Mindset - OASFAA

What are two or three things you are great at…
What are two or three things you don’t do well…
Take the quiz…
Score the quiz…
How did you score?
What you believe is everything…
The pumpkin jug…
“Your beliefs define the limits of what you will do and
become as surely as the walls of your house or
apartment define your personal living space…”
– Lou Tice (Personal Coaching for Success)
Carol Dweck
20+ years of
people succeed
curriculum for
middle school
What are the Mindsets?
“Fixed” Vs. “Growth”
Fixed Mindset…
 People are born with a certain amount of intelligence
 You have talent in an area or you don’t
 Trying hard means…you don’t have it
 Supported by intelligence tests…Stanford-Binet
Intelligence Scale
 Failure is unacceptable
 Afraid to take risks
 Focus on judging
Scale used by US Army for recruits during World War I
Growth Mindset….
 Intelligence can be developed
 Talents and traits can be learned
 Trying hard…effort works!
 Focus on learning
 You can become good at what you focus on
 Failure is part of learning…not a permanent reflection of
your ability
“a few modern philosophers…assert that an individual’s intelligence is a fixed
quantity…which cannot be increased. We must protest and react against this
brutal pessimism. With practice, training, and above all, method, we manage to
increase our attention, our memory, our judgment and literally to become more
intelligent than we were before.” - Alfred Binet
Effects of Mindset
 Desire to look smart…
 avoids challenges
 gives up easily
 sees effort as worthless (or
 ignore negative feedback
 threatened by others
 Desire to learn…
 embraces challenges
 persists through setbacks
 sees effort as key to
 learns from criticism
 inspired by others success
Results in deterministic
view of the world…
Results in a greater sense
of free will…
Which Mindset Do You Choose?
 Carol Dweck describes benefits of "Growth Mindset“
 Growth vs Fixed Mindest
 Power of Belief - Ted talk
Adopting a Growth Mindset
 Ask yourself (or your staff, kids, friends, etc.)
 what did you learn today?
 what mistake did you make…what did you learn from it?
 what was your “best” mistake this week?
 Become aware of your thoughts…
 learn to say “not yet” rather than “I can’t”
 Am I focusing evaluating (fixed) or learning (growth)
 Take 5 minutes to answer the following questions
 How could adopting a growth mindset…
change how you work with students?
 make you a better supervisor?
 change how your work team functions?
 Small group
 Discuss your answers to the questions above
 Whole group discussion…
 How will you cultivate a stronger Growth Mindset in
your work setting and/or personal life?
Contact information
 Ryan West
Associate Dean
Yamhill Valley Campus
Chemeketa Community College
[email protected]
 Special thanks to Mike Evans, Chemeketa TRiO
Programs for access to his original presentation