Cells and Human Body Review Questions

Cells [1087604]
1. Different systems of the human body perform different functions. Which system takes
oxygen from the air to be moved by the circulatory system?
A. the respiratory system
B. the digestive system
C. the nervous system
D. the skeletal system
2. Look at the diagram modeling some parts of a plant cell.
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Which cell part missing from this model is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
A. a nucleus
B. a chloroplast
C. a mitochondrion
D. a cell membrane
3. Look at the diagram.
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What does the diagram model?
A. a virus
B. a bacterium
C. a plant cell
D. an animal cell
4. Which of the following allows materials to enter and leave a cell?
A. cell wall
B. mitochondria
C. vacuole
D. cell membrane
5. What is the main function of the cell wall in a plant cell?
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A. to protect against disease
B. to give structural support
C. to contain the parts of the cell
D. to help with cell division
6. Cells take in food for energy. The part of the cell that aids in digestion of the food is the
lysosome. What is the main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion?
A. building proteins
B. breaking down wastes
C. controlling the activities of the cell
D. converting energy from one form into another
7. The cells of a plant help the plant maintain its life functions. What part of a plant cell has
the function of producing sugar in the presence of sunlight?
A. chloroplast
B. cytoplasm
C. mitochondria
D. nucleus
8. Eating food that is undercooked can lead to a disease that affects the digestive system.
Which body part is directly affected by the disease?
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A. intestines
B. arteries
C. nerves
D. sinuses
9. Look at the diagram modeling a person’s lungs.
What part do the alveoli play in the respiratory system?
A. They store gases not needed by the body.
B. They exchange gases with the circulatory system.
C. They keep any gases from entering the bloodstream.
D. They convert carbon dioxide to oxygen for use by cells.
10. Which statement best describes the primary role of perspiration in humans?
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A. Perspiration rids the body of excess water.
B. Perspiration eliminates bacteria from the skin.
C. Perspiration opens skin pores to absorb more oxygen.
D. Perspiration helps to maintain a stable body temperature.
11. The heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and bladder working together are best described as
A. a cell.
B. a tissue.
C. an organism.
D. a system.
12. The human body maintains homeostasis through a constant exchange of sensory and
chemical messages. The chart summarizes some of these messages.
In order to maintain homeostasis, body temperature is kept close to 37°C. Which message
role would sweating most likely play in regulating body temperature?
A. 1
B. 2
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C. 3
D. 4
13. Which of these structures in a plant cell allows a plant to make food?
A. cell wall
B. cytoplasm
C. chloroplast
D. chromosomes
14. Muscle tissues are made of specialized units called
A. organs.
B. cells.
C. genes.
D. organelles.
15. The nose, mouth, and diaphragm are parts of which body system?
A. digestive
B. muscular
C. circulatory
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D. respiratory
16. Look at the diagrams modeling some of the body systems.
Which pair of diagrams must be included in a model explaining why a hand pulls back
suddenly from a hot flame?
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 2 and 4
17. Look at the diagrams modeling some of the body systems.
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Which of these diagrams must be included in a model of how body cells are provided with
oxygen and glucose?
A. 1, 3, and 4
B. 1, 2, and 5
C. 2, 3, and 5
D. 1, 2, and 4
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18. Which action best models the motion of an arm at the elbow joint?
A. opening a drawer
B. slicing an apple
C. closing a car door
D. pushing a wheelbarrow
19. How do muscles and bones work together to create body movement?
A. The muscles pull on the bones.
B. The muscles protect the bones.
C. Muscles grow at the same rate as bones.
D. Muscles send electrical impulses to bones.
20. What part of the digestive system first causes chemical changes to food?
A. teeth in the mouth
B. saliva in the mouth
C. enzymes in the stomach
D. enzymes in the small intestine
21. An athlete is running a race. The athlete’s body needs energy. Which organelle(s) in the
athlete’s cells supply the energy for cellular functions?
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A. Golgi apparatus
B. mitochondrion
C. ribosome
D. nucleus
22. The human body is made up of organ systems that work together as one unit. Which
systems work together to prepare and distribute food for cells?
