ND BASIC IRRS TRAINING 2 EDITION AND REFRESHER COURSE CONCEPT FURTHER DEVELOPING THE BIT CONCEPT VERSION 3, MARCH 2014 1 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept Table of Contents I. II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................. 2 I.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 2 I.2. BIT COURSE 1st EDITION ...................................................................................................... 2 I.3. FEEDBACK ON THE 1st EDITION ........................................................................................... 3 I.4. EVALUATION OF THE ANSWERS TO THE TEST QUESTIONNAIRES ...................................... 5 ISSUES TO CONSIDER FOR THE 2ND EDITION ............................................................................... 9 II.1. GENERAL ISSUES................................................................................................................. 9 II.2. SPECIFIC ISSUES .................................................................................................................. 9 III. CONCEPT OF A REFRESHER COURSE ......................................................................................... 10 III.1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 10 III.2. INITIAL MISSION REFRESHER LECTURES ........................................................................... 10 III.3. FOLLOW-UP MISSION REFRESHING LECTURE ................................................................... 11 IV. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN........................................................................................................... 12 V. IV.1. FINALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT ....................................................................................... 12 IV.2. REVISION OF TRAINING MATERIAL ................................................................................... 12 IV.3. ORGANIZATION OF BIT COURSE 2ND EDITION (6-9 OCTOBER 2014) ................................. 12 IV.4. DEVELOPING THE REFRESHING TRAINING MATERIAL ...................................................... 12 IRRS MODULES .......................................................................................................................... 13 2 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept This project is funded by the European Union. Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept I. BACKGROUND I.1. INTRODUCTION The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) was established by the International Atomic Energy Agency to strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of national regulatory infrastructure for nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety and the security of radioactive sources whilst recognizing the ultimate responsibility of each State to ensure safety in these areas. IRRS team members are recruited from IAEA Member States, the staff of the IAEA Secretariat, and consultants from outside the IAEA Secretariat. Those recruited from Member States are experienced regulators, expert in specific topics. In order to train potential new team members for upcoming Missions, the first IAEA Basic IRRS Training Course was implemented in October 2013. The Training Course provided essential information on preparing and conducting IRRS missions. The 1st BIT Course was held with the participation of 62 experts of 38 Member States. Contents of the Course are given in the next section. This Concept is meant to summarize the lessons learned from the 1 st BIT Course and formulate the issues and actions needed for preparing the 2nd course on one hand and for a refresher course on the other hand. The intended audience of this Concept is the team taking part in the development of the course lectures and test questionnaires. I.2. BIT COURSE 1st EDITION Over four working days the course provided 16 training lectures and three information lectures in the form of PowerPoint presentations developed by experienced IRRS reviewers. The effectiveness of the presentations was measured using test questionnaires completed by the participants at the end of each day. Evaluation of the questionnaire responses is detailed in the next section. The presentations given in the first BIT course are listed below (authors in parentheses): Training presentations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Objectives and the Process (A. Stritar) IAEA Safety Standards as the Bases (I. Lux and L. Baekelandt) The Preparatory Phase (G. Schwarz) Responsibilities and Roles (G. Schwarz) Methodology of the review, Parts I and II (E. Jende) Evaluation and Documentation of Observations (I. Lux) Report writing (I. Lux) Scheduling IRRS missions (I. Lux) Reviewing IRRS Modules 1, 2 and 3 (A. Stritar) Reviewing IRRS Modules 4 and 12 (E. Jende) Reviewing IRRS Modules 5, 7, and 8 (A. Stritar) 3 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. Reviewing IRRS Module 6 (J. Misak) Reviewing IRRS Module 9 (L. Baekelandt) Reviewing IRRS Module 10 (A. Baciu) Reviewing IRRS Module 11 (V. Kamenopoulou, M-L. Perrin, and L. Baekelandt) Follow-up mission (I. Lux) Information presentations 1. History and Background of IRRS (I. Lux) 2. Host country preparations (S. Evans) 3. Evaluation of a mission (I. Lux) Lectures and Test Questionnaires of the 1st Edition are available from the Share Point area Basic IRRS Training Documents I.3. FEEDBACK ON THE 1st EDITION At the end of the first BIT course participants were invited to give feedback on the quality and effectiveness of the course by giving marks as well as comments in reply to seven questions. The questions and the average rating by participants are given in the table below. (5 = highest satisfaction). Evaluation of the BIT Course by participants Question Mark How useful you consider the training in your possible future IRRS activity? 