Your guide to setting up Making it easy for your charity to fundraise

Your guide to setting up
Making it easy for your charity to fundraise online
Registered charity number 268369
Upgrading to CAF Donate.........................................................................................................................4
Setting up & managing your primary donation page..............................................................6
STEP 1 Setting up your general fund.............................................................................................7
STEP 2 Applying the look and feel .................................................................................................10
STEP 3 Making your primary donation page visible to donors.........................................11
Setting up & managing your campaign pages.............................................................................14
STEP 1 Setting up your campaign pages....................................................................................14
STEP 2 Applying the look and feel .................................................................................................17
STEP 3 Making your campaign donation pages visible to donors..................................17
Setting up & managing Direct Debits.................................................................................................18
STEP 1 Entering a new Direct Debit instruction ......................................................................18
STEP 2 Amending or cancelling a donor’s Direct Debit instruction ...............................20
Donation self-processing ...........................................................................................................................23
Accessing your reports ................................................................................................................................25
Coming soon .....................................................................................................................................................30
To sign up to use the full CAF Donate service you need to accept the CAF Donate Terms and Conditions and give
CAF the permission to re-claim Gift Aid on your behalf by downloading a ChV1 form to inform HM Revenue and Customs.
See ‘Upgrading to CAF Donate’ on page 4 for more details.
Once you have upgraded to CAF Donate, you will continue to have access to your CAF Donate profile as well as the
full CAF Donate service. A brief description of each service is set out below.
CAF Donate profile
Fundraising through
Your CAF Donate profile gives you the opportunity to set up
a free online profile and donation facility on
for your charity which can be accessed by your donors
through our charity search facility
Every month approximately £750,000 in donations is made
to charities by donors using our website.
Not only does your CAF Donate profile enable you to
receive one-off donations online by credit and debit card,
CAF Account Payment and PayPal, it will also allow you
to upload and submit CAF CharityCard and CAF voucher
payments* received by phone or post, help you to publicise
your charity’s mission and achievements and give you online
access to donation summaries and remittance advice.
As a CAF Donate profile customer you will automatically be
able to receive donations from other CAF donor services such
as CAF Give As You Earn.
CAF Donate - the full service
Fundraising through your own website and
social media channels
CAF Donate is an enhanced online donation processing
service that gives you the tools to fundraise through your own
website and via mobile devices and Facebook.
Through CAF Donate you have the ability to
set up and manage the following with no set
up or monthly fees**:
branded donation pages that donors can access
through your own website and via mobile devices
through a ‘Donate’ button.
A Widget
that you can embed into your website,
Facebook and mobile donation pages which means that
donors can give without leaving your website.
pages that will enable you to raise funds for
specific initiatives – you can:
▪ set fundraising targets
▪ set timelines for the campaign
▪ set up QR codes*
▪ accept one-off donations via credit or debit card,
PayPal and CAF Account Payment online
▪ accept regular donations via Direct Debit and
CAF Account Payment*
▪ submit your offline donations from CAF Account
Payment* as well as credit and debit card payments
and Direct Debit donations
▪ monitor and track your fundraising progress with
detailed reports on campaigns and donations.
This User Guide will take you through the steps you need to take to start fundraising through the full CAF Donate service.
* QR code, CAF voucher and Account Payment functionality will be available late 2013.
** Access to CAF Donate is free. There is no set-up or monthly charge. A 3.6% transaction fee is applied per gross donation processed for CAF Donate,
and a 2% transaction fee is applied on Direct Debits. For more information please see the Fee Schedule.
Upgrading to CAF Donate
You can upgrade to the full CAF Donate service in 3 easy steps:
1) Accept the CAF Donate Terms
and Conditions
To upgrade to the full CAF Donate service
all you need to do is go to your CAF Donate
Account home page, tick the box to say
that you are happy for CAF to reclaim Gift Aid
on your behalf and accept the CAF Donate
Terms and Conditions.
2) Submit HM Revenue and Customs
(HMRC) notification form to CAF
Download a ChV1 form from
which gives CAF permission to reclaim Gift
Aid on your behalf. Once completed, the
form needs to be sent to CAF at the address
below within 2 weeks of you electing to
upgrade to the CAF Donate service:
CAF Donate, Charities Aid Foundation,
25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill,
West Malling, Kent ME19 4TA
To help you
To help you with your ChV1 form, you only need to complete the following sections:
Front page: complete the details about your charity. This should be based on the current information held by
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
On page 4: Changes to the nominee and collection agency details: - this will be pre-populated with CAF information.
