Dr Kati Kulovesi

Dr Kati Kulovesi
List of Publications: August 2013
1. Kati Kulovesi, The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Challenges of the Environment,
Legitimacy and Fragmentation (Kluwer Law International: The Netherlands, 2011), 295
Edited Collections
2. Erkki J. Hollo, Kati Kulovesi and Michael Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law
(Springer: Dordrecht, 2013), 693 pages.
3. Elisa Morgera, Kati Kulovesi & Ambra Gobena, (eds.), Case Studies on Bioenergy Policy
and Law: Options for Sustainability (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations: Rome, 2009), 395 pages.
4. Veijo Heiskanen & Kati Kulovesi (eds.): Function and Future of European Law: Present
State, Rationality and Future Direction of European Legal Integration (Forum Iuris:
Helsinki, 1999).
Refereed Academic Articles
5. Kati Kulovesi, “Negotiations on the New Market Mechanism and the Framework for
Various Approaches: What Future Role for the UNFCCC in Regulating the Carbon
Market?”, 6 Carbon and Climate Law Review (2012), 336-346.
6. Kati Kulovesi, “Addressing Sectoral Emissions outside the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change: What Roles for Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Unilateralism?”, 21
Review of the European Community and International Environmental Law (2012), 193-203.
7. Kati Kulovesi, “A New Chapter in the UN Climate Change Negotiations? First Steps under
the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action”, 3 Climate Law (2012), 181-189.
8. Tuomas Kuokkanen, Anton Laakso, Antti-Ilari Partanen, Kati Kulovesi and Hannele
Korhonen, “Kansainvälinen oikeus ja ilmastonmuokkaus”, Ympäristöpolitiikan – ja
oikeuden vuosikirja 2012, 7-51.
9. Kati Kulovesi, “Make Your Own Special Song, even if Nobody Else Sings Along:
International Aviation Emissions and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme,” 2 Climate Law
(2011), 535-558.
10. Kati Kulovesi, Elisa Morgera & Miquel Muñoz, “Environmental Integration and
Multifaceted International Dimensions of EU Law: Unpacking the EU’s 2009 Climate and
Energy Package”, 48 Common Market Law Review (2011), 829-891.
11. Kati Kulovesi, “The Carbon Market and the Post-2012 Climate Regime: Key Legal
Scenarios,” 3 Carbon and Climate Law Review (2009), 270-279.
12. Kati Kulovesi and María Gutíerrez, “Climate Change Negotiations Update: Process and
Prospects for a Copenhagen Agreed Outcome in December 2009,” 18 Review of European
Community and International Environmental Law (2009), 229-243.
Dr Kati Kulovesi
13. Sikina Jinnah, Douglash Bushel, Miquel Muñoz and Kati Kulovesi, “Tripping Points:
Barriers and Bargaining Chips on the Road to Copenhagen,” 4 Environmental Research
Letters (2009), 034003.
14. Katja Keinänen and Kati Kulovesi, “Introduction to the Special Theme: International Law,
the Environment and Power,” IXX Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2008), 1-5.
15. Kati Kulovesi, “Fragmented Landscapes, Troubled Relationships: The WTO Dispute
Settlement System and International Environmental Law,” IXX Finnish Yearbook of
International Law (2008), 29-62.
16. Chris Spence, Kati Kulovesi, María Gutíerrez and Miquel Muñoz, “Great Expectations:
Understanding Bali and Climate Change Negotiations,” 17 Review of the European
Community and International Environmental Law (2008), 142-153.
17. Kati Kulovesi, “The Private Sector and Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Experiences,
Challenges and Prospects,” 16 Review of the European Community and International
Environmental Law (2007), 145-157.
18. Kati Kulovesi, María Gutíerrez, Miquel Muñoz and Peter Doran, “The 2006 Nairobi
Conference on Climate Change: A Confidence-Building Exercise,” 7 Climate Policy (2007),
19. Kati Kulovesi and Katja Keinänen, “Long-term Climate Policy: International Legal Aspects
of a Sector Based Approach,” 6 Climate Policy (2006), 313-325.
20. Kati Kulovesi, “A Link Between Interpretation, International Environmental Law and
Legitimacy at the WTO Dispute Settlement,” 11 International Trade Law and Regulation
(2005), 188-196.
21. Kati Kulovesi, “WTO:n riidanratkaisujärjestelmän arkea: kauppa, terveys ja legitimiteetti
EU:n ja Kanadan välisessä asbestiriidassa,” Lakimies 2003/1, 51.
22. Kati Kulovesi, “International Relations in the New ‘Constitution of Finland,” 69 Nordic
Journal of International Law (2000), 513-522.
