Quiz Time!

Quiz Time!
Grab some paper and make a note of
what you think each answer is for each
of the following ten vocabulary
questions …
You need only write ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, or ‘d’
When we are finished I will tell you
the correct answers and you can
see how well you have done!
Can you get all 10 questions
Let’s Begin …
Question 1
If you don't take exercise, you ___ the risk
of getting ill.
a. stand
b. face
c. run
d. suffer
Question 2
He was ___ with embezzlement, found
guilty, and sentenced to three years in
a. accused
b. convicted
c. charged
d. arrested
Question 3
If you are ___ with this test, perhaps you
should attempt an easier one.
a. stumbling
b. stressed
c. struggling
d. straining
Question 4
Insulation was fitted to ___ further heat
loss from the building.
a. guard
b. protect
c. save
d. prevent
Question 5
We are all ___ the opinion that hydrocarbons in
the atmosphere contribute to global warming.
a. in
b. on
c. of
d. with
e. at
Question 6
___ we had sold our stock before the markets
a. If only
b. Just
c. Seldom
d. Hardly
e. No sooner
Question 7
I can't ___ thinking that we made a mistake
in our calculations; the total is too high.
a. help
b. bear
c. stand
d. be
Question 8
I dread ___ what would have happened if
there'd been an accident.
a. to be thinking
b. to think
c. to thinking
d. the thought
Question 9
Can you wait thirty seconds while I ___ in
to the Post Office for some stamps?
a. saunter
b. breeze
c. break
d. pop
e. go
Question 10
The chess players tried very hard to ___ each
other with every move in the tournament.
a. outnumber
b. outgoing
c. outweigh
d. outcome
e. outwit
How well did you do?
Question 1
run the risk
If you don't take exercise, you ___
of getting ill.
a. stand
b. face
c. run
d. suffer
Question 2
He was charged
______ with embezzlement,
found guilty, and sentenced to three years
in prison.
a. accused
b. convicted
c. charged
d. arrested
Question 3
struggling with this test, perhaps
If you are ________
you should attempt an easier one.
a. stumbling
b. stressed
c. struggling
d. straining
Question 4
prevent further
Insulation was fitted to _______
heat loss from the building.
a. guard
b. protect
c. save
d. prevent
Question 5
of the opinion that hydrocarbons in
We are all ___
the atmosphere contribute to global warming.
a. in
b. on
c. of
d. with
e. at
Question 6
If only we had sold our stock before the
markets crashed.
a. If only
b. Just
c. Seldom
d. Hardly
e. No sooner
Question 7
help thinking that we made a
I can't ____
mistake in our calculations; the total is too
a. help
b. bear
c. stand
d. be
Question 8
to think what would have
I dread _______
happened if there'd been an accident.
a. to be thinking
b. to think
c. to thinking
d. the thought
Question 9
pop in
Can you wait thirty seconds while I ____
to the Post Office for some stamps?
a. saunter
b. breeze
c. break
d. pop
e. go
Question 10
The chess players tried very hard to
outwit each other with every move in the
a. outnumber
b. outgoing
c. outweigh
d. outcome
e. outwit