4.64 How do you rate the training course presentations from the point of view of the information therein and their completeness 4.45 their clarity 4.30 their format 4.29 How do you rate the training course lecturers from the point of view of their competence in the field 4.69 the way they held the presentations 4.26 What is your opinion on the course-related organization and arrangements by IAEA? 4.69 Average: 4.47 Number of answers: 56 The numerical results express high participant satisfaction. Important comments offered by participants are summarized below. I.3.1. General and participation The course should be held regularly Because this is basic training, it is hoped it will be followed by more or advance training All reviewers of IRRS missions should participate in such a course The course would be useful also for liaison officers and other representatives of IRRS host countries The term “module” was used in several confusing meaning Participants should have a basic knowledge of the IAEA safety standards prior to training Longer time for discussions would be appreciated 4 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept I.3.2. Materials to distribute Some material (e.g. GSR Part 1, IRRS Guidelines) should be distributed prior to the course Hand-outs with the presentations, with space to take notes should be distributed Presentations should be distributed in advance Presentations should be distributed on memory sticks instead of CD’s I.3.3. Quality of the presentations Some slides were hard to read (with too small letters) Some pictures had too much information Presentations should have more pictures, diagrams and flowcharts to be more interactive and attractive Too much wording on some slides I.3.4. Quality of presenting Some lecturers do not add their own experiences; the more experiences to illustrate, the more interesting the presentation Very good lecturer from Slovenia, others too formal Mr Stritar was the most interesting because of his field experience. Also the introduction in legislation was very interesting (Baekelandt, Lux). Lecturers are very competent and give the presentations in a professional manner Some read mainly from the slides, the best ones offered insight, example Excellent preparedness of all lecturers involved in this training course Very professional lecturers with a lot of practical experiences They are good and professional in their fields There is still an opportunity for presenters to more improve their vocal and body language characteristics for better delivery of presentations Some presentations were too fast I.3.5. Contents of the presentations An overall introduction to describe the scope of presentations to come would be needed Slides on "Recommendations of experienced IRRS members" were particular interesting More practical examples would make the presentations more useful Too much information given in a short time, difficult to absorb and remember There were overlaps among speakers Some presentations were too theoretical Some practical examples would be beneficial The presentations should go beyond what is written on the slides There is no need to go through all requirements of GSR Part 1 in a separate presentation, all relevant requirements were handled in different modules TM5 is actually a fairly general auditing techniques (not specific to IRRS) - many attendants might already know that The presentation on evaluation of missions should be shorter Review of IRRS Module 6 (Review and Assessment) should be treated in more detail Generally it was easy to understand, TM12 Module 6 was hard to understand The additional areas were not covered thoroughly enough 1.3.6. Extending the scope of the course Some practical sessions and some movies for IRRS reviewers are recommended A short review should be simulated during the training course to practice review of documents 5 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept Clearer presentation of the preliminary work to be done by the IRRS reviewer and more examples on the questions/ data to be included in the interviews would be needed Maybe some in-depth modules on the content (modules of IRRS) would be appropriate, divided into subgroups where specialists for specific IRRS modules would get deeper knowledge on common understanding of requirements/guides Modular workshops could be organized It would be great to hold courses on different modules separately 1.3.7. Test Questions The questions should be more related to the presentations The questions in the test were sometime confusing - the meaning of a possible answer was not clear enough I.4. EVALUATION OF THE ANSWERS TO THE TEST QUESTIONNAIRES Participants of the course were invited to answer test questionnaires related to all training modules. The questionnaires contained questions on important information in the presentations and offered various possible answers. The participants had to select the right answer(s) for each question. Consistently wrong answers to the test questionnaires may indicate either possible weakness in the content or presentation of the training lecture, or ambiguity in the test question The results of the test questionnaires are summarized below based on responses from 55 to 60 participants. Numbers in the shaded fields refer to the training lectures, the numbers of the test questions are given in black; the blue numbers are the absolute values and the red numbers give the fraction of the right answers relative the total number of answers (which is given after the cells denoted by No). The average fractions are shown in the right lowest cells. 