Military Team Sponsorship $300 ^ z Team and Hole Sponsorship

Red White Blue Golf Tournament
Friday 18 August 2017
1030 registration 1200 Shotgun Start at Oak Point at Kiawah Island Golf Resort
Military Team Sponsorship $300
Don’t have a team? Sponsor a military team. You can choose the branch of service.
Team and Hole Sponsorship $400
Field a team of 4 and have your business represented on the course. You are welcome to
be at your hole to mingle with the golfers or you can provide any marketing
information/swag for the gift bags.
Hole Sponsor $200
Company logo on Event signs and banners, Opportunity to include promotional materials
in swag bag, Opportunity to be at hole with game or giveaway for golfers
Beverage Cart Sponsor $300
Company logo on Event signs and banners, Opportunity to include promotional materials
in swag bag and put your logo on the beverage cart. Drive the cart if you like!
Team Prizes or Door Prizes
Prizes for winning teams of 4 or door prizes to be awarded at event. Donors will be named
at time of prize giveaway and will be listed on the prize itself.
Name of Sponsor___________________________________________________________
Point of Contact____________________________________________________________
Level of Sponsorship ______________________________ Amount/Value______________
Printed Material or promo items for Golf Swag Bag
YES OR NO (Est 120 Golfers)
Plan to be at hole with game or giveaway/goodies for golfers YES OR NO
Check: PMSG C/O Steve Wichmann, HTFCU P.O. Box 118000 Charleston, SC 29423-8000
Credit Card Payment: Events tab to Red White and Blue
Tax ID 47-3509329 Tax Donation Receipt will be provided
Questions: [email protected]
Or Call Golf Tournament Chair, Graham Drayton at 803-517-0805/Cheryl Clark 843-452-9920