warsaj
District Number:
• 1 = Aliabad
• 2 = Imam Sahib
• 3 = Taloqan
• 4 = Warsaj
Main Village/ Mantaqa
Sub Village
Village Code
Dummy Variable:
1 if district = Aliabad
Dummy Variable:
1 if district = Imam Sahib
Dummy Variable:
1 if district = Taloqan
Phone Number
Interviewer (full name)
Checked by (full name)
Phone Number Checker
Coder (full name)
Phone Number Coder
Operator (full name)
Phone Number Operator
Date of Interview
Language of Interview
Length of Interview (hour)
Length of Interview (minute)
Total duration of interview in minutes (calculated
from A9Length1 & A9Length2)
How much rainfed land does your household own?
How much irrigated land does your household own?
How much rainfed land has your household under
How much irrigated land has your household under
How much land is being sharecropped by your
How much land has your household under mortgage
A) Did your household take last season a salaam
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
B) If so are you able to pay it back?
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
A) Sheep:
Sheep - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
B) Cow:
Cow - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
C) Goat:
Goat - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
D) Donkey:
Donkey - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
E) Chicken:
Chicken - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
F) TV:
TV - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
G) Generator:
Generator - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
H) Car:
Car - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
I) Truck:
Truck - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
K) Motorbike:
Motorbike - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Please indicate how many of the following items
your household owns.
L) Bicycles:
Bicycles - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Tractor - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Tractor - Don't know/refused to answer:
• 99 = Don`t know
• 98 = Refused to answer
Which of the following statements indicates best the
material well-being of your household?
• 1 = It's hard for us to even buy simple food
• 2 =We can buy food products, but it's hard
for us to buy new clothes or pay for social
• 3 = We can buy food products, clothes, pay
for social obligations, but we cannot afford
such things as a new fridge or TV.
• 4 = We can buy food, clothes, pay for social
obligations, and buy such things as, for
example, a new TV or refrigerator.
• 5 = We can buy almost everything we want.
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Has security increased or decreased over the past
two years in your village?
• 1 = Decreased very much
• 2 = Decreased somewhat
• 3 = Neither decreased nor increased
• 4 = Increased somewhat
• 5 = Increased very much
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
A) International Organization
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
C) Local Commanders
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
B) Foreign Forces
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
D) Local Government
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
Only in 2007!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Only in 2007!
Did the following actors contribute to these
E) Provincial Government
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
J) ANA/Afghan Security Forces
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
New in 2009!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
Did the following actors contribute to these
I) Government
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
Only in 2007!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
Did the following actors contribute to these
H) Local Militias
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
G) Village Shura
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
Did the following actors contribute to these
F) Central Government
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
Only in 2007!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
New in 2009!
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
K) Taleban
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Did the following actors contribute to these
L) Village people
• 1 = Contributed negatively / decreased security
New in 2009!
New in 2009!
2 = Neither negatively nor positively
3 = Contributed positively / increased security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
A) Foreign Forces
• 1 = Not afraid
• 2 = Somewhat afraid
• 3 = Very afraid
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
B) Afghan Central Security Forces
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups C) Provincial/District Security Forces
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Only in 2007!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
Only in 2007!
D) Taleban
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups: E) Local Armed Men
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Only in 2007!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups: F) External Armed Men
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Only in 2007!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups: G) Criminal Groups
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups: H) Others
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Only in 2007!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
I) Provincial Security Forces
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
New in 2009!
3 = rather insecure
4 =not secure at all
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
J) Taleban (Armed opposition group)
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
groups: K) Local Militias
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
Please indicate, if you are afraid of the following
L) District Police
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
A) Foreign Forces
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
A) Foreign Forces
Only in 2007!
A) Foreign Forces
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
B) Afghan central security forces
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
B) Afghan central security forces
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
B) Afghan Central Security Forces
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
C) Provincial and district security
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
C) Provincial and district security
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
C) Provincial and district security
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
D) Taleban
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
D) Taleban
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
D) Taleban
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
E) Local armed men
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
E) Local armed men
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
F) External armed men
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
F) Local armed men
Only in 2007!
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
E) Local armed men
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
F) External armed men
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
Only in 2007!
