Project: Sanitation, Hygiene Education and Water Supply in Bangladesh (GOB-UNICEF) Project, Urban Component.
Assignment Title: Third party quality control for WES hardware implemented under urban component of GOB-UNICEF
Programme Code: YW 502-02 Planned Result: WES hardware are executed conforming to agreed standards of
1. Background:
The Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) on behalf of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh,
with support from UNICEF and DFID is implementing the Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply (GOB - UNICEF) Project.
The project interventions are being implemented both in rural and urban area.
The urban component of the project is being implemented in eighteen Pourashavas/Municipalities i.e. Raipura Pourashava
under Narsingdi district, Nalitabari Pourashava under Sherpur district, Phulpur Pourashava under Mymensingh district,
Homna Pourashava under Comilla district, Akhaura Pourashava under Brahmanbaria district, Shibganj Pourashava under
Chapai Nawabganj district, Kalia Pourashava under Narail district, Pabna Pourashava, Panchagarh Pourashava, Rangpur
Pourashava, Gaibandha Pourashava, Sirajganj Pourashava, Shariatpur Pourashava, Meherpur Pourashava, Moulvibazar
Pourashava, Sunamganj Pourashava, Rangamati Pourashava, and Khagrachari Pourashava.
The urban component of the project is being implemented in poor communities/clusters, slums/fringes, un-served/under –
served localities of the selected Pourashavas.
Under the urban component of Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply (GOB-UNICEF) project, 1688 water points (point
water source, mini pipe water supply system and rain water harvester), 4098 latrines (shared latrine, community latrine,
public toilet), Drains (approx. 36 Km.) will be implemented in communities and public places in 18 project supported
Pourashavas, out of which 893 water points, 1273 latrines, 18 drains are completed by the end of June, 2011. In addition to
water points, latrines and drains, UNICEF is also supporting six Pourashavas (i.e. Rangpur, Meherpur, Moulvibazar,
Serajganj, Shibganj and Homna) in implementing recycling plant to convert organic waste to compost. The concerned
Pourashavas are responsible for administering the tendering process and construction of the hardware through engaging
contractors. The Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) is the implementing agency of the project. DPHE
basically bears the facilitating role in implementing the urban component. The UNICEF money channelled to Pourashava
through DPHE to implement the hardware. Pourashava is responsible to ensure that caretakers and Water User’s Groups
are given training and tools to make simple repairs.
There is anecdotal evidence, derived from field visits by UNICEF staff and reports from partner NGOs, that some water
points are not functioning as expected, becoming non-functional after relatively short periods due to use of sub- standard
materials or poor practices by contractors, yielding poor quality water, allegedly not drilled/ dug as deep as required etc.
Same reports (i.e. sub-standard materials used, poor quality of construction, non- functioning) came regarding construction
of toilets i.e. Public Toilets, Community Latrines, Shared Latrines.
Typically, UNICEF assures quality control of materials procured in UNICEF projects by having inspections made either
before or after delivery. However, for the mentioned schemes, the necessary engineering materials are so ubiquitously
available in Bangladesh that procurement is done by Pourashava through contractors, paid for partially by UNICEF, partially
by Govt. resources. This limits the ability to ensure quality control due to knowledge gaps of the field officials and also lack
of equipment and facilities for testing quality of materials.
In order to get a better picture of the extent of the problems and to help overcome these challenges, it is proposed to
engage an external expert to make random visits to project supported hardware and assess the quality of construction, the
degree to which caretakers are able to maintain the facilities (water sources and toilets) and how efficient the user groups
are in taking O&M responsibilities. It is proposed to also use the findings to reward or at least recognize the Pourashava(s)
that are doing relatively well.
Depending on the outcomes of this assessment, UNICEF, in consultation with DPHE- will decide whether a system needs
to be developed for continued, regular third party quality assurance and control. Such a system could be linked to an
incentive system to enhance performance.
2. Purpose of Assignment:
The purpose of the assignment is to assess the quality of construction (water sources, toilets, drains and compost plant)
implemented under GOB-UNICEF project, the appropriateness of the site selection as well as the caretakers and user
groups ability to O&M of the facilities. The conclusions and recommendations of the assessment result are expected to
assist DPHE, UNICEF and the Pourashavas in improving the quality and sustainability of future works and if required, take
corrective action for the implemented hardware.
The consultant also need to support urban component of DPHE in compiling progress report, fund management (advance
and liquidation) and other areas as requested.
3. Methodology:
The consultant will need to randomly select two water sources (one point water source and one mini PWSS) and three
toilets (one public toilet, one community latrine and one shared latrine) from each of the Pourashava. The consultant will
also need to visit 5 drains (randomly selected from 5 Pourashavas) and verify whether all different technology options
(particularly for point water source) are sufficiently represented and make corrections if required. The consultant needs to
visit all six composts plants (minimum two visits to each plant) to monitor the progress and quality of works.
The consultant will develop a check- list for observations of the construction and material quality and questionnaires for
additional information to be gathered from interviews with caretakers and user group members. The consultant also needs
to interview DPHE & Pourashava officials/Engineers to capture their views for management and technical aspects to get the
issues for better implementation of the hardware in future. The observations check- list and questionnaires will need to be
filled out for each hardware that is visited, in addition to all the details needed for proper identification of the hardware
including its location comparing with the Community Action Plan (CAP).
4. Outputs:
See “End Product/ deliverables” mentioned under point 9 below.
6. Duty station:
Mostly field work. Report preparation/desk work could be done from outside office. Based on necessity space will be
provided at WES/UNICEF and/or DPHE office.
7. Indicative assignment dates: Jan – June 2012
8. Supervisor: Urban Development Specialist, WES Section
9. Description of assignment:
1. Identify water sources, latrines and drains
(random selection) to be visited, develop check
lists and questionnaires and document in
inception report.
2. Field work
End Product/deliverables
1. Inception report
assessment tools)
2. Data/info collection
3. Detailed report (sharing draft report first,
incorporate comments/feedback) including all
findings/observations and recommendations.
3. Final report
Time frame
1. Three weeks
2. Four months &
one weeks
3. Two weeks
10. Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required for the assignment:
At least 5 years of experience in conducting assessments, quality control, especially in WASH sector.
Good understanding of WES hardware (technology options, construction and material quality), including water quality
and sustainability aspects.
Ability to work independently and not be easily influenced
Systematic, analytical, participatory assessment skills
Good communication skills in Bangla
Good report writing skills in English