A. digestive and circulatory
B. digestive and endocrine
C. nervous and respiratory
D. nervous and excretory
23. The human body temperature is normally 98.6°F. As a person exercises, the body
temperature starts to increase. As a result of the increased body temperature, the
perspiration process begins to cool the body. Which best describes what the body is
doing when it perspires?
A. increasing osmosis
B. reducing transpiration
C. controlling metabolism
D. maintaining homeostasis
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24. During digestion, strong acids are added to food to help break down the food chemically.
Into which organ are most of these acids added?
A. small intestine
B. large intestine
C. gallbladder
D. stomach
25. The esophagus, stomach, and small intestine are parts of which body system?
A. nervous
B. digestive
C. respiratory
D. muscular
26. Which body system functions by bringing in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide?
A. endocrine
B. respiratory
C. digestive
D. urinary
27. Which statement about all living organisms is true?
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A. They have limbs.
B. They produce their own food.
C. They breathe air.
D. They have at least one cell.
28. Look at the diagram.
What does the diagram model?
A. a virus
B. a bacterium
C. a plant cell
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D. an animal cell
29. The respiratory system in the human body is shown in the diagram below.
What is the main relationship between the trachea, bronchioles, and alveoli?
A. They work together to transport nutrients.
B. They work together to regulate body temperature.
C. They work together to store fluids to prevent dehydration.
D. They work together to maintain the oxygen level in the blood.
30. Which of these best describes the function of the skeletal system?
A. transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
B. supports and protects tissues and organs
C. removes harmful wastes from the cells of the body
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D. breaks down food into a form that cells can use
31. Which action by the body best releases heat and cools the body during and after
A. Chemicals are released to indicate thirst.
B. Muscles make lactic acid.
C. Breathing rate increases.
D. Perspiration occurs.
32. A common characteristic of all living things is that they
A. breathe air.
B. walk upright.
C. are made of cells.
D. use sunlight for growth.
33. Michael has to write a paper on the formation of red blood cells. In addition to the
circulatory system, what other body system should he research to find information about
the formation of red blood cells?
A. skeletal system
B. immune system
C. endocrine system
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D. reproductive system
34. Inside cells, special molecules carry messages from the membrane to the nucleus. Which
body system uses a similar process?
A. endocrine system
B. lymphatic system
C. excretory system
D. integumentary system
35. Which activity illustrates the main function of the motor neuron complex?
A. transferring impulses to the appropriate muscle
B. receiving sensory impulses from the environment
C. delivering regular impulses to the autonomic system
D. processing impulses within the cerebral cortex
36. Which system absorbs and carries food from the digestive system to the rest of the
A. nervous system
B. muscular system
C. circulatory system
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D. respiratory system
37. Look at the diagram.
Which body system is modeled in the diagram?
A. the digestive system
B. the muscular system
C. the circulatory system
D. the reproductive system
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38. The table below shows the level of structural organization in some living organisms.
Structural Organization
of Some Living Organisms
Organ Systems
At what level would a human heart be classified in the structural organization chart?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
39. Food is digested to the molecular level, absorbed, and then carried to the cells. The
dissolved waste molecules produced by the cells are removed primarily from the blood by
A. skin.
B. lungs.
C. kidneys.
D. large intestine.
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40. One system of the human body works along with the skeletal system by assisting
movement and maintaining posture. Which system is being described?
A. respiratory
B. circulatory
C. muscular
D. digestive
41. Between the ages of 8 and 13, young boys’ and girls’ bodies begin to change. This is the
beginning point of children becoming adults. During these years, the endocrine system
releases certain types of hormones. What is most likely being regulated by this system?
A. absorption of water and nutrients
B. growth and development of the body
C. blood flow to the cells and major organs
D. rate that waste is eliminated from the body
42. Muscle cells have the ability to store and release large amounts of energy. Which body
function is best served by this release of energy?
A. exchanging gases
B. moving body parts
C. absorbing nutrients
D. sending nerve impulses
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43. When blood that is high in carbon dioxide exits the heart, it immediately enters which
body system?
A. nervous
B. respiratory
C. digestive
D. muscular
44. The structures in the bodies of many organisms have levels of organization that help the
body to carry out life processes. Which list correctly shows how these levels are
organized from the simplest to the most complex?
A. tissue, cell, organ, organ system
B. organ, cell, organ system, tissue
C. cell, tissue, organ, organ system
D. organ system, tissue, organ, cell
45. Which body system is most responsible for the removal of waste?
A. skeletal system
B. nervous system
C. muscular system
D. excretory system
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46. Which function requires the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems to work together?
A. movement of appendages
B. completion of blood circulation
C. absorption of nutrients
D. regulation of hormones
47. The extensive branching of neurons helps them to perform which function?
A. maintain structural stability
B. stockpile chemical energy
C. communicate with other neurons
D. secrete hormones
48. When a person’s arm touches something hot, the muscles in the arm react to pull the arm
away. Which body system alerts the muscles to react?
A. Nervous
B. Digestive
C. Circulatory
D. Respiratory
49. The circulatory system and the endocrine system work together in the human body.
Which describes one way in which these systems interact?
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A. taking in oxygen and transporting it to cells of the body
B. releasing hormones and transporting them to cells of the body
C. absorbing nutrients from food and transporting them to cells in the body
D. collecting waste products from the cells and transporting it out of the body
50. Students run laps around the track in physical education class. After a few laps, the
students’ breathing gets heavier, and their pace begins to slow. The students are most
likely slowing down because
A. they are exhaling carbon dioxide.
B. their lung cells are multiplying.
C. their respiratory system stops functioning.
D. they are getting less oxygen to their cells.
51. Which of the following is a function of the motor neurons in the nervous system?
A. to directly apply force to the skeletal system
B. to gather information about the stimuli
C. to transmit messages from the brain to the body
D. to directly control the action of muscles
52. What is the first line of defense in the human body against infection and disease?
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A. the skin
B. vitamins
C. red blood cells
D. white blood cells
53. Which of these systems functions to protect and support vital organs?
A. digestive
B. skeletal
C. nervous
D. excretory
54. Which situation is an example of a feedback system in the body that maintains
A. a mouse pushing a lever to release food
B. a dog going to a food bowl when a bell rings
C. students receiving star stickers for good behavior
D. the brain signaling blood vessels to return to normal
55. During exercise, the cardiovascular system works together with the respiratory system to
A. maintain blood pressure.
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B. remove carbon dioxide.
C. produce red blood cells.
D. filter out waste products.
56. Which human organ system primarily exchanges gases between the body and the
A. excretory
B. nervous
C. skeletal
D. respiratory
57. Which is a major organ of the nervous system?
A. brain
B. stomach
C. lung
D. bone
58. In the human body, the circulatory system works with the respiratory system by
A. producing red blood cells.
B. transporting oxygen to organs.
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C. providing nutrients to muscles.
D. controlling the movement of the lungs.
59. Organisms that are classified as multicellular must have
A. only one cell.
B. large cells.
C. more than one cell.
D. identical cells.
60. What two organ systems are involved in the transfer of oxygen to the cells from outside
the body?
A. skeletal and digestive
B. skeletal and respiratory
C. circulatory and digestive
D. circulatory and respiratory
61. Which shows structural organization from the simplest to the most complex?
A. organisms → organ systems → cells → tissues → organs
B. cells → organs → organ systems → tissues → organisms
C. organisms → tissues → organs → organ systems → cells
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D. cells → tissues → organs → organ systems → organisms
62. The human body has different levels of organization. In the structural organization of the
central nervous system, which is an organ?
A. brain
B. grey matter
C. nerve
D. neuron
63. Which system helps maintain a normal body temperature of 98.6°F?
A. skeletal system
B. digestive system
C. endocrine system
D. reproductive system
64. Which of these is the basic building block of complex organisms?
A. a cell
B. a tissue
C. an organ
D. an organ system
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65. In humans, digestion begins in the mouth. The complete process of digestion occurs with
the help of many different parts of the body. Which term best identifies the parts of the
body that carry out the function of digestion?
A. an organ
B. an organism
C. a system
D. a tissue
66. Which organ system communicates with cells in muscle tissue so that the muscles
contract or relax, allowing the body to move?
A. circulatory system
B. nervous system
C. respiratory system
D. excretory system
67. Which body system is responsible for breaking down food into molecules that it absorbs?
A. digestive
B. circulatory
C. respiratory
D. lymphatic
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68. Some runners ate pasta before a race. The pasta was broken down into simple sugars
and was absorbed by the blood stream. What body system was responsible for breaking
down the pasta into small nutrients for use in the cells of the runners?
A. the nervous system
B. the digestive system
C. the excretory system
D. the endocrine system
69. How does the skin help the body maintain homeostasis?
A. The skin transports oxygen.
B. The skin digests viruses.
C. The skin sends messages to the brain.
D. The skin stabilizes temperature.
70. Which body system is most affected by a disease that causes the bones to become weak
and brittle?
A. excretory
B. muscular
C. skeletal
D. nervous
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71. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that run throughout the
entire body. Which of these is one function of the nervous system?
A. supports body posture
B. controls body functions
C. supplies the blood with oxygen
D. carries blood to and from the heart
72. The diagrams identify major parts of two different human systems.
Which statement best describes how the two systems are similar?
A. Both systems provide structure to the body.
B. Both systems contain specialized cells and tissues.
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C. Both systems assume the functions of other failing body parts.
D. Both systems establish homeostasis and communication.
73. Blood absorbs oxygen in the
A. heart.
B. lungs.
C. stomach.
D. muscles.
74. Mr. Mendoza’s class studied different body systems. What is an important function of the
circulatory system?
A. providing structural support to muscles
B. carrying oxygen to cells
C. getting energy from food
D. sending messages to the brain
75. Human organ systems work together in many ways. Which statement accurately explains
the relationship between two body systems?
A. The excretory system regulates the temperature of the integumentary system.
B. The skeletal system delivers nutrients absorbed by the endocrine system.
C. The digestive system delivers oxygen absorbed by the respiratory system.
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D. The nervous system regulates the movement of the muscular system.
76. Marlene is eating lunch. When food enters her stomach, it mixes with gastric juices.
Which statement best describes what happens next to this mixture?
A. It becomes a solid that is pushed through the small intestine.
B. It becomes a liquid called chyme that is pushed through the small intestine.
C. It becomes a nutrient and is immediately passed through the large intestine.
D. It becomes a form of hydrochloric acid that is forced through the large intestine.
77. Examine the diagrams below.
Which structure is common to both a euglena and a paramecium?
A. cilia
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B. eyespot
C. chloroplast
D. contractile vacuole
78. Dominic is observing a volvox colony and a paramecium under a microscope. He makes a
note in his journal that the volvox colony and the paramecium are similar because they
have many organelles for movement. What would Dominic most likely notice about the
movement of a volvox colony and a paramecium?
A. They both move at the same rate.
B. They both move away from light.
C. They both move in the same direction.
D. They both move toward an energy source.
79. Teresa is making a list of the similarities and differences between a euglena and a volvox
cell. In which way is the euglena different from the volvox cell?
A. A euglena can respond to light.
B. A euglena can live in fresh water.
C. A euglena can regulate water intake.
D. A euglena can only reproduce asexually.
80. Oscar and Andre used a microscope to observe a sample of pond water and drew an
example of each type of organism they saw. Then they compared their drawings. They
discovered that their drawings of a euglena and a paramecium were alike, but their
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amoeba drawings had very different shapes. What are two things that Oscar’s amoeba
could have been doing that made his drawing look different from Andre’s?
A. eating and moving
B. moving and digesting
C. digesting and excreting
D. excreting and eating
81. Which characteristic can an amoeba change that a paramecium cannot change?
A. sex
B. shape
C. color
D. position
82. Which characteristic does a euglena share with an amoeba?
A. They reproduce by mitosis.
B. They eat by phagocytosis.
C. They respond to light stimuli.
D. They move by changing shape.
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83. A euglena cell has a structure called an eyespot that detects light. A paramecium does
not have an eyespot, and so it cannot detect light. Why doesn’t a paramecium need an
A. A paramecium does not live where there is light.
B. A paramecium does not photosynthesize its own food.
C. A paramecium lives in shallower water than a euglena.
D. A paramecium uses cilia instead of a flagellum to move.
84. A euglena has a flagellum and a paramecium has cilia. Both types of organelles help
these organisms move through the water. However, a paramecium can also use its cilia to
perform another task. What is this task?
A. obtain food
B. defend the cell
C. attach to a surface
D. perform conjugation
85. Some euglena species and all volvox have chloroplasts and perform photosynthesis. But
volvox are classified as green algae and euglenas are not. Which characteristic is the
most likely reason euglenas are not classified as algae?
A. None of the euglena species form colonies.
B. All euglena species use flagella for movement.
C. Some euglena species are full-time heterotrophs.
D. All euglena species have eyespots to detect light.
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86. How does an amoeba’s reproduction differ from a euglena’s reproduction?
A. An amoeba divides horizontally instead of vertically.
B. An amoeba produces more than one offspring at a time.
C. An amoeba can reproduce sexually as well as asexually.
D. An amoeba must split some structures in half before dividing.
87. Which characteristic does a paramecium have in common with volvox?
A. able to produce gametes
B. can perform photosynthesis
C. has an organelle for movement
D. lives as one of a colony of cells
88. Which structures are common to both plant and animal cells?
A. vacuole, chloroplast, nucleus
B. cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondrion
C. nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane
D. mitochondrion, vacuole, cell wall
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89. Which one of these is not a characteristic of an animal?
A. obtains energy by consuming other organisms
B. is multicellular with cells that have cell walls
C. takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
D. is able to grow new cells to replace damaged cells
90. Which of the following allows materials to enter and leave a cell?
A. cell wall
B. mitochondria
C. vacuole
D. cell membrane
91. What is the main function of the cell wall in a plant cell?
A. to protect against disease
B. to give structural support
C. to contain the parts of the cell
D. to help with cell division
92. A student draws a picture of an amoeba.
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What do an amoeba and a human have in common?
A. a heart
B. a spine
C. lungs
D. cells
93. Cells take in food for energy. The part of the cell that aids in digestion of the food is the
lysosome. What is the main role of lysosomes in the process of food digestion?
A. building proteins
B. breaking down wastes
C. controlling the activities of the cell
D. converting energy from one form into another
94. The cells of a plant help the plant maintain its life functions. What part of a plant cell has
the function of producing sugar in the presence of sunlight?
A. chloroplast
B. cytoplasm
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C. mitochondria
D. nucleus
95. A paramecium is an example of
A. a single-celled organism.
B. multiple organisms.
C. an inorganic substance.
D. a group of cells.
96. Which part makes a plant cell different from an animal cell?
A. cell membrane
B. cell wall
C. cytoplasm
D. nucleus
97. Which of these must be absorbed by animal cells in order to grow?
A. genes
B. sunlight
C. nutrients
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D. chromosomes
98. Which function makes a plant cell different from an animal cell?
A. ability to use energy
B. ability to absorb nutrients
C. ability to divide into two cells
D. ability to convert sunlight into energy
99. All organisms process nutrients. Which sentence best describes how plants and animals
process nutrients similarly?
A. Energy from sunlight produces nutrients.
B. Nutrients increase the strength of cell walls.
C. Cells break down nutrients into usable forms.
D. Nutrients are broken down by the digestive system.
100. A student studied an animal cell under a microscope. The student made a drawing of the
cell and labeled some of its parts.
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Which label should the student write in place of the question mark?
A. nucleolus
B. ribosome
C. cell wall
D. cell membrane
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