Cognitive Architecture and Testbed for a Developmental AI System

Cognitive Architecture
and Testbed for a
Developmental AI System
Fourth Year Honours Project
David Fraser Bruce
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I would like to thank my project supervisor, Dr. Frank Guerin for all his advice and assistance during
the development of this project, and also for providing such an interesting and rewarding topic for
the basis of my Honours project.
I would also like to thank my friends and fellow students for their words of wisdom and advice
throughout the project’s duration.
I declare that this document and the accompanying code has been composed by myself, and
describes my own work, unless otherwise acknowledged in the text. It has not been accepted in any
previous application for a degree. All verbatim extracts have been distinguished by quotation marks,
and all sources of information have been specifically acknowledged.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………..
David Bruce
Date: …………………………………….....
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A Developmental AI system can be defined as a system which can develop knowledge and skills from
the environment it is situated in autonomously, by experimenting within it, and learning from the
results produced.
This project aims to develop a testbed and cognitive architecture for such a system, focusing on
cognition in infants, and based on Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. The system will provide
the facilities for developing and debugging the learning mechanism that will ultimately be integrated
into it, as well a modular and extensible architecture which facilitates future development.
The project will eventually constitute the foundation of a system used to carry out further research
into Developmental AI systems, aiming to model infant competences, and more significantly,
determine how those competences were learned.
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................... i
Declaration .................................................................................................................................. ii
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... iii
Index of Figures ......................................................................................................................... vii
Index of Tables .......................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Motivations .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4. Primary Goals ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Secondary Goals ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.7. Structure of Document ................................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2: Background ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Developmental AI......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Schema ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Cognitive Architecture ................................................................................................................. 6
2.4. Testbed ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.5. Existing Solutions ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.6. Current System ............................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 3: Requirements ............................................................................................................. 9
3.1. Project Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Performance Requirements ....................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4: Methodology & Technologies .................................................................................... 11
4.1. Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2. Technologies .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1. Java...................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.2. IDE ....................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.3. Physics Engine & Graphics Package .................................................................................... 13
4.2.4. Data Storage........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.5. Versioning ........................................................................................................................... 14
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Chapter 5: System Design & Architecture.................................................................................... 15
5.1. System Design ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.1.1. Robot Infant ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.1.2. Cognitive Architecture ........................................................................................................ 17 Schema ......................................................................................................................... 17 World States................................................................................................................. 18 Response ...................................................................................................................... 18 Schema Library ............................................................................................................. 18 Schema Manager ......................................................................................................... 19 Schema Harvester ........................................................................................................ 19 Forward Simulator ....................................................................................................... 19
5.1.3. Transition Experience Generation ...................................................................................... 19
5.1.4. User Interfaces .................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.5. Data Storage........................................................................................................................ 22
5.2. System Architecture ................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2.2. Packages .............................................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 6: Implementation ........................................................................................................ 25
6.1. Graphics Representation ........................................................................................................... 25
6.1.1. The Infant ............................................................................................................................ 25
6.1.2. Joints ................................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.3. Hand Contact ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.4. Vision................................................................................................................................... 27 Seen Objects ................................................................................................................ 28
6.1.5. Reaching .............................................................................................................................. 28
6.1.5. Obstruction ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.1.6. Body Movements ................................................................................................................ 30
6.1.7. Calculations ......................................................................................................................... 30
6.2. GUI ............................................................................................................................................. 31
6.2.1. Integrated Graphics ............................................................................................................ 31
6.2.2. Graphics Controls ................................................................................................................ 31
6.2.3. GUI Features ....................................................................................................................... 32
6.3. Architecture ............................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.1. Architecture Details ............................................................................................................ 33
6.3.2. Startup................................................................................................................................. 33
6.3.3. Consts Class ......................................................................................................................... 34
6.4. Cognitive Architecture ............................................................................................................... 34
6.4.1. Sensor Data ......................................................................................................................... 34
6.4.2. Response ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.4.3. Schema ................................................................................................................................ 36
6.4.4. Schema Library .................................................................................................................... 37
6.4.5. Schema Manager ................................................................................................................ 37
6.4.6. Schema Harvester ............................................................................................................... 38
6.4.7. Forward Simulator .............................................................................................................. 38
6.5. Transition Experience Generation ............................................................................................. 39
6.6. Learning Schemas ...................................................................................................................... 41
6.7. Additional Tasks ......................................................................................................................... 41
6.8. Summary .................................................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 7: Testing and Evaluation .............................................................................................. 43
7.1. Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 43
7.1.1. Individual Component Testing ............................................................................................ 43
7.1.2. Schema Execution Testing .................................................................................................. 43
7.1.3. User Testing ........................................................................................................................ 45
7.1.4. Scalability Testing ................................................................................................................ 45
7.1.5. Speed and Efficiency ........................................................................................................... 45
7.2. Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 46
7.2.1. Overall System Evaluation .................................................................................................. 46
7.3. Known Bugs ................................................................................................................................ 47
Chapter 8: Summary and Conclusion .......................................................................................... 49
8.1. Summary .................................................................................................................................... 49
8.2. Future Development .................................................................................................................. 50
8.3. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 51
References/Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 53
Appendix A: User Manual........................................................................................................... 55
Appendix B: Maintenance Manual .............................................................................................. 73
Appendix C: Example XML Files .................................................................................................. 80
Appendix D: Example Schemas ................................................................................................... 89
Glossary..................................................................................................................................... 92
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Index of Figures
Figure 1 - The iCub .................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 - Current Physics Engine............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3 - Resting Contact of Blocks........................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 - Gantt Chart Displaying Project Timeline ............................................................................... 11
Figure 5 - JBox2D Rigid Physics Demo................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 - Labelled Infant Screenshot, Prototype Version .................................................................... 15
Figure 7 - Labelled Infant Screenshot, Final Version............................................................................. 16
Figure 8 - Cognitive Architecture Diagram............................................................................................ 17
Figure 9 - Labelled Main GUI Screenshot.............................................................................................. 21
Figure 10 - Labelled Schema GUI Screenshot ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 11 – System Architecture Diagram ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 12 - Main Packages of System.................................................................................................... 24
Figure 13 - Hand Contact Example Scenario ......................................................................................... 27
Figure 14 - Display of Infant Vision ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 15 - Reach Example Scenario ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 16 - Obstruction Example Scenario ............................................................................................ 30
Figure 17 - Save State Functionality Summary ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 18 - Load State Functionality Summary ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 19 - Response Type Enumeration .............................................................................................. 36
Figure 20 - Tree Generation Example Output ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 21 - Transition Experience Generation Algorithm ..................................................................... 40
Figure 22 - Transition Experience Generation Example Screenshot..................................................... 40
Index of Tables
Table 1 - State of World object contents .............................................................................................. 18
Table 2 - SensorData Object Example ................................................................................................... 35
Table 3 - Example Schema Object - Grab .............................................................................................. 37
Table 4 - Schema Execution Test Results .............................................................................................. 44
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Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the project, including its objectives and goals, as well as
detailing the structure of this report as a whole.
1.1. Overview
Developmental AI involves the process of attempting to build a system which can develop
knowledge and skills from its environment autonomously, by experimenting within it, and learning
from the results produced.
Although, at the time of writing, Developmental AI systems are a relatively unexplored area within
the broader AI spectrum, a significant amount of research has been carried out on the topic[1], with a
number of systems emerging. One such instance of a Developmental AI system has been created by
Dr. Frank Guerin, of the Department of Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen.
The current system, based upon Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, employs a basic cognitive
architecture utilizing Schema objects to enable a robot infant to learn about its environment through
its actions.
This system, however, has been worked on in an ad-hoc manner for a number of years, meaning that
older, now redundant, sections of code still remain alongside newer parts. Additionally, the physics
engine currently employed has become somewhat outdated, and hence needs to be replaced in
order to handle more advanced features the current engine cannot.
The purpose of this project is to create a testbed and cognitive architecture for a similar
Developmental AI system. The project will follow the same principles as the existing system, but
start it from scratch, in order to resolve the presiding problems, and to provide a cleaner
implementation which can be easily expanded upon in the future.
This project focuses mainly on the “software engineering” aspects of developing a Developmental AI
system, creating the testbed, user interface and architecture, as well as providing the framework for
incorporating learning and vision packages in a modular manner. It will ultimately be used in
collaboration with the other two sections of the system, which are being worked on as two separate
1.2. Objectives
A robot infant and the “world” it is situated in must be represented graphically, and should include a
number of components. The infant itself should consist of a head and an arm, which should operate
as it would in real-life. It should also have an indication of vision and focus in the form of an eye and
a fovea respectively. The infant’s world must also be populated with other objects, including blocks,
and sticks, with which it can interact.
The graphical display must be created using an improved physics engine, which will replace the one
currently employed. This needs to be accomplished in order to present a more realistic simulation,
by providing features the current engine cannot handle properly, like the resting contact of blocks,
required for creating stacks of objects.
Alongside the graphical representation of the infant, the system must have a GUI which allows the
user to interact with the system. The GUI must provide a number of facilities to the user to allow
manipulation of the graphical display, as well as controls for other important features, which will
support development and debugging of the learning mechanism when the system is fully
In order to provide a cleaner implementation of the previous system, the architecture must be redesigned and overhauled, with a focus on modularity and extensibility, to ensure future
development is straightforward. The architecture must also ensure that incorporating different parts
of the project, like the learning package, is an easy task.
Another key objective of the project is to implement a cognitive architecture which allows for simple
integration with the learning section of the system. Like in the existing system, the cognitive
architecture will be based upon Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development.
The final objective of the project, once all of the above tasks have been completed, is to illustrate
some basic behaviours of the infant, by creating some handcoded Schemas to be loaded into the
system. The infant will ultimately be able to learn these behaviours for itself.
1.3. Motivations
The project, as a whole, when combined with learning and vision sections, aims to model the
learning processes of a human infant, in order to provide an insight into the techniques an infant
might use to learn.
When acquired, this information could help further research in the field of Developmental AI, and
hence help overcome some of the obstacles that affect every “traditional” AI program (see 2.1.
Developmental AI, in the next chapter).
Providing a testbed for a Developmental AI system is imperative, as, in this system, it helps provide a
more precise depiction of the problem at hand. By creating a realistic display of the infant, it
becomes much easier to visualize certain states which the learning mechanism will process.
Additionally, it allows for the testing of specific scenarios, meaning it is easier to experiment within
the “world” using the learning mechanism.
Providing a GUI for the system is also crucial, as it will provide support for developing and debugging
the learning mechanism, allowing the user to inspect the inner data structures of the system, making
visible what has been learned thus far.
The testbed and cognitive architecture combined will essentially provide the fundamental
foundation for the rest of the Developmental AI system.
1.4. Primary Goals
The primary goals of the project are as follows:
To provide a new, clean implementation of the previous system with restructured
architecture, with an emphasis on modularity and extensibility.
To create a redesigned graphical representation of the robot infant and world, making use of
a more advanced physics engine.
To design and implement a new Graphical User Interface for the system, incorporating
functionalities to aid the development and debugging of the learning mechanism.
To provide a cognitive architecture framework, based on Piaget’s concept of a Schema, for
use with the learning mechanism, when it is incorporated into the architecture.
To demonstrate some example behaviours, including grabbing blocks, which the robot baby
will ultimately be able to learn for itself, by making use of hand-coded Schemas.
1.5. Secondary Goals
The secondary goals of the project, to be worked on if time permits after the primary goals are
achieved, are as follows:
To provide a basis for creating more complex behaviours, including pulling a block closer
using a stick; pulling a longer block closer in order to obtain another block resting on top;
and pulling a string closer in order to retrieve the block on the end of it.
1.7. Structure of Document
Chapter 2 of this document aims to provide an overview of the background work relating to the
project. The theory behind the project is discussed; including some related works, as well as the
motivation for replacing the existing system.
Chapter 3 of this document details the project requirements, both functional, and non-functional,
including the performance requirements.
Chapter 4 looks at the techniques and methodology used throughout the project, with a discussion
of the technologies employed and the motivation behind their selection.
Chapter 5 details the preliminary design work behind individual aspects of the project, including the
design of the graphical display, GUI and cognitive architecture, as well as the system architecture.
Chapter 6 details the implementation stage of the project, with an in-depth discussion of how each
section of the project was constructed, including details of problems and challenges encountered in
doing so.
Chapter 7 discusses the testing of the system and its performance, as well as detailing existing bugs.
The chapter also provides an overall evaluation of the system implemented in this project.
Chapter 8 summarises the project, detailing the future work on the system, and provides a
conclusion to the report.
Appendices containing the Maintenance Manual and the User Manual for the system are provided at
the end of this document, as well as Appendices containing sample XML documents and Schemas as
created during the course of the project.
Chapter 2: Background
This chapter examines some of the background work relating to the project, including a brief analysis
of the current system.
2.1. Developmental AI
Studies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to date have produced some fascinating findings, resulting in
systems which are able to interact with humans in an intelligent manner.
However, one of the major shortcomings of “traditional” AI at present is that no real progress has
been made in creating a program which possesses all the “common sense” knowledge an average
human learns from experience; only what it has been programmed to “know”.
Hence, research has commenced in the field of Developmental AI, which takes its inspiration from
human nature, particularly the way humans learn about their surroundings as infants.
Developmental AI involves trying to create a program which can continuously, and autonomously,
build upon its current knowledge and skills through its environment, by taking an action upon it and
learning from the results.