23. Kati Kulovesi, “Legality or Otherwise: Nuclear Weapons and the Strategy of Non Liquet,”
X Finnish Yearbook of International Law (1999), 55-89.
Book Chapters
24. Kati Kulovesi and Marise Cremona, “The Evolution of EU Competences in the Field of
External Relations and Its Impact on Environmental Governance Policies”, in Francesco
Francioni and Christine Bakker (eds.) The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance
(Ashgate, forthcoming 2013).
25. Elisa Morgera and Kati Kulovesi, “The Role of the EU in Promoting International Standards
in the Area of Climate Change”, in: Sara Poli and Inge Govaere (eds.), EU Governance of
Global Emergencies (Martinus Nijhoff, forthcoming, 2013).
26. Kati Kulovesi, Michael Mehling and Erkki Hollo, “Introduction” in: E. Hollo, K. Kulovesi
& M. Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law (Springer, 2013), 1-10.
27. Kati Kulovesi, “Exploring the Landscape of Climate Law and Scholarship: Two Emerging
Trends,” in: E. Hollo, K. Kulovesi & M. Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law
(Springer, 2013), 31-62.
Dr Kati Kulovesi
28. Kati Kulovesi, “Climate Change and Trade: At the Intersection between Two International
Legal Regimes,” in: E. Hollo, K. Kulovesi & M. Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the
Law (Springer, 2013), 419-446.
29. Yulia Yamineva & Kati Kulovesi, “The New Framework for Climate Finance under the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: A Breakthrough or Empty
Promise?” in: E. Hollo, K. Kulovesi & M. Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law
(Springer, 2013), 191-224.
30. Michael Mehling, Kati Kulovesi & Javier de Cendra, “Climate Law and Policy in the
European Union: Accidental Success or Deliberate Leadership?”, in: E. Hollo, K. Kulovesi
& M. Mehling (eds.), Climate Change and the Law (Springer, 2013), 509-522.
31. Elisa Morgera & Kati Kulovesi, “Public-Private Partnerships for Wider and Equitable
Access to Climate Technologies”, in: A. Brown (ed.) Environmental Technologies,
Intellectual Property and Climate Change: Accessing, Obtaining and Protecting (Edward
Elgar: forthcoming 2013).
32. Kati Kulovesi, “Climate Change in the EU External Relations: Please Follow My Example
(or I Might Force You to),” in: E. Morgera, (ed.), The External Environmental Policy of the
European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge & al., 2012), 115-148.
33. Kati Kulovesi, Sabrina Shaw & Stanley W. Burgiel, “Trade and Environment: Old Wine in
New Bottles?” in: P. Chasek & L. Wagner (eds.), The Roads from Rio: Lessons Learned
from 20 Years of Multilateral Environmental Negotiations (Routledge, 2012), 174-198.
34. Kati Kulovesi & Seppo Puustinen, “GATT 1994” In: Martin Björklund and Seppo
Puustinen (eds.): Maailman kauppajärjestö WTO. Sopimuskäytäntöä ja taustoja (Helsinki,
2006), 65-112, 158-182, 192-247 & 256-326 (196 pages total).
35. Kati Kulovesi, “Background Paper for the International Conference on the Present State,
Rationality and Direction of European Legal Integration,” in: Veijo Heiskanen & Kati
Kulovesi (eds.). The Function and Future of European Law (Forum Iuris, 1999), 283-290.
Other Academic Articles
36. Kati Kulovesi, “Ilmastonmuutosta vastaan yhdessä, yksin tai ei lainkaan? Lentoliikenteen
päästökauppa ja EU:n ilmasto-oikeuden kansainväliset ulottuvuudet,” Ympäristöpolitiikan –
ja oikeuden vuosikirja (2011), 293-308.
37. Kati Kulovesi,”Ilmasto-oikeuden synty? Katsaus ilmastonmuutosta koskevaan sääntelyyn,”
Ympäristöpolitiikan – ja oikeuden vuosikirja (2010), 389-430.
38. Kati Kulovesi, “Independent Reporting: The Role of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin in the
Climate Change Negotiations,” 7 International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy
Review (2010), 31-40.
39. Marko Berglund and Kati Kulovesi, “Climate Change Negotiation Simulation,” 7
International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review (2010), 257-276.
