open day open night - Keilor Downs College

open day open night
e d u c a t i o n
f o r
p o s i t i ve
f u t u r e
make an informed choice,
make the right choice
Meet our Principal and senior teachers
and take this opportunity to learn about our:
• Supportive Year 7 transition program
• Comprehensive curriculum & choice of subjects
• Rich array of sporting, cultural and
extracurricular activities
• VCE results well above like schools
• High levels of University and TAFE entry
open day & night tours
Wednesday April 20th
Open Day tours are from 9.00am
Open Night tours commence 6.00pm
Presentations and discussions at 7.00pm
SEAL registration
give your talented child the
best educational opportunity
Keilor Downs College
100-110 Odessa Avenue, Keilor Downs
To register your interest in the OPEN DAY or information
about SEAL, call the College on: 03 9365 8000
Keilor Downs College is a member of the
Academy of SEAL Schools delivering the Select
Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program.
Since 2002, our SEAL program has challenged
gifted and high-achieving academic students,
enriched their studies and helped them to
achieve their learning potential.
To be accepted students must return a
completed registration form and achieve a
high standard in the formal SEAL examination.
Compulsory SEAL exam
on Saturday 7th May
Registration forms and information are available
from the College website