Speakers, respondents and chairs

Confirmed Speakers EEAS Conference II
November 19-20 2013
Martyn BOND
Dr Martyn A. Bond is a visiting professor of European Politics and Policy at Royal
Holloway, University of London. He also holds posts of patron of the University
Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), fellow of the Academy of
Social Sciences, senior fellow of the Salzburg Seminar in Global Studies, and
distinguished fellow of the Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent’s
University London. During his career, Dr. Bond has served as director of the Federal
Trust for Education and Research, part of the Trans-European Policy Studies
Association (TESPA). A trained radio and television producer, he was deputy Director
of the London Press Club, and worked a BBC correspondent in Berlin as well as press
officer at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. Dr. Bond holds a Dphil
from Sussex University and a BA from Cambridge University.
Mai’a K. Davis CROSS
Dr. Mai'a K. Davis Cross is Senior Researcher at the ARENA Centre for European
Studies in Oslo, Norway, where she writes about issues of European security, foreign
policy, epistemic communities, smart power, diplomacy, and public diplomacy. She is
the author of two books: Security Integration in Europe: How Knowledge-based
Networks are Transforming the European Union (University of Michigan Press, 2011),
which is the 2012 winner of the Best Book Prize from the University Association of
Contemporary European Studies, and The European Diplomatic Corps: Diplomats and
International Cooperation from Westphalia to Maastricht (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
She is also co-editor (with Jan Melissen) of European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power
at Work (Palgrave, 2013). Dr. Cross holds a PhD in Politics from Princeton
University, and a bachelor's degree in Government from Harvard University.
Simon DUKE
Dr Simon Duke is a Professor at the European Institute of Public Administration
(EIPA), Maastricht, Netherlands. He was educated at The University College of
Wales, Aberystwyth, and the University of Oxford, where he completed his M.Phil
and D.Phil. Prior to EIPA he held positions at the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute, the Mershon Center (Ohio State University), the Pennsylvania
State University and the Central European University. He is the author of several
monographs on European and transatlantic foreign and security issues. He has also
published on similar themes in numerous academic journals. He serves as adjunct
faculty at the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville Virginia and is coExecutive Editor of the Journal of European Integration.
Sanderijn DUQUET
Sanderijn Duquet (Master of Laws, Ghent U. and LL.M. in International Legal Studies,
American U. Washington College of Law) is a doctoral research at the Leuven Centre
for Global Governance Studies and the Institute for International Law, University of
Leuven, Belgium. As a fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), she is
preparing a PhD on the contribution of the European Union to international
diplomatic and consular law. Sanderijn has published on topics such as diplomatic
and consular law, EU external relations, foreign direct investment, and informal
international lawmaking.
Geoffrey EDWARDS
Geoffrey Edwards is Senior Fellow in POLIS and Emeritus Reader in European
Studies. He is also an Emeritus Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. He has held
research posts at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and a number of other
institutions including the Federal Trust and Chatham House. He specialises in the
European Union, its institutions and its foreign and security policies.
Dr Ana E. Juncos is a lecturer in European Politics at the School of Sociology, Politics
and International Studies, University of Bristol. Previously, she was a post-doctoral
research fellow at the University of Bath. She holds a PhD in Politics, International
Relations and European Studies from Loughborough University. Her research
interests include EU foreign and security policy in Bosnia, the Europeanization of the
Western Balkans and the European External Action Service. She is author of EU
Foreign and Security Policy in Bosnia. The Politics of Coherence and Effectiveness
(Manchester University Press, forthcoming) and co-editor of EU Conflict Prevention
and Crisis Management (with Eva Gross, Routledge, 2011).
Michael LAKE
Michael Lake read Modern Languages at Oxford, before qualifying as a solicitor,
specializing in maritime law. In 1973, following the UK’s accession to the European
Community, he joined the Secretariat of the EC Council of Ministers as jurist linguist,
later transferring to the European Commission’s Legal Service and then the
directorate general responsible for development policy. During most of his career in
the Commission he worked on aspects of the negotiation and implementation of the
Lomé and Yaoundé Conventions linking the EC and the African, Caribbean and Pacific
countries signatory to those conventions. He was involved in setting up the
Commission’s network of delegations, particularly in the anglophone ACP and Asian
countries. He served in various Commission delegations in Africa, namely Zimbabwe
as economic adviser, Ghana as head of delegation, and latterly as Ambassador and
Head of the Commission Delegation to South Africa. In retirement he has taught
courses on the European Union’s external relations at the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, Tufts University, and at the Brussels campus of Boston University.
Lars-Erik LUNDIN
Lars Erik Lundin is affiliated to the Swedish Defence College as a Senior Fellow and is
a former diplomat. His last active duty was as EU Ambassador to the International
organisations in Vienna 2009-2011. He became Deputy Political Director of the
European Commission 2006 after serving as head of the RELEX Security Policy Unit
since 2000. He was appointed Ambassador in the Swedish Foreign Service in 1996.
He earned a Ph.D. in 1980 and is an elected member of the Swedish Royal Academy
of War Sciences.
Dr Tereza Novotna is a GR:EEN Post-Doctoral Researcher based at the Institute for
European Studies, Université libre de Bruxelles in Brussels where she examines the
role of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the upgraded role of EU
Delegations, particularly vis-à-vis the “big powers”, such as the United States and
China. Tereza received her Ph.D. in Politics and European Studies from Boston
University and undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from Charles University
Prague. Although her current work focuses primarily on EU foreign policy, her
broader research interests include EU enlargement, democratization and integration
processes, transatlantic relations, the politics of Central and Eastern Europe as well
as Germany. Tereza has widely published on those topics in academic journals as
well as media outlets and held various visiting fellowships in the US, UK, Belgium,
Germany and Austria. She has also practical experience of EU foreign policy from
working for the European Commission, DG RELEX/EEAS and the EU Delegation in
Washington, DC.
