Social Studies 30 Exploring the Roots of Liberalism Chapter 4 (pgs

Social Studies 30
Exploring the Roots of Liberalism
Chapter 4 (pgs. 94- 110)
Important Vocabulary and People
Adam Smith
class system
classical liberalism
distribution of wealth
Great Law of Peace
Haudenosaunee Confederacy
John Stuart Mill
laissez-faire economics
liberal democracy
limited government
modern liberalism
rule of law
supply and demand
Exploring the Roots of Liberalism (pages 94-110)
Use the clues below to fill out the crossword. Once you have found the correct term/person, write it
next to the definition/clue.
1. ________________________________individuals are rewarded based on their abilities and hard work
3. ________________________________one of the first and longest lasting participatory democracies in the
4. ________________________________ ideology that developed over time to address concerns with the
inequality and poor working conditions created by laissez-faire capitalism
7. ________________________________Adam Smith's theory that market forces should determine wages,
and price of goods
9. ________________________________he believed strongly in and advocated for freedom of speech and
women's rights
12. ________________________________a political system that is based upon equality of all its citizens, free
elections, multiple political parties, representative government and independent courts
13. ________________________________while Adam Smith believed in an economy free from governmental
influence, he still believed that government should protect individual's security, enforce laws, and maintain
public works
14. ________________________________an ideology that focused mainly on freedom in the economic
system and less on the individual rights of ordinary citizens
15. ________________________________the economic expression of liberalism where consumers and
producers have the individual freedom to make economic choices for themselves
16. ________________________________the constitution of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy
17. ________________________________economic system criticized by Adam Smith because all the profits
generated were kept by the government(usually the king or queen)and monopolies prevented competition
2. ________________________________he challenged the key idea behind the mercantile system and is
seen as the driving force behind the fundamental ideas of capitalism
5. ________________________________how economic prosperity of a society is divided or shared among
the different groups of society
6. ________________________________limited a person's potential for economic advancement
8. ________________________________no-one is above the law and all should be treated equally before
the law
10. ________________________________creates a lack of competition due to one or two companies
controlling a certain sector of the economy
11. ________________________________government keeps its hands off many of the decisions about the
Social 30: Chapter 4: Exploring the Roots of Liberalism (Pages 95-107)
Now that you have been introduced to the concept of liberalism and all its dimensions, you will explore
the origins of this ideology. Liberalism can be viewed from different perspectives. We are going to
investigate the origins of classical liberalism and then how it evolved into
modern liberalism, as the concepts have changed over time and do not mean
the same thing as they once did.
We are now in the second related issue of the course that asks if resistance
to liberalism is justified. Not everyone accepts the ideas of liberalism, and
many have developed their own responses to liberalism varying from
resistance to the complete rejection of this ideology.
Directions: Complete the following to help you create foundational understanding of the origins of
Aboriginal Peoples and the early Development of Liberalism: In what ways have Aboriginal peoples
contributed to the early development of liberalism? Pgs. 96-100
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Liberalism in an Aboriginal World)
1. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy (also known as the ___________________ Confederacy) was
formed between ____________ and ___________. It began as an alliance of the following
________ Haudenosaunee nations.
The Haudenosaunee Confederacy is often referred to as one of the ____________ and longest
lasting _____________________ democracies in the world.
2. What is the common goal of the Haudenosaunee? ____________________________ From your
point of view is this a goal to pursue? _________ Why or why not? ________________________
There is a level of irony in the fact that most Europeans knew nothing about democracy and
social equality, but when they made first contact with First Nations, they believed that the
European way of thinking was superior. Most Europeans were under the control of the monarch
and the church!
The Great Law of Peace:
3. The Great Law of Peace is the ____________________ of the Haudenosanee, which has passed
from generation to generation.
4. The Great Law of Peace guides all aspects of governance and society. List all of the ideas it outlines.
(Page 98 – top of the page)
5. The Great Law of Peace has three key principles. They are
___________________, ____________________ and
____________________. Part of the spirituality and connection
to land for the Haudenosaunee comes from their belief that these
principles are the will of the ____________________.
6. In one key area, how does the Great Law of Peace reflect the principles of liberalism more
completely than early forms of democracy in Europe and North America?
7. While we are examining how the Haudenosaunee are early examples of liberalism, how is their
structure also an example of collectivism?
The Iroquois Influence Thesis: (Voices: pg. 99)
8. Explain how the Iroquois Influence Thesis influenced the American Constitution. _______________
9. Why would some historians disagree with the Iroquois Influence Thesis? _____________________
Origins of Western Democratic Liberalism: What are the origins of liberal thought in Western
societies? (pgs. 101-110)
10. Would you have liked to live in the 1700s or 1800s? _________ Why? ______________________
Western European Origins of Liberalism (pg 102)
11. Create a T-Chart identifying at least FOUR descriptors or characteristics of each way of thinking
12. What does liberal mean by the mid 1700s? ___________________________________________
Liberal Ideas on Economic Systems (pgs 102-105) & Liberal Ideas on Political Systems (pgs. 106-110)
We have already been introduced to the concept of mercantilism. (Chapter 2) It is an economic
system whereby the nation tries to export more than it imports to gather wealth. The problem
with this system is that the wealth goes back to the ruler, or government and it is based on the
idea that oppression of workers is necessary. This added to the notion of an economic class
system where wealth was not evenly distributed. As a result, individuals decided to challenge
the old ways of thinking and created new economic and political ideologies that reflected the
concepts of liberalism.
This time your task is to know the key concepts and ideas of two great people that added to the
development of economic and political liberalism: Adam Smith and John Stuart Mills. (Page 102 – 110)
 You will complete the chart below identifying/describing the key ideas of both thinkers.
Adam Smith
John Stuart Mills
Key Concepts:
Against Monopolies:
Key Concepts:
Essential Rights and Freedoms:
Rule of Law:
Invisible Hand:
Liberal Democracy:
Mills understanding of Freedom of Speech:
Laissez Faire Capitalism:
Modern Liberalism:
Classical Liberalism:
Publication: (What did they write?)
Publication: (What did they write?)
Belief of the role of government:
Belief in the role of government:
Role of individual:
Role of individual:
13. One of the criticisms that Adam Smith had about mercantilism is that it did not _______________
the wealth _________________ society very well.
14. Fill in the T-Chart identifying the differences between mercantilism and capitalism
15. According to Smith, how would a fairer distribution of wealth come about? ___________________
16. What is the irony of Smith's position on distribution of wealth and the supporters of capitalism
today? _________________________________________________________________
Interpret the cartoon.
17. What does gouging mean?
18. Is the cartoon in favor of letting supply
and demand “drive” the free market?
19. What would be an example of supply and
demand gouging the consumers in a free
market? (Look at the cartoon…carefully…)
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one
person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
......John Stuart Mill
Look at the picture below. What do you think? What are your thoughts?
20. Fill in the T-Chart identifying the differences between modern liberalism and classical liberalism
Modern Liberalism
Classical Liberalism
21. Go to the following Internet Website and watch the 4 min video (Matthew Shepard Story)
Write down some thoughts. We will be discussing this as a class when we meet next.