Region IV Letterhead - National Society of Black Engineers

Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
June 9th, 2014
Greetings NSBE Jr. Member!!!
It is time to select new Regional Jr. Executive Board (RJEB) members for the 2014-15 academic
school year. The current RJEB encourages everyone that is interested in holding a position to
take the leadership challenge. Along with carrying out the specified duties detailed at the bottom
of this application, In the past the Jr. Executive Board published two PCI newsletters and
organized a worskhop at both the Regional and National Conferences. Both workshops were a
success, providing a forum for fellow PCI members to discuss current events that affect African
Americans and to gain hands on experience in engineering.
Before deciding on accepting your advisor’s nomination, carefully consider the following
points. First, being a RJEB member is very serious. RJEB members must be in good standing
and remain in good standing throughout their term. In addition to giving 105% of your effort to
your school work, you also have to find time for NSBE in your schedule. If you have a busy
schedule or have to work often, I advise you to think carefully. Second, remember that you serve
the membership, which is an honor. Do not take your position lightly because each member
plays a major role in the region’s success. Finally, remember that all RJEB members MUST be
able to travel for conferences and meetings throughout their term.
In addition to these things, also consider the reward that comes from a job well done.
Leadership is both a challenging growth opportunity and a rewarding service opportunity.
Serving on the board, you will plan and implement NSBE Jr. programs at the regional level.
You will have an opportunity to see the fruits of your labor as NSBE Jr. membership increases
and members have a higher level of satisfaction. Leadership is also a value added to your
membership. You will have an opportunity to interface with collegiate leaders and technical
professionals during your term in office.
Attached, you will find a copy of an application form, a list of positions and duties, and
requirements in order to be a candidate. Please review these carefully before submitting an
application. An Application Checklist is provided for your convenience. Please have your
chapter advisor e-mail all completed applications to [email protected] and [email protected]
before Monday June 23rd, 2014 @ 5pm Central Standard Time.
Ndidiamaka Nduka
Region V PCI Chair 2014-15
[email protected]
Kendall K. Belcher
Region V Programs Chair 2014-15
[email protected]
Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers
Region V Junior Executive Board
June 23rd, 2014 at 5 P.M.
Central Standard Time
Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
Region V Junior Executive Board Application
Please print or type in black ink. Use additional sheets if necessary.
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Chapter Code and Name:
NSBE Membership Number (if available):
How long have you been a member of NSBE?
Position desired:
List any leadership positions you have held in NSBE.
List any leadership positions you have held outside of NSBE.
Please list all leadership training or certification that you have completed.
What skills do you feel are necessary to be an effective leader?
Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
Please provide a detailed statement of your goals for the position if you are chosen. Include your
platform and how you plan to accomplish your goals. Attach additional pages, if necessary.
Position Desired:
Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
Each candidate shall have met the following qualifications in order to be considered for
Regional Junior positions.
A. Each candidate must be a member in good standing.
B. Each candidate must be in at least the 9th grade.
C. Each candidate possess a minimum GPA of 3.0
Selection Process
1. Each candidate will submit, to the Regional PCI Chairperson and the Regional Programs
Chairperson an application package consisting of all of the following documents:
a. Application form
b. Official transcript
c. Recommendation
d. Essay
e. Parental consent form
2. Each applicant will participate in a telephone interview with the Regional PCI
Chairperson and the Regional Programs Chairperson.
3. Recommendations for appointments will be made to the Regional Junior Executive
Board by the Regional PCI Chairperson and Regional Programs Chairperson.
4. Final appointments will be decided based on a vote by the Regional Junior Executive
Regional Jr. Executive Board Positions and Duties
The following postions are elected positions on the Regional Jr. Executