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Introducing XenServer 2/2
Monforte Salvatore
CCR – Virtualization Tutorial
Catania 1-3 December 2010
XenServer Backups
• it might be very useful to backup your VMs running on a Citrix XenServer Host/Pool
• there are several ways to perform VMs backups
▫ at a very high-level there are basically two categories of backups
 cold backups
▫ VMs should be offline before taking the backup
 hot backups
▫ VMs can be backed up without incurring in any downtime
In addition XenServer provides commands for backing-up/restore
▫ host configuration
xe host-backup file-name=<host backup>
▫xe pool
file-name=<host backup>
xe pool-dump-database file-name=<pool metadata backup>
xe pool-restore-database file-name=<pool metadata backup> --dry-run
XenServer Backups
Cold VM Backups
• Ensure that the VM to be backed up is offline
• Run the command
xe vm-export vm=<vm_uuid> file-name=<backup>
▫ this backup also backs up all of the VM's data
 when importing a VM, you can specify the storage mechanism to use for the
backed up
▫ this process backs up all of the VM data
 it can take some time to complete
In addition it is possible to backup only VM metadata
▫ Running the command
xe vm-export vm=<vm_uuid> file-name=<backup> --metadata
XenServer Backups
Full metadata backup and disaster recovery
• Full metadata backups are based on the concept of Portable Storage Repositories
(Portable SRs)
▫ contain all of the information necessary to recreate all the Virtual Machines (VMs)
with Virtual Disk Images (VDIs) stored on the XenServer hosts and resource pools
SR after re-attaching the SR to a different host or pool
• Portable SRs work by creating a dedicated metadata VDI within the specified SR
▫ this metadata VDI is used to store
 copies of the pool and host database
 metadata describing each VM's configuration
▫ as a result the SR becomes fully self-contained, or portable, allowing it to be
detached from one host and re-attached to another as a new SR.
 once the SR is re-attached a restore process is used to recreate all of the VMs
on the SR from the metadata VDI
• For disaster recovery the metadata backup can be scheduled to run regularly to
ensure the metadata SR is updated periodically
XenServer Backups
• The text console on the XenServer host provides the
Backup, Update and Restore menu
▫ you can use these menu items to perform 3 operations
 Schedule a regular metadata backup to the default pool SR, either daily,
weekly or monthly
▫ regularly rotate metadata backups and ensure that the latest metadata is present
for that SR without any user intervention
 Trigger an immediate metadata backup to the SR of your choice
▫ will create a backup VDI if necessary, attach it to the host and backup all the
metadata to that SR
 use this option if you have made some changes which you want to see reflected in the
backup immediately
 Perform a metadata restoration operation
 prompt you to choose an SR to restore from
▫ restoring only VM records associated with that SR
▫ all the VM records found
XenServer Backups
• Create and move a portable SR using Local Console and XenCenter
On the source host or pool, within the Local Console
 select the Backup, Restore, and Update menu option
 select the Backup Virtual Machine Metadata option
 select the desired SR
within XenCenter
 shutdown all running VMs with VDIs on the SR to be moved
 select the SR to be moved and detach it
 select forget to remove the SR record from the source host or pool
 select the destination host/pool
 create and reattach the storage
within the Local Console on the destination host
 select the Backup, Restore, and Update menu option
 select the Restore Virtual Machine Metadata option
 select the newly re-attached SR
XenServer Backups
Hot VM Backups
• Basically XenServer provides two methods for creating hot VM backups
▫ manual snapshots / exports
 through XenCenter or CLI
▫ scripted snapshots / exports
 through XenAPI or CLI
• Snapshot are templates containing storage information and VM configuration
▫ two types of VM snapshots are supported
 regular
▫ crash consistent and can be performed on all VM types, including Linux VMs
 quiesced
▫ take advantage of the Windows Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) for services that
support it, so that a supported application can flush data to disk
XenServer Snapshots
Hot VM Backups via Snapshot
• Basically XenServer provides two methods for creating hot VM backups
▫ manual snapshots / exports
 through XenCenter or CLI
▫ scripted snapshots / exports
 through XenAPI or CLI
▫ requires additional knowledge of XenAPI and CLI
• Snapshot contains storage information and VM configuration
▫ two types of VM snapshots are supported
 regular
▫ crash consistent and can be performed on all VM types, including Linux VMs.
 quiesced
▫ take advantage of the Windows Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) for services that
support it, so that a supported application can flush data to disk
XenServer Snapshots
• There are two possible locations where we can execute our scripts
▫ on the administration workstation with XenCenter installed
▫ VB Script for the logic
▫ Scheduled Tasks for the automation
 the workstation should be always on to execute scripts
 a network connection to the storage is required
▫ on the XenServer host
▫ Shell or Python scripts for the logic
▫ Linux CRONs for automation
 the XenServer is (in most cases) always on
 network connection to the storage is already in place
XenServer Snapshots
Creating Hot VM Backups via Snapshot using the CLI
• Create the Snapshot
▫ with quiesce
xe vm-snapshot-with-quiesce vm=<vm_uuid> new-name-label=<shapshot_label>
▫ regular
xe vm-snapshot vm=<vm_uuid> new-name-label=<shapshot_label>
• Remove the template flag from the Snapshot
xe template-param-set is-a-template=false uuid=<snapshot_uuid>
• Export the Snapshot to backup share
xe vm-export uuid=<snapshot_uuid> filename=<backup>.xva
• Delete Snapshot from XenServer host to save space on the SR
xe vm-unistall uuid=<vm_uuid> force=true
XenServer Snapshots
Backups / Snapshot automation
• Before getting crazy start coding have a look to what the Citrix Community provides
▫ the first interesting scripts is from Jeff Riechers
 Visual Basic Script
 published on the Citrix Community Forun
▫ http://forums.citrix.com/thread.jspa?threadID=250128&tstart=0
 very good documented and is configurable with parameters
▫ second script comes from Andy Burton
 shell script
 can be downloaded at the following URL
▫ http://www.andy-burton.co.uk/blog
 very well documented and configurable using a configuration file
 there are a lot of enhancements to this script on the Citrix Community Forum
▫ third scripts from Mark (?)
 shell script
 can be downloaded at the following URL
▫ http://www.markround.com/archives/61-Xenserver-snapshot-and-template-basedbackup-script.html
 very well documented configurable using both configuration files and custom fields
XenServer Snapshots
Understanding Snapshots
• Snapshot behavior and storage consumption is determined by the type of storage
repository (SR) used
▫ Volume-based
 iSCSI and Hardware HBA Fiber Channel and local disks
▫ File-based
• Snapshot on Volume-based Storage Repositories
Consider a 20GB iSCSI storage repositories
Create a Linux VM with one 5 GB disk
 in the iSCSI SR the entire 5 GB of space required by the VDI is consumed at the time it is
XenServer Snapshots
After the snapshot is performed the storage consumption is reported as follows
After deleting the snapshot the storage consumption does not change
XenServer Snapshots
After VM creation, the VM has one VDI of 5 GB
▫ VDI is thick provisioned and is assigned a UUID
After snapshot is created, the following steps occur
▫ VDI A contains data up to the point of the snapshot
 this VDI is deflated to conserve space
▫ UUID remapping from A to B occurs
▫ VDI B becomes the active node
▫ VDI C is empty
 except for VHD header information
UUID: 01D4…
1.2 GB
UUID: 01D4…
After the snapshot is deleted, the following steps occur
▫ VDI C is deleted
▫ VDI A does not change
 continues to have data up to the point of the snapshot
 even though the snapshot was technically deleted
VDI B continues to be used for writes
0 GB
1.2 GB
UUID: 01D4…
XenServer Snapshots
• Snapshot on File-based Storage Repositories
Consider a 20GB NFS storage repository
Create a Linux VM with one 5 GB disk
 in the NFS SR the 5 GB of space required by the VDI is thin provisioned
XenServer Snapshots
After the snapshot is performed the storage consumption is reported as follows
After deleting the snapshot the storage consumption returns back to what it was before the
snapshot was taken
XenServer Snapshots
After VM creation, the VM has one VDI of 5 GB
▫ VDI is thin provisioned and is assigned a UUID
 only the space required is actually allocated
After snapshot is created, the following steps occur
▫ VDI A contains data up to the point of the snapshot
▫ VDI B and C are empty
 except for VHD header information
▫ UUID remapping from A to B occurs
176 MB
176 MB
After the snapshot is deleted, the following steps occur
▫ VDI C is deleted
▫ VDI A does not change
 continues to have data up to the point of the snapshot
 even though the snapshot was technically deleted
VDI B continues to be used for writes
 will grow over time
0 GB
176 MB
XenServer Snapshots
Coalescing scenarios
• XenServer includes the ability to collapse VDI chains
▫ eliminate redundant nodes that result from creation and
deletion of snapshots
• This process is known as coalescing
▫ occurs as a background process
Consider a VM having two snapshot
▫ VDI C and VDI E
When snapshot C is deleted
▫ parent B is no longer required
 will be coalesced into A
XenServer Snapshots
If the remaining snapshot E is deleted
▫ VDI B and coalesced VDI A+B remains
When snapshot G is subsequently taken
▫ parent D is coalesced into A+B
 three VDIs will exist for the VM at this
XenServer SDKs
• XenServer includes a XML-RPC based API
▫ providing programmatic access to the extensive set of XenServer management
features and tools
• XenServer API can be called from a remote system as well as local to the XenServer
▫ remote calls are generally made securely over HTTPS
• There are five SDKs available, one for each of C, C#, Java, PowerShell, and Python
▫ provided under an open-source license
 LGPL or GPL with the common linking exception
 this allows use (unmodified) in both closed-and open-source applications
▫ http://community.citrix.com/display/xs/Download+SDKs
• There are also several example code samples also provided for download
▫ demonstrate creating a VM
▫ running VM power operations
▫ and watching for events
XenServer SDKs
XAPI objects class diagram