Chapter 1: The Green Plant

Chapter 1: The Green Plant
Chapter 1: The Green Plant
1. Provide a basic overview of the green
2. List and describe special parts of the
green plant.
3. Determine special facts of plant
Overview of the Green Plant
-Green Plants produce and recycle the
oxygen on which animal life depends.
-Classification systems attempt to arrange
current knowledge into a tidy system to
which new knowledge can later be added.
Overview of the Green Plant
-The plants of the world include a rich
array which may be either:
-macroscopic – seen with the unaided eye;
-microscopic - seen only with the aided eye.
Overview of the Green Plant
-Structurally, plants differ from animals in
that they have a cell wall.
-All living organisms have the cell as their basic
structural unit except viruses.
Special Parts of the Green Plant
-Leaves - appendages of the stem and are
the major food manufacturers of the
-Stomata - pores through which gaseous
exchange occurs between the air outside the
plant and the intercellular spaces inside the
Special Parts of the Green Plant
-Leaves, cont.
- Chlorophyll - The pigment in greatest
abundance in the majority of higher plants.
-Antocyanins – Red pigments that
occasionally dominate in plants such as
coleus or in some flower blossoms.
Special Parts of the Green Plant
-Stems – the transporters of water,
nutrients, and food materials between
leaves and roots.
-Stems increase in diameter because of the
cambium tissue which produces xylem and
-Translocation - the movement of organic
materials from one part of the plant to
another part.
Special Parts of the Green Plant
-Flowers are considered Complete Flowers
when they have sepals, petals, stamens,
and pistils. If one of these is missing, the
flower is not a complete flower.
-Cones are reproductive structures
produced by Conifers, such as pines,
spruces, and firs.
Special Parts of the Green Plant
-Monoecious plants have two imperfect
flowers occurring on one plant.
-Dioecious plants have two imperfect
flowers occurring on separate plants.
Special Facts of Plant Growth
-Juvenility - The state of vegetative growth
during which a plant cannot flower.
-Maturity - The stage of growth during
which a plant becomes capable of
Special Facts of Plant Growth
-Light is the energy that permits all life on
earth to exist.
-Phototropism - A plant’s response to light
with a growth movement.
-Photoperiodism - the effect of varying
periods or duration of light exposure on
plant growth and development.
Chapter 1: The Green Plant
1. Provide a basic overview of the green
2. List and describe special parts of the
green plant.
3. Determine special facts of plant