In theory, such a program will then be able to perpetually increase what it knows; therefore
obtaining a far more sophisticated knowledge base, meaning it can interact in a more intelligent
2.2. Schema
The concept of a Schema, as used extensively throughout this project, was first defined by Jean
Piaget[2] in 1936, in his Theory of Cognitive Development[3]. Piaget’s theory, detailing the
development of human intelligence, essentially described how children reason and represent about
the world they inhabit.
Taking inspiration from infants, Piaget attempted to theorise how humans acquire information from
their surroundings and experiences, building upon their current knowledge, in order to utilise it in
similar situations in the future.
After observations, Piaget postulated that all children, as they grow older, progress through four
stages of development; The Sensorimotor Period, Pre-operational Thought, Concrete Operations, and
Formal Operations. It is these four stages that compose Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive
Development and, it is during these stages, Piaget theorised, that children make use of inner
The Schema object that Piaget defined is essentially a snapshot of internal knowledge about a child’s
surroundings relating to a specific behaviour at a particular moment in time. It contains everything
that the infant currently knows about their circumstances, their environment, and the result of their
actions at present, based on their past experiences in similar situations.
In theory, many of these Schema objects would then be used by the child as it develops, in order to
determine how to react to different experiences. Piaget defined this process as Assimilation, which is
essentially the child reacting to a situation based on its pre-existing beliefs.
If the child encounters an entirely new situation, which it has no prior knowledge of it would then
alter its existing Schemas in order to take in this new information. This action was referred to by
Piaget as Accommodation, which is the process of changing existing beliefs as a result of new
Piaget defined the balance of these two processes, Assimilation and Accommodation as being
achieved by a mechanism called Equilibration. This balance is essentially the balance between using
previous knowledge to react to situations, and altering current knowledge based on new
experiences. Piaget believed that all children maintain this balance, and that it is necessary for them
to do so in order to progress to the next stage of development.
The cognitive architecture and learning section of the system being implemented in this project is
based primarily on this aspect of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development.
2.3. Cognitive Architecture
A key goal of this project is to implement a cognitive architecture for a Developmental AI system. A
cognitive architecture, in this situation is an attempt to provide a plausible model of the main
internal components of the mind, and how they are linked.
A number of attempts at cognitive architectures already exist, including Soar[4] and ACT-R[5], which
focus on the internal information processing of a system, and ICARUS[6], which also looks at learning,
and storing learned rules in long-term memory.
The majority of the existing cognitive architectures, including Soar[7] and ACT-R[8], are rule-based
systems, and employ “chunking” techniques as part of their learning mechanism. Chunking primarily
involves remembering a solution to a problem, so that it can be called and utilized in a similar
situation at a later stage. This varies from the process used within this system, which aims to learn
brand new rules for each problem encountered.
Also, all three of the above cognitive architectures attempt to model human competence in some
specific area. However, this project diverges from those attempts in that it aims to create a cognitive
architecture which focuses on modelling human infant competences, and specifically how those
competences were learned; following the Developmental AI approach, and taking inspiration from
Piaget’s theory on Schemas.
2.4. Testbed
A testbed is essentially a platform to allow for the experimentation and testing of software projects.
It is similar to the concept of a “sandbox” in software development, in that it allows separate parts
of a project to be tested individually, isolated from the system as a whole.
For this project, a testbed is required to provide facilities for the rigorous testing of particular states.
Additionally, the testbed will ultimately assist in the development and debugging of the learning
2.5. Existing Solutions
As mentioned previously, some research in Developmental AI has already been carried out, resulting
in a number of existing solutions to the creation of a Developmental AI system.
However, this project focuses specifically on creating Developmental AI system with a cognitive
architecture for infancy; something which has not yet been fully explored.
The CogX (Cognitive Systems that Self-Understand and Self-Extend) project[9], for instance, is
developing a unified theory of self-understanding and self-extension, with an implementation of this
theory in a robot. The resulting cognitive architecture could certainly be incorporated in a
Developmental AI system, but is more suited to modelling an adult than an infant.
The RobotCub[10] project, however, focuses specifically on child
cognition, making use of a humanoid robot, with sensory inputs,
representing a 3.5 year old child; the iCub, pictured in Figure 1,
to the right. The key aims of the RobotCub project are to support
community research on embodied cognition, and to advance
understanding in several key issues in cognition.
The RobotCub project differs from this project in a number of
ways. For instance, it has a strong focus on robotics, and the
technology employed to provide multiple sensory inputs.
Additionally, the RobotCub project is not based specifically on
the work of Piaget alone, but on child cognition in general.
Figure 1 - The iCub
This system provides a more faithful model of Piaget’s theory than anything previously attempted.
Making use of the Schema object, which in itself is an entity, able to assimilate everything in the
world, and take a specific action based on this, differs from “traditional” AI systems; which usually
have some sort of central planning module, deciding on a goal and performing searches in order to
reach it.
It is apparent that none of the existing systems have yet focused entirely on creating a cognitive
architecture for infancy, and it is also visible there is not currently a prevalent solution which is
totally faithful to the work of Piaget. Therefore, this system can be seen as providing a cognitive
architecture which is more authentic, given the background of the subject area.
2.6. Current System
As explained previously, this project will be based upon an existing system, which has been
developed by Dr. Frank Guerin and a number of students over the past few years.
However, because this system has been worked on in such an ad-hoc manner, new pieces of code
have been added alongside old sections, meaning key parts of the system no longer function
correctly, if at all.
The design of the previous system was by no means modular, with some classes growing
exponentially with no real regard for structure of the system. Additionally, no considerations were in
place for future extension of the system, meaning classes needed to be continually altered and
added to in order to accommodate changes.
Because the system has fallen into such a state of disrepair, it is
therefore necessary to re-start it from scratch, whilst retaining the
majority of the concepts used throughout.
Producing a new, cleaner implementation of the system means it will
be a lot easier to build upon at a later stage, and so it will be able to
facilitate further work and research for the foreseeable future.
Another of the main parts of the system which needs to be
revamped is the graphical depiction of the infant and the world,
including the physics engine used to create it. The current physics
engine is limited in what it is able to process, and so cannot handle
more complex situations which are required in order to provide a
realistic simulation (see Figure 2, to the right).
Some of the behaviours that the infant should ultimately be able to
learn require features from a physics engine that the current version Figure 2 - Current Physics Engine
simply cannot provide. The current physics engine has been used for a number of years, and hence
open-source software of a similar nature is now far more advanced, offering many desirable features
to the project.
For instance, one of the behaviours the infant must ultimately learn using the learning mechanism is
to recognise when a block is sitting on top of another, and attempt to obtain this block by moving
the one underneath closer.
This behaviour requires resting contact of blocks (see Figure 3, below); something which is not
provided by the current physics engine, but is available on newer, more advanced versions. Resting
contact allows the simulation to create and display stacks of blocks, which can be useful for
depicting certain scenarios.
Figure 3 - Resting Contact of Blocks
By re-designing the graphical representation, and updating the physics engine, the system will be
able to provide a more accurate, realistic depiction of the infant and the world it inhabits.
Chapter 3: Requirements
This chapter details the requirements for the project, both functional, and non-functional.
3.1. Project Requirements
The main functional requirements of the project are as follows:
To replace the current physics engine with a more advanced one.
To provide a graphical representation of an infant situated in a world, with a moveable arm,
and some indication of vision, alongside other objects like blocks.
The graphical representation must also provide the user with the functionality to manipulate
the infant and the objects in world, using either mouse or keyboard controls.
To revamp the system architecture, providing a cleaner implementation, whilst retaining the
majority of the same functionalities as the previous version with an emphasis on
extensibility and modularity.
To create a cognitive architecture framework to allow the learning and vision sections of the
system to be integrated. This should be based on Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development.
To create a Graphical User Interface (GUI), providing a number of functionalities to the user
allowing them to interact with the graphics display, in order to stage experiments.
The GUI must also provide the user the means to inspect the contents of the currentlyloaded Schema Library, as well as view and/or execute the individual Schemas contained
within it, in order to help develop and debug the learning mechanism.
To display some basic, elementary behaviours using handcoded Schemas, such as:
Looking at an object, picking it up, and pulling it towards itself. This is the most basic
chained-Schema behaviour.
Additionally, the system must provide the basis for displaying more complex behaviours, like
recognising when a block is resting on top of another, or realising there is an obstruction in
the path of an object to be grabbed.
The system implemented in this project will provide the overall Developmental AI system with a
testbed, user interface and cognitive architecture; essentially building the foundations of the system.
The learning and vision sections, which will be mentioned throughout this report, are being
implemented as two individual projects by two other students.
3.2. Performance Requirements
The graphical display and physics engine used in the system will require a significant amount of
processing power. Additionally, as a simulation runs, the size of the Schema Library will increase
exponentially, as new Schemas are obtained and added; this again will require a large amount of
processing power and memory.
Hence, the performance of the system must be given significant consideration, as it is unsatisfactory
for it to crash or slow down considerably when under high strain. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure
that in such situations, the system will continue to operate at an acceptable speed, with no real
impairment to the functionalities provided.
However, the efficiency of the system with regards to speed is a lower priority; it is important to
focus on implementing features which function correctly first, before the efficiency of the processes
is considered.
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Chapter 4: Methodology & Technologies
This chapter discusses the methodology used throughout all the stages of the project, as well as the
technologies employed, explaining the motivations behind their selection.
4.1. Methodology
Prior to beginning the design and implementation stages, the related topics behind the project were
researched, to gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying theory involved. This included
literatures detailing Piaget's work with Schemas, as well as papers written on other cognitive
Additionally, as many of the fundamental concepts from the previous system were to remain
consistent, it was imperative to examine the existing source code, so any previously used techniques
could at least be considered.
After the system had been divided into three sections by the project supervisor, the requirements
and project plan were composed, including the main goals of the project, and a time-line (see Figure
4, below.)
Figure 4 - Gantt Chart Displaying Project Timeline
In the design stage of the project, the individual parts of the testbed were designed, including the
GUI and graphical display, the cognitive architecture, and the system architecture.
Prior to commencing the implementation stage of the project, the technologies to be employed
were studied in-depth; particularly the graphics package and physics engine, which were not used
The AGILE approach was employed during the implementation phase of the project, as new
requirements emerged during weekly meetings with the project supervisor and other students
working on different sections.
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To ensure the project could recover from incidents of data loss or corruption, regular backups of the
project were made, both on a Subversion server, and to a location outwith the University, thus,
there was always an up-to-date version of the project available to work on.
Documentation was produced on a regular basis, in order to ensure that progress was being made
on the final report, as well as the project itself.
4.2. Technologies
This section details the technologies selected to implement this project, explaining the motivations
behind their selection.
4.2.1. Java
The entire project was written using the Java programming language. After some initial research, it
was apparent the system could also have been implemented using C++, but ultimately, Java was
selected for a number of beneficial reasons.
First, Java is the programming language consistent amongst all members of the group working on
this system. Using Java ensured no complications arose from the eventual integration of the three
sections of the project, as no considerations needed to be made for different languages.
Second, because the previous system was also implemented using Java, it was therefore clear that
all of the requirements for this system were feasible using the same language. Because a lot of the
requirements remained the same, there was no question to whether they could be accomplished in
the new system if Java was used again.
Additionally, Java allows the system to be device independent, meaning it theoretically be run from
any machine with the Java Runtime Environment installed. This was important to the development
of this project in particular, as the three sections of the system were being developed on Linux,
Windows, and Apple operating systems, in parallel.
4.2.2. IDE
The project was written in the NetBeans IDE 6.8. NetBeans was selected mainly due to personal
preference, but it also provides a number of other advantages over other IDEs where this project is
Perhaps the most visible benefit that NetBeans provided to the implementation of this project is
that it has an embedded GUI builder, which allows GUIs to be designed in a simple and efficient
manner. Each GUI can be designed by placing each object visually, as opposed to writing the
positioning into the code, something which can be very useful when trying to design the overall
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4.2.3. Physics Engine & Graphics Package
In order to improve the physics engine in the new system, both the old graphics and physics libraries
needed to be replaced with updated ones, which could handle more complex features than the
previous ones.
It was decided at the very beginning of the project that a possible replacement physics engine was
JBox2D[11], which is available to download free at the project’s Source Forge page[12]. JBox2D
provides all of the features which are required for the
representation of the infant in this project; including rigid
body physics, stable stacking of blocks, and motors, which
are required for movement of the body joints. A
demonstration program displaying some of these features
is displayed in Figure 5, to the right.
As JBox2D is a Java port of a C++ physics engine, Box2D, it
would again have been possible to implement the physics
engine using C++ instead. However, as mentioned
previously, Java was the consistent language amongst the
group, and hence it was deemed suitable to continue
working with it for this section of the project, and make use Figure 5 - JBox2D Rigid Physics Demo
of JBox2D.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, no real documentation exists for the JBox2D library, so the
documentation for the C++ Box2D library[13], and source code from the demonstration programs
provided by the developers were used for reference.
Along with JBox2D, the project makes use of Processing[14], a free API, which provides the graphics
rendering. Processing was used alongside the JBox2D demonstration programs given online, hence it
was visibly the best choice for graphics rendering, as it had already been used in a similar situation.
Clearly, the main benefit both JBox2D and Processing provide is that they are open source, and so
free to use by anyone who requires them, which means no money needed to be spent in obtaining a
high quality physics engine for the project.
4.2.4. Data Storage
As well as using Java, XML (Extensible Markup Language) was also used to satisfy some of the project
requirements involving data storage. The saving and loading of states was implemented using XML
files which recorded the individual positions of each object in the world.