40. Kati Kulovesi, “Cautious about Precaution: Recent Judicial Practice concerning the Status
of Precautionary Principle in International Law,” Ympäristöjuridiikka 2/2002, 8-27
Dr Kati Kulovesi
Working Papers
41. Kati Kulovesi and Marise Cremona, The Evolution of EU Competences in the Field of
External Relations and its Impact on Environmental Governance Policies, Transworld
Working Papers No. 7, 29 March 2013, available at:
42. Kati Kulovesi and Antto Vihma, Strengthening Global Climate Change Negotiations:
Improving the Efficiency of the UNFCCC Process, Nordic Working Papers 2012:902, 16
August 2012, available at: http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2012-902
43. Kerryn Lang, Peter Wooders and Kati Kulovesi, Increasing the Momentum of Fossil-Fuel
Subsidy Reform. A Roadmap for International Cooperation, International Institute for
Sustainable Development: Trade, Investment and Climate Change Series, June 2010,
available at: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2010/increasing_momentum.pdf
44. Kati Kulovesi, Sustainable Development in Africa: Agriculture, Trade and Climate Change,
University of Boston Pardee Center for the Study of Longer-range Future, Issues in Brief
No. 005, March 2009, available at: http://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/documents/Pardee-BUIIB-005.pdf
45. Grzegorz Peszko, Taisei Matsuki, Kari Hämekoski, Solvita Klapare, Barbara Letachowitz,
Kyoichi Shimazaki, Kati Kulovesi, Andra Blumberga, Baiba Circene, Janis Jurkans, Andirs
Karklins, Sandra Ruza, and Edgars Vigants, Latvia’s Participation in International
Emissions Trading: Options Study, The World Bank ECSSD Sustainable Development
Working Paper No. 47, April 2007, available at: a
46. Kati Kulovesi, “How to Prevent Babies from Being Thrown Away with the Bathwater:
Perspectives on the International Climate Regime from Buenos Aires to the Future,” in:
Elisa Morgera and Francesco Francioni (eds.): The Future of Environmental Law:
International and European Perspectives. European University Institute Working Papers,
Law, 2006/01 (European University Institute 2006).
Book Reviews
47. Kati Kulovesi, “Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Koivurova, Timo: Johdatus Kansainväliseen
ympäristöoikeuteen”, Oikeus 1/2013.
48. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Gracía Marín Duran and Elisa Morgera, Environmental
Integration in the EU’s External Relations: Beyond Multilateral Dimensions”, 1
Transnational Environmental Law (2012), 416-418.
49. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Cinnamon Piñon Carlarne, 2010. Climate Change Law and
Policy: EU and US Approaches”, 4 Yearbook of Polar Law (2012).
50. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Tracey Epps and Andrew Green, Reconciling Trade ad
Climate: How the WTO Can Help Address Climate Change,” 2 Climate Law (2010), 447450.
Dr Kati Kulovesi
51. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Andrew Jordan & al. (eds.), Climate Change Policy in the
European Union: Confronting Dilemmas of Mitigation and Adaptation,” 20 Review of
European Community and International Environmental Law (2011), 216-218.
52. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Soren Ender Lütken and Axel Michaelowa. Corporate
Strategies and the Clean Development Mechanism: Developing Country Financing for
Developed Country Commitments?”, 19 Review of European Community and International
Environmental Law (2010), 270-272.
53. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Farhana Yamin and Joanna Depledge, The International
Climate Change Regime: A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures; David Freestone &
Charlotte Streck (eds.), Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanism:
Making, Kyoto Work”, IXX Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2008), 389-396.
54. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Deborah Z. Cass: Constitutionalization of the World Trade
Organization. Legitimacy, Democracy and Community in the International Trading
System”, XVI Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2005).
55. Kati Kulovesi, “Book Review: Oren Perz, Ecological Sensitivity and Global Legal
Pluralism. Rethinking the Trade and Environment Conflict”, 5 Yearbook of European
Environmental Law (2005), 484-488.
Commentaries and Newspaper Articles
56. Kati Kulovesi, The Legality of the Cancun Agreements, Point Carbon: Carbon Market
Europe, 23 December 2010.
57. Kati Kulovesi, Difficult Choices: Narrowing Down a Multitude of Options at the UN
climate talks, Point Carbon: Carbon Market Europe, 19 June 2009.
58. Anna Korppoo, Kati Kulovesi & Ismo Ulvila, “Päästökauppa on kustannustehokasta”,
Talouselämä, 26.3.2004
Reporting from Multilateral Environmental Negotiations
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
59. Tomilola Akanle Eni-ibukun, Jennifer Allan, Beate Antonich, Asheline Appleton, Elena
Kosolapova, Kati Kulovesi and Eugenia Recio,”Summary of the Doha Climate Change
Conference, 26 November – 8 December 2012”, The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(567).
Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(563) – 12(566).