Dr Ana Mar is associate professor in politics and public administration at the
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain and associate researcher at Sciences Po
Paris (Observatory of European Institutions). Since 2009, she is also vice-dean for
economic affairs (Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, UAB). Her main areas of
research are EU institutional dynamics and consular diplomacy. Recent publications
on EU consular policy include: (2011) (co-edited with Jan Melissen), Consular Affairs
and Diplomacy (Martinus Nijhof: Leiden, Boston); (2009) ‘Local Consular
Cooperation : Administering EU Internal Security Abroad’, European Foreign Affairs
Review, Vol.14, Nº4, 591-606; (2009) « Les Etats membres et la représentation
extérieure de l’UE», Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales, vol. X, 583594 ; (2008) “Consular Affairs in the EU: Visa Policy as a Catalyst for Integration?”,
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 3, Nº 1, 21-35.
Dr Karolina Pomorska is a Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of Politics
and International Studies at Cambridge University. Her current project focuses
on the European External Action Service and its diplomats, in particular
on processes of socialisation and learning, issues related to agenda
setting in European Foreign Policy and the consequences of establishing
the EEAS in terms of accountability and democratic control. Her previous
work has been published in academic journals, such as the Journal of
European Public Policy, the Journal of Common Market Studies and
Comparative European Politics. She has contributed several chapters to
books and is the co-editor of: ³The EU and its Neighbours: Values versus
Security in European foreign policy² (Manchester University Press, 2013).
Karolina is currently on leave from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, where
she is an Assistant Professor.
Hugo Shorter began his career at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1990,
joining the Southern European Department. From 1992 until 1993 he studied at the
Ecole Nationale d’Administration in France and was awarded a Diplôme International
d’Administration Publique. Since then, he has undertaken various postings within the
FCO, including in the UK Delegation to NATO in Brussels, as Head of the Trade Policy
Section in the FCO’s EU Department (External), as Private Secretary to a Minister of
State, as Deputy Head of the FCO’s North East Asia and Pacific Department and as
Deputy Head of Mission in Brasilia. His most recent overseas tour was at the British
Embassy in Paris, where he was Minister Counsellor for Europe and Global Issues.
Currently, he is European Correspondent and Head of Europe Directorate (External)
in London.
Michael Smith is Professor of European Politics and Jean Monnet Chair in the
Department of Politics, History and International Relations at Loughborough
University. He has published extensively on EU external policies and on EU
diplomacy. He is currently working on the developing diplomatic system of the
European Union, and especially on EU diplomacy towards its key ‘strategic partners’.
In this context he was the director (2009-2012) of a project funded by the EU’s Jean
Monnet Programme on ‘The Diplomatic System of the European Union: Evolution,
Change and Challenges’.
David Spence is David Davies of Llandinam Research Fellow at the London School of
Economics. Until 2011 he was Minister Counsellor for human security and
disarmament at the European Union delegation to the United Nations in Geneva.
Until his move to Geneva in 2003 he was the Commission representative in the G8
and EU Council Terrorism Working Groups. In 2006 he was seconded by the
European Commission as political advisor to the Special Representative of the United
Nations for the Elections in the Ivory Coast. His career at the European Commission
had previously included: secretary of the task force for German unification, head of
training for the Commission's External Service and policy adviser for European
Security and Defence Policy, counter-terrorism and relations with NATO.
Isabelle TANNOUS
Isabelle Tannous is based in the Information Research Division 'European Affairs'
and 'EU External Relations' at the German Institute for International and Security
Affairs (SWP), Berlin. During her studies she has worked for two German political
think thanks, the Center for Applied Policy Research (Munich) and the Institute for
European Politics (Berlin), and continued this work on a freelance basis for the C.A.P
and the IEP as managing editor of the "Yearbook of European Integration". After her
M.A. she joined the Research Training Programme "Obstacles and Dynamics of
European Governance" as Marie-Curie-Fellow where she was based at the Syddank
Universitet, Denmark (2003-2005). Before joining SWP she was post-doctoral
research fellow at the Centre for European Peace and Security Studies at the
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH), Hamburg (2006-2009). Her
general research interests lie in the field of EU Integration, with a particular focus on
human rights and development issues.
Sophie Vanhoonacker is Jean Monnet Professor and has a chair in Administrative
Governance at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University where
she is head of the Politics Department. Since September 2011, she is also co-director
of the new Maastricht Centre for European Governance (MCEG), an EU-funded 'Jean
Monnet Centre of Excellence'. Her main field of research is in the area of the
Common Foreign and Security Policy. Recent publications have dealt with the
emerging system of an EU level system of diplomacy and its processes of
Ramses A. WESSEL
Ramses Wessel is Professor of the Law of the European Union and
other International Organizations and Co-Director of the Centre for European Studies
at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He is a co-founder and member of the
board of the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) in The Hague and
Editor-in-Chief of the International Organizations Law Review and the Netherlands
Yearbook of International Law. He published widely on international and European
institutional law, with a focus on the law of international organizations, issues of
global governance, the relationship between international and EU law,
European foreign, security and defence policy and EU external relations in general.
Website: http://www.utwente.nl/mb/pa/staff/wessel/
Dr Alison Weston is Head of Division in the EU Military Staff in the European External
Action Service. Prior to joining EUMS, she has held various positions in the civilian
crisis management structures of the Council Secretariat/EEAS, most recently as
Acting Head of Operations. She has been involved in the planning and conduct of all
civilian CSDP missions from 2004-2011. She holds a PhD in Political and Social
Science from the European University Institute, Florence.