ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य कक्षा- 7 विषय

ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य
कक्षा- 7
ववषर्- ह द
िं ी
उपसर्ग किसे िहते हैं ?20 उदाहरण
2- प्रत्यय किसे िहते
दे िर
हैं ? 20 उदाहारण
समझाए |
दे िर समझाए|
3- संज्ञा,सर्गनाम , किया , वर्शेषण ,किया वर्शेषण पररभाषा
और उसिे सभी प्रिारों िो
द्र्ारा समझाए |
4- इन 4 वर्षयों पर
250 शब्दों में ननबन्ध लिखो -
ि - वप्रय खेि
ख - मेरा
जीर्न उद्दे श्य
र् - समय िा सदप
ु योर्
घ - पस्
ु तिािय
5- (ि )अपनी माता जी िो अपनी पढाई िे बारे में बताते हुये पत्र लिखो |
(ख ) अपने जन्मददन पर लमत्र िो बि
ु ाने िे लिये पत्र लिखो |
(र् ) चोट िर्ने िा िारण बताते हुये वर्द्यािय
से अर्िाश तथा परीक्षा में शालमि होने से
छूट दे ने िी प्राथगना िरते हुये पत्र लिखो |
6-बाि महाभारत पुस्ति िे 1 से िेिर
लिखो |
8 पाठों िो ठीि से पढ़िर प्रत्येि पाठ से 5-5 प्रश्नोत्तर
HOLIDAY HOME WORK ( 2017 -18 )
1. Give brief information about Mughal Emperors from Babur to Aurangzeb .
2. Paste pictures of Indian Monuments and write brief information about each of
them .
3. Write meaning of key words
On equality - Universal adult franchise , dignity , civil rights movement , constitution
Tracing changes through a thousand years - Cartographer , manuscript , archives ,
habitat , Patron, periodization , pan- regional empire
Our environment - Biotic , abiotic , ecosystem , environment , lithosphere, hydrosphere ,
atmosphere , biosphere , barter system ,
4. Draw pictures - components of environment , Inner part of Earth ,
Imagine an ideal environment where you would love to live . Draw the picture of Your
Ideal Environment .
5. Write fundamental rights given by Indian constitution .
6. Locate in the map of India .
Delhi , Devagiri , Gujrat , Awadh , Telangana
7. Read the chapter 1 & 2 ( history ) and write the summary of these chapters .
8. Write a story based on Equality .
Holiday Homework 2017
Q.NO1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Hiawatha was a Red Indian boy. He lived with his old grandmother,
Nokomis, in a wigwam. Nokomis taught about the wonders around them. She
told him about the stars, the trees, the insects, the birds, the animal and many
other things.
Hiawatha grew up to love them all. He could talk to the birds and the animals,
and they to him.
Who was Hiawatha?
Where did he live?
Who was Nokomis?
What did Nokomis teach Hiawatha?
Who told Hiawatha about the stars and trees?
What did Hiawatha love?
Write the past form of – (a) Tell ------------- (b) Teach ----------Give the opposite of – (a) old ---------------- (b) hate -------------
Q.NO.2. Answer the following questions:
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. When do you come to school?
4. How many days make a week?
5 How many months are there in a year?
6. Which is the first month of the year?
7. When do you go to play?
8 In which state do you live?
9. What is your father’s occupation?
10. How many kinds of Tense?
Q.NO.3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
(i) Sita/ beautiful/girl/a/is
(ii) festival/Holi/is/colours/the/of
(iii) best/is/food/milk/the
(iv) get/milk/we/animals/different/from
(v) peacock/a/beautiful/bird/is
Q.NO.4. Fill in the blanks with is, am ,or are-
(i) These bag --------------heavy.
(ii) The weather------------- nice today.
(iii) He ------------ writing a letter.
(iv) My brother and I -------------- good cricket player.
(v) They-------------- playing.
Q.NO.5. Correct the sentences(i) He play hockey in the school.
(ii) You writes a letter.
(iii) They plays football.
(iv) we respects our elder.
(v) Your brother sings a song.
Q.NO.6. Complete the words-
(i) pr — ncip – l
(ii) be—uti—ul
(iii) C—i—dr—n
(vi) L—br—ry
(v) ne—e—s—ry
Q.NO.7. Complete the table—
Big --------- biggest
Bad worse ----------Thin ------------- thinnest
beautiful -------------- most beautiful
Happy happier ----------------Q.NO.8. Change the following as directed(i) Birds fly in the sky (Negative)
(ii) Rohit loves his teacher ( Interrogative)
(iii) Dogs are barking.(Negative)
(iv) The students go to school (Interrogative)
(v) He is learning music (Interrogative)
Q.1 Why would there be no life on earth without green plants? Explain.
Q.2 Why should we protect plants? Suggest ways in which plants are important for
other life forms.
Q.3 Make leaf print of
1) mango leaf 2) peepal leaf 3)Rose leaf 4) neem leaves 5) money plant leaf
Q.4 Visit a doctor and find out:
1) Under what conditions does a patient need to be on a drip of glucose?
2) Till when does a patient need to be given glucose?
3) How does glucose help the patient recover?
Q.4 Find out what vitamins are and get the following information:
1) Why are vitamins necessary in the diet?
2) Which fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly to get vitamins?
3) Write the names of diseases caused by the deficiency of major vitamins.
4) Why is it advised to take a balanced diet?
Q.5 Describe the process of extraction of silk.
Q.6 Give examples of :
a) 2 insectivorous plants
b) 2 ruminating animals
c) 2 symbionts
d) 2 water soluble vitamins
e) 2 saprotrophs
f) 2 leguminous plants
g) 2 fungus we eat
h) 2 parasites
i) 2 secretions of stomach
Q.7 Draw labelled diagram of :
1) Human digestive system 2) Open and closed stomata