G) Criminal Groups
G) Criminal Groups
G) Criminal Groups
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
H) family/relatives
H) family/relatives
H) family/relatives
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
I) members of other tribes/clans
I) members of other tribes/clans
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year (2006) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the year before the past year
(2005) from
Only in 2007!
How many times have members of your
household been threatened by or experienced
violence over the past year and over the year
before the past year from:
Only in 2007!
I) members of other tribes/clans
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
J) Others
J) Others
J) Others
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Have you heard about the PRT in Kunduz? Wave 1
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Have you heard about the PRT in Kunduz? Wave 2
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
If “Q14_1 = 1: I will read you two statements;
please indicate to what extent you agree with
A) The PRT improves peace and security in the area.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 4 = Rather agree
• 5 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If Q14_1 = yes: I will read you two statements;
please indicate to what extent you agree with
Only in 2007!
New in 2009!
B) The PRT is contributing to development in the
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
4 = Rather agree
5 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
How many conflicts (disputes, fights, quarrels that
reached public attention, e.g. were discussed in the
mosques, referred to a shura or jirga, or local power
holder or bilaterally negotiated between the parties)
occurred during the last one year in your
Only in 2007!
Number of conflicts
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
What were these conflicts mainly about?
[open answer]
Only in 2007!
In how many cases did at least one party apply
physical force in order to win this conflict?
Only in 2007!
Number of conflicts
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
A) Local shura
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
B) Jirga
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
C) Khan/Arbab
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
D) Qazi
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
E) Elders
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
F) Mullah
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
G) District Shura
• 1 = First institution
2 = Second institution
3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
H) Wolliswol
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
I) Commander
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
L) Provincial Authorities
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
M) Central Authorities
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
N) Other (specify below)
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
N) Don't know
• 99 = Don`t know
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
N) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict? [Rank order of institutions
1 to 3!]
Q) Police
• 1 = First institution
• 2 = Second institution
• 3 = Third institution
If you were involved in a conflict about natural
resources (water, land, pasture, forest), which
are the first institutions you would turn to
resolve the conflict?
New in 2009!
Specification of Q18_n [open answer]
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
A) Local Shura
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
B) Jirga
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
C) Khan
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
D) Qazi
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
E) Elders
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
F) Mullah
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
G) District Shura
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
H) Wolliswol
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
I) Commander
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
L) Provincial Authorities
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
M) Central Authorities
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
N) Other (specify below)
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
O) Police
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = Sometimes
4 = Always
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, do you think that the following
institutions usually resolve conflicts in a just
Specification of Q19_n [open answer]
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
A) Village Shura
• 1 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
B) District Shura
• 2 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
C) Governor/Provincial Administration
• 3 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
D) Security Commander
• 4 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
New in 2009!
the following would you most likely turn for
E) Tribal Authority
• 5 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
F) Influential Patron
• 6 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
G) Mullah/Spiritual Authority
• 7 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
H) Police
• 8 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
I) Court
• 9 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
K) Nobody
• 10 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
L) Other (specify below)
• 11 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
M) Don't know
• 99 = Don't know
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
N) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
O) Provincial Council
• 12 = Yes
Suppose that you think that a decision by the
district government is not correct. To whom of
the following would you most likely turn for
Specification of Q20_o [open answer]
Parties to a conflict may use various means to
influence the outcome of the conflict in their
favor. How often do you think that the following
means are applied?
A) Connections/kin ties/quam
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Rarely
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Always
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Parties to a conflict may use various means to
influence the outcome of the conflict in their
favor. How often do you think that the following
means are applied?
B) Money
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Rarely
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Always
• 98 = Refused to answer
New in 2009!
99 = Don`t know
Parties to a conflict may use various means to
influence the outcome of the conflict in their
favor. How often do you think that the following
means are applied?
C) Force
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Rarely
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Always
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Parties to a conflict may use various means to
influence the outcome of the conflict in their
favor. How often do you think that the following
means are applied?
C) Other (specify below)
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Rarely
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Always
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Parties to a conflict may use various means to
influence the outcome of the conflict in their
favor. How often do you think that the following
means are applied?
Specification of Q21_d [open answer]
Has the state (district and provincial-level) been
involved in conflict in or between communities in
2006)? If so, what impact did it have?
0 = State was not involved
1 = State made things worse
2 = State had no impact
3 = State improved things/resolved
97 = Not applicable
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Whom do you consider the most powerful person in
your village?