31 2 38 3 38 4 43 5 38 6 45 7 38 8 33 9 40 10 34 11 48 12 47 13 48 14 25 15 13 16 34 No. 60 1 48 2 34 3 34 4 41 5 44 6 43 7 55 8 42 9 57 10 40 11 46 12 42 13 49 14 24 15 52 No. 57 1 Pres Q ratio 1 47 50 47 54 55 50 48 44 48 51 39 55 0.85 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 No. 0.91 0.85 0.98 1.00 0.91 0.87 0.80 0.87 0.93 0.71 0.88 2 0.84 0.60 0.60 0.72 0.77 0.75 0.96 0.74 1.00 0.70 0.81 0.74 0.86 0.42 0.91 0.76 38 2 49 3 48 4 56 5 49 6 32 7 46 8 50 No. 57 1 3 0.67 0.86 0.84 0.98 0.86 0.56 0.81 0.88 0.81 45 2 39 3 55 4 30 5 50 6 39 7 51 8 24 No. 56 1 4 0.80 0.70 0.98 0.54 0.89 0.70 0.91 0.43 0.74 5 Number and ratio of right answers to the test questionnaires for the training lectures 0.55 0.68 0.68 0.77 0.68 0.80 0.68 0.59 0.71 0.61 0.86 0.84 0.86 0.45 0.23 0.61 0.66 6 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept 57 2 48 3 53 4 58 5 58 6 56 7 54 8 50 9 33 10 56 11 54 12 55 13 58 14 55 15 55 16 58 17 54 No. 58 0.98 37 2 12 3 42 4 37 5 49 16 6 37 7 40 8 28 9 42 10 39 No. 55 0.67 1 54 2 50 3 43 4 46 5 29 6 45 7 39 8 41 9 50 No. 57 1 6 0.95 9 0.88 51 2 54 3 52 4 51 5 49 11 6 55 7 43 8 55 9 50 No. 55 0.78 1 57 51 3 51 13 4 35 5 16 No. 57 1 47 2 34 3 33 4 40 5 23 15 6 23 7 45 8 41 9 23 10 45 No. 55 1.00 2 0.89 1 0.51 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.88 0.77 48 2 47 3 51 4 48 5 51 6 58 No. 60 1 0.81 7 42 2 50 3 56 4 58 5 57 12 6 57 7 30 8 55 9 38 10 58 No. 59 1 1 47 45 52 41 43 53 57 60 0.75 0.93 0.98 0.95 0.93 0.89 1.00 0.78 1.00 0.91 0.93 0.80 2 0.78 3 0.85 4 0.80 8 5 0.85 6 0.97 7 0.82 No. 0.71 0.85 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.51 0.93 0.64 0.98 0.85 0.75 0.87 0.68 0.72 0.88 0.95 0.80 0.83 0.91 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.86 0.57 0.97 0.93 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.93 0.92 37 2 37 3 53 4 50 10 5 36 6 49 7 24 8 54 No. 58 0.64 54 2 53 3 36 4 44 17 5 42 6 43 7 24 8 38 No. 55 0.98 1 0.64 0.91 0.86 0.62 0.84 0.41 0.93 0.85 0.89 0.61 0.28 0.74 0.85 0.62 0.60 0.73 0.42 0.42 0.82 0.75 0.42 0.82 0.64 1 0.22 0.76 0.67 0.89 0.67 0.73 0.51 0.76 0.71 0.66 1 Number and ratio of right answers to the test questions for the training lectures (cont.) 0.96 0.65 0.80 0.76 0.78 0.44 0.69 0.76 7 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept The results summarized in the tables above are also displayed in the diagrams below. The red line marks 75% success in answering. 8 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept 9 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept The average presentation-wise solution ratios are given in the figure below: II. ISSUES TO CONSIDER FOR THE 2ND EDITION When preparing the second edition of the BIT course, consideration should be given to changes necessary in the structure and contents of the course in general and in the various presentations in particular. This chapter summarizes the general and specific issues to be taken into account. II.1. GENERAL ISSUES The questions below need consideration. Is it necessary to make any change in the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. scope/contents of the course? duration of the course? organization of the course? schedule of the course? general format of the presentations? mode(s) of presenting? participation in the course? other attributes/character of the course? II.2. SPECIFIC ISSUES The individual training and information presentations may need review and revision. In order to initiate and perform this, the following questions/issues need attention for each presentation: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Correction of errors recognised in the presentation Any topics missing from the presentation? Any topics need more detail in the presentation? Any topics need more explanation (i.e. for poor test questionnaire responses)? Any details that are unnecessary in the presentation? Correction of errors recognised in the test questions Does the test questionnaire need more questions on certain topics? Does the test questionnaire need correction (i.e. for poor responses)? Any other specific issues. 