We were created to be in relationship with one another. God is a

Calvary United Methodist Church
3505 Vestal Pkwy. East
Vestal, NY 13850
607-729-0938; [email protected]
“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Proverbs 27:17 NLT)
When was the last time you felt sharpen by a friend?
Each Wednesday morning I meet for conversation and prayer with 3-4 other
pastor’s. We share our struggles and joys with each other and offer encouragement,
support, and prayers for one another.
I feel sharpened by this weekly gathering of like-minded persons who share the
same hopes and desires I share in ministry.
The Christian faith was never meant to be lived in isolation from one another.
There is a reason that the church is called, “the body-of-Christ” or people use the term, the
“family of God.” We were created to be in relationship with one another.
God is a communal God who desires to be in relationship with each of us and
wants us to be in relationship with each other. Thus, the creation of the Church. Yes, a
place of worship, and prayer, and study, but it all begins with the act of relationship
with God and in sharing with each other in our life of faith together.
This Newsletter is a start to remind us all that we are part of something grand
going on in the world around us; the redemption story of God going on at Calvary
United Methodist Church. As Christians, we are called to do our part in lighting a light
that points and directs others toward Jesus Christ. Another part of that equation,
though, is to sharpen each other in this thing we call the journey of faith.
I have been so fortunate to meet so many wonderful people over the years that have
sharpened me to be where I am today in my faith journey through Sunday worship
services, bible studies, prayer groups, and just regular fellowship gatherings inside and
outside of the church where we just meet and enjoy each other’s company.
The faith journey is no fun traveling alone. That is why God gave us each other
to make the journey a little easier and help lighten the load of burden that tries to drag
us down. We all need to be sharpen by a friend to remind us we are loved.
Come and join your church family and together we will sharpen each other to
stay the course as we walk by faith and trust in God.
Christ is All, Pastor Eric
Esther 4:14
14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from
another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you
have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Do you remember this story? In the book of Ester, through a series of events Ester is
brought into the king’s palace and became the queen. Ester has a secret, she is Jewish.
One of the king’s officials, Haman, sets a plan in motion to destroy the Jewish people.
Mordecai, Ester’s cousin who brought her up as his own child, wants Ester to go before
the King and plead for her people. Ester refused since going before with king without
being called can mean death. This is where we came into the story above.
So, have you ever wondered if you are coming to this church for such a time as this? Has
God placed you here? Is God asking you to do something? Are you afraid? Are you
stepping out in faith? Are you pleading with the King of Kings to save your people?
What is your part in the story?
Be encouraged. Read the book of Ester and see what she did. Did she step out in faith?
Submitted by Shelley Jensen
Sunday School-Middle School and High School Class with Ben Brewster
In Sunday School we have been learning who is God. God is the creator. We read verses
from the bible and discuss the meaning. We are reading “The Shack” by Wm. Paul Young.
I am learning while reading this book that when I am down, I can pray. The man in the
book, Mack, is in the great sadness so he prays and remembers happy stories about his
daughter, Missy. Ben is our teacher. We learn a lot from him. He is a good teacher.
Submitted by Elizabeth Jensen
In the fall we began probing the question of "Who is God?”. We have heard some from
contemporary theologians and have read many of the stories from The Bible about God's interaction with
individuals. One of the more dynamic points of view comes in the recent book/novel "The Shack" and we
are now in the midst of reading through and discussing this book together. There are many very
disturbing events portrayed rather vividly in this book. We are caring for each other as we deal with this
book. Our youth are searching and caring. If you have read the book, feel free to talk with any of them
about it. It cuts through much superficiality and so you may shed insight on what you have taken from the
The book offers a possible view of some traits of God that are most loving in ways different from
standard mode. It does emphasize that the views are only glimpses through one person’s eyes. If you
have not read the book, and can handle a little challenge to your view of life, it could be a good read for
you. The real bottom line is that God loves us very much and gives us that opportunity to be agents of his
love to others in the world around us!
Submitted Ben Brewster
Calvary UMC Sunday School Classes meet on Sunday mornings. The Middle and High School
Class meets at 9:30 am and the K-5 grade classes meet during the Worship Service.
The Middle/High School class has begun reading the book The Shack by W.M. Paul. The
Elementary age class is studying the Disciples.
Submitted by Sheryl Mann & Debbie Weintraub
Hello to all in Calvary United Methodist Church!
The choir has been up to quite a bit the last couple of months, including another Christmas
program that was performed on December 18th. The centerpiece within the program was a 25-minute
"mini musical", Light of the World. We had limited time to put such a monumental work together, but
everyone stepped up to the plate and delivered a fantastic performance. Also included in the program was
Daniel Kantor's Night of Silence and a new arrangement of Coventry Carol.
The choir has also gone through a recent leadership change as I have taken over from Pat
Labzentis. The choir and I thank Pat immensely for her service and dedication, and I also thank her again
for bountiful advice before I took the position. We are now working on music week-to-week before we
diverge into the Easter "mini musical", He Lives, which will be performed on April 9th. We are also
actively recruiting! My main motto is that we are singing for enjoyment, experience is not necessary, and
time commitment issues can be resolved easily. I hope to get more members as the year continues and
the next choir year starts, and I already gained four for the Easter program!
I will keep you updated as we continue on.
Michael McAndrew,
Music Director, Calvary United Methodist Church
-----------------------------------------------FYI, for a chance to hear Michael McAndrew play along with the University Symphony Orchestra:
It’s Magic! Saturday, February 25 – 3 p.m. – Osterhout Concert Theater – $7 general public;
$5 faculty/staff/seniors; free for students.
VOLUNTEER – A person who enters or offers to enter into any service of his/her own free will.
During the course of the year there are many times when events occur where helping
hands are needed to accomplish a task or goal. Just a few examples being; decorating the
church at Christmastime, putting on our Free-will Dinners, spring clean-up of the grounds, etc…
As of late, fewer and fewer people are showing up to help. The last time there was a grounds
clean-up only 3 people of the entire congregation attended. This made a long day for those
The next time there is an event which requires volunteers, please consider giving a few
hours of your time to provide a helping hand. There are always tasks that most anyone can do
that just require another person. You will never be expected to perform any duties that you may
not be capable of. Please join your fellow parishioners and be part of something good. Your
positive response will be very much appreciated.
Submitted by Tom Jablonka, Trustee
Calvary’s Crazy Quilters
Calvary's Crazy Quilters are making quilts to give to those in need of comfort
during times of healing. We also have donated several doggie/kitty quilts to the
Humane Society. We meet the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 pm to
make quilts from donated fabrics. Everyone is welcome and you need not know how to
sew or quilt to join us. We are willing to teach you the ropes on our journey of
providing this service to our community.
We also would welcome any donated clean, cotton material that can be used in
making the quilts as well as any other supplies (batting, pins, etc.) if anyone has some
they no longer need.
Donna Miller
(Photos of quilts made and donated by the group)
2nd - Diana Sochor
5th - Jennifer Stover
6th - Chad Jablonka
8th - Phyllis Kaufman
9th - Harold Horton turns 94 this month!
Cards may be sent to Harold at:
% St. Louise Manor
861 Front Street - Rm. 146
Binghamton, NY, 13905
10 - Tom Jablonka
11th - Kristian Fischer, Lizzie Jensen, Eric Ripp
13th - Steven Mann
19th - Kari Ripp
Pastor…Rev. Eric Jensen
District Superintendent…Dr. Kohafl
Choir Director/Pianist/Organist…Michael McAndrew
Happy Valentine’s Day
Bishop…Mark J. Webb
Lay Leader…George Snover
Office…Jeanne Guidici