1 = A mullah / imam / said
2 = A trader
3 = A landlord / khan
Only in 2007!
4 = A teacher
5 = A doctor
6 = A kommandon
7 = The malik / arbob
8 = The head of shura
9 = A police officer
10 = Elders (tribal, village)
11 = Other [SPECIFY BELOW]
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Whom do you consider the most powerful person in
your village?
Specification if “Q23 = 11” [open answer]
Why do you think this person is powerful
A) Because of his wealth
Why do you think this person is powerful
B) Because of his guns
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
Why do you think this person is powerful?
D) Because he has a position with a NGO
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
Why do you think this person is powerful?
C) Because he has a position in the state
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
Why do you think this person is powerful?
E) Because he is respected as a spiritual leader
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
Why do you think this person is powerful?
F) Because he is respected as a community leader
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
Why do you think this person is powerful?
G) Other (specify below)
4 = Fully agree
1 = Other
Why do you think this person is powerful?
H) Don`t know
99 = Don`t know
Why do you think this person is powerful?
I) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
Why do you think this person is powerful?
Specification if “Q24_g = 1” [open answer]
Q25 In your opinion, is this person more important
or less important for solving significant problems of
your community than the wolliswol?
Do you or a member of your household regularly
participate in the shura?
1 = Much less important
2 = Less important
3 = Neither / nor
4 = More important
5 = Much more important
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
0 = No
1 = Yes
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree
with this statement:
A) In our community usually only some
households attend the shura to discuss matters
of concerns.
• 1 = Disagree
• 2 = Agree
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
A) …are landrich and wealthy
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
F) …belong to a specific clan
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
E) …belong to a specific tribe
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
D) …belong to a specific ethnic group or groups
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
C) …are invited/appointed by a powerful person
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
B) …are elected
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
0 = No
1 = Yes
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
G) Don`t know
• 99 = Don`t know
If only some households of your community attend
the shura, these are usually households that...
(multiple choices possible)
H) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
I will read two statements to you. Please indicate to
which you agree more!
• 1 = Agrees more to the statement: Usually,
the decisions taken by the shura are in the
best interest of the entire community.
• 2 = Agrees more to the statement: Usually,
decisions taken by the shura are in the best
interest of a few influential households
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
A) An external landlord / Arbab / Khan
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometime
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
B) Kommandon
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometime
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
C) A member of an international organization
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometime
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
D) A member of district / provincial government
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometime
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
E) Others (specify below)
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometime
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Shuras may take decisions that are important to
your community. Do you think that these decisions
are influenced by powerful people not from your
F) Not applicable
• 97 = Not applicable
If so, do you think that external influence on
how decisions are taken is rather good or rather
bad for the village? Please specify for the
external sources of influence named above.
[If “Q29_a > 1”]
A) An external landlord / Arbab / Khan
0 = Influence is rather good
1 = Influence is rather bad
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If so, do you think that external influence on
how decisions are taken is rather good or rather
bad for the village? Please specify for the
external sources of influence named above.
[If “Q29_b > 1”]
B) Kommandon
0 = Influence is rather good
1 = Influence is rather bad
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If so, do you think that external influence on
how decisions are taken is rather good or rather
bad for the village? Please specify for the
external sources of influence named above.
[If “Q29_c > 1”]
C) A member of an international organization
0 = Influence is rather good
1 = Influence is rather bad
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If so, do you think that external influence on
how decisions are taken is rather good or rather
bad for the village? Please specify for the
external sources of influence named above.
[If “Q29_d > 1”]
D) A member of district / provincial government
0 = Influence is rather good
1 = Influence is rather bad
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If so, do you think that external influence on
how decisions are taken is rather good or rather
bad for the village? Please specify for the
external sources of influence named above.
[If “Q29_e > 1”]
E) Others
Is the shura involved in the identification of
development projects
0 = Influence is rather good
1 = Influence is rather bad
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
0 = No
1 = Yes
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
A) … the majority of the households voted for it?
0 = No
1 = Yes
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
B) … some powerful households wanted it?
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
C) … the NGO / IO wanted it?
0 = No
1 = Yes
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
D) … other (specify below)?
0 = No
1 = Yes
0 = No
1 = Yes
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
E) … Don't know
99 = Don`t know
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
F) … Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
In your opinion, why are some development projects
chosen and others not? Is it because...
