E-News - Mediate.com

JULY 31, 2017
The Iowa
Association of
Mediators Names
The Honorable
William Thomas the
2014 A.M. Fink
Award Recipient
“I offer a graduate
degree in common
sense.” Steve Ericson
on client-centered
family mediations
The Iowa Association of Mediators has named The Honorable William Thomas its
2014 A.M. Fink Award winner for his contributions to Iowa Mediation. His death in
February marked the loss of one of the most influential supporters of Iowa family
mediation. A driving force for the institution of the 6th Judicial Family Mediation
Program in 1996, Judge Thomas has left a lasting legacy benefitting families and
mediators in our state.
IAM Welcomes New Officers
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Dan Bechtol will continue on in his second year as IAM President with new faces on
the IAM executive committee. Kristen Hall and Rhonda Herum were voted in by
the membership as their new Vice President and Secretary respectively. They will
be joined by Amy Moore as the new IAM Treasurer. This new year brings many
opportunities available for service to the organization on committees, including the
Judicial Districts Committee that will be seeking members from each Iowa Judicial
District. If you have an interest in service, contact Dan at [email protected]
2014 Spring Conference Trains and Entertains
More than half of the IAM membership came together for the two-day Spring
Conference and Annual Meeting May 1st and 2nd in Ames. Thursday, in a spirited
hands-on exploration, members examined the game-theory construct of the
Prisoner's Dilemma to consider how the mediator's ability to foster trust and
examine mutual benefits support maximizing group outcomes. A.M. Fink shared his
practical and historic insights about game theory as a study by mathematicians.
Friday we were joined by mediation pioneers Steve Ericson and Marilyn McKnight.
Their training on client-centered mediation gave the membership new tools and
practical, effective methods for mediating people together in one room. With more
than thirty years in practice and three thousand mediations conducted, our
Minnesota guests had a wealth of information and experience to share with the
membership. IAM members can learn more about their approach and their future
training opportunities at http://ericksonmediation.com/.
Mediation Summer Camp
Add mediation training to your summer plans. IAM, in
conjunction with the Iowa Department on Aging and the AAA
Directors association, will be offering an aging issues mediation
training the entire week of July 14th in Grinnell. In addition to
trainings for AAA employees, we will have a limited number of
slots available for trained mediators to add an Elder Issues
specialty, including all hours necessary to meet the planning
Elder Issues certified mediator status and 2013 trainees to pick
up the additional course work for the new certification.
Registration will not be available until May 26th, but if you
want to pre-register to get priority placement for the specialty
training or certification requirements, send an e-mail to:
[email protected].
Association of
PO Box 8852
Cedar Rapids
Iowa 52405
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