It would of course have been possible to use a database for this purpose, making use of SQL queries
to write to and read from the storage location. However, XML provides a far more lightweight
solution to data storage in this instance, and also means the user does not need to be connected to
a network, or require access rights, in order to load and save data.
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A number of different file types could have been used to save data, but XML was selected mainly
because of its simplicity in comparison to the alternatives. Additionally, XML it is so extensible in its
creation of tags, meaning it is also very readable for users when trying to debug errors, or find
specific information they might require.
4.2.5. Versioning
Throughout the project, daily backups were kept, using the Subversion version-control software[15].
Subversion provides the means to maintain both current and historical versions of source code,
hence allowing the user to backtrack to a previous version of a project, if deemed necessary.
Clearly, using Subversion provided the standard advantages that can be said of any backup system;
there was always another copy of the project in existence, in case the original was lost or corrupted.
Also, it was relatively easy to return to a previous version of the project, if it was required.
Additionally, making use of Subversion allowed for collaboration amongst multiple users on the
project. Because parts of the system were worked on by several people, and each individual’s work
needed to be integrated together, creating a single Subversion repository allowed each person to
obtain and work on the latest version of the project whenever they required it.
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Chapter 5: System Design & Architecture
This chapter details the preliminary design considerations behind the system, including the design of
the robot infant, user interfaces, and cognitive architecture, as well as the architecture employed
within the system.
5.1. System Design
This section describes some of the decision decisions that were made prior to the actual
implementation stage of the system.
5.1.1. Robot Infant
It was vital that the graphical depiction of the infant included all the features detailed in the project
Initially, all that was required of the display was to present the robot infant itself, without any of the
vision indicators. After some detailed analysis of the usage of the physics and graphics packages, the
graphical prototype of an infant and world as displayed in Figure 6 was produced.
Upper Arm
Lower Arm
Figure 6 - Labelled Infant Screenshot, Prototype Version
The graphics display above meets all of the initial requirements; the infant is made up of a head,
shoulder, upper-arm, lower-arm and hand; the arm segments can all be moved individually.
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The infant is contained within a world, with wall and floor boundaries in place to prevent objects
becoming completely out of the infant’s field of vision and reach.
Once the initial prototype was produced, it was deemed necessary by the project supervisor to
incorporate a number of other features to the graphical display. First, and perhaps most importantly,
the display was required to indicate the infant’s field of vision in some way; both the general
direction, as well as its point of focus.
Additionally, as a side requirement for another student’s work on the vision section of the system,
the graphical display was required to distinguish between the components of the world – the infant,
the blocks – and the background, by introducing some colour to allow this differentiation.
After making the above refinements to the initial design considerations, the infant and its world
were designed using the physics engine as displayed in Figure 7.
Vision Lines
Head & Eye
Upper Arm
Lower Arm
Figure 7 - Labelled Infant Screenshot, Final Version
The vision lines, represented in blue, can be moved up and down, and the fovea in and out, to
indicate movement in the infant’s field of vision.
The Near View Area, in front of the infant’s face is the key area of interest in its field of vision. It is
within this region the infant must aim to pull objects when learning new behaviours, and hence is
pivotal to the learning section of the system.
Colour was also introduced into the display, distinguishing between moveable objects (represented
in a light grey), stationary objects (represented in dark grey), and the background (represented in
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Keyboard controls for the movement of objects within the graphics display were also designed, with
the numeric keypad being used to control the infant’s arm and field of vision, along with basic
actions, like grabbing and dropping objects. The keyboard and mouse controls are significantly
important, as they will allow the user to set up specific scenarios when using the learning
mechanism in the future.
5.1.2. Cognitive Architecture
The cognitive architecture to be implemented will be based on Piaget’s concept of a Schema, as
discussed previously.
The cognitive architecture will require a number of components for storing and executing Schema
objects, as illustrated in Figure 8, below.
Figure 8 - Cognitive Architecture Diagram
Schema objects will be stored in the Schema Library, which will generate a list of all Schemas which
can be activated given the current state of the world. The execution of Schemas will be managed by
the Schema Manager, which will also obtain lists of future Schema activations from the Forward
Simulator. The Schema Harvester will collect new Schemas and store them in the Schema Library. It
is necessary for each of the described components to be included in the system. Schema
Behaviours which the infant can perform in the world are to be stored as Schema objects; these
objects are also used to record and store the behaviours the infant has learned.
Based on Piaget’s representation, the Schema defined in this project is a triple (S1, Response, S2)
comprising of an Initial State (S1), an action to take (Response), and the state resulting from this
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action (S2). The initial and resulting states are a representation of the state of the world when they
were recorded, and hence store a list of appropriate attributes. World States
The states of the world will be held in the form of a single object, which will store the following
Eye Angle
The current angle of the eye/vision in the environment.
Fovea Distance
The current distance of the fovea from the centre of the eye.
Upper-Arm Angle
The angle the upper arm is currently making in relation to the shoulder.
Lower-Arm Angle
The angle the lower arm is currently making in relation to the upper arm.
Hand Angle
The angle the hand is currently making in relation to the lower arm.
In Contact
Whether the hand is currently in contact with an object or not.
Grabbing Item
Whether the hand is currently grabbing an item or not.
Near View
Whether an object is present in the area of interest in front of the eye.
Object In Fovea
The type of object present in the Fovea – 1 for hand, 2 for object, or 0 for
Seen Objects
A list of all the objects currently in vision, with their appropriate attributes.
Table 1 - State of World object contents
It was decided after careful consideration that the attributes above were a sufficient representation
for the state of the world. These values provide enough information to determine the position of all
significant objects in the world, and so enable the infant to make informed movements when
running a Schema. Response
The action to take in a Schema will be stored in the form of a Response object, which is required to
have several variations. A Schema should be able to have any of the following objects as its
A basic Response, with some type of elementary action to take.
A Network object, defining some sort of action to take, using a neural net.
A list of sub-Schema objects, which can then be activated in a chain. Schema Library
A Schema Library will be implemented as some form of data structure, storing all the Schemas which
can be executed in the system.
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Additional provisions will be in place to store Reflex Schemas; basic Schemas with only a Response,
which must be present in the system at all times. Schema Manager
A Schema Manager is required to manage the execution of individual Schemas, based on their
Response type; hence, the method which manages the Schema will need to account for this. Schema Harvester
A Schema Harvester is required to harvest new Schemas when a Schema is run. It will check the
Schema Library object, to determine if a Schema is already present, and if not, will add it to the
Library. Forward Simulator
The Forward Simulator class will generate a Tree structure, used to provide the learning mechanism
with a forward simulation of what could possibly happen given the execution of specific Schemas.
The Tree will consist of several layers of Node objects, which contain a Schema and the state in
which it was activated.
When the system is fully operational, this forward simulation Tree will be used to develop more
complex behaviours, like moving an obstructing object out of the way to reach for another one, for
The Forward Simulator will also need to determine, by some means, the “best” possible branch of
the Tree to take; allowing the learning mechanism to activate the Schema most likely to lead to
success at each stage.
5.1.3. Transition Experience Generation
As part of the learning mechanism that will ultimately be integrated into the system, the testbed
was required to provide Transition Experience generation for the learner’s neural network. This was
not one of the initial project requirements, but was added at the request of the project supervisor,
and the student working on the learning section of the system.
A Transition Experience is a record of movement of the arm at a specific location. It is a 4-tuple,
(s,a,s’,r), consisting of an initial state (s), a response taken (a), a resulting state (s’), and a reward
value for taking this response (r).
Transition Experiences, in their definition, look very similar to Schema objects, but differ significantly
in their purpose. Transition Experiences are at a much lower level than Schemas, and it is from these
objects that a Schema will be trained; to move the hand into the Near View Area, for instance.
A single Transition Experience displays the resulting state when one of four basic arm actions (upperarm up, upper-arm down, lower-arm up, lower-arm down) is taken at an initial state. When
repeated a large number of times in a variety of locations, it is possible to produce an indication of
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what effects certain actions have in specific areas; hence aiding learning by means of a neural
Therefore, system is required to generate a large amount of Transition Experiences, saving them to a
file for later use. The facility to load these Transition Experiences into memory is also required, to
ensure they can be accessed easily afterwards.
An ideal Transition Experience generation method would sweep the arm across the entire available
area in front of the infant, taking each of the four arm movements at every position. This would
ensure that every possible location was covered. However, this simply would not be possible given a
limited amount of time, and so it is sufficient to have the arm cover as much of the space as
possible, allowing the learning mechanism to estimate the response in the gaps in between.
5.1.4. User Interfaces
One of the key differences between this system and the previous version is that the GUI is required
to be more user-interactive.
As well as allowing user manipulation of the graphical display itself, the main GUI needs to provide a
number of additional functionalities to the user, both for interacting with the graphics, and for
helping the user to debug and further develop the learning mechanism.
The key aim in designing the user interface for this project was to try and keep everything as simple,
and as intuitive as possible; each functionality needs to be clearly labelled, and visible to the user
where they expect it.
The Robot GUI was designed using the NetBeans UI Designer tool, which allows the positioning of
each individual aspect of the interface. The final version of the Robot GUI design is presented in
Figure 9 below, with an explanation of design decisions underneath.
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Figure 9 - Labelled Main GUI Screenshot
The Robot GUI was divided into three distinct sections during design; the controls for interacting
with the graphics display (1), the graphical representation of the infant (2), and the tools for the
learning section of the system (3). Grouping the GUI into these sections ensured that the required
controls were immediately visible to the user, regardless of their previous experience with the
Additionally, Save/Load State controls are located in the File menu, as would be expected by the
user in any window, and a brief user manual is provided under the Help menu. This user manual is
used purely to provide details of keyboard controls for the system, because the system will only ever
be used for research, and so full in-system user manual is not necessary.
As well as the main GUI, which displays the graphical representation of the infant, and its associated
controls, an additional GUI was designed, to enable the inspection of the contents of the Schema
The Schema GUI is provided as a pop-up window, displaying the current contents of the Schema
Library, and providing the means to execute individual Schemas within it.
Like the Main GUI, the Schema GUI was designed with an emphasis on simplicity and intuitiveness,
ensuring that any user could operate the functionalities it provides, regardless of their previous
The final version of the Schema GUI design is displayed in Figure 10 below, with an explanation of
related design decisions underneath.
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Figure 10 - Labelled Schema GUI Screenshot
The Schema GUI is divided into two main sections; the Schema display section (1) and the Schema
inspection component (2).
The Schema display section allows the user to select the part of the Schema Library they wish to
view (i.e. Schema list or Reflex Schema list), from which they can then select an individual Schema.
The Schema inspection component allows the user to inspect the Schema they have selected, as well
as execute it, and obtain results from the execution in the terminal box at the bottom of the
5.1.5. Data Storage
There are a number of situations in the system where some form of data storage is required;
including the saving/loading of world states, the saving/loading of Transition Experiences during
their generation, and the saving/loading of Schema Libraries.
As discussed previously, XML documents were used to store the required information; mainly due to
the extensibility of tag creation. Hence, three different XML documents were designed to suit each
type of data to be recorded; graphics display state, transition experience data, and Schema Library
A sample XML document for each of the three functionalities mentioned are provided as part of
Appendix C.
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5.2. System Architecture
This section describes the overall architecture of the system, as well as the design of the packages
contained within it.
5.2.1. Overview
While the system architecture in the previous system did not conform to any “standard” design
pattern as such, the new system loosely follows the 3-tier architecture, with an interface layer, a
processing layer, and a storage layer, as displayed in Figure 11.
Presentation Tier
Robot GUI
Schema GUI
Logic Tier
Schema Package
Learning Package
Storage Tier
Save/Load Classes
Figure 11 – System Architecture Diagram
Unlike the traditional definition of a 3-tier architecture, however, the Storage Tier in this project is
not an integral part of the system. The data storage facilities were provided to allow the user to
perform save/load operations at multiple points in the system, including the state of the world,
transition experiences, and the Schema Library.
However, none of these features were key requirements, and were added mainly to allow for more
in-depth testing of specific environmental scenarios and circumstances. Unlike most systems which
use a 3-tiered architecture, this system would still function correctly without the Storage Tier; hence
the project follows the 3-tier architecture only loosely.
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5.2.2. Packages
The system was divided into a number of packages, with an emphasis on the organisation of related
classes, to ensure that future work could be carried out with a minimum amount of inconvenience to
the user.
Additionally, the primary aim was to create a more modular architectural design for this system than
the previous version had, to prevent the new system from falling into a similar state of disrepair as
The key packages of the system are displayed in Figure 12, below, with an explanation of each
package following underneath.
Figure 12 - Main Packages of System
The graphical components of the testbed part of the project, including the classes that produce the
infant using the physics engine, are stored in the robotbaby package.
The cognitive architecture implemented is stored within the schema package, which defines the
Schema object and its associated components, as well as classes for storing and managing Schemas.
The cog package will ultimately hold all of the classes associated with the learning section of the
system. However, the majority of classes contained within cog were implemented by the student
working on the learning mechanism, hence only a few classes were created for this package during
this project.
The classes used to save and load data to XML files in the system are stored within storage subpackages of each of the above main packages, acting as the storage tier of the architecture.
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Chapter 6: Implementation
This chapter details how each part of the system was implemented, including how the design
considerations discussed in the previous chapter were accounted for, and the problems encountered
in doing so.