Specification of “Q32_d = 1” [open answer]
If a crop disease were to affect the entire standing
crop of this community, then who do you think
would come forward to deal with this situation?
1 = Every household would deal with this
problem individually
2 = Neighborhoods
3 = Palwan Shareek (field neighbors)
4 = The entire village
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If a natural disaster (like a flood, draught,
earthquake etc.) was to affect the entire
community//village, who would be most helpful in
this situation?
1 = Every household would deal with this
problem individually
Only in 2007!
Cave! Because
numeration for
category 4 was missing
in the 2007
questionnaire we could
not be entirely sure
that categories 3 and 4
are coded continuously
in the given way.
New in 2009!
2 = Neighborhoods
3 = Palwan Shareek (field neighbors)
4 = The entire village
5 = or even actors beyond the village (state,
international organizations)
If your household does not have enough people in
the household to harvest your crops, will other
members of your village help you to fill this gap?
Only in 2007!
1 = Nothing
2 = Money
3 = Food
4 = Return the favour by helping them out,
when they need assistance
5 = Other (please specify)
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
What do you have to give in return for assistance?
Specification if “Q35 = 5” [open answer]
Does everybody in your village carry out their hashar
responsibilities equally (or similar collective
• 2 = Most people are not interested and do
not help.
• 3 = Some people help a bit.
• 4 = Most people help.
Only in 2007!
0 = I would neither find help nor wage
labour in the village
1 = Yes I would find help in the village
2 = I would hire wage labour within the
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
What do you have to give in return for assistance? [If
“Q34 = 1”]
97 = Not applicable
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
A) The extended family
• 1 = Unlikely
Only in 2007!
• 2 = Likely
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
B) The family and some neighbors
• 1 = Unlikely
• 2 = Likely
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
C) The family and almost everyone in the village
• 1 = Unlikely
• 2 = Likely
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
D) Other, please specify
• 1 = Unlikely
• 2 = Likely
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
E) Don`t know
• 99 = Don`t know
If somebody in the community wanted to send a
member of the family aboard and needed money,
who do you think would be most likely to help –
given that they had the money?
F) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you agree with each of
A) Each member of a community should devote
his/her time and money to common projects
and events of his/her community.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you agree with each of
B) It`s up to a person to decide how to spend his
time and money.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you agree with each of
C) If a family is doing something that contradicts
common norms of behavior of my community
such behavior should be corrected.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you agree with each of
D) If a family is doing something that contradicts
common norms of behavior of my community
they shouldn`t stay in our community.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
A) People would censure US
• 1 = Likely
• 2 = Possible
• 3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
B) People would exclude us from the events in my
village my community
• 1 = Likely
• 2 = Possible
• 3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
C) A local official would refuse to help us
• 1 = Likely
• 2 = Possible
• 3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
D) People would spread slanders about us
• 1 = Likely
• 2 = Possible
• 3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
E) People would avoid talking to us
• 1 = Likely
• 2 = Possible
• 3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
F) No consequences
• 1 = Likely
2 = Possible
3 = Impossible
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
G) Don't know
• 99 = Don't know
If you or members of your family were asked to
participate in a hasher or similar obligations, and
nobody participated in it though everybody knew
that someone from your family could have done it,
what would be possible consequences of that for
your family? (You can choose more than one option)
H) Refused to answer
• 99 = Refused to answer
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
A) In the street
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
B) At a private house
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
C) At a sports event / recreation
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
D) At an event organized by an NGO
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
Only in 2007!
4 = Frequently
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
E) In the market
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
F) Gathering place for livestock
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
G) Village Spring
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
H) Religious ceremony
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
I) Meeting place of the shura
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
j) Mosque
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
Only in 2007!
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group) in the territory of your village?
Specification if “Q40_1k > 1” [open answer]
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
A) In the street
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
B) At a private house
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
C) At a sports event / recreation
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
D) At an event organized by an NGO
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
E) In the market
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
F) Gathering place for livestock
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
G) Village Spring
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
H) Religious ceremony
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
I) Meeting place of the shura
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
j) Mosque
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
K) At a restaurant/tea-house
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
L) At your workplace
New in 2009!
1 = Never
2 = Seldom
3 = Sometimes
4 = Frequently
Where and how frequently do you meet with people
(not your kin group)?
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kin group)?
