July 8 2016 Events for July JZ Deity June Newsletter Best Host/Hostess Each month hosts/hostesses hold skincare parties. The host/hostess who has the largest party receives a free 100ml/125ml scrub (of their choice). July 2 – Ipswich Farmers and Artisan Market 6:00am to 1:00pm Winner for June Kelly Total party sales: $339.95 July 09 – Boonah Country Market 7:00am to 12:00pm Book your party today and start earning rewards July 14 – Deception Bay Community Market 7:00am to 12:00pm Product of the Month Magnesium Oil Spray July 23 – The Gap Farmers Market 7:00am to 12:00pm Subject to change. Check our online calendar on the events page on our website for any updates. 60 to 80% of Australians (adults and children) suffer from Magnesium deficiency, some symptoms of Magnesium deficiency include muscle cramps, nausea, anxiety and irregular heart rates among other symptoms, some people may not experience any symptoms but can still be deficient in magnesium. Magnesium helps to detoxify the body and helps assimilate calcium (a buildup of calcium in the body can lead to arthritis, blockage in the arteries, kidney stones and much more). To learn more about Magnesium and how it affects you check out our article this month. The easiest way to make sure you have appropriate magnesium level is through a Magnesium spray (Magnesium supplements might not be Magnesium Chloride – find out more in our article). 50ml for $7.25 125ml for $13.50 250ml for $24.50 Specials Don’t miss out on this great deal for our July Special Freshen any room in your home with our beautiful and fragrant reed diffuser. Chose from a range of essential oil fragrances (citrus, floral, geranium, lavender, lemon and lime, lemongrass, peppermint and spiced). Enjoy this reed diffuser for $21.00 30% off! Essential Oil of the Month Ylang Ylang Oil Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts Winston Churchill Originally found in Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia, Ylang Ylang is now cultivated in Madagascar, the Reunion and Comoro Islands as well. Traditionally Ylang Ylang flowers were used as decoration for festivals or strewn across the bed of newlyweds. Once introduced to Europe Ylang Ylang was used in hair oil to promote hair growth and prevent split ends. Ylang Ylang Oil is used in treating eczema, preventing bacterial and viral infections, regulates the blood pressure, provides relief from anxiety and stress, strengthens the nervous system and assists with insomnia, fatigue and depression. Additionally Ylang Ylang is considered one of the best essential oils to help promote both the female and male libidos. Scenic Rim, QLD, 4306 PHONE: 0415043409 0459608593 Recipe of the Month Rainbow Risotto E-MAIL: [email protected] We’re on the Web! See us at: www.jzdeity.com.au Ingredients Olive oil 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 medium carrot, peeled and grated 1 medium zucchini, grated 2 large yellow squash, halved and sliced 1 ¼ cup of risotto rice 2 cups chicken stock 2 Chicken breasts, cooked and shredded (you can also use leftover roast chicken) ¼ cup fresh basil, to serve Preheat your oven to 180°C. Heat half the oil in a heavy based, flameproof, casserole dish over medium heat on stove top. Unsubscribe from the JZ Deity Newsletter Add onion, garlic, carrot, zucchini and squash. Cook the vegetables for about 5 minutes or until softened. Add rice, stir until completely coated. Add stock and 1 cup of cold water. Stir to combine and bring to boil. Cover with foil and transfer to oven. Bake for 15 minutes or until liquid is almost absorbed. Remove from oven and stir in chicken. Place back in oven, covered for 5 to 7 minutes. Serve hot with fresh basil. Exercise of the Month Resistance Bands Lunge and Bicep Curl A great arm and leg exercise Place the centre of the band under the instep of your foot, position your other foot about 2 feet behind you or however far you are comfortable. With an underhand grip on the band’s handles perform a bicep curl while bending your knees to achieve a lunge position. Slowly straighten your knees and lower your hands. Repeat 10 times, switch legs and repeat again. Bridge kick press A great stomach and leg exercise Lie face up with your knees bent and your feet flexed so that your heels touch the floor. Loop the band around the bottom of your right foot and hold both ends evenly with your arms bent, palms facing in. Lift your hips off the floor and extend your right leg out about 45 degrees (your knees should stay in line with each other). As you extend your legs extend your arms as well. Lower your leg slowly and return your arms to the starting position before lowering your hips. Repeat 10 times, switch legs and repeat again. If you have tried our products and want to leave feedback or just want to get in touch come find us online at https://www.jzdeity.com.au/ On Facebook at www.facebook.com/JZDeity On Tumblr at http://jzdeity.tumblr.com/ On Twitter at https://twitter.com/jzdeity Feature Article Magnesium Chloride Benefits In The Body And On Your Skin Written by Jo Whitmore, July 2016 Magnesium chloride is the most effective at cellular detoxification and tissue purification, which has a strong excretory effect on toxins and stagnant energies within the body. The body requires chloride to aid in producing gastric acid each day which is needed to stimulate starch digesting enzymes. Magnesium chloride is easily assimilated and metabolized in the human body and this is why the effects of magnesium chloride are more relevant and longer lasting than the effects of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium chloride functions as an electrolyte and combines with hydrogen in the stomach to make hydrochloric acid, a powerful digestive enzyme that helps breakdown proteins, helps with the absorption of metallic minerals and vitamin B12. Using other magnesium salts is less advantageous because these have to be converted into chlorides in the body anyway. When using other types of magnesium such as oxides or carbonate we need to produce additional hydrochloric acid to absorb them. Many individuals with chronic diseases (ezcema, psorisis…etc) who desperately need more magnesium, cannot produce sufficient hydrochloric acid and thus cannot absorb the oxide or carbonate. Chloride is a highly important and vital mineral required for both human and animal life. Without chloride, the human body would be unable to maintain fluids in blood vessels, conduct nerve transmissions, move muscles, or maintain proper kidney function. As a major electrolyte mineral of the body, chloride performs many roles, and is rapidly excreted from the body. Benefits of magnesium chloride include relief of aches and pains (e.g. as in fibromyalgia), increased energy (magnesium chloride aids in the production of ATP*), support of cardiac tissue and the cardiovascular system, support of detoxification, supports brain function, improvement of mood and reduction of tension related stress, support for healthy skin, use orally for healthy teeth and gums, eases headaches and migraines, fights fatigue, increases memory, eases menopause and premenstrual symptoms, improves assimilation of calcium, boost immune system, helps to balance calcium and magnesium, proven antimicrobial and antiseptic, supports healthy libido, anti-aging, revitalizing, rejuvenating, keeps cell membranes flexible, regulates cholesterol levels and prevents over production, raises DHEA** levels naturally and so many more health benefits. If you are in need of magnesium chloride you may also need to increase your vitamin c (not always necessary), they may be taken together, but vitamin c is not necessary for magnesium absorption and vitamin c should be taken in equal or smaller amounts than magnesium. *Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the biochemical way to store and use energy **Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that comes from the adrenal gland. It is also made in the brain. DHEA leads to the production of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. Levels decrease more quickly in women. Lower DHEA levels are found in people with hormonal disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, inflammation, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Corticosteroids, birth control taken by mouth, and agents that treat psychiatric disorders may reduce DHEA levels. Magnesium chloride can be found in JZ Deity products listed here Magnesium Oil Spray Bath salts Deodorant Foot Soak These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to replace medical advice. We recommend before you begin any treatment consult your GP.
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