60. Asheline Appleton, Joanna Dafoe, Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson, Elena Kosolapova, Kati
Kulovesi and Eugenia Recio, “Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, 14-25
May 2012”, The Earth Negotiations Bulleti. 12(546). Also daily reports from the conference
in issues 12(535) – 12(545).
61. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Eugenia Recio, Anna Schulz
and Liz Willetts. “Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, 6-17 June 2011”, The
Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(513). Also daily reports from the conference in issues
Dr Kati Kulovesi
62. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Eugenia Recio, Anna Schulz,
Chris Spence and Matthew Sommerville, “Summary of the Cancun Climate Change
Conference, 29 November – 11 December 2010,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(498).
Also daily reports from the conference 12(487)-12(497).
63. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Anna Schulz, Matthew
Sommerville, and Simon Wolf, “Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Talks, 31 May – 11
June 2010,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(472). Also daily reports from the
conference in issues 12(461)-12(471).
64. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Kati Kulovesi, Matthew Sommerville, and Yulia Yamineva,
“Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Talks, 9-11 April 2010,” The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin 12(460).
65. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi., Anna Schulz, Matthew
Sommerville, Chris Spence, and Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of the Copenhagen Climate
Change Conference, 7-19 December 2009,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(459). Also
daily reports from the conference in issues 12(448)-12(458).
66. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Matthew Sommerville, and
Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of the Barcelona Climate Change Talks, 2-6 November 2009,”
The Earth Negotiations Bulltein 12(447). Also daily reports from the conference in issues
67. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Anna Schulz, Matthew
Sommerville and Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of the Bangkok Climate Change Talks, 28
September – 9 October 2009,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(439). Also daily reports
from the conference in issues 12(428) – 12(438).
68. Asheline Appleton, Kati Kulovesi, Leila Mead, Anna Schulz, and Matthew Sommerville,
“Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Talks, 10-14 August 2009,” The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin 12(427). Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(422)-12(426).
69. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Douglas Bushey, Kati Kulovesi, Leila Mead,
and Anna Schulz “Summary of the Bonn Climate Change Talks, 1-12 June 2009,” The
Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(421). Also daily reports from the conference in issues
12(410) – 12(420).
70. María Gutiérrez, Kati Kulovesi, Kelly Levin, Miquel Muñoz and Yulia Yamineva,
“Summary of the Fifth Session of the Summary of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Longterm Cooperative Action under the UNFCCC and the Seventh Session of the Ad Hoc
Working Group on Annex I Parties’ Further Commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, 29
March – 8 April 2009,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(407). Also daily reports from
the conference in issues 12(397)-12(406).
71. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Asheline Appleton, Douglas Bushey, Kati Kulovesi, Chris Spence
and Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of the Fourteenth Conference of the Parties to the
UNFCCC and Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 1-12 December 2008,”
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(395). Also daily reports from the conference in issues
Dr Kati Kulovesi
72. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle, Douglas Bushey, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Muñoz, Chris Spence,
and Yulia Yamineva. “Twenty Eight Sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies, Second
Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the
UNFCCC and the Fifth Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Annex I Parties’ Further
Commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, 2-13 June 2008,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin
12(375). Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(364)-12(374).
73. Suzanne Carter, Kati Kulovesi, Kelly Levin, Leila Mead and Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of
the First Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the
UNFCCC and the Fifth Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Annex I Parties’ Further
Commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, 31 March – 4 April 2008,” The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin 12(362). Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(357)-12(361).
74. Asheline Appleton, Peter Doran, María Gutíerrez, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Munoz and Chris
Spence, “Summary of the Thirteenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and Third Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto
Protocol 3-15 December 2007,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(354). Also daily reports
from the conference in issues 12(343)-12(353).
75. Suzanne Carter, Peter Doran & Kati Kulovesi. “Fourth Sessions of the Ad Hoc Working
Group for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol and Convention Dialogue, 27-31
August 2007,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(339). Also daily issues from the
conference in issues 12(334)-12(338).
76. Asheline Appleton, Suzanne Carter, María Gutíerrez, Kati Kulovesi & Chris Spence,
“Twenty Sixth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC and Associated Meetings,
7-18 May 2007,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(333). Also daily reports from the
conference in issues 12(322)-12(332).
77. Alexis Conrad, María Gutiérrez, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Muñoz, and Chris Spence, “TwentyFourth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC and First Session of the Ad Hoc
Working Group under the Kyoto Protocol, 17-26 May 2006,” The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin 12(306). Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(296) – 12(305).