Specification if “Q40_2m > 1” [open answer]
New in 2009!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
Only in 2007!
A) In the street
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
B) At a private house
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
C) At a restaurant/tea-house
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
D) At a sports event / recreation
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
E) At an event organized by an NGO
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
F) In the market
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
G) Gathering place for livestock
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
H) Village Spring
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
I) Religious Ceremony
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
J) Shura
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
K) Mosque
1 = Never
2 = Seldom
3 = Sometimes
4 = Frequently
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kingroup) outside your village?
Only in 2007!
Where and how frequently do you meet with
people (not your kin group)?
Specification if “Q41_l > 1” [open answer]
Only in 2007!
How often do you leave outside your village?
• 1 = Each day
• 2 = Not each day, but at least once a week
• 3 = Not each week, but at least once a
• 4 = Less than once a month
• 5 = Never
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Q43 If you left the village for a longer period, do you
believe that the household would be safe from other
people in the village?
• 1 = Very unsafe
• 2 = Rather unsafe
• 3 = Rather safe
• 4 = Very safe
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
If you had to leave the village, how confident are you New in 2009!
that other villagers would take care (e.g. feed
members in times of shortage, protect members
from criminals) of your household?
• 1 = Very confident, that they would take
• 2 = Rather confident, that they would take
• 3 = Not very confident, that they would take
• 4 = They would not take care.
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Seldom
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
Only in 2007!
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
1) increase the quality of drinking water.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
2) increase the quality of agricultural production.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
3) to increase the quality of roads.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
4) create more jobs.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
5) increase the access to electricity .
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
A) In the last two years international
development organizations have helped to:
6) increase the quality of schooling.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
1) increase the quality of drinking water.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
2) increase the quality of agricultural production.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
3) increase the quality of roads.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
4) create more jobs.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
5) increase the access to electricity .
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
5 = Don`t know
6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
B) In the last two years the government has
helped to:
6) increase the quality of schooling.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
1) increase the quality of drinking water.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
2) increase the quality of agricultural production.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
3) to increase the quality of roads.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
4) create more jobs.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
5) increase the access to electricity .
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
C) In the last two years an influential person has
helped to:
6) increase the quality of schooling.
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
5 = Don`t know
6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
1) increase the quality of drinking water.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
2) increase the quality of agricultural production.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
3) to increase the quality of roads.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
4) create more jobs.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
5) increase the access to electricity .
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
I will read four statements to you. Please
indicate how much you disagree or agree to
each of them. All of the following statements
relate to the community.
D) In the last two years we have done a lot
ourselves in our community:
6) increase the quality of schooling.
• 1 = Fully disagree
• 2 = Rather disagree
• 3 = Rather agree
• 4 = Fully agree
• 5 = Don`t know
• 6 = Refused to answer
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
A) Stagnant open water sources (ponds, puddles)
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
B) Open channel sources
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
C) Rivers
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
D) Uncovered wells
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
E) Covered wells
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
F) Piped water schemes
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
G) Don`t know
• 99 = Don`t know
Which of the following sources do members of your
household regularly consume water from?
H) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
A) Does your household receive electricity?
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
B) Individual household generator
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
C) Generator shared between a number of
0 = No
1 = Yes
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
D) Micro-hydro scheme
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
D) Public electricity (landline)
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
F) Don`t know
• 99 = Don`t know
Does your household receive electricity from one of
the following sources?
G) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
Over the last year, how many girls from your
household attended a public school regularly?
Only in 2007!
Over the last year, how many boys from your
household attended a public school regularly?
Only in 2007!
Over the last year, how would you rate the
quality of schooling? Please indicate which of
the following statements resembles your
opinion best.
1 = I don’t approve of what the children are
taught at school.
2 = The standard of teaching was very
bad and the children learned nothing.
3 = The standard of teaching was poor and
the children only learned a little.
4 = The standard of teaching was
medium and the children learned a
moderate amount.
5 = The standard of teaching was good
and the children learned a lot.
6 = The standard of teaching was
excellent and the children learned a
huge amount.
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
We don't have children at school because:
• 1 = a. We have no children of school age
• 2 = b. The children are busy on the farm.
• 3 = c. The school is far away.
• 4 = d. I don`t approve of what the
children are taught at school.