On page 6: the declaration: two authorised signatories are required with their National Insurance number. This is so
HMRC can run a standard identity verification check and confirm that the signatories have authority to appoint
CAF to reclaim Gift Aid on your behalf.
Once you have upgraded you can start using CAF Donate straight away*. However, we can only reclaim the Gift Aid back on
donations made to your organisation once we have been notified by HM Revenue and Customs that they have processed your
ChV1 form. We will however retrospectively claim back the Gift Aid on donations made from the point at which you upgraded.
HM Revenue and Customs usually take around one month to process the ChV1 form.
*Please note in order for the upgrade to take effect you will need to log out and log in again to your account.
3) Provide us with your bank account details
To use CAF Donate you must provide us with details of the bank account into which you wish us to pay your donations.
We want to be able to disburse charitable donations to you as quickly and securely as possible so that you can start to use these
funds immediately. Bacs provides the most secure and efficient means of money transfer. Therefore we encourage all our charity
customers to use this to receive their donations.
All we need is a pre-printed paying in slip– this can be sent via post or you can email a scanned copy to
[email protected] Then all future donation disbursements can be made directly into your bank account via Bacs.
As an alternative, CAF will need to see an original bank statement before we can start to disburse donations via Bacs to you.
Please note if you have multiple accounts already set up with CAF you will need to tell us which one to pay into.
When you upgrade to CAF Donate you will not be able to proceed further until you have contacted us to confirm your nominated
bank account, and we have linked the nominated account for you.
Setting up & managing your primary donation page
To get fundraising quickly you need to set up a primary donation page and make it visible to your donors on your website.
Overview of the CAF Donate donation tools
This section will enable you to set up a secure donation page for a general fund that will appear on your
own website. You can make your donation page visible to your donors in a number of ways:
Donate Button
You will have the opportunity to create a
donation button and embed it into your
website. Donors will be able to access the
donation page via this button.
Donate hyperlink
If you already have your own donation
button, or if you want to simply link to
your donation page you will have the
opportunity to set up a donate hyperlink.
You will have the opportunity to embed
your donation page directly into your
website and social media sites such as
Facebook via the Widget. This means the
donation page will be surrounded by your
branded content and the donor will not be
redirected to a separate donation page.
Whichever method you choose to use to make your donation page visible, you will be giving donors the opportunity to
give one-off or regular donations to your general fund through a secure page. It is important that you set this up first so
that your donors have the ability to donate to your organisation at all times. The Widget will show a lock icon to provide
reassurance to donors that they are giving through a secure page.
Setting up your general fund
To start, select ‘General Fund’ under the
‘Set Up’ menu. Then simply enter the
details of your fund in the relevant fields.
Note: You have the opportunity to set up pages for specific campaigns later in this User Guide.
Setting up your general donation fund pages
This field enables you to include a short
description of your general fund. This will
not be published externally.
Display name
This is the name that donors will see on
the donation page for your fund.
This unique code of your choosing will
be reflected in your online reporting suite so
that you can see how much has been raised
by each of your donation pages.
You can use your organisation logo
or a specific logo that you have for
your general fund. This needs to be
a small logo (48 x 48 pixels and 50kb
in size) so that it can be optimised for
mobile devices.
Top tip: If you do not have a logo of this
size, there are many free online tools such as that will do this for you
for free.
This should be succinct (no more than
500 characters ). This is specific to your
fundraising campaign and is different
to the text for your CAF Donate online
profile that will appear on CAF’s website.
Top tip: For speed, you can copy your
CAF Donate profile text and enter it here.
More information link
This could be your website address
or a specific URL that sends people
to more information about your
general fund. This is not a
mandatory field.
Single donation details
With single donations you have the
option to include targets and descriptions
highlighting what can be achieved with a
particular donation amount. By including
this detail you will increase your chances
of reaching your fundraising target.
Please note a minimum
£5 donation applies.
Payment options
Select the payment methods that you
want donors to use when donating to your
general fund. This includes CAF Account
Payment, credit and debit cards and
PayPal but please note we can only accept
donations made in pounds sterling.
Regular donation details
You can set up regular donations through
Direct Debit and CAF Account Payment.
