Tree-Shock - Sweets Construction

For Immediate Release
For more information, contact:
Cameron Riddell
Bird Barrier President
[email protected]
Bird Barrier protects public health and property
with new Tree-Shock™ bird and wildlife deterrent
CARSON, CALIF. & SECAUCUS, N.J. — Nov. 18, 2014 — Bird Barrier America, Inc.,
has developed an electrified system that would make Ivan Pavlov proud —
the patent-pending Tree-Shock™, which keeps birds and wildlife off tree limbs.
Bird Barrier’s Tree-Shock™ system conditions pest birds like pigeons and
grackles, and wildlife such as squirrels and raccoons, to leave trees permanently
by shocking their feet with a painful but harmless electrified pulse.
Following in the footsteps of the company’s Bird-Shock Flex-Track, which
protects thousands of buildings worldwide, Bird Barrier’s Tree-Shock™ is barely
visible, easy to install, effective and long lasting. The innovation solves a
longstanding pest-habitat problem — trees — while helping pest management
and landscape professionals add value and revenue.
“Since we started Bird Barrier more than 20 years ago, we’ve been able to solve
the vast majority of building owners’ pest bird and wildlife problems,” said
Cameron Riddell, Bird Barrier’s president and founder. “But with trees, the
industry as a whole has been unable to offer the perfect solution — until now.”
Tree-Shock™ is a ½-inch PVC tube with two stainless-steel wires wrapped
diagonally around it, in a pattern similar to the red-and-white spiral on a
barbershop pole. The two wires are secured to the tube with thin strands of
nylon. A battery-powered charger sends short electrical pulses down the wires;
positive down one wire, and negative (ground) down the other. When an animal’s
foot touches both wires, it completes the circuit … and “ZAP” — the pest flies
(or runs) away.
Pest management and landscape professionals can secure Tree-Shock™ tubing
to the tops of limbs via an assortment of attachment methods. Because the
product is tubular, it easily conforms to tree branches’ irregular configurations. It
can even be strung between branches, presenting birds and wildlife with initially
attractive perches and runways that ultimately teach them to avoid trees.
Tree-Shock™ is sold in a variety of lengths, like 5 and 10 feet, and in spools up
to 500 feet. Bird Barrier offers a wide assortment of connectors, wires and
fasteners, so any tree can be attractively, quickly and effectively protected. All
components are described on Bird Barrier’s website,, which
also features a video of Tree-Shock™ repelling starlings, one of the mostaggressive pest bird species.
With offices in Carson and Secaucus, Bird Barrier manufactures and distributes a
complete range of bird and pest control products around the world, including
netting, spikes, coils, electrified tracks and a variety of other effective products.
Bird Barrier can be reached at 310-527-8000 or [email protected].