6.1. Graphics Representation
The robot infant and its world were created using the Processing 1.0 graphics renderer, along with
the JBox2D physics engine, which provided suitable real-world features; including object collision,
friction, gravity, and resting contact.
From the Processing graphics renderer, a PApplet object is produced, which is an applet object
containing the aforementioned sketch of the infant and world.
The PApplet is refreshed continuously, at a designated frequency, and so all changes within the
display are visible almost immediately. Therefore, every time an object is moved, like a block for
example, the applet displays the each step of the movement instantly, in a similar style to an
A considerable amount of time was spent researching and experimenting with the usage of JBox2D;
initially, it was incredibly difficult to understand the demos provided, as no documentation was
provided, and the sample code was sparsely commented. Hence, commencing the creation of the
graphics display took substantially longer than the time initially assigned to the task, meaning the
later stages of the project were delayed momentarily; however, it didn’t take long for the project to
get back on track.
The entire display can be altered manually, either using the keyboard controls provided for creating
body movements (e.g. move upper arm up), or by clicking and dragging with the mouse. The
keyboard controls use Key Listeners to detect changes, and the applet updates accordingly.
6.1.1. The Infant
The infant was created using the shape framework provided as part of the collision package in the
JBox2D physics engine.
Once a shape has been defined, it is assigned to a Body object, part of the JBox2D dynamics
package, which defines how objects in a world behave and react with other objects. The Body object
allows for the customization of a number of attributes, including the frictional forces inflicted upon
the object in the world, as well as its density and positioning.
Individual Body objects were created for each segment of the infant, as well as other objects, like
blocks, and the boundaries of the world.
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Each Body object can be assigned some form of user-defined data. Hence, in the display, each Body
was given a String ID, allowing it to be identified at a later stage; this ID became particularly
important when differentiating between objects during hand contact simulation.
6.1.2. Joints
After some experimentation with different methods of creating a realistic arm object, a solution was
reached by attaching each arm segment using joints, which are provided in JBox2D as RevoluteJoint
A RevoluteJoint object allows for two objects to be connected, and to limit the angle of movement
each object has in relation to the other. This provided an ideal representation of shoulder, elbow
and wrist joints, as it meant the relevant segments could be attached to one another, whilst limiting
un-realistic movements.
The head and shoulder objects remain stationary in the world, as they are not required to move in
the infant representation. The movements of the upper-arm, lower-arm and hand are all limited as
are realistic – e.g. the elbow joint does not allow the lower-arm to bend backwards on the upperarm.
6.1.3. Hand Contact
The JBox2D physics engine provides methods for detecting contact on objects. Each Body has a list of
Contact objects, which store information on the other Body objects it is in contact with, if any.
From this information, it is possible to obtain the String ID of the Body in contact, as mentioned
previously, and hence is possible to discriminate contact between different objects. For instance, it is
possible to determine if the object in contact is a block, the floor, or another part of the infant’s
body, based on the String ID of the Body.
To provide continuous contact checking, the display has a method running in an individual Thread,
listening for hand contact, supplying the infant with a “touch” ability; essentially providing a Contact
Listener. The display can then detect when the hand collides with an object in the world, and if is
possible, can then pick it up.
The sequence in Figure 13 below displays the process of picking up a block. First, contact (indicated
by contact points, in red) is detected between the hand and the block (1). The contact detection
method will distinguish that the item in contact is a block, and can so be picked up, with a joint
between the two items being created (2). The block can then be moved around with the hand (3),
without falling out of the hand’s grasp.
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Figure 13 - Hand Contact Example Scenario
Implementing the method to detect touch took considerably longer than was planned; this was due
mainly to the lack of any real examples of the Contact abilities JBox2D possesses, and so a number of
attempts were made before reaching the solution detailed above.
6.1.4. Vision
The infant’s vision indicators should not interfere with the rest of the world, and therefore could not
be constructed using objects, or linear structures, which would cause an obstruction.
Hence, the vision display was implemented by drawing the appropriate features on top of the
graphical display, as lines and boxes, a feature provided as part of the PApplet object.
It was decided before implementation that the infant should be able to see anything 20 above and
below the direction it was looking straight at. Hence, using trigonometry, a triangle of vision was
created, emerging from the infant’s eye, located in the centre of the head object, as displayed in
Figure 14.
Figure 14 - Display of Infant Vision
By defining the “points” of vision using trigonometric formulae in relation to the other points, it was
possible to enable the movement of the field of vision, without altering the actual shape of the
triangle. Movement of the infant’s field of vision was restricted, so that it cannot look behind itself.
Creating the vision indicators took a number of attempts to successfully complete, as it was difficult
to draw the lines whilst retaining the same angle of vision during movement.
The point of focus, or fovea, of the infant was implemented in a similar manner. Indicated on the
display as a box, it too is drawn on top of the graphics, with a line, leading from the eye to its
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location. The position of the fovea was also defined in relation to the other vision points, meaning it
could move, whilst staying in correct formation. Again, movement of the fovea is restricted, and it
cannot move backwards beyond a short distance in front of the infant’s face.
The vision indicators are updated as the display refreshes, in a similar manner to the movement of
items in the world, meaning any change in position is immediately apparent.
The region immediately in front of the infant’s head was implemented by drawing a box in a similar
manner to the rest of the vision, but it has no movement; it is simply there to indicate the area of
importance for the learner.
Both the current angle the eye is looking in, and the current distance of the fovea from the eye are
recorded, and can be retrieved for use.
Functionality has also been provided to determine which object the infant is currently focusing on,
by calculating the distance of each object from the fovea’s location; if the distance is almost 0 (i.e. <
0.05), it is certain that the infant’s focus is directed towards this object. Seen Objects
When a Body falls within the infant’s vision boundaries, it is “seen”, and is stored as a SeenObject
A SeenObject has a String ID, a reference to the Body seen, the distance between the Fovea and the
Body, and the angle of the Body relative to the eye.
The distance was calculated using the Mathematical distance formula, and the angle was obtained
using trigonometry based on the angle of the eye.
6.1.5. Reaching
A key ability required by the infant is to reach for the fovea, or for objects the fovea is focussing on,
and hence the representation of the infant was required to facilitate this.
The reaching behaviour was implemented by finding the position of the fovea, and then finding the
position of the hand object relative to it. The arm then makes an appropriate movement towards the
fovea, based on this position, and whether the fovea was within the hand’s reach.
For instance (see Figure 15 - Reach Example Scenario, below), if the hand is positioned below the
fovea with the fovea within reaching distance(1), the upper arm will be moved up until the hand lies
on the fovea line(2), at which point the hand will be moved in until it touches the fovea (3). Similar
movements are made when the hand is originally positioned above the fovea, or already on the
fovea line.
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Figure 15 - Reach Example Scenario
The reach method will run the appropriate movement on a timer, so that it is displayed like an
animation of the movement of the hand and arm, instead of just jumping into place.
If the fovea is out of reach, this will be recognised in the method, and the arm will stretch itself out
and position itself on the fovea line, getting as close as it can to the object being focussed on.
A number of attempts were made at reaching for the fovea before the solution described above was
arrived at. There were a number of difficulties in determining the position of the fovea relative to
the hand, and even more so, determining the appropriate movements to apply to the arm to let the
hand reach the position.
Eventually, the timer was used, which checks the position of the hand on a regular basis, meaning an
arm movement can be made specific to the current circumstances, and not just a single, general
6.1.5. Obstruction
One requirement of the learning mechanism is that the infant must have the ability to recognise
when an object is obstructed by another object, so it can react accordingly. Hence, this functionality
needed to be added to the graphics display.
This requirement was not present in the initial specification, but was added during the course of the
project, when it became apparent this was a situation that was necessary to consider.
Obstruction detection was implemented by performing mathematical calculations upon the
coordinates of the hand, the obstructing object, and the object being focussed on.
To determine if an object is obstructing the hand’s reach capability, first, the angles of the
obstructing object and the object focussed on with relation to the hand are first obtained. If the
difference between these angles is negligible, i.e. they are almost aligned, the position of the object
to be reached in relation to the hand is recorded.
Depending on the position of the object focussed on in relation to the hand, calculations are
performed upon the obstructing object’s coordinates to determine if it lies between them.
If the obstructing object lies between the hand and the object focussed on, and the angle between
the two objects is negligible, then there is found to be an obstruction, and the infant will act as
specified by the Schema. This is illustrated in Figure 16, below, which is assumed to be looking at the
system from a top-down perspective.
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Figure 16 - Obstruction Example Scenario
Because B lies between A and C, and to the infant’s vision the angle is almost identical, B is causing
an obstruction, and this information will register in the system, when the method is called.
6.1.6. Body Movements
Each component of the arm (hand, upper-arm and lower-arm) has two associated methods which
provide movement up and down. This movement is achieved by applying a torque to the required
Body, with a standard rate of movement, causing it to rotate on its respective joint.
All of the methods for moving parts of the body – including the reach and vision methods – are
stored in a single class, BodyMovements, allowing them to be referenced easily from any location in
the project.
All of the Body movements, including the basic movements of the arm, reach, and detecting
obstruction were required as part of the Response in a Schema object.
6.1.7. Calculations
A number of mathematical formulae were required for important calculations within the graphical
To calculate the distance between Body objects in the world, for instance, the distance between the
fovea and the eye, the distance formula was used:
Also, to calculate the angle between a Body objects, or between a Body object and the eye,
trigonometric functions were used, including sine, cosine and tangent. These functions were
provided by using the Java Math package, which provides methods for making use of them.
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6.2. GUI
The GUI was required to include a number of features, some of which were not present in the initial
requirements specification, but were deemed to be significantly useful during the course of the
project, if it was possible to incorporate them.
6.2.1. Integrated Graphics
In the previous system, the user interface was divided into two separate windows; one for the
graphical display, and one for the Schema controls. Although no real problematic issues arose from
this arrangement, it was apparent it would be more convenient for the user to have both elements
present on a single GUI.
Hence, the infant representation was incorporated into the GUI by embedding the PApplet object
storing the graphics onto the user interface itself.
6.2.2. Graphics Controls
The GUI needed to provide a number of functionalities to allow the user to manipulate and interact
with the graphics display, to facilitate testing with the learning section of the system.
The Pause feature, allowing the user to stop and resume the operation of the graphics display was
implemented by calling a method provided by the PApplet, freezing the refresh of the graphics
A Reset functionality, allowing the user to reset all objects in the display back to their original
positions, was implemented by introducing a Boolean variable into the graphics class, which, when
encountered to be true, restarts the graphical display.
The Gravity feature removes the gravity constraints set during the initialisation of the graphics
object, hence allowing items in the world to be positioned freely, without falling.
Additionally, the Delay functionality was implemented by altering the frequency value at which the
PApplet is updated. This removes any delay in updating the display, which is useful when testing
needs to be carried out under specific time constraints.
As well as removing the delay from the graphics display, the Graphics On/Off feature was included
to allow the removal of the graphical display itself from the GUI, for situations where processing
power is more essential for the learning aspect of the system than updating and refreshing the
In order to allow the testing of specific scenarios a number of times, it was necessary to include a
Save/Load State feature, which allows the user to save and load the positions of all objects in the
world. This functionality is very important to the system, as ultimately it will allow the user
developing the learning mechanism to run experiments from a specific state as many times as they
31 | P a g e
The Save State functionality was provided by writing the details of the world into an XML file using
an Output Stream Writer object. The tags were as designed previously, and were printed out into an
XML file specified by a File Chooser window.
Figure 17 - Save State Functionality Summary
The Load State functionality parses the contents of an XML document, using DOM techniques,
before applying the appropriate positions and rotations upon the objects in the world.
DOM was used to load the XML file data instead of SAX for a number of reasons, but mainly because
DOM more easily accommodates accessing widely separated parts of a document at the same time.
This feature was desirable for loading a Schema Library, for instance, where both the size and
number of Schemas can cause the each section of Schema data in the document to be more
Figure 18 - Load State Functionality Summary
It is also worth noting that an XML File Filter class was created, to ensure only XML files could be
saved to and loaded from, preventing any erroneous file types being used.
6.2.3. GUI Features
In addition to the graphics display, the user interface was required to offer a number of other
functionalities to the user, including the facility to generate Transition Experience data, Save/Load
Schema Libraries, and the ability to examine the current contents of the Schema Library, and inspect
and execute individual Schemas.
Both the Transition Experience Generation and the Save/Load Schema Library facilities were
implemented in a similar manner to the Save/Load State function, i.e. writing to and reading from
XML documents using the DOM framework.
32 | P a g e
To examine the contents of the Schema Library, a secondary GUI was created, in the form of a popup window. The window contains a List object, which has an attached Listener, and hence the
Schema display updates in correlation with the user’s selection, which includes whether they have
selected to examine Reflex Schemas or normal Schemas.
The Schema can then be executed by using a labelled button, which calls the Schema Manager
object, running the Schema. A Text Area terminal is provided on the screen, and updates as the
Schema is run, in order to inform the user of any issues arising from executing it.
“Play” functionality was included near the end of the project, which chooses a random Schema from
the Schema Library, and runs it on the display. This was purely to demonstrate some of the infant’s
Keyboard shortcuts were provided for all menu-toolbar operations available on the GUI, to ensure
that they can be operated in a quick and easy manner.
6.3. Architecture
The system architecture was implemented as detailed in the Design chapter of this report, loosely
following the traditional 3-tier architecture.
6.3.1. Architecture Details
The Presentation Tier is satisfied by the RobotGUI and SchemaGUI classes, which communicate with
the classes in the Logic Tier, especially the RobotBaby class, which is required to update the
graphical representation of the infant.