78. Soledad Aguilar, Alexis Conrad, María Gutiérrez, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Muñoz and Chris
Spence, “Summary of the Eleventh Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change and First Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting
of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 28 November – 10 December 2005” The Earth
Negotiations Bulletin 12(291). Also daily reports from the conference in issues 12(280) –
79. Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Munoz & Chris Spence, “Summary of the UNFCCC Seminar on
Governmental Experts, 16-17 May 2005,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(261).
80. María Gutiérrez, Elena Kosolapova, Kati Kulovesi and Yulia Yamineva, “Summary of the
35th session of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 6-9 June 2012”, The Earth
Negotiations Bulletin, 12(547).
Dr Kati Kulovesi
81. Radoslav Dimitrov, María Gutíerrez, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Munoz, Lisa Schipper & Yulia
Yamineva, “Summary of the Twenty-Seventh Session of the IPCC, 12-17 November 2007,”
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 12(342).
82. María Gutiérrez, Sarah Stewart Johnson, Kati Kulovesi, Miquel Muñoz & Lisa Schipper,
“Ninth Session of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
and 26th Session of the IPCC, 30 April – 4 May 2007,” The Earth Negotiations Bulletin
83. María Gutiérrez, Kati Kulovesi & Miquel Muñoz, “Eight Session of Working Group II of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2-6 April 2007,” The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin 12(320).
Biodiversity, biosafety and chemicals
84. Kati Kulovesi, Leila Mead, Anne Roemer-Mahler, Jessica Templeton, and Kunbao Xia,
“Summary of the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety, 15-19
September 2008”, The Earth Negotiations Bulletin 15(160). Also daily reports from the
meeting in issues 15(156-159).
85. Melanie Ashton, Kati Kulovesi, William McPherson and Nicole Schabus, “Summary and
Analysis of the Fourth Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Liability and
Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: 22-26 October 2007”, The
Earth Negotiations Bulletin 9(404). Also daily reports from the negotiations in 9(399-403).
86. Kati Kulovesi, William McPherson & Nicole Schabus, “Summary and Analysis of the Third
Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Liability and Redress in the Context
of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety”,The Earth Negotiations Bulletin, 9(370), 26
February 2007.
87. Soldad Aguilar, Karen Alvarenga, Pia Kohler, Kati Kulovesi & Elsa Tsioumani, “Summary
and Analysis of the Third Meeting of the Parties of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety”,
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin, 9(351), 20 March 2006. Also daily reports from the
conference in issues 9(347)-9(350).
88. Andrew Baldwin, Kati Kulovesi, Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa & Kunbao Xia, “Summary and
Analysis of the Second Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Liability and
Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety”, The Earth Negotiations
Bulletin, 9(345), 27 February 2006.
89. Karen Alvarenga, Kati Kulovesi, Elisa Morgera & Cecilia Vaverka, “Summary and Analysis
of the Working Group on Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction”, The
Earth Negotiations Bulletin, 25(25), 20 February 2006. Also daily reports from the
conference in 25(20)-25(24).
Dr Kati Kulovesi
Technology, finance and sustainable development
90. Tomilola “Tomi” Akanle and Kati Kulovesi, “Briefing Note of the 4th Meeting of the
Transitional Committee for the Design of the Green Climate Fund”, 16-18 October 2011,
IISD Reporting Services.
91. Asheline Appleton and Kati Kulovesi, “Summary of the Geneva Dialogue on Climate
Finance, 2-3 September 2010,” Geneva Dialogue on Climate Finance Bulletin 179(1).
92. Kati Kulovesi & Miquel Muñoz, “Summary Report of the CTI/IETA/UNIDO Joint Forum
on Project Formation” Joint Forum on Project Formation Bulletin, 23 October 2005.
93. Asmita Bhardwaj, Leonie Gordon, Kati Kulovesi & Chris Spence, “Summary of the HighLevel Segment of the Economic and Social Council” Millennium Review Meeting Bulletin
Vol. 104 No. 7, 4 July 2005.
94. Asmita Bhardwaj, Leonie Gordon, Kati Kulovesi & Chris Spence, “Summary of the HighLevel Dialogue of the UN General Assembly on Financing for Development” Millennium
Review Meeting Bulletin Vol. 104 No. 4. 30 June 2005.
95. Kati Kulovesi & Chris Spence, “Summary of the Nordic Roundtable on Business Relations
and Sustainable Consumption and Production in a North/South Perspective” Nordic
Roundtable Bulletin Vol. 103 No.1. 13 March 2005.
96. Fiona Koza, Kati Kulovesi & Sabrina Shaw, ““Summary Report of the Climate Technology
Initiative and Industry Joint Seminar on Technology Diffusion in Asian Countries,” 28
February 2005.