Apresentação do PowerPoint

Actions that can
prevent accidents,
students of the 1th
grade from Mariana
Garcez Duarte.
Lecture with
educational games.
Students from SESI school took the
initiative to invite 40 children from Mariana
Garcez Duarte school
1 and 3th grade of elementary school to
come to the SESI and learn about the
behavior in traffic.
We elaborated one to a lecture on
signs of signage, use of the belt
and seat. The children were also
invited to watch a cartoon about
traffic (Goofy in traffic), then made
reflections on the behaviors
presented. Among the subjects
addressed in the lecture was a
brief theater on the use of cell
phone and accidents. In a playful
way we try to make the children
can review their actions and also
guide their families. We developed
a route game with signs, rules
related to safe traffic.