The Storage Tier is provided by the various Save/Load classes, which provide a layer between the
data being written, and the storage location being written to; the XML files. However, as discussed
previously, the Storage Tier does not follow the traditional concept of data storage, as it is not an
essential part of the system.
All the packages that make up each tier contain only associated classes, providing a modular design,
in an attempt to ensure that a specific class can be easily located by the user when required during
future development of the project.
6.3.2. Startup
A Startup class was created to initialise all the required variables when the system is run.
Additionally, when the system starts up, the Schema Library is prepared, and all handcoded Schemas
are added.
The Startup class also initiates the Main Loop of the system, which runs the Forward Simulator and
Schema Manager in a new thread, so they can be synchronised with the running of the physics
33 | P a g e
6.3.3. Consts Class
After a number of classes had been created, it was visible that some variables were required to be
available to the entire system, and not just the class they were instantiated in. Hence, a constants
class, Consts, was created, storing all the common variables, with public and static properties.
The Consts class allows the variables it contains, like the Schema Library variable, schemaLibrary, for
instance, to be called from anywhere in the system, without the need to instantiate the Consts class
each time. As long as the variable has been assigned some value during the start-up process of the
system, it can be retrieved by calling it in the format Consts.schemaLibrary.
Creating the Consts class was a key design decision early on in the development of the project,
which made accessing important variables in the system a lot easier.
6.4. Cognitive Architecture
The Cognitive Architecture implemented in this project models infant behaviour by drawing
inspiration from Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. The Cognitive Architecture is composed
of the Schema objects as defined by Piaget, as well as a number of classes used to create them, and
manage their execution.
6.4.1. Sensor Data
A SensorData object is a representation of the state of the world, and is defined as detailed in the
Design section of the report; a variable is created for each of the objects listed in Table 1 in the class
constructor, and the value is obtained from the graphics display. This object provides a Schema
object with both the initial and final states of the world it requires by definition.
The list of objects seen by the eye is stored as an Array List of SeenObject objects, which are as
discussed previously in section Seen Objects.
The SensorData class also provides methods for state comparisons, which is used when determining
if a Schema can be activated or not, based on the current state of the world.
An instance of a SensorData object is presented in Table 2, below, along with a corresponding image
illustrating the state of the world at the point in time the data was recorded.
34 | P a g e
Eye angle
Hand Angle
In Contact
Near View
Object In
Seen Objects
Angle: -0.1123466
Angle: 6.532818
Distance: 9.482213
Table 2 - SensorData Object Example
As is visible from the image provided, the data held within the SensorData object provides an
accurate representation of the state of the world at any point in time.
6.4.2. Response
The Response class is defined with three overloaded constructors, as discussed in the Design section
in Chapter 5 of the report. Hence, a Schema can either have a ResponseType, Network (neural net
object) or a list of Schemas as its Response.
A ResponseType is an enumerated value, with one existing for each basic action the infant can
perform in the world, as illustrated in Figure 19, below.
35 | P a g e
public enum ResponseType{
Figure 19 - Response Type Enumeration
When a Response with a ResponseType is fired, a switch/case loop is called, which takes an
appropriate action based on the ResponseType’s value. This action may be simply moving a body
part, like in the case of ARM_UP, for example, or performing a more complex action, like reaching
for the fovea.
If a Response has a list of Schemas as its type, which is stored as an Array List, then, when the
Response is fired, each sub-Schema is subsequently fired in order, in a “chain” effect. This allows for
more complex Schemas to be created, which consist of multiple different moves; something
required for learning more complex behaviours.
6.4.3. Schema
Like the Response object, the Schema class is overloaded with multiple constructors, allowing for
different situations that a Schema may be executed in. A Schema can be of the “normal”, 3-tuple
form (Initial State, Response, Final State), a pair (Initial State, Response), or, for Reflex actions, just a
single Response value.
When a Schema is fired, it returns a Boolean value, indicating if its execution was successful or not,
based on the firing of its associated Response. This enables the Schema Manager to act accordingly,
and display a suitable message to the user.
Near the end of the project, it was decided it would be beneficial to add extra features to the
Schema object, in order to help the Forward Simulator determine the best Schema to execute.
Hence, the Schema object was given multiple float values, indicating how interesting it was (based
on the last time it was executed), its novelty (based on how long it had been present in the Schema
Library) and its chances of success. These three values were then combined, adding them up to
produce a single indicative value for the Schema.
Each Schema’s value is altered as appropriate every time a Schema is run. For example, if a Schema
is fired from the Schema Library, then its interest and novelty value decrease, and the interest value
of all other Schemas in the library will increase, as they have not been executed recently.
A Schema uses its initial state to determine if it can be activated; if the current state of the world
matches with the initial state of the Schema, then it can be fired. The example Schema presented in
Table 3, below, illustrates such a situation.
36 | P a g e
Initial State
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle:
Lower Arm angle:
Hand angle:
Fovea distance:
Grabbing item:
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea:
Final State
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle:
Lower Arm angle:
Hand angle:
Fovea distance:
Grabbing item:
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea:
Table 3 - Example Schema Object - Grab
In the scenario above, the Schema to grab an object can be activated on the condition that the hand
is in contact with an object (displayed in bold). The angle and position values are all null, and hence
are negligible when comparing to the current state of the world.
Therefore, the only condition required for this Schema to be activated is that, in the current state,
the In Contact value is set to “true”, i.e. the hand is touching an object. If this occurs in the current
state, the HAND_GRAB Response will be fired, and the Schema’s final state reached.
6.4.4. Schema Library
The Schema Library class contains two Array Lists, used to store “normal” and Reflex Schemas
respectively. It provides methods for adding and removing Schemas, as well as completely emptying
the Schema Library, to be used when loading a new Schema Library from a file.
Additionally, the Schema Library provides a method to retrieve all Schemas which can currently be
activated, based on the current state of the world. When the method is called, given the current
state, s, it runs through the Schema Library, obtaining all Schemas that have an initial state, si,
matching the current state (i.e. s = si). These Schemas are then returned as a list, making it easy to
determine if a Schema can currently be executed.
6.4.5. Schema Manager
The Schema Manager class is used to manage the execution of Schemas when they are fired, either
from the Schema GUI, or by the learning section of the system.
The main method in the Schema Manger class first determines how to run a Schema based on the
type of its Response. If a Schema has a ResponseType, it will be activated only if it’s initial state
meets the current state of the world; in which case, the Response will be fired.
Similarly, if a Schema has a Network as its Response, the neural network action will be called if the
initial state of the Schema matches the current state of the world.
If a Super-Schema is to be managed, i.e. its Response consists of a list of sub-Schemas, then each of
the sub-Schemas will be called in order, controlled by a Java Timer, which manages each individually.
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The method to manage Schemas returns a Boolean value to where it was called from, based on the
success of executing the Schema; if the Response of the Schema failed to fire, false will be returned.
6.4.6. Schema Harvester
The Schema Harvester class will be called whenever a Schema is being executed, and will use
machine learning techniques to generalise over past Schema patterns to add new Schemas to the
However, this class will be fully implemented by the student creating the learning section of the
system, and hence only a class framework is provided in this project.
6.4.7. Forward Simulator
The Forward Simulator class, when used in conjunction with the learning section of the system, will
ultimately be used to determine the best Schema to activate at a particular point in the simulation.
At present, the Forward Simulator generates a Tree object, with Nodes of Activation objects, where
each Activation is composed of a Schema activated, and the SensorData object of the state in which
it was activated.
The Tree and Node classes were obtained from and are credited to the Internet blog of one Sujit
Pal[16]. The classes used met the requirements of the solution perfectly, and hence were integrated
into the system with only a few minor amendments.
The Tree structure is first given a root, consisting of a null Activation object with the current state of
the world assigned to the final state of the Schema. The Schema Tree generation method then
obtains a list of all Schemas which can be currently activated, based on the current state, from the
Schema Library.
Using this list of Schemas, the Forward Simulator will select all those who can be activated given the
final state of the parent node (which in the root case, is the current state of the world), and adds
them as child nodes. This process is repeated a required number of times, as defined by a
parameter; in this project, 4 levels of child nodes are produced.
Next, starting from the bottom child node, the Tree generation method then works its way up the
Tree, adding the “interest” value from each child onto its parent node, until it reaches the first level
of child nodes. From this point, using the total “interest” value of the branch of the Tree, it is
possible to determine the best path to take; a method is provided to return the most “interesting”
child node.
The following example indicates how a Forward Simulator generated Tree appears when the system
has just been initialised. Because no Schema has yet been fired, all Schemas have a beginning value
of 3.00 (see description in Schema section, above).
Hence, given the starting state of the world, and four basic Schemas (look, reach, grab, pull), the
Tree is produced as in Figure 20, below.
38 | P a g e
1 → LOOK_AT_OBJECT Interest: 18.00
2 → REACH_FOR_FOVEA Interest: 15.00
3 → LOOK_AT_OBJECT Interest: 6.00
4 → REACH_FOR_FOVEA Interest: 3.00
3 → HAND_GRAB Interest: 6.00
4 → PULL_HAND_IN Interest: 3.00
Figure 20 - Tree Generation Example Output
It is apparent that these results are feasible given the start state of the world; each of the parent
Schemas can easily lead to its child, based on its final state. Additionally, it is clear to see that,
because no Schema has yet been executed, the “interest” value of each node is equal, and totals up
In a more complex scenario, the Forward Simulator is able to pick the best path for the learner to
chose, based on the value of the individual nodes.
6.5. Transition Experience Generation
As discussed in the Design section of this report, Transition Experiences were required to be
generated in such a way that the maximum amount of area is covered by the arm, essentially
“sweeping” the useful area.
After a number of attempts at Transition Experience generation, including entirely random
movements of the arm, it became apparent that a more general solution was required; one which
accounted for the fact that the arm could be in any number of positions when the generation begins.
The previous attempts produced reasonably scattered Transition Experiences, but on most occasions
seemed to ignore some specific areas, either above or below the arm’s reach. Additionally, random
movements of the arm did not always guarantee that all forms of arm movement were being
recorded in equal measures, something which is not ideal for the learner.
Hence, Transition Experiences are generated in the system according to the algorithm presented in
Figure 21.
39 | P a g e
1. for ( number of required transition experiences )
1.1. Record starting State of the world
1.2. Move upper-arm up, record resulting State, add to list, reset to starting State.
1.3. Move upper-arm down, record resulting State, add to list, reset to starting State.
1.4. Move lower-arm up, record resulting State, add to list, reset to starting State.
1.5. Move lower-arm down, record resulting State, add to list, reset to starting State.
1.6. Move arm to entirely random position.
1.7. Repeat.
Figure 21 - Transition Experience Generation Algorithm
Generating Transition Experiences in the above manner ensures that the Experience for each
possible arm movement at each position is recorded, which is the ideal situation.
When carried out a large number of times, the above algorithm produces results similar to those
displayed below, in Figure 22, which generated a total of 1,000 Transition Experiences.
Figure 22 - Transition Experience Generation Example Screenshot
Each orange point on the display represents a Transition Experience generated. The points are
gathered into clusters of 4, representing a Transition Experience for each arm movement from a
default position.
Visibly, the algorithm used covers a large area of the available space in front of the infant. Although
there are a number of white spaces between the points, the results produced are more than
sufficient, as the learner will be able to estimate the results in the gaps, based on the rest of the
generations. Additionally, the number of Transition Experiences generated can be increased,
meaning it is possible to cover even more space, given more generations.
40 | P a g e
There are, however, a number of issues arising from the Transition Experience generation algorithm,
which still need to be resolved.
First, as is visible from Figure 22, above, the hand occasionally strays into the head shape when
being randomly repositioned, though only momentarily. This can be easily addressed by the learner,
by disregarding any Transition Experiences generated within undesired areas.
Additionally, the Transition Experience Generation solution at the moment is not time effective, and
can take up to 10 minutes when generating large amounts. However, there is no real solution to this
issue, as speeding up the generation would lose a lot of accuracy, as the arm would be moving far
too fast to record results correctly. Hence the speed of generation is as fast as is necessary.
Implementing the feature for generating Transition Experiences was a time-consuming exercise, but
upon discussion with the student who will make full use of the feature, it is apparent it was a
worthwhile requirement to fulfil.
6.6. Learning Schemas
As the final task of the project, it was necessary to implement some handcoded “cheat” Schemas,
which would display some of the behaviours the infant will ultimately learn for itself using the
learning section of the system.
A number of basic Schemas were created, displaying behaviours like reach, look, grab, and pull arm
in, as well as a few master Schemas, chaining these together to display the full behaviour of
obtaining an object.
The creation of these “cheat” Schemas made it visible that each part of the cognitive architecture
was functioning correctly.
Details of the handcoded Schemas created are detailed in Appendix D.
6.7. Additional Tasks
At many points throughout the project, it was often necessary to expand on the original objectives,
and work on implementing features which, while not actually included in the original requirements
specification, were essential for the students working on the other two sections of the system.
Because the Developmental AI system had been divided into three individual sections, and a key aim
of this project was to create a testbed for the system as a whole, extra requirements were
frequently included an impromptu manner based on emerging requirements of the other two parts.
A lot of additional work was performed to ensure that the learning section of the system could slot
into place with ease, often by adding extra features to accommodate its requirements.
