Spectrum Analytics
Product Overview
Data-driven insight is essential for investors, consultants and asset managers alike. Institutional investors and consultants need tools
to screen, select and monitor investment managers in order to comply with rigorous due diligence processes. Asset managers must vet
their business strategies using in-depth peer and market analysis in addition to creating professional reports and fact sheets.
eVestment Spectrum Analytics is a robust, cloud-based solution with data across traditional and alternative asset classes for institutional
investment screening, monitoring and peer comparison with advanced query capabilities to search on over 2,800 traditional and
alternative fields. Use additional functionality to construct portfolios, allocate assets, and create charting and reporting using an
interactive publishing feature to build custom fact sheets. Also included are features such as returns-based style analysis and
automated reporting with batching and scheduling capabilities.
How clients are using Spectrum Analytics
Screen and target managers. Quickly screen, track, request detail — all from one interface. Drill down to find managers
and strategies from across more than 2,300 unique traditional data fields and over 500 unique alternative data fields.
Ongoing due diligence and monitoring. Use the interactive profile to compare a fund’s performance by dragging and
dropping benchmarks and funds into charts, as well as by viewing risk analysis, correlations and historical performance tables.
Construct portfolios. Create actual or hypothetical portfolios for use in your analysis. Create composites that reflect
historical allocation changes with options for rebalancing and backfilling.
Conduct peer analysis. Gain a complete view of the competitive landscape. Analyze how you stack up using side-by-side
manager comparison, view how your strategies rank, see the fees of peers to assess fund positioning and more.
Build reporting and marketing materials. Customize client-ready tear sheets and reports by dragging and dropping
tables, charts and text into our Design Lab.
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Spectrum Analytics Capabilities
Interactive Profiles & Charts
Robust Screening
Traditional and Alternative Data
Portfolio Analysis
Automated Reporting
Returns-Based Style Analysis
Peer Group Analysis
Presentation-Ready Reports and Fact Sheets
Drag and drop charts and create customizable dashboards for
monitoring strategies. Results appear immediately after setting
your parameters, leaving only what meets your specifications.
Choose from traditional, hedge fund, regional and/or global
datasets. Our database includes quantitative, qualitative and
portfolio detail on over 75,000 investment vehicles.
Take advantage of automated reporting with batching and
scheduling capabilities to increase efficiency when you have a
report you need to reproduce at regular intervals.
Gain a complete view of the competitive landscape. Analyze
how you stack up using side-by-side manager comparison,
view how your strategies rank and assess fund positioning.
Drill down to find managers and strategies using virtually any
database field, including more than 2,300 unique traditional
data fields and over 500 unique alternative data fields.
Build and evaluate hypothetical or actual portfolios. Save
allocated portfolios and create composites that reflect historical
allocation changes with options for rebalancing and backfilling.
Spectrum also includes returns-based style analysis modules so
you can track strategies over time, ensuring adherence to style
Customize your own charts and create report books to meet
every need using our Design Lab. Easily export data to Excel
with the ability to refresh your spreadsheet data.
About eVestment
eVestment provides a flexible suite of easy-to-use, cloud-based solutions to help the institutional investing community identify and capitalize on global investment trends,
better select and monitor investment managers and more successfully enable asset managers to market their funds worldwide. With the largest, most comprehensive global
database of traditional and alternative strategies, delivered through leading-edge technology and backed by fantastic client service, eVestment helps its clients be more
strategic, efficient and informed.
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