Additional Parental Information from Safe Hands

Challow & Childrey Cricket Club
Welcome to the 2015 Season
Safeguarding of Children
As an ECB ‘Clubmark’ accredited organisation we are committed to ensuring that all children
have a safe, positive and fun experience whilst they are with us. We take seriously our
responsibilities to ensure the safety and welfare of children within the game. If you have any
questions regarding the safeguarding of children please do not hesitate to contact the Club
Welfare Officer (Sam Cox) on 07876 023274 or via email [email protected]
Coaching Ratio
Our aim is to maintain a coaching ration of 1 coach per 10 children – this means we need a small
army of volunteer coaches on a Friday evening and would be grateful for any parental assistance
with our coaching and competitive youth fixtures.
Waiting List
Committing to the coaching ratio does mean that depending on numbers we may have to start a
‘waiting list’. Should this happen we will allocate spaces on a first come first served basis.
Youth Selection for Senior Sides
Any youth member with the ability, form and commitment to play for our senior teams will be
considered at senior selection. It is hoped and expected that all youth players will aspire to play
in our senior teams and be available if selected. Attendance at senior nets sessions are by
invitation from the Selection Committee unless your child is in school years 11, 12 or 13.
Youth Players in the 3rd Team
Club policy is to have a mixture of youth and experienced players in the senior 3rd team which
plays in the Cherwell League. The aim is to provide experience of playing in longer games and to
assist them in fully integrating into the club and helping them make the transition from youth to
senior cricket.
Parental Involvement
We would like to encourage parents/carers to become involved in club activities (such as helping
coaches, making teas, scoring, signing-in etc.). Any offers of help would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any suggestions, ideas, concerns or worries please tell us so that we can ensure that
we continue to offer a safe and enjoyable experience to all.
If you have any queries or questions please contact:
Sam Cox
CCCC Welfare Officer
Mobile: 07876 023274
Club Tel: 01235 763335
Email: [email protected]
Challow & Childrey Cricket Club
Youth Player - Code of Conduct
As a member of Challow and Childrey Cricket Club you are expected to abide by the following
All members MUST play within the rules and spirit of cricket and respect officials and their
All members are expected to show good behaviour at all times when representing the
All members MUST respect and care for the facilities, grounds and changing rooms and
any other facilities which may be used.
All members MUST respect their opponents.
Members should keep to agreed times for training and competitions or inform their coach
or team manager if they are going to be late.
Members MUST wear suitable kit for training and matches as agreed with the coach or
team manager. Please ensure you are appropriately dressed for the weather.
Please bring a drink to all coaching sessions and matches.
Members must pay their subscriptions at the start of the season promptly.
All male youth players playing hardball cricket MUST provide their own protective box.
All youth players MUST wear a helmet for batting, keeping wicket and close fielding as
recommended by the ECB. The wearing of helmets is compulsory for all players under
the age of 18. There are no exceptions. This ECB regulation will be rigidly adhered to.
For further information please speak to your coach or manager.
Youth members ARE NOT ALLOWED to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind
on the club premises or whilst representing the club.
Challow & Childrey Cricket Club
Parents/Carers/Spectators – Code of Conduct
Children not participating in their training session must be supervised at all times and not
play on the outfield when other training sessions are taking place. This extends to
children who are coming to watch others train and to the older age groups who may be
arriving early for their session.
Children should not be allowed to play near the BBQ and the wicket covers
Children should not use the practice nets after 5pm on a Friday evening unless it is as
part of their supervised training session.
Club kit should only be used by coaches for their training session and not removed from
the box without prior permission.
Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
Discourage unfair play and never argue with officials.
Never force your child to take part in sport.
Use correct and proper language at all times.
Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
Challow & Childrey Cricket Club
Additional Parental Information from Safe Hands
We may use photos of youth members on club publicity (website, literature etc), however,
we will ensure that we do not use a name with the photograph. If you have any concerns
regarding this please let us know.
Should we wish to use a photograph together with a name parental consent will be sought
before doing so.
We ask that parents taking photo/videos at any cricket events do so for their own personal
records/family albums and that the privacy and confidentiality of other club members and
opponents is respected.
Video analysis is a very useful coaching aid. In the future we may use video analysis as
part of our coaching programme, if we choose to do so great care will be taken to ensure
the confidentiality of the films and that all films are stored carefully.
MIXED GENDER TEAMS: Unfortunately most cricket pavilions/club houses do not have
enough changing rooms to facilitate separate sex changing. We therefore suggest that all
players arrive at the venue changed and ready to play. The changing room can then be
used for the storage of kit, putting on of protective wear and team talks. We will
endeavour to ensure the changing rooms are supervised by two responsible adults –
ideally one of each sex.
our older and more able youth members will have the opportunity to play in a senior team
during the course of a season. Again since most cricket pavilions/club houses only have
two changing rooms this means that youth players will share changing facilities with the
senior adult cricketers
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to transport their child to and from the club and all
Challow & Childrey Cricket Club
Additional Parental Information from Safe Hands
All our training and coaching sessions will be led by ECB qualified coaches. Challow and
Childrey CC also adhere to the ECB guidelines on vetting checks.
Coach education is high on our agenda, we are encouraging all our coaches to gain a
coaching award, a current first aid and child protection certificate, plus be a member of the
ECB Coaches Association. Coach education is an on-going concern and we hope many
of our coaches will go on and gain further coaching qualifications.
Many of our coaches and helpers have current first aid qualifications. At all training
sessions a first aid kit and instant cold packs are available in the club house. At away
fixtures team mangers will be provided with a first aid kit and instant cold packs.