For instance, generation of Transition Experience data, as discussed previously, was not an original
requirement of this project, but was implemented about half-way through the development cycle
because the learning neural network required the data it produces by necessity.
41 | P a g e
Additionally, a lot of work was carried out to expose variables and methods hidden within the
graphics display for use by the learning mechanism. The BodyMovements class, containing all the
methods to move the infant, was implemented with the key purpose of providing the learning
section of the system with access to the movement methods.
As well as adding new requirements as the project unfolded, some of the initial requirements
needed to be amended based on changes in the other sections of the system; for example, the
Response class constructor being overloaded.
Because of the work entailed in accommodating these additional requirements and amendments
throughout the development cycle, some of the original requirements of the project were omitted
due to time constraints, most noticeably the more advanced hand-coded Schemas.
6.8. Summary
Overall, despite some initial setbacks in implementing the graphical representation, the system
produced in the implementation phase of the project successfully manages to account for the
majority of the original requirements.
However, due to time constraints caused by the delay at the beginning of the project, there are a
few requirements which were not fully achieved, notably implementing handcoded Schema objects
for displaying more complex behaviours.
A considerable amount of time was spent at the beginning of the implementation stage
comprehending the usage of the physics engine and graphics package, due to the lack of any real
documentation for the JBox2D API.
Additionally, as detailed previously, implementing additional features, and making amendments to
the original requirements based on emerging needs of the other two sections of the system
expended a lot of time as the project progressed.
However, it is clear that accommodating these additional requests was far more important to the
system than producing example behaviours that would ultimately only be used for demonstration
purposes. The additional features facilitate essential requirements of the other two sections of the
system, making the future integration of the individual parts an easier process. Hence, the effects
resulting from the requirements omitted have no real impact upon the potential successes of the
system, and future work can continue unhindered without them.
Therefore, it is apparent that, despite not fulfilling all of the original requirements, the
implementation phase of the project was successful, resulting in a system that is suitable for its
intended purpose.
42 | P a g e
Chapter 7: Testing and Evaluation
This chapter details the testing carried out on the system during and after the implementation stage,
and also evaluates the system performance. An evaluation of the system as a whole is also
presented, alongside the bugs and problems known to exist in this version of the system.
7.1. Testing
This section details the testing strategies employed both during and after the implementation stage
of the project.
7.1.1. Individual Component Testing
Extensive testing of the individual components of the system was carried out during the
implementation stage of the project; this included the GUI functionalities, XML file saving/loading,
and the graphics display. As each element of the system was created, it was tested thoroughly, to
ensure it both met the requirements and was fit for use under any possible circumstances.
This enabled any problems or errors residing in each component to be discovered early, meaning
there was less chance of the same errors occurring at a later stage in the development process.
Additionally, throughout its development, the system was constantly under operation, with a
number of users, including the project supervisor and the two students requiring some parts of this
project to supplement their own. Hence, the system was essentially team tested on a weekly basis,
meaning any glitches or omissions were discovered in normal usage circumstances, and amended
7.1.2. Schema Execution Testing
Each element of the cognitive architecture, including the Schema object and its associated parts,
needed to be tested thoroughly, as they provide the foundation for the core of the system, and so it
is essential that they be error-free. Schema execution, for instance, will form the basis of the
learning mechanism, hence comprehensive testing of this functionality was imperative.
The execution of Schemas in the system was tested by first creating a large, varied list of handcoded
Schemas, which perform certain behaviours given specific states of the world. As mentioned
previously, the handcoded Schemas which were created are detailed in Appendix D.
Each Schema was then tested extensively; it was first executed in a state of the world matching its
initial state. This, by definition, should allow the Schema to execute successfully. The Schema was
then executed in a state which differed from its initial state, which should prevent the Schema from
being executed. These two tests were carried out for all of the sample Schema objects created, and
the results are presented in Table 4, below.
43 | P a g e
Schema Description
Initial State
Final State
Look at object
Look at object
Reach for Fovea (Object
focused on)
Reach for Fovea (Object
focused on)
Reach for Fovea (no
object focussed on)
Reach for Fovea (no
object focussed on)
Reach for Fovea (hand
focussed on)
Reach for Fovea (hand
focussed on)
Grab object
Grab object
Drop object
Drop object
Pull hand in (object
Pull hand in (object
Pull hand in (no object
Pull hand in (no object
Look at object, reach
focussed on), grab
object, pull hand in
(object grabbed)
Look at object, reach
focussed on), grab
object, pull hand in
(object grabbed)
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Initial State not matched, so
Schema not executed.
Table 4 - Schema Execution Test Results
It is visible from these test results that in each circumstance, the Schema Manager functioned
correctly, meaning the mechanism for executing Schemas worked successfully in all of the test cases.
44 | P a g e
7.1.3. User Testing
As discussed previously, the system was used on a regular basis by multiple users working on
different parts of the project, so a number of problems were discovered by these users, and
subsequently amended, during the implementation of the project.
Additionally, after completion, the system was tested extensively by another student who was not
part of the project.
Provided with the User Manual for the system, the user tested each functionality of the testbed, and
ensured that no problems occurred from extensive usage. No significant issues arose from this final
testing stage, and the user was able to operate the system without any difficulty.
7.1.4. Scalability Testing
The system will often be required to store copious amounts of data in multiple Array Lists;
specifically the Schema Library contents and Transition Experience data. Hence, it was necessary to
ensure the system would be able to perform correctly with large amounts of data stored in these
Both the Schema Library and Transition Experience Array Lists were loaded into the system with an
unrealistically excessive number of elements, to test the systems performance under strenuous
After repeated testing, which included loading the Array Lists individually and together, there were
no noticeable signs of strain from the system, and it functioned as normal.
It can therefore be concluded that the system provides scalability to the user, in terms of the
amount of data that can be loaded. Because it can perform unaffected under extreme conditions,
the system should therefore function under normal usage without any issues.
7.1.5. Speed and Efficiency
Whilst the speed and efficiency of the system were not a primary concern, it was very important that
they be considered during the implementation of the project.
Because the system makes use of a powerful physics engine, as well as using Array Lists, like the
Schema Library, which grow exponentially as it runs, it is understandable that the system’s
performance will alter over time.
After a significant amount of rigorous testing, and running the system many times throughout the
implementation cycle, it is apparent that the speed and efficiency of the system are not noticeably
affected in most cases. On nearly every occasion, the system never noticeably lagged or froze, unless
working in situations requiring extreme amounts of processing power.
For instance, when actually generating Transition Experiences (i.e. not just loading the data into an
Array List from an XML file as discussed in the previous section), if the amount to be generated is
45 | P a g e
significantly large, greater than 5000, the system lagged noticeably towards the end of the
generation. This is due to a number of factors which consume both the allocated memory and
processing power of the system.
When a Transition Experience is generated, both the Transition itself, and the coordinates of the
Transition are stored in separate Array Lists; these lists will grow exponentially as the generation
runs. Additionally, the graphical display is constantly updating, calculating a new position for, and
moving, the arm, as well as displaying the location of each Transition Experience on the screen.
Hence, the system does not have the full processing capabilities it would usually be allocated, and is
therefore visibly slower until the generation sequence is complete.
However, such high performance operations will never be required under normal usage of the
system, and so it is not necessary to account for the system lagging in such circumstances.
7.2. Evaluation
This section provides an evaluation of the system implemented, including some criticism of the
current design and suggestions for improvements.
7.2.1. Overall System Evaluation
Overall, the system implemented provides a satisfactory solution to the requirements of a
Developmental AI system.
After discussion with those who will ultimately make use of the system as a foundation for the
learning mechanism, it is apparent that the facilities provided by the testbed fulfil the requirements,
and will be used extensively in future development.
The cognitive architecture created also satisfies the required conditions, providing a valuable
framework for supporting the learning section of the system. During the later stages of the project,
the learning mechanism was successfully integrated with the cognitive architecture, with only a few
minor amendments required, proving the cognitive architecture is suitable for its purpose.
Furthermore, the architecture implemented in this system is both modular and extensible; enabling
straightforward future development in comparison to the previous version. Many of the objects
contained within the architecture were implemented with flexibility in mind; the Schema and
Response objects, for example, have overloaded constructors, allowing them to be customized for a
variety of situations. The Schema Library data structure is also flexible, providing storage for any
type of Schema object, regardless of its composition.
Ensuring flexibility within the objects and data structures of the system means the system can be
more easily adapted in the future, without too much additional work; hence aiding extensibility.
However, like all Developmental AI systems, there are a number of aspects which could draw
criticism, and could be improved upon in order to provide as accurate a solution to the problem as
46 | P a g e
For instance, the system implemented only makes use of 2D graphics to represent the infant and its
world; it could be argued that 3D graphics would provide a more realistic simulation, although this
may not have been as viable an option given the timescale of this project. A 3D graphics display
would visibly portray a more life-like representation of an infant than a 2D display, but consequently
there would be a number of additional factors to consider in its creation.
Also, at present in the graphics display, grabbing an object simply involves creating a joint between
the hand and the object to be grabbed. This again, it could be argued, is not realistic, and hence
adding “finger” objects and the ability to grasp would provide a more accurate depiction. This,
however, would require a far more complex representation of the hand, with significantly more
objects and joints to consider, something which again would not have been a viable option, taking
the time allocated to the graphics display into consideration.
Additionally, the infant's vision in the current system is based on what we know about the 2D world;
i.e. the coordinates of objects relative to the eye. This clearly is not a realistic representation of an
infant’s vision, and is in effect a “cheating” way of reproducing it. However, as discussed previously,
the implementation of a more realistic vision system for the infant is currently taking place as part of
another project, with the aim to integrate it with this system in the future.
While the current system provides a Developmental AI system by using a graphical simulation, one
could argue that this is not necessarily the best possible depiction, as it's not “real” enough; there
are a number of systems which provide a far more realistic representation of an infant.
The RobotCub project as discussed previously, for example, studies infant cognition using a
humanoid robot representing a 3.5 year old child. Visibly, this project provides a more realistic
simulation than a 2D graphics display, and hence may result in more innovative findings.
However, this clearly was not a feasible option given the resources and time assigned to this project;
creating a representation like the iCub would take a number of years of research, and would require
a lot of advanced technology.
Although a number of criticisms can be drawn from the system implemented, given the timescale of
the project, and the facilities provided, the system provided is more than satisfactory, and can be
used for continued research for the foreseeable future.
Although it is clear the system could be improved upon in a number of respects, given the timescale
of the project, and the facilities allocated, the solution implemented is more than satisfactory when
the requirements of the project are taken into consideration.
7.3. Known Bugs
There are a number of known bugs in the system which still need to be addressed:
When generating Transition Experiences, due to the arm repositioning techniques used, the
hand will occasionally stray into the head object, or will get caught between the head and
the neck.
47 | P a g e
These Transition Experiences can be easily ignored when the generated data is used, but a
more ideal solution would be to limit the hand’s movement in these areas when a Transition
Experience generation is active. However, limiting the hand does not provide a true
representation of the arm movements in the system, so this issue would need to be
addressed carefully.
Also when generating Transition Experiences, because the arm is repositioning at such high
speed, occasionally the arm segments will detach momentarily; this however, does not
affect the results produced, and is purely a cosmetic glitch.
If the hand reaches for an object it wishes to grab too quickly, then on some occasions, it will
bounce away from the object, losing contact.
Preventative measures were taken to ensure this does not happen, decreasing the
restitution (“bounciness”) of the hand object, but can still occur occasionally.
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Chapter 8: Summary and Conclusion
This chapter summarises and discusses the system implemented during this project, detailing future
development, as well as providing a conclusion to the project as a whole.
8.1. Summary
Looking over the initial project requirements, it is visible that the system implemented manages to
successfully fulfil almost all of them.
Replacing the current physics engine with a more advanced one.
This was the first major task of the project, and was carried out successfully; the JBox2D
physics engine was used, replacing the existing engine, and providing more advanced
Implementing a graphical representation of an infant in a world, with user controls.
This task was achieved using the JBox2D physics engine, as discussed previously, and the
Processing 1.0 graphics renderer, to produce the image.
Both keyboard and mouse controls were added to the graphical display, providing the user
the facility to manipulate the world as they require it, for running experiments with the
learning mechanism.
Revamping the system architecture with an emphasis on extensibility and modularity.
The system architecture was re-designed, ensuring packages and classes were as extensible
and modular as possible. This aids development of the system in the future, and prevents
the system reverting to the state of the previous version.
Creating a cognitive architecture framework, allowing the learning and vision sections of
the system to be integrated.
A cognitive architecture was created, based on Piaget’s theorised Schema object, as detailed
in his Theory of Cognitive Development. Both the Schema object itself, as well as the classes
to create, store and manage Schemas were implemented during this system.
The learning mechanism can easily be integrated into the system, making use of the
cognitive architecture provided.
Creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which provides a number of functionalities to
the user allowing them to stage experiments with, and debug, the learning mechanism.
The GUI implemented provides a variety of features which can be used to both stage
experiments and develop and debug the learning mechanism.
49 | P a g e
Facilities to repeat specific states of the world, as well as inspect the inner data structures of
the Schema Library are provided, allowing the user to determine exactly what has been
learned by the system thus far, and act on this information accordingly.
Displaying basic, elementary behaviours using handcoded Schemas.
This requirement was achieved, although not to the extent initially hoped. At the beginning
of the project, it was anticipated that, as well as some basic behaviours, it would be possible
to enable the system to display more complex behaviours, like pulling objects closer with a
However, due to time constraints, these complex behaviours were not implemented.
