Test your knowledge: COMPREHENSION

Test your knowledge:
Source: http://goo.gl/VrvQXb
1. What was Nelson Mandela fighting against?
2. What was apartheid?
3. Name where Nelson Mandela spent time in jail.
4. How did the international community support the anti-apartheid movement?
Name one.
5. Name two things that Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk did to help end
6. What happened on 27 April 1994?
7. Who became South Africa’s president in after the 1994 elections?
8. Circle the correct answer:
8.1 South Africa is a (democratic/non-democratic) country.
8.2 Nelson Mandela (did/did not) prevent a civil war.
8.3 South Africa’s constitution is based on (human rights/communist rights).
1. He was fighting against the Apartheid government. OR
He fought for the freedom and equality for all South Africans.
2. Apartheid was a system of racial inequality which kept all races separate
from one another. OR
Apartheid was a harsh system that gave little opportunity for non-white South
Africans and took away their basic human rights.
3. Robben Island.
4. Worldwide protests. OR
Sanctions against the apartheid government.
5. Abolished apartheid laws. OR
Freed civil rights protestors. OR
Unbanned political parties.
6. South Africa held its first democratic elections.
7. Nelson Mandela
8.1 democratic
8.2 did
8.3 human rights