Please note there is a minimum donation
amount of £2 for Direct Debits. You also
need to provide a telephone number
for Direct Debits; this will be used in the
communication that goes out to your donor
so that they can contact you if they need to
change anything.
Thank you message
This is a great opportunity to send your
donors a message immediately after they
have donated.
There are two types of message for you to
use. You need to complete both options.
1. A thank you message that appears
on the final web page after a donor has
2. A thank you email which is sent to the
donor immediately after they have donated.
This template will contain standard text
from CAF containing a summary of
the donation.
In both cases you need to customise
the text.
Donation alert
This section allows you to tell us whether you want to be alerted
after every successful donation is made. There are two alert options
that you can choose from.
1) By email
This will provide you with information regarding the donation
amount and the transaction ID.
By logging onto the reporting suite the day after the donation is
made, you will be able to view a full breakdown of the donor’s
details if they have not elected to remain anonymous. Remember if you are expecting a lot of donations this will mean a lot of emails!
2) By ‘systems post back’
This means you will automatically receive a file of data about each
successful donation made via HTTP Post. You can then import this
data directly into your database for reporting.
Applying the look and feel
The design components you select will be applied across all pages, i.e. your general fund as well as any campaign
donation pages that you set up and also the donation page, hyperlink, Donate Button and Widget.
You can tailor how you want your brand to look on these donation pages as viewed through:
1) your website
2) a mobile device; and
3) the standard or slim Widget (donation page embedded into your website)
Note: the Widget is available in two sizes so you have the choice depending on the size and format of your web page:
Standard: 460 x 600 pixels
Slim: 300 x 600 pixels
These options are reflected on the tabs at the top of the page.
If you are not sure at this point how you want your donation pages to look,
you can choose to use the default settings and come back later to amend them.
Setting up the look and feel of your donation page
The design components that you need to select are:
This refers to the shape of the outer
border of the donation tool.
This refers to the background colour
of the header as well as the colour and
font type of the header text.
Pie chart
This refers to the pie chart used to
communicate your fundraising target and
how much money you have raised so far.
Currently active tab
This refers to the design components
for the tab which shows that you are
on an active page. You can choose the
background colour for the tab as well as
the colour and font type of the text used.
Currently inactive tab
This refers to the design components
for the tab which show that you are on
an inactive page. You can choose the
background colour for the tab as well as
the colour and font type of the text used.
This refers to the buttons used throughout
the donation flow and includes the ‘Donate
Button’. Again you can choose the background
colour for the tab as well as the colour and
font type of the text used.
Once you have selected your style options, these will be applied to all your donation pages.
To see how the layout will look on each donation page please select the relevant tabs
(website, mobiles, standard Widget, slim Widget).
Making your primary donation page visible to donors
Once you have set up your primary donation page i.e. your general fund (STEP 1) and applied the look and feel (STEP 2) you
now need to make your donation pages visible to your potential donors.
To do this you need to click ‘Campaigns and donation pages’ and select the options under ‘Embed donation pages’.
Making your donation pages visible to donors
You will see 3 options:
1. ‘Donate Button’ code
This will enable you to set up and embed
a ‘Donate Button’ into your website
2. ‘Donate link’
This will enable you to set up a hyperlink
which can then be used to direct donors to
your donation pages should you already
have a donate button of your own, or
you might want to use it elsewhere i.e. on
marketing campaigns or on an app.
3. ‘Widget code’
This enables you to embed your donation
page directly into your website .
The QR code functionality will also
appear in this section once it is available
from late 2013.
Donate Button code
This option allows you to create and embed a ‘Donate Button’ onto your website. The Donate Button already has the link
code included. The Donate Button will take your donors to the first page in the donation process.
This is what your Donate Button
will look like .
To embed the Button all you need to do is
simply copy and paste the code provided
into your webpage in the desired location.
If you already have your own donation
button set up, you can copy the donation
link code rather than use this Donate
Donate hyperlink code
The donation link can be used on your website (if you already have a donate button) or in other places such as a
marketing campaign or an app. The code will direct donors to the first page in the donation process.
Please copy and paste the link into the
desired location.
Widget code
You have the choice of two sizes of Widget to embed into your website.
Standard: 460 x 600 pixels
Slim: 300 x 600 pixels
Standard/Slim Widget
Depending on your campaign, you may
want to give donors the option to embed
the donation page into their own websites
using the Widget to promote your cause
Select ‘Generate Widget Code‘ to move
to the next page.