Nonetheless, handcoded Schemas for the more basic behaviours are included in the system,
like looking, reaching, grabbing then pulling an object closer.
As well as the initial requirements, the project managed to accommodate a number of additional
features requested by the project supervisor, and the students working on the other sections of the
system. New requirements were added in a desultory fashion throughout the project, including
illustrating the infant’s field of vision, accommodating for neural network objects, and providing
facilities for the generation of Transition Experience data.
These additional tasks, however, did interrupt the original project plans, resulting in some of the
initial requirements being omitted. Also, a number of bugs remain present in this version of the
system that have yet to be amended due to a lack of time in the closing stages of the project.
Nonetheless, the project meets almost all of the original requirements, along with accommodating a
number of additional features that were not originally required, resulting in a system that will be
used for Developmental AI research for the foreseeable future.
8.2. Future Development
A considerable amount of work will be undertaken both on, and using, this system in the future. The
system will provide a foundation for the learning and vision sections of the Developmental AI
system, and hence parts of it will be refined in the future as new requirements become apparent.
The following tasks will all need to be achieved at some point, in order to progress with the creation
of a Developmental AI system:
Integrating the vision and learning sections of the system.
Integrating the vision and learning packages into the system will not be an arduous task;
both sections already make use of this system as part of their individual projects, and hence
they have already been integrated to an extent. All that is required is to combine all three
parts together into a single system.
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Upgrading the graphics display to use JBox2D 2.0.1.
The newest version of JBox2D was made available from the developer’s website a few weeks
after the implementation phase began. However, a lot of classes and features have been
altered considerably, so updating to the newer version during this project was not a viable
option given the time learning the previous version had already consumed.
Updating to the new version is not entirely necessary; the current version sufficiently
provides all the features required for this project. However, it is beneficial to the project in
the long term to keep the physics engine up-to-date.
Facilitating the saving and loading of Schemas with Network objects as their Response.
Saving and loading Schema objects with a neural network as a response has not been
implemented in the current system, due to the Network object, developed as part of the
learning project, being of a format that was unsuitable for saving to an XML document.
Hence, at the moment, Network instances are stored as synchronised objects, and loaded
into the system when required. However, they cannot be saved or loaded as part of a
Schema in a Schema Library, a facility which will need to be implemented in the future, for
user convenience.
Implementing the Schema Harvester class functionality.
As discussed previously, the Schema Harvester class currently only provides a template in
the system; it will need to be expanded and fully implemented, making use of machine
learning techniques to determine which Schemas to store in the Library.
8.3. Conclusion
In conclusion, this project was evidently successful in its aims to implement a cognitive architecture
and testbed for a Developmental AI system. The system developed fulfils the requirements of the
project, as well as including additional functionalities for the user not originally requested.
The testbed provides the facilities for developing and debugging the learning section of the system,
the importance of which cannot be understated. These functionalities will ultimately enable the
learning mechanism to be further refined, and hence become more advanced; this will hopefully
result in significant findings towards the research of Developmental AI systems.
The implementation of the system was, in itself, not an easy process; a range of challenges were
encountered, and eventually overcome, resulting in both the completed software, and a wealth of
knowledge gained from the experience.
A extensive number of new techniques, skills, and technologies were learned throughout the
duration of the project, which will undoubtedly prove useful as the system is developed further; this
knowledge will be passed on to the future developers of the system, ensuring the prospective work
on it is an uncomplicated procedure.
51 | P a g e
The system implemented in this project will undoubtedly be both utilized and further developed in
the future. With plans for further work already in place, it is sure to provide the foundation for a
Developmental AI system that will be used to support research for years to come.
52 | P a g e
Guerin, F., 2010. Learning Like Baby: A Survey of AI approaches, Knowledge Engineering Review, to
Jean Piaget Society. 2007. About Piaget. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 October 2009].
Piaget, Jean, 1936. The Origin of Intelligence in the Child, Routledge, 1998.
Lehman, J. Laird, J. & Rosenbloom, P. 2006., Soar: A Gentle Introduction. [Online] Soar. Available
at: [Accessed 05
February 2010].
Anderson, J.R. et al., 2004. An Integrated Theory of the Mind. [Online] ACT-R. Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2010].
Langley, P. & Choi, D., 2006. A Unified Cognitive Architecture For Physical Agents. [Online] ICARUS.
Available at: [Accessed 05 February 2010].
Laird J.E. Rosenbloom, P.S. & Newell, A., 1986. Chunking in Soar: The Anatomy of a General
Learning Mechanism. [Online] SOAR. Available at: [Accessed 05 February
Schoppek, W., 2003. Emerging structure in ACT-R: Explorations in competitive chunking. [Online]
ACT-R. Available at: [Accessed 05
February 2010].
CogX. 2008. CogX Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 06 February 2010].
Metta, G. et al., 2008. The iCub humanoid robot: an open framework for research in embodied
cognition. [Online] RobotCub. Available at: [Accessed 06 February
JBox2D. 2008. JBox2D Demos. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02
February 2010].
JBox2D SourceForge. n.d.. Get JBox2D at [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 February 2010].
Box2D. 2007. Box2D v2.1.0.User Manual. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 February 2010].
53 | P a g e
Processing. 2009. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02
February 2010].
Subversion. n.d.. Apache Subversion. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2010].
Pal,S., (26 May 2006) Java Data Structure: A Generic Tree. *Online+ Sujit Pal’s Internet blog.
Available at: [Accessed
28 March 2010].
54 | P a g e
Appendix A:
User Manual
55 | P a g e
Appendix A: User Manual
The User Manual details how to operate the Developmental AI system interface, including
instructions for all of the functionalities it provides.
A.1. Installing the System
There are a number of ways the system can be installed and run on your computer. The action to
take depends on the format of the copy of the system you posses. This will be either the Java project
folder, RobotBaby or the jar file RobotBaby.jar.
A.1.1. Running System from JAR File
If you are in possession of the system in jar file format (i.e. RobotBaby.jar), simply copy the file to
the location where you want to store it on your computer, for example, the Desktop.
When the file has been copied to a location on your computer, to run the system, simply double click
the jar file icon, displayed below in Figure A.1.
Figure A.1 - Jar File Icon
A.1.2. Running System in an IDE
If you are in possession of the system in Java project folder format (i.e. RobotBaby), you will need to
run the project from a suitable IDE (Integrated Development Environment), like the latest version of
NetBeans or Eclipse, for example.
When you have obtained a suitable IDE, simply copy the Java project folder RobotBaby into the
directory where the IDE stores its associated projects, for example, the NetBeansProjects folder, if
you are using NetBeans.
Next, open the IDE, and open the RobotBaby as a new project, using the controls provided by the
IDE (Help and documentation will be provided with the IDE to assist you with this process.)
To run the project from the IDE, when it has been opened, either right-click and select “Run”, as
illustrated in Figure A.2, below, or press the appropriate “Run” icon on the IDE’s interface.
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Figure A.2 – Running Project in IDE
A.2. Getting Started
Whichever method of running the project is used, you will then be presented with the user interface
as displayed in Figure A.3.
Figure A.3 – Main User Interface
This is the main user interface, from which the entire system can be operated. There are three main
sections to the user interface, all of which will be mentioned throughout the rest of this manual:
1. The Menu Bar.
2. The Graphics Display and World Controls.
3. The Learning Tools and Testing Controls.
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In the following sections, instructions for each part of the interface will be presented.
A.2.1. Exiting the System
If you wish to exit the system at any point, it can be closed either by clicking the red cross on the top
right hand corner of the window, or by selecting the Close option from the File menu on the menubar, as illustrated in Figure A.4. The close option can also be selected by using the key combination
Ctrl + Q.
Figure A.4 – Close Option
58 | P a g e
A.3. Using the Graphics Display
The graphics display provides the representation of the infant and its world. It is possible to
manipulate and interact with the display in a number of ways.
A.3.1. Mouse Interaction
To interact with the graphics display using the mouse, simply point and left-click at the object you
wish to re-position, holding the left mouse button down for the duration of the interaction.
For instance, if you wish to move a block to a new location, left-click on it with the mouse, and hold
the left button down. Now, move the block to its new location using the mouse, and let go of the
button when you have finished making the movement.
All objects in the world can be manipulated using the mouse, except those displayed in dark grey,
which are stationary objects, and hence cannot move.
A.3.2. Keyboard Controls
To interact with the graphics display using the keyboard, simply use the keys detailed in the table
below to make the required movement.
i or I
o or O
r or R
c or C
Move Upper-arm up.
Move Upper-arm down.
Move Lower-arm up (in).
Move Lower-arm down (out).
Move Hand up.
Move Hand down.
Grab object.
Release object.
Move vision up.
Move vision down.
Move Fovea in.
Move Fovea out.
Reset the display.
Display contact points.
These keyboard controls can be displayed within the system, at any time whilst it is running, by
selecting the User Guide… option from the Help menu on the Menu Bar, as illustrated in Figure A.5
below, or by using the key combination Ctrl + H.
Figure A.5 – User Guide Option
59 | P a g e
A.3.3. World Controls
The World Controls toolbar, presented in Figure A.6, is located above the graphics display, and
provides a number of features for altering or interacting with the display itself. Each feature can be
activated by pressing the appropriate button.
Figure A.6 – World Controls
The Play/Pause feature (1) can be used to pause the graphics display, holding all objects in position
until it is pressed again.
To turn on/off the gravity in the world the infant is located in, simply click the Gravity button (2).
This will allow objects to be placed freely across the display, without falling down, until gravity is
turned back on, by pressing the button again.
To turn on/off the drawing delay in the graphics display, click the Delay button (3), which speeds up
the drawing process until delay is turned back on, by pressing the button again.
To remove the graphics display from the GUI completely, click the Graphics button (4), which
removes the display until the button is clicked again, at which point it will return.
To reset all objects in the infant's world back to their original locations, simply click the Reset button
(5), which will restart the graphics display.
A.3.4. Saving & Loading States
The user interface provides the facilities to save and load states of the graphics display to and from
XML files.
A.3.4.1. Saving States
To save a state of the graphics display, first position each object in the infant’s world to how you
require it to be, using either keyboard or mouse manipulation.
Next, click on the File menu on the Menu Bar, and select the Save State... option, as illustrated in
Figure A.7. This can also be achieved by using the key combination Ctrl + S.
Figure A.7 – Save State Option
60 | P a g e
You will now be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.8.
Figure A.8 – Save State Window
To save the state, select an existing XML file, or create a new file, giving it the extension “.xml”, e.g.
Now, click Save, and the state of the graphics will be saved to the file specified.
A.3.4.2. Loading States
NOTE: When you load a previously saved state onto the graphics display, you will lose the
current state, unless it has already been saved.
To load a previously saved state onto the graphics display, click on the File menu on the main menu
bar, and select the Load State... option, as illustrated in Figure A.9. This can also be achieved by using
the key combination Ctrl + L.
Figure A.9 – Load State Option
You will now be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.10.
61 | P a g e
Figure A.10 – Load State Window
To load a state, first select the XML file you wish to load.
Now, click Open, and the state of the graphics will be updated to display the contents of the file.
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A.4. Using the Learning Tools
The Learning Tools provide functionalities to display behaviours on the graphics display, as well as
generating data for the learning mechanism. It also allows the user to load Schema Libraries into the
A.4.1. Saving & Loading a Schema Library
When the system starts, an example Schema Library will already be loaded into the system, to allow
the user to test Schema execution. However, it is also possible to load new Schema Libraries into the
system, as well as saving them for future use.
A.4.1.1. Saving a Schema Library
To save the current Schema Library to an XML file, simply click the Save button in the Schema
Library section on the right-hand side of the screen, as illustrated by Figure A.11.
Figure A.11 – Save Button
When clicked, you will be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.12.
Figure A.12 – Save Library Window
To save the Schema Library, select an existing XML file, or create a new file, giving it the extension
“.xml”, e.g. “library.xml”.
Now, click Save, and the contents of the Schema Library will be saved to the file specified.
63 | P a g e
A.4.1.2. Loading a Schema Library
NOTE: When you load a previously saved Schema Library into the system, the current
Schema Library will be overwritten and lost, unless it has already been saved.
To load a previously saved Schema Library from an XML file, simply click the Load button in the
Schema Library section on the right-hand side of the screen, as illustrated by Figure A.13.
Figure A.13 – Load Library Button
When clicked, you will be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.14.
Figure A.14 – Load Library Window
To load a Schema Library, select the XML file you wish to load.
Now, click Open, and the Schema Library will be loaded into system memory.
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A.4.2. Inspecting a Schema Library
To inspect the contents of a currently loaded Schema Library, simply click the Inspect button in the
Schema Library section on the right-hand side of the interface, as illustrated in Figure A.15.
Figure A.15 – Inspect Library Window
When clicked, you will be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.16.
Figure A.16 – Inspect Library Window
From this interface, it is possible to inspect and execute the Schemas contained within the current
Schema Library.
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A.4.2.1. Inspecting “Normal” Schemas
To inspect “normal” Schemas within the Schema Library, select the Schemas option from the dropdown box as indicated below in Figure A.17.
Figure A.17 – Selecting Schemas Option
Then, select the Schema you wish to inspect from the list presented. The contents of the Schema will
now be displayed on screen, as illustrated by Figure A.18.
Figure A.18 – Viewing Schema Contents
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A.4.2.2. Inspecting Reflex Schemas
To inspect Reflex Schemas within the Schema Library, select the Reflex Schemas option from the
drop-down box as indicated below in Figure A.19.