A police force is being built up in Afghanistan. What
is, in your opinion, the impact of the police for the
security in your community? Please indicate which
of the following three statements resembles your
impression best!
• 1 = The police has a negative impact on the
security of our community.
• 2 = The police has no impact on the
security of our community.
3 = The police has a positive impact on the
security of our community.
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Suppose your household needs a salam credit of Only in 2007!
about Afs. 15000 How difficult it is for you to get
this credit?
1 = Very difficult
2 = Rather difficult
3 = Rather easy
4 = Very easy
97 = No land cultivated
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Suppose your household needs a credit of about Afs.
15000 How difficult it is for you to get this credit?
• 1 = Very difficult
• 2 = Rather difficult
• 3 = Rather easy
• 4 = Very easy
• 97 = No land cultivated
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
New in 2009!
A) Nobody
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
B) A relative
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
E) A rich member of your community (not a
neighbor or relative)
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
D) A friend (not a neighbor or relative)
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
C) A neighbor (not a relative)
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
F) Malik / Arbob (not a neighbor or relative)
1 = First
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
H) An Afghan state bank
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
I) A credit scheme from an international
Organization or NGO
2 = Second
3 = Third
1 = First
2 = Second
3 = Third
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
Specification if “Q52_j > 0” [open answer]
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
K) Don`t know
• 99 = Don`t know
Whom would you most likely turn to for this
credit? Indicate the three persons you would
turn to most likely in order! [INTERVIEWER:
L) Refused to answer
• 98 = Refused to answer
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes?
A) Zakaat
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes?
B) Ushr
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes?
C) State taxes
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
A) Zakaat
• a = poor person of your kin group
• b = poor person of your community
• c = Religious organization
• d = District government
• e = commander
• f = Other [SPECIFY BELOW]
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
A) Zakaat
Specification if “Q53_2a=f” [open answer]
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
B) Ushr
• a = poor person of your kin group
• b = poor person of your community
• c = Religious organization
• d = District government
e = commander
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
B) Ushr
Specification if “Q53_2c=f” [open answer]
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
C) State taxes
• a = poor person of your kin group
• b = poor person of your community
• c = Religious organization
• d = District government
• e = commander
• f = Other [SPECIFY BELOW]
In the past year, did your household pay one of the
following taxes? If yes, to whom did you pay:
C) State taxes
Specification if “Q53_2e=f” [open answer]
Do you think the wolliswoli or provincial
government takes care of the needs of your
village`s population?
• 1 = Never
• 2 = Rarely
• 3 = Sometimes
• 4 = Frequently
• 5 = Always
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
A) Education of boys in schools has a positive
impact on our community. The state should
therefore improve the availability of
schooling for boys in our community.
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
B) Education of girls in schools has a positive
impact on our community. The state should
therefore improve the availability of
schooling for girls in our community.
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
C) Wage labour is becoming more and more
important for the financial well-being of
households. It would be good for the
community if off-farm job opportunities
would increase for both men and women.
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
D) State-schooling is complementary to local
customs and Islamic values. I think it has a
positive impact on the moral constitution of
the community.
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
E) I feel that foreign development aid is
threatening our local way of life and Islamic
values in our community, although it may
bring material benefits.
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
I will read six statements to you. Please indicate
the degree to which you disagree or agree to
each of them.
F) The presence of foreign troops is
threatening local customs and Islamic values
in our community.
1 = Fully disagree
2 = Rather disagree
3 = Rather agree
4 = Fully agree
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Has your household been a beneficiary of
development cooperation over the past two years?
A) We received food aid.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your household been a beneficiary of
development cooperation over the past two years?
B) We received training or advice.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your household been a beneficiary of
development cooperation over the past two years?
C) We received salary or rent (e.g. for renting out
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your household been a beneficiary of
development cooperation over the past two years?
D) We received a credit.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your household been a beneficiary of
development cooperation over the past two years?
E) We received other services.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? A) The community received food aid.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? B) The community has profited from training,
advice, and / or capacity building.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? C) Schooling in the community was improved.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? D) Electricity supplies of the community have
been improved.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? E) Jobs for persons from the community have
been created.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? F) Extension services have been provided to
farmers of your community.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? G) Roads and Bridges important to the
community were built.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? H) The quality of the community’s drinking
water has been improved.