Please copy the generated code into
your website in the desired location.
This process is exactly the same for setting
up the Slim Widget.
You have now set up your
general donation fund page!
Setting up & managing your campaign pages
Setting up your campaign pages
To set up donation pages for specific campaigns, select ‘Campaigns’ under the ‘Campaigns & Donation Pages’
menu. This page will not only help you to set up new campaigns but also manage ongoing campaigns.
At the top of the page you will always be notified of campaigns that are due to expire soon. If you want to extend
the time frame, simply click in the campaign name, extend the duration date and select update.
The general fund donation page you have already set up will be displayed at the top of the list of ‘Live’ campaigns.
Setting up your campaign pages
Select ‘Create Campaign’.
This will take you to the campaign editor.
Here you have the chance to set up a
completely new campaign or you can use
the ‘Quick setup’ which allows you to base
your campaign on one that already exists.
Campaign editor
This field enables you to include a short
description of your campaign. This will
not be published externally.
Display name
This is the name that donors will see on
the donation page for your campaign.
This unique code of your choosing will be
reflected in your online reporting suite so that
you can see how much has been raised by
each of your donation pages.
You can use your organisation logo or
a specific logo that you have for your
campaign. If you have already set up the
page for your general fund this field will
already be populated with the logo you
selected for this page. Please feel free to
replace this with a more appropriate logo.
The logo needs to be small
(48 x 48 pixels and 50kb in size)
so that it can be optimised for
mobile devices.
Top tip: If you do not have a logo of this size,
there are many free online tools such as that will do this for you
for free.
This refers to the time period for which you
want the campaign donation pages to be
visible to the public. There is an option to
keep the campaign running indefinitely
- choose the ‘ongoing’ field. Once a
campaign has expired a donor will no
longer be able to give online and a page
will be displayed stating that the campaign
has come to an end. You will need to
remove all references to these donation
links once a campaign has expired or
replace them with another campaign or
a link to your general fund.
You can access expired campaigns from
the ‘Campaigns and Donations Pages’
link, where you can view and then create
a new campaign based on an expired
Payment options
This allows you to select the payment
methods that you want donors to use.
This includes CAF Account Payment, credit
and debit cards and PayPal. See previous
section ‘Setting up a general fund’ on how
to set this up.
Regular donation details
You can set up regular donations through
Direct Debit and by CAF Account Payment.
The ‘Thank you’ message and Donation
alert processes are the same for the
campaign pages as for the general fund.
Please refer back to Page 9 for more
This refers to a short description or
outline of your campaign. This will
be visible to donors.
Return URL
This refers to the webpage that you
want to direct donors to after they have
donated using the donation page on
your website or via mobile devices.
Applying the look and feel
If you have set up the donation page for your general fund you will have already applied the look and feel not only
for this page but for all your campaign pages. If you want to change the look and feel please select ‘brand look and
feel’ under the ‘set up’ menu. Please note you can only have one look and feel throughout, so if you change the look
and feel of any of your campaign pages, it will also apply to your other campaigns and your general fund page.
Find out more about the set up process on Page 8.
Making your campaign donation pages visible to donors
Once you have set up your campaign pages (STEP 1), and applied the look and feel (STEP 2), you will need to make
your campaign donation pages visible to your potential donors.
If you have already set up the donation page for your general fund you will be familiar with the process.
Please select ‘Campaigns and donation pages’ and refer to the options under ‘Embed donation pages’. You will
see 3 options. From late 2013 you will also be able to set up QR Codes.
1.‘Donate Button’ code
This will enable you to set up and embed a ‘Donate Button’ into your website.
2.‘Donate link’
This will enable you to set up a hyperlink which can then be used to direct donors to your donation pages should
you already have a donate button of your own, or you might want to use it elsewhere i.e. on marketing
campaigns or on an app.
3.‘Widget code’
This enables you to embed your donation page directly into your website .
Note: The above settings will need to be applied to each campaign you have listed.
Find out how to set up each option on Page 11.
Setting up & managing Direct Debits
In addition to donors setting up Direct Debit instructions online, CAF Donate provides you with the functionality that
allows you to amend or cancel these instructions, and enter new Direct Debit instructions* that you have collected
offline via direct marketing campaigns or over the phone.
