Using Operant Conditioning to Shape a Novel

What do you remember?
• 1. During extinction, the (CS or UCS) is
omitted; as a result, the (CR or UCR) seems to
2. Dr. Heilander cleaned Pablo’s skin with
rubbing alcohol prior to administrating a
painful vaccination shot. What condition
accounts for the fact that Pablo currently
becomes fearful every time he smells rubbing
Using Operant Conditioning
to Shape a Novel Behavior
1. 2 volunteers- will be asked to
perform some behavior based upon
feedback from the class.
Instructions cont.
2. The class must select 2 target behaviors to
shape in the volunteers.
A. A simple behavior- like raising the left hand
B. A complex behavior- like drawing a smiley
face on the board.
3. As the volunteer gets closer to performing the
desired behavior the class’ applaud will
become louder.
4. The performance of the desired behavior
should result in the loudest clapping.
Instructions cont.
4. Simple behavior first then complex
5. Record time required to shape each
Answer the Follow-Up Questions
1. Identify the reinforcers.
2. What could speed up performance of the
desired behavior?
3. How can the process of shaping be used
to train a new employee or an animal?
4. What would be a complex behavior that
would be really difficult to shape?
5. Apply operant conditioning to your own
Classical vs Operant
• Classical conditioning centers
around involuntary responses and
reflexes. (Salivating Dog)
• Operant conditioning focuses on
voluntary actions we take to either
gain pleasure or avoid pain.
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Operant Conditioning
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Examples of Operant
1. A child learns that if he says “please,” he
can get a piece of candy.
2. Someone suffering from a headache
learns to take a couple of aspirin.
3. A dog may roll over or shake hands in
order to receive a treat.
4. We learn not to put our hand on a hot
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Groundwork for
Operant Conditioning
• Edward Thorndike
• Studied animals:
Thinking and
reasoning abilities
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The Puzzle Box
• Thorndike used a hungry cat
who needed to learn a particular
response (stepping on a pedal)
which would unlock a door with
food behind it
• The “law of effect/instrumental
learning”- the presence of a
particular stimulus is followed
by satisfaction, like a reward,
that response is more likely to
be made the next time the
stimulus is encountered.
Slide # 11
B.F Skinner- Skinner Box
Big Bang Theory
Quiz Questions
• 1. In which form of learning is behavior said
to be influenced by its consequences?
• 2. Operant conditioning is to _(name)___
classical conditioning is to _(name)______.