Your goal is to ride the bike by yourself! Standard(s) being

Standard(s) being addressed:
SC.5.E.7.1 Create a model to explain the parts of the water cycle. Water can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid and can go
back and forth from one state to another.
SC.5.E.7.2 Recognize that the ocean is an integral part of the water cycle and is connected to all of Earth’s water
reservoirs via evaporation & precipitation processes.
Your goal is to ride the bike by yourself!
Level 4
I meet level 1, 2, and 3 and can…
 Design a model representing the ocean (along with other water sources) and demonstrate the
process of evaporation and precipitation through the model.
 Using the scientific method create an investigation to determine if evaporation is affected by
water salinity (fresh/salt water).
Level 3
I meet level 1 and 2 and can…
 Recognize that most of the evaporation on Earth occurs from the ocean & precipitation supplies
water that may have been lost back to the oceans and other water sources.
 Create a model of the water cycle & explain the parts of the water cycle.
 Understand and explain how water exists as a gas, liquid, or a solid & it can move back and
forth from one state to another.
the Goal
Level 2
I can…
 Recognize that the ocean is an integral part of the water cycle and is connected to all of the
Earth’s water sources through evaporation and precipitation processes.
 Identify parts of the water cycle: water vapor, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, &
 Explain the difference between fresh water and salt water.
 Identify the states of water: solid, liquid, gas.
Level 1
With help, I can…
 Recognize that the ocean is part of the water cycle.
 Identify parts of the water cycle.
 Show where salt water comes from and fresh water comes from.
 Identify the states of water.
Level 0
I can…
Investigate, observe and describe how water left in an open container (evaporates), but water in a
closed container does not disappear (evaporate).
Not on the Bike