This section will show you how to enter, amend and cancel Direct Debit instructions and is followed by a useful tips
and guidelines section to help you promote Direct Debits successfully.
Entering a new Direct Debit instruction
Select enter from the Direct Debit
Complete the new Direct Debit instruction form
When taking a new Direct Debit instruction over the
telephone you must comply with Bacs guidelines and
ensure that the donor is made aware that they are
signing up to a regular commitment. We have
provided a sample Direct Debit script that you can
print off and use when talking to a donor to ensure
all the information needed is collected first time.
* If you have received paper instructions you need to retain these and not send to CAF.
Donor Unique Reference Number: you can create
and assign a donor unique reference number
(URN). This will be captured in your reports and
you will be able to use this number to search for
the donor.
Email address: CAF will need a valid email
address to send the donor confirmation of the
details of their instruction. If you do not have
their email address we can still process the
instruction but will need to send the confirmation
by post which will attract a higher set up fee
(please see Fee Schedule for details).
Direct Debit details: enter the account holder’s
name, account number and sort code.
The donor can select from two dates: the
beginning of the month (1st) or middle (15th).
Once the Direct Debit has been successfully set
up we will send the donor an email or letter confirming
their Direct Debit instruction. This is known as an
‘Advanced Notification Letter’ (ANL) and provides the
donor with all the details of their Direct Debit including
amount, frequency, next payment date and a copy of
the Direct Debit guarantee (an example of this letter
can be found in the ‘Direct Debit Supporting Material’
section on page 22)
This is the confirmation page with all the details
of the new instruction. We recommend that
you check this against either the original paper
instruction or verbally confirm with the donor over
the phone. You can go back and amend any of the
details by clicking ‘previous’.
Thank you page
This completes the new Direct Debit instruction
process. CAF will send the Advanced Notification
Letter and Direct Debit guarantee to the donor.
This will then appear in your reporting suite after
24 hours.
You now have the option to enter another
Amending or cancelling a donor’s Direct Debit instruction
A donor may contact you at any point to amend their details, or you may carry out an upgrade campaign to
encourage donors to increase their Direct Debit amount. In either instance you can search for and amend a
donor’s Direct Debit instruction.
A donor can cancel a Direct Debit instruction at any time through their bank. However they may contact you to do
this on their behalf; you can also do this through CAF Donate.
Please note that if you have set up a new instruction or amended an existing one, and you need to change it, you
will need to wait 24 hours before the changes take effect and you can update it.
Searching for the Direct Debit
You can search by Direct Debit reference –
your donor will have this on their Direct Debit
confirmation paperwork – or by name, post code
or the donor’s unique reference number if one
has been assigned during the initial set up.
Select the Direct Debit instruction
Make amendments
You can amend or add:
a) Donor Unique Reference Number
b) Donation amount
c) Donor email address
d) Gift Aid status: yes or no
e) Donor personal details including name
and address
Confirm amendments
You will see a summary screen containing
all details. Please check with original paper
instruction or confirm with the donor by phone.
You will then be presented with a thank you
page. CAF will send to your donor an amended
ANL email or letter confirming the changes to
their instruction.
Please note the amendment will take effect
from the next collection date unless the next
collection falls within the next five days. If the
next collection date does fall during this time
period, then the amendment will not take effect
and the original sum will be collected. The new
amount will then be debited from the following
collection date.
Amending a donor’s Gift Aid Statement
It is your responsibility to ensure that your donor’s Gift Aid status is accurate. For regular donors whose circumstances
may change, you can amend their Gift Aid status via the amendment screens. Please see Setting up and Managing
Direct Debits section on page 18.
You can only do this once we have received your ChV1 form from HMRC allowing CAF to act as your agent. If you
need to amend a donor’s Gift Aid status before this has been received you will have to cancel the existing Direct Debit
and set up a new one.
Cancelling a Direct Debit instruction
Follow the same process as Searching for a Direct Debit, to identify the correct instruction, then select cancel. You will
have the opportunity to confirm the cancellation; please note once confirmed this will take effect immediately.
Please note that if the next collection date has already passed, this may result in the next Direct Debit being taken;
the donor can ensure that this does not happen by cancelling directly with their bank.
Direct Debit Supporting Material
Example of the Direct Debit Mandate
If you are collecting Direct Debits offline, you will need a Direct Debit instruction form for your donors to complete.