Figure A.19 – Selecting Reflex Schemas Option
Then, select the Reflex Schema you wish to inspect from the list presented. The contents of the
Reflex Schema will now be displayed on screen, as illustrated by Figure A.20.
Figure A.20 – Viewing Reflex Schema Contents
A.4.2.3. Executing Schemas
To execute a Schema while inspecting the Schema Library, simply click the Schema you wish to
execute, as above, and click the Execute Schema button, as displayed in Figure A.21, below.
Figure A.21 – Execute Schema Button
If the Schema can be executed given the current state of the world, it will be fired on the graphical
display. A suitable message will be displayed in the box at the bottom of the screen, depending on
whether the Schema was successfully executed or not.
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A.4.2.4. Exiting the Schema GUI
To exit this interface at any point, either click on the red cross at the top right-hand corner of the
screen, or select the Close... option from this window’s Menu Bar, as illustrated in Figure A.22,
Figure A.22 – Close Schema Interface
A.4.3. Generating Transition Experiences
The system can also generate Transition Experience data, for use with the learning mechanism.
A.4.3.1. Saving Transition Experiences
To generate Transition Experiences in the system, first, specify the number of generations you wish
to obtain, using the input box provided, as illustrated in Figure A.23. The amount of Transition
Experiences to be generated must be a multiple of 4.
Figure A.23 – Assigning Number of Generations
When you have specified the number of Transition Experiences you wish to generate, click the
Generate button in the Transition Experiences section on the right-hand side of the interface, as
illustrated in Figure A.24.
Figure A.24 – Generate Button
When clicked, you will be presented with the window illustrated in Figure A.25.
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Figure A.25 – Save Generation Data Window
Now, select an existing XML file, or create a new file giving it the extension “.xml”, e.g.
Then, click “Save”, and wait until the Transition Experiences have all been generated.
When the generation has completed, a confirmation window will be displayed, like the one
presented in Figure A.26.
Figure A.26 – Generation Complete Confirmation
A.4.3.2. Loading Transition Experiences
To load Transition Experience Generation data that was previously saved to an XML document into
the system, click on the Load button in the Transition Experiences section on the right-hand side of
the interface, as illustrated in Figure A.27.
Figure A.27 – Load Generation Data
When clicked, you will be presented with window illustrated in Figure A.28.
69 | P a g e
Figure A.28 – Load Generation Data Window
To load the required file into memory, click on an XML file containing Transition Experience data,
and click the Open button.
The data will now have been loaded into memory.
A.4.3.3. Clearing the Display
If you have previously generated Transition Experience data and wish to remove the transition
location indicators from the graphics display, click the Clear button in the Transition Experiences
section on the right-hand side of the interface, as presented in Figure A.29.
Figure A.29 – Clear Generation Data Button
A.4.4. Viewing Current World State Data
To view the data detailing the current state of the objects in the world, click on the View Current
State button in the Testing Controls section on the right-hand side of the interface, as depicted in
Figure A.30.
Figure A.30 – View Current State Button
When the button is clicked, a window similar to the one presented in Figure A.31 will appear, which
displays data regarding the current state of the world at this point in the simulation.
70 | P a g e
Figure A.31 – Displaying Current State Window
A.4.5. Viewing the Forward Simulator Tree
While the system is running, a Forward Simulator runs in the background, producing a Tree structure
of Schemas, which, given the expected final state of each, should indicate chains which can be run.
To view the Forward Simulator tree, simply click on the View Tree button in the Testing Controls
section at the bottom right-hand side of the interface, as presented in Figure A.32.
Figure A.32 – View Tree Button
When the button is clicked, a window similar to that presented in Figure A.33 will appear, which
displays the Forward Simulator Tree at the current point in the simulation.
Figure A.33 – Display Current Tree Window
71 | P a g e
A.4.6. “Play” Functionality
To start a demonstration of the Schema execution functionality provided by the system, click on the
Play button in the top right-hand corner of the screen, as illustrated by Figure A.34, below.
Figure A.34 – Play Button
The infant will now start executing random Schemas, displaying some of the more basic behaviours
it possesses. The action the infant is taking will be indicated in the box of text on the right of the
“Play” button.
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Appendix B:
73 | P a g e
Appendix B: Maintenance Manual
The Maintenance Manual provides instructions for building and running the Developmental AI
testbed, as well as detailing the source code classes provided.
B.1. Building and Running the System
The system can be run either from a Jar file, or from the Java source code folders in an IDE.
B.1.1. Running the System from a Jar File
To run the system from a Jar file, simply copy the Jar to the required location on your computer, and
double click the file icon. The system will now run.
B.1.2. Running the System from Java Source Code Folders
To run the system from Java Source Code you will need an IDE, for example, NetBeans, or Eclipse.
First, copy the source code folder into the location your IDE stores projects in, e.g. NetBeansProjects
folder for NetBeans.
Next, open your IDE, and click File, and then Open Project. Locate the project folder where you
stored it in the previous step, and click Open.
Now that the project is open in the IDE, right-click the folder, and click Clean and Build to build it, or,
alternatively, use the Build icon as provided on the IDE interface.
To run the project, right-click the folder, and click Run, or, alternatively, use the Run icon as provided
on the IDE interface.
B.2. Dependencies
The system has a number of hardware and software dependencies.
B.2.1. Hardware Dependencies
The system can be run on either a Windows or Linux computer, and there are no noticeable
differences between versions.
The graphics display will require a monitor with a reasonable resolution, so it can be viewed
correctly; most modern monitors should provide a sufficient resolution for this project.
B.2.2. Software Dependencies
The system must be run with at least Java Version 1.6, which can be obtained from Sun
Microsystems’ website:
74 | P a g e
The system must be run from an up-to-date IDE. It is recommended that it is run from NetBeans, at
least version 6.5, which can be obtained from the NetBeans developer website:
All the required libraries, including core.jar, required for Processing 1.0, and jbox2d-1.4.1b.jar,
required for JBox2D are packaged along with the project itself, and so do not need to be taken into
B.3. Memory Requirements
The entire project folder, including the libraries for the graphics package and the physics engine,
requires around 11.8MB of space.
Running the system requires, on average, around 50MB of memory.
B.4. List of Classes
Detailed below is a list of all the source code classes contained within the project folder.
Developer Key: DB = David Bruce, JA = John Alexander.
File Name
Files required for creating the main User
Interface provided by the system.
Files required for creating the interface for
inspecting the Schema Library, provided
by the system.
Stores all variables which are used across
the entire system
Starts the system, initialising the Schema
Library, and loading sample Schemas.
The main method of the system.
The graphical representation of the infant,
and associated methods.
The settings for the graphical display.
All methods for moving parts of the infant
in the graphical display.
The fovea object used by the infant, and
all associated methods.
75 | P a g e
The eye object used by the infant, and all
associated methods.
Provides method for loading a State of the
world from an XML file onto the graphics
Provides method for saving the State of
the world from the graphics display into
an XML file.
File Filter for saving/loading to XML files.
Provides the action part of a Schema
Representation of the state of the world
on the graphics display, provides methods
for state comparison.
An object as seen by the infant’s eye.
Provides methods for the creation and
execution of a Schema object.
Provides methods for the creation and
execution of a Reflex Schema object.
Provides method for checking equality,
given a delta value.
Provides methods for managing the
execution of Schema objects.
Provides methods for
retrieving Schema objects
Provides a framework for the Schema
Harvester class, not yet implemented.
Provides a method to load the contents of
a Schema Library from an XML file.
Provides a method to store the contents
of a Schema Library to an XML file.
Icon for GUI.
Icon for GUI.
Provides methods for the creation of
Activation objects.
76 | P a g e
A bitmap snapshot of trajectory motion.
A bitmap frame and arm states of the
trajectory of a movement.
Provides methods for the creation of Tree,
displaying chains of future Schema
Produces a neural network capable of
recognizing the “crash” region.
Neural Fitted Q iteration algorithm.
Class that represents a set of training
Functions for training a network for
moving the arm up/down.
Generates Transition Experiences and
stores the data.
Loads Transition Experience data from an
XML file into memory.
Saves Transition Experience data into an
XML file.
Generates Crash Experiences.
Tree structure.
Node of a tree.
Defines a matrix.
Contains matrix operations.
Contains activation functions.
Represents a layer in a neural network.
Used for testing.
A feedforward neural network.
Table B.1 – List of Source Code Files
77 | P a g e
B.5. Known Bugs
There are a number of bugs known to be present in the system, which have still to be addressed:
When generating Transition Experiences, due to the arm repositioning techniques used, the
hand will occasionally stray into the head object, or will get caught between the head and
the neck.
These Transition Experiences can be easily ignored when the generated data is used, but a
more ideal solution would be to limit the hand’s movement in these areas when a Transition
Experience generation is active. However, limiting the hand does not provide a true
representation of the arm movements in the system, so this issue would need to be
addressed carefully.
Also when generating Transition Experiences, because the arm is repositioning at such high
speed, occasionally the arm segments will detach momentarily; this however, does not
affect the results produced, and is purely a cosmetic glitch.
If the hand reaches for an object it wishes to grab at high speed, then on some occasions, it
will bounce away from the object, losing contact.
Preventative measures were taken to ensure this does not happen, decreasing the
restitution (“bounciness”) of the hand object, but can still occur on occasion.
B.6. Future Development
A considerable amount of work will be undertaken both on, and using, this system in the future. The
system implemented will provide a foundation for the learning and vision sections of the
Developmental AI system, and hence parts of it will be refined in the future as new requirements
become apparent.
The following tasks will all need to be achieved at some point, in order to progress with the creation
of a Developmental AI system:
Integrating the vision and learning sections of the system.
Integrating the vision and learning packages into the system will not be an arduous task;
both sections already make use of this system as part of their individual projects, and hence
they have already been integrated to an extent. All that is required is to combine all three
parts together into a single system.
Upgrading the graphics display to use JBox2D 2.0.1.
The newest version of JBox2D was made available from the developer’s website a few weeks
after the implementation phase began. However, a lot of classes and features have been
altered considerably, so updating to the newer version during this project was not a viable
option given the time learning the previous version had already consumed.
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Updating to the new version is not entirely necessary; the current version sufficiently
provides all the features required for this project. However, it is beneficial to the project in
the long term to keep the physics engine up-to-date.
Facilitating the saving and loading of Schemas with Network objects as their Response.
Saving and loading Schema objects with a neural network as a response has not been
implemented in the current system, due to the Network object, developed as part of the
learning project, being of a format that was unsuitable for saving to an XML document.
Hence, at the moment, Network instances are stored as synchronised objects, and loaded
into the system when required. However, they cannot be saved or loaded as part of a
Schema in a Schema Library, a facility which will need to be implemented in the future, for
user convenience.
Implementing the Schema Harvester class functionality.
As discussed previously, the Schema Harvester class currently only provides a template in
the system; it will need to be expanded and fully implemented, making use of machine
learning techniques to determine which Schemas to store in the Library.
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Appendix C:
XML Files
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Appendix C: Example XML Files
This Appendix presents a sample XML files for each of the three functionalities that produce them;
World State, Schema Library contents and Transition Experience generation data.
C.1. World State XML Example
The following XML document contains data based on the state of the world at a specific moment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
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C.2. Schema Library XML Example
The following XML document contains data based on a Schema Library object with four basic
Schemas loaded, along with the list of Reflex Schemas.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
83 | P a g e
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
<seenObjects />
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C.3. Transition Experience XML Example
The following XML document contains data obtained from a Transition Experience generation in
which 4 Transition Experiences were generated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
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Appendix D:
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Appendix D: Example Schemas
Presented in the table below are a number of sample Schema objects which were created to ensure
that the Schema Manager, and the Schema execution functionality worked correctly, as they were
required to.
Look at Object
Reach for
Fovea (object
focussed on)
Reach for
Fovea (no
focussed on)
Reach for
Fovea (hand
focussed on)
Grab object
Initial State
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 2
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 0
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 1
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
Final State
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 2
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 2
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 0
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: 1
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
90 | P a g e
Drop object
Pull hand in
Pull hand in
(no object
Pull Object
Along Ground
Look at object,
reach for
object (object
focussed on),
grab object,
pull hand in
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
List of sub-Schemas
composed of
Schemas A,B,E,G
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: false
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Eye angle:
Upper Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Lower Arm angle: 1.4E-45
Hand angle:
Fovea distance: 1.4E-45
Grabbing item: true
In contact:
Near View:
Object in Fovea: -2147483648
Seen objects:
Table D.1 – Sample Schema Objects
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The glossary provides definitions for terms commonly used throughout this report.
Cognitive Architecture
An attempt to provide a plausible model of the main internal
components of the mind, and how they are linked.
Developmental AI
Studies in AI attempting to overcome the shortcomings of
“traditional” AI, in that there are attempts to get programs to learn
“common sense” knowledge for themselves, and not just what
they have been programmed to “know”.
Developmental AI system
A system which can develop knowledge and skills from its
environment autonomously, by experimenting within it, and
learning from the results produced.
Taking into consideration future growth of a system.
The degree to which the components of a system may be
separated and re-combined.
The action part of a Schema.
A snapshot of internal knowledge about a child’s surroundings
relating to a specific behaviour at a particular moment in time. A 3tuple consisting of (Initial State, Response, Final State).
Originally defined by Jean Piaget.
The representation of an environment at a specific time, forms the
initial and final states of a Schema.
A platform to allow for the experimentation and testing of
software projects.
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