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Has your community as a whole been a beneficiary
of Development Cooperation during the last two
years? I) Irrigation for community fields has been
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Does wage labour contribute to your houshold`s
• 0 = No
• 1 = Yes
New in 2009!
If “Q58_1 = 1”, how important is it compared to
other sources of income?
• 1 = Very important
• 2 = Important
• 3 = Only of medium importance
• 4 = Not very important
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
How would you rate the security of your household
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
How would you rate the overall security situation in
Afghanistan today?
• 1 = Very secure
• 2 = rather secure
• 3 = rather insecure
• 4 =not secure at all
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
Over the past two years, do you remember any
incidents that were security threats to you or
members of your household in this region?
[Number of incidents and a one- sentence
New in 2009!
Whom do you consider the most powerful person in
your district?
New in 2009!
1 = A mullah / imam / said
2 = A trader
3 = A landlord / khan
4 = A teacher
5 = A doctor
6 = A kommandon
7 = The malik / arbob
8 = The head of shura
9 = A police officer
10 = Elders (tribal, village)
11 = Other [SPECIFY BELOW]
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Whom do you consider the most powerful person in
your district?
Specification if “Q62_a = 11” [open answer]
New in 2009!
Are you member of an association? Which?
ASSOCIATION [open answer]
Age (in years)
New in 2009!
• 1 =Male
• 2 =Female
Head of household
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
Are you nomad?
• 0 =No
• 1 = Yes
What is your ethnic belonging?
• 1 = Pashtoon
• 2 = Tajek
• 3 = Hazara
• 4 =Uzbak
• 5 = Turkman
• 6 = Arab
• 7 = Aimaq
• 8 = Other
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Dummy variable:
“1 if D1_ethnic = 1”!
Dummy variable:
“1 if D1_ethnic = 2”!
Dummy variable:
“1 if D1_ethnic = 4”!
Dummy variable:
“1 if D1_ethnic = 3, 5, 6 or 7”!
What is your tribal belonging? [open answer]
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Which party do you fell affiliated to?
• 1 = Jamiaat Islami
• 2 = Shura Nizar
• 3 = Ittihad Islami
• 4 = Junbish Mili Islami
• 5 = Hizb Islami
• 6 = Other (Specify)
• 8 = Non
• 9 = Harakt Islami Mawlawi Nabi
• 10 = Harakt Islami Mohseni
• 11 = Jabha Nejat Mili
• 12 = Mahazi Mili
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Which party do you fell affiliated to?
Specification if “D1_party = 6”! [open answer]
Can you read and write?
• 0 = Literate
• 1 = Illiterate
• 98 = Refused to answer
Years spent in public school? (in years)
What is your job?
• 1 = Farmer
• 2 = Craftsman
• 3 = Intelligentsia (teacher, pharmacist,
medical doctor)
• 4 = Administration
• 5 = NGO Job
• 6 = Other service providers
• 7 = Police and military
• 8 = Other (Specify below)
• 9 = None
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
What is your job?
Specification if “D2_job = 8”! [open answer]
Which of the following describes your household
• 1 = Landless
• 2 = Landowner
• 3 = Cultivator
• 4 = Landlord
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
What is your religious confession?
• 1 = Sunni
• 2 = Shia
• 3 =Ismaili
• 4 =Other (Specify below)
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
What is your religious confession?
Specification if “D3_confession = 4”! [open answer]
Religious schooling?
• 1 = None
• 2 = Local
• 3 =National
• 4 =Abroad
• 98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
How many members live in your household?
• Number
How many members live in your household?
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
How many nuclear families live in your household?
• Number
How many nuclear families live in your household?
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Over the last year, how many girls from your
household attended school regularly?
• Number
New in 2009!
Over the last year, how many girls from your
household attended school regularly?
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
Over the last year, how many boys from your
household attended school regularly?
• Number
New in 2009!
Over the last year, how many boys from your
household attended school regularly?
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
New in 2009!
How many boys of schooling age live in your
• Number
Corrected for
coordination of afghan
How many boys of schooling age live in your
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
How many girls of schooling age live in your
• Number
How many girls of schooling age live in your
• 98 = Refused to answer
• 99 = Don`t know
Corrected for
coordination of afghan
How many members of your household belong
to an organized armed group or security force?
How many members of your household belong
to an organized armed group or security force?
98 = Refused to answer
99 = Don`t know
Surveyor comment / Observations [open answer]