We have provided a standard Direct Debit instruction form for you to use which includes the correct Service User
Number but you can create your own:
Top tip: the donor needs to send the completed Direct Debit instruction form to you and not their bank.
Note: If you do create your own, you must ensure that you comply with the Bacs guidelines. Bacs also provides standard
Direct Debit logos for use on marketing material.
The template also contains an example Gift Aid Declaration for you to use. If you use alternative wording you must
ensure that it meets the latest HMRC guidelines.
Example of standard Advanced Notification Letter (ANL)
This will be sent to your donor when a new instruction is set up or an existing instruction amended:
Donation self-processing
Through CAF Donate you have the ability to enter offline donations that you have taken over the telephone
or via the post through your CAF Donate account area for CAF to process.
Processing your offline credit and debit
card donations
Select ‘Process your Credit and Debit card
donations’ from the main Self processing section:
Add a credit or Debit card payment
Campaign – your general fund will appear
first followed by an alphabetical list of all your
active campaigns
Minimum donation amount is £5
Gift Aid statement – if you are taking a
donation over the phone please ensure you
read this statement to the donor
If yes, you must confirm that you either hold
a valid Gift Aid Declaration or if taken over
the phone that you have sent confirmation in
writing of their verbal declaration
Donor’s unique reference number – you can
create or enter your donor’s unique reference
number here and this will be captured in your
Donor’s personal details – please note that
you must enter their marketing preferences
and only promote products or services to
them if they have given their consent
Address details – this must be their home
address and will be used for claiming any
eligible Gift Aid
Thank you email – you have the option to
send a personalised thank you email to the
donor – this is the same one that is configured
during the general fund or campaign set up
(see page 9)
Payment details
Please complete all the fields, except American
Express cards where the 4 digit security code
appears on front of card.
Thank you
This will contain the unique transaction reference.
You will be able to see this donation as pending in
your donation suite after 24 hours. This will show
the reference ‘Self Service web’ so you can easily
distinguish them from donations entered online
by your donors.
If you enter a donation in error you will need
to contact CAF with the transaction reference
number, donor name and amount for CAF to
process a refund.
Please call 03000 123 800 or email
[email protected]
Accessing your reports
Your reports can be accessed via your home page on your CAF Donate Account. See options under ‘Reporting’. For
your CAF processed donations via your CAF Donate online profile see the CAF Donate profile User Guide.
To access details of your CAF Donate processed donations, select ‘CAF Donate’ from your CAF Donate Account
landing page or drop down menu. In this section you can do a quick or advanced search to obtain details on one
or more transactions. You will also be able to run customised reports to see how successful your fundraising is by
campaign and payment type .
Quick search
To obtain details of one specific transaction you will need to have the Transaction ID. This will have been included in
the alert you received following the donation being made. Alternatively you can obtain the Transaction ID from the
donor themselves. If you do not have the Transaction ID you will need to use the advanced search to find the donor
by name or address, date range, donation amount and CAF CharityCard number. .
How to do a quick search
Once you have entered the Transaction ID
select ‘Quick Search’.
Donor transaction detail summary
You will see a page with a summary of
the transaction details.
If the donation has been paid by CAF to
your organisation you will see ‘paid’ in the
status field. If we are still processing this
you will see ‘pending’ in this field.
As the Gift Aid is claimed back separately
by CAF this will take longer (approx one
month) to reach you. Whilst this process is
taking place you will see ‘deferred’ under
Gift Aid details status. Please note if we are
still waiting for your ChV1 form the Gift Aid
status will remain ‘deferred’ until we have
received this. If the Gift Aid is rejected or
cancelled you will see this as ‘rejected’ .
‘Date donation made’ refers to the date that the
donor made the donation (under donor transaction
details box).
The date that CAF transferred the donation to you
(by Bacs) will appear as ‘Date donation paid by CAF’
under the payment details box.
Marketing preferences: This will show if the donor has
opted in for future communication from you. It will either
state none, email, telephone or SMS. You must ensure you
contact them in line with their wishes.
You have the option to download this transaction summary
in CSV format.
The fee quoted is a transaction fee on that donation.
To find out more about fees please see the
‘Fee Schedule’.
Advanced search
This allows you to search for multiple transactions using a variety of fields including details of Direct Debits.