10 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept III. CONCEPT OF A REFRESHER COURSE III.1. GENERAL Purpose: A second set of lectures is proposed, as a refresher training tool just prior to each IRRS mission, in conjunction with the initial team meeting in the host country. Scope: The refresher would cover the most important information, issues and tasks related to successful conduct of the mission. Basic definitions used in the IRRS process; techniques to be applied in interviews; data collection and reporting; tools to be used etc. Format: Presentations would have a similar format to the BIT course, although with an abridged content. Learning objectives would be listed initially then the main messages highlighted in a manner that makes everything easy to remember. The last slides of each presentation would summarize the topic with examples and illustrations of significant issues. Certain parts of refresher lectures may need to refer to specifics of the current mission. In these cases either generic contents may be included or space left for the specific content (suitably labelled to ensure it is completed by the presenter prior to the mission). III.2. INITIAL MISSION REFRESHER LECTURES The following lectures are foreseen for a pre-mission refresher course (expected to take about half a day): Refresher Lecture 1 – Overview of the IRRS Process A short, condensed presentation of the main attributes of the IRRS process to bring every team member to a common understanding. The lecture includes: Goals and objectives of the IRRS process Structure, scope, modules, policy discussion IAEA safety standards as bases for the various modules with particular emphasis on the latest changes Scope of the mission, team assignments, groups, cooperation and cross contribution among groups Refresher Lecture 2 – Methodology of review Principles, tools, review techniques. Substantially, this is a summarized version of Training Lecture No. 5. Refresher Lecture 3 – Evaluation and Documentation of Observations A summary of all issues relating to recommendations, suggestions and good practices. The lecture includes: Definitions of the various observations Detailed characterization of the observations Formulation of observations Recommendations from experienced reviewers Refresher Lecture 4 – Report writing On effective contribution to the writing of the mission report. The lecture includes Detailed presentation of the Standard Mission Report Template Techniques and schedule of drafting Roles, responsibilities and teamwork in producing the report 11 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept Refresher Lecture 5 – IRRS Modules to review A brief summary of the IRRS Modules in the scope of the mission. One slide for each Module containing: IAEA safety standard requirements related to the module Important subjects, issues to cover in the review Reporting requirements Refresher Lecture 6 – Mission Schedule Time schedule of the actual mission is presented based on the Standard Mission Schedule. Important deadlines are stressed and explained III.3. FOLLOW-UP MISSION REFRESHING LECTURE A single lecture is foreseen to summarize the refresher training material for a follow-up mission. Refreshing Lecture 7 – Follow-up Mission The specifics of a follow-up mission including: Objectives, goals and scope specific to the follow-up mission Evaluation and documentation of observations in the follow-up mission (status of initial observations, possible new ones) Report Template for the mission Team assignments and cooperation during the mission Time schedule of the mission 12 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept IV. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN IV.1. No 1 2 3 IV.2. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IV.3. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IV.4. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FINALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT Activity Commenting the concept by external experts Commenting the concept by IAEA experts Preparing the final form of the concept Deadline February 21 February 21 February 28 Responsible RAS IEC, RAS, RIT RAS Deadline April 11 Responsible RAS April 11 IEC, RAS, RIT April 25 May 16 28-30 May June 6 June 6 August 31 RAS Authors RAS RAS RAS Authors REVISION OF TRAINING MATERIAL Activity Suggestions by external experts on issues 1 through 8 in II.1 and A. through I. in II.2 taking into account the feedback in I.3 and the evaluation in I.4 Suggestions by IAEA experts on issues 1 through 8 in II.1 and A. through I. in II.2 taking into account the feedback in I.3 and the evaluation in I.4 Collecting and summarizing the expert suggestions Planning revision of lectures and test questions CS on discussing suggestions and deciding on actions Action plan for revision of lectures and test questions Correcting errors identified during the 1st Edition Developing revised versions of lectures and TQs ORGANIZATION OF BIT COURSE 2ND EDITION (6-9 OCTOBER 2014) Activity Providing location in VIC for the training course Preparation of prospectus and invitation Finalization of prospectus and invitation Dissemination of the prospectus and invitation Nomination of participants Replies to nominations Recruiting lecturers Logistic support of the training course Deadline January 31 March 15 March 31 April 30 July 30 August 30 August 30 October 6 Responsible RAS RAS IEC, RAS, RIT RAS Member States RAS RAS, RIT RAS DEVELOPING THE REFRESHING TRAINING MATERIAL Activity Comments by external experts on the planned contents Comments by IAEA experts on the planned contents Collecting and summarizing the expert suggestions Planning development of lectures and test questions CS on discussing suggestions and deciding on actions Action Plan for development of lectures Developing refreshing training lectures Deadline April 11 April 11 April 25 May 16 28-30 May June 6 September 30 Responsible RAS IEC, RAS, RIT RAS Authors IEC, RAS, RIT RAS Authors 13 Basic IRRS Training (BIT) 2nd Edition and Refresher Course Concept V. IRRS MODULES
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