Testing - CBS Interactive

Placement Example:
Page Turn Unit Specifications
Please contact your CBS Interactive representative at:
The Page Turn unit is an eye-catching advertisement that allows marketers to
communicate offers through a realistic catalog-like browsing .
Upon initial load of the page, the Page Turn Unit displays a cover unit. To
expand or “open” the ad to its expanded state, the user must click on a righthand corner. The ad may contain multiple pages of content that can be manually
turned by the user or directly linked to through a table of contents. This ad will
be executed through our approved third-party vendor.
MPU Page Turn Cover display
MPU expanded display
Page Turn
Page Turn
Teaser Color
Half-Page Page Turn Cover display
Half-Page Page Turn expanded display
© 2012 CBS Interactive, a CBS Corporation company. All Rights Reserved. Updated on 02.03.2012
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Page Turn Unit Technical Specifications
When complete, follow the Submission Guidelines at the end of this document.
Ad Templates
Download the Page Turn templates here: http://cnet.usdk.unicast.com/
I. Base Unit
Ad Unit
300w x 250h for MPU
300w x 600h for Half Page
File Format
.SWF: Current versions of Flash and Actionscript
Teaser Color
The Page Turn teaser (lower right corner by default) will appear on any right hand page
when there is additional content to turn to. A default color will be used in the teaser on all
pages regardless of the color in the right hand corner of the next page. Upon user click
to turn the page, the color/imagery in the right corner of the next page will be displayed.
Frame Rate
24 frames per second maximum
30 seconds maximum
Audio/ Video
Must be user initiated on click with a visible “off” button. Video is not allowed in the base
II. Expand Unit
Expand Ad Unit
600w x 250h for MPU
600w x 600h for Half Page
File Format
.SWF: Current versions of Flash and Actionscript
The unique features of the Page Turn creative requires that you import your Flash assets
into the expand file template that is provided. Each “page” cannot have content that
exists on the main timeline, each should be contained in a unique movie clip.
Frame Rate
24 frames per second maximum
Third-party tracking is accepted on the linking URLs. A tracking 1x1 URL is also
Audio/ video must have “play”, “stop” and On/Off volume controls at all times.
III. Flash Coding Guidelines for Unicast
Click-Through Button(s)
ActionScript for the click-through buttons is included in the example buttons in the template files. For reporting
purposes, you can add an optional click label to each click through. Examples of click labels would be
“moreInfoClick”, “productDetailClick”. A click label should use no special characters and no spaces and may be
up to 28 characters long. For multiple click-throughs, please note that the numbering for them starts at 0:
Example Click 0 (with click label)
on (release) {
Unicast.click(0, “Click_Main”);
© 2012 CBS Interactive, a CBS Corporation company. All Rights Reserved. Updated on 02.03.2012
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Specifications continued on the next page
In order to add multiple click throughs, simply increment the index number as indicated below.
Example Click 1
on (release) {
Do NOT embed the URLs within the Flash files. All URLs are handled within the Unicast interface.
Page Turn Interaction:
To expand, the following code should be placed on the page turn symbol in the template file or to any symbol
that triggers the expand action. By default, this action is on the lower 65 x 65 area of the main file.
on (release) {
Unicast.showPanel(1, “User_Expand”);
Unicast also has the ability to track interactions in Reports. The following syntax can be used:
Unicast.track("interaction_description ", -1);
IV. Checklist of files needed
Flash .swf files for the Page Turn
Flash .fla files for the Page Turn
Fonts needed for the Page Turn files
Default 300w x 250h image for the MPU base unit, default 300w x 600h for the Half Page base unit
Linking URL
Tracking URL (optional)
For video, please submit an uncompressed .AVI file. The aspect ration of the video should be either
4:3 standard or 16:9 depending on final video dimensions.
All creative must function uniformly on both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems as well as the
following browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari for Mac OS X.
Material Submission Deadlines
CBS Interactive requires that all files be submitted 3 business days prior to start date.
For technical questions or feedback regarding these specifications, please email
[email protected].
Quick Links
Questions/ Feedback
Please contact your CBS Interactive representative.
Questions and/or Submission of
your creative
If you have any questions regarding the development of your creative, contact
[email protected].
© 2012 CBS Interactive, a CBS Corporation company. All Rights Reserved. Updated on 02.03.2012
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