How to do an advanced search
You can search using date range, donation
amount, CAF Charity Account number
(if you have this information), regular
payment instructions, name
and address, Gift Aid status and
Direct Debit reference.
Once you have populated the relevant
fields select ‘search’.
Advanced search results
You will then see the results of your search.
The Date Donation Made refers to the date
that the donor made the donation.
To view any individual donation in detail
just click on the relevant row and this
will take you to a summary page with a
breakdown of the donation details.
You can also alter the number of donations
that appear on any page.
The donation report can be downloaded in
CSV format.
Report configuration
To create your own report select ‘Report
configuration’ under reports on your
CAF Donate Account home page.
Regular Payment Instructions
This will show you all the details for the
donor attached to the specific Direct
Debit instruction. Along with the donor’s
personal details, it will show the status of
the Direct Debit (active or cancelled), the
start date, amount, frequency and,
if cancelled, the end date.
In the left side panel you will see when
the last payment was taken; for new
instructions this will show the next
payment date.
Note on Gift Aid status
Pending: This means that the donation is eligible
for Gift Aid but has not yet been submitted to
HMRC for processing (this happens weekly).
Submitted: Submitted to HMRC for processing.
Paid: Gift Aid received from HMRC and
transferred to you.
Rejected: Covers any cancelled, rejected or
reversed claims.
Deferred: These cover donations that are
eligible for Gift Aid but CAF cannot claim until
we have received your Chv1 form and approval
from HRMC to claim Gift Aid on your behalf
Once you have selected the relevant fields select
‘Generate Report’.
You will then be able to download this information in
CSV format. If your search generates too many results
you will be asked to refine your selection criteria .
You are advised to visit your reporting section regularly
and to download this information so that it is available
within your donor management system.
Regular Payment Reports
From here you can report on all your active
Direct Debit instructions; new, amended or
This can be further split by instructions that
have been set up directly by your donors via
your website or entered by you via your Self
Processing functionality.
All reports once generated can be exported
by CSV file.
Understanding the cancellation codes:
A Direct Debit instruction (DDI) can be
cancelled in a number of ways, eg by the
donor or by their bank. If a DDI has been
cancelled, you will see this in your cancelled
report which will display the appropriate
List of codes:
Instruction cancelled refer to payer
Instruction cancelled by payer
Payer Deceased
Account transferred to another bank but new bank details not provided therefore cancelled
Advance notice disputed (payer disputes time, amount or frequency of ANL), therefore cancelled (ARUDD)
No account
Account closed
Advance Notice Disputed (ADDACS)
Invalid Account Type
Bank will not accept Direct Debits on account
Payer Reference Number not Unique
Instruction re-instated
ADDACS: Automated Direct Debit Amendment and Cancellation Service – the Bacs service allowing banks or building societies
to advise Direct Debit users of any amendments to or cancellations of DDIs. Also used to advise users of the new bank account
details when a customer transfers their account from one paying bank to another.
ARUDD: Automated Return of Unpaid Direct Debits – the automated system used by banks to return unpaid Direct Debit
Viewing your remittance advice
Select ‘Remittance Advice’ from the home page of your CAF Donate Account.
Your remittance advice will be broken down into two sections:
The first will show all the donations processed through, CAF Give As You Earn, CAF Charity Account and regular standing
orders from CAF donors.
The second will list your CAF Donate donations (all those that CAF has processed on your behalf as your agent). This section will
show both donations and Gift Aid paid to you.
Please note that a CAF Donate single payment refers to CAF Charity Account donations, and the special instructions noted under
each payment provides you with the campaign code to which this donation has been made.
The remittance advice will be available initially on a weekly basis as a PDF, but eventually these will be uploaded daily and also
available as a CSV file.
Bulk uploads
You will be able to upload multiple Direct Debit instructions and Charity Account payments for CAF to process.
These can be uploaded directly by you or by any third party such as a call centre or external fundraising organisation.
QR Codes
You will be able to create and integrate QR codes into your online and offline fundraising campaigns.
Facebook app
A new app to enable you to process donations directly through your charity’s Facebook page.
Charity Voucher payments
A faster way of receiving donations through CAF Charity Vouchers (CAF “cheques”) – you can upload vouchers
directly without having to first send to CAF for processing.
Charities Aid Foundation
25 Kings Hill Avenue
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent ME19 4TA
T: 03000 123 800
E: [email protected]
Registered charity number 268369