Alg II 11-4 Conditional Probability

Alg II 11­4 Conditional Probability ­ End.notebook
February 28, 2017
Conditional Probability
Calculators needed!
The probability that an event, B, will occur given that another event, A, has already occurred is called a conditional probability.
You write the conditional probability of event B, given that event A occurs, as P(B|A).
Ex. 1 The table shows students by gender and by type of school in 2005. You pick a student at random to find the following probabilities.
P(female | graduate school)
P(four­year | males)
Alg II 11­4 Conditional Probability ­ End.notebook
February 28, 2017
Ex. 2 Americans recycle increasing amounts through municipal waste collections. The table shows the collection data for 2007. Find the following probabilities.
A. The probability that a sample of recycled waste is paper.
The probability that a sample of recycled waste is plastic.
The probability of recycled plastic.
The probability of plastic waste.
You can use a formula to find conditional probability.
Alg II 11­4 Conditional Probability ­ End.notebook
February 28, 2017
Ex. 3 A utility company asked 50 of its customers whether they pay their bills online or by mail. What is the probability that a customer pays the bill online, given that the customer is male?
Probability of Dependent Events
You can rearrange the formula for conditional probability to find the probability of dependent events.
Alg II 11­4 Conditional Probability ­ End.notebook
February 28, 2017
Ex. 4 A school system compiled the following information from a survey it sent to people who were juniors 10 years earlier. • 85% of the students graduated from high school.
• of the students who graduated, 90% are happy with their present jobs.
• of the students who did not graduate, 60% are happy with their present jobs.
A. What is the probability that a person from the junior class 10 years ago graduated and is happy with his or her present job?
What is the probability that a person from the junior class 10 years ago did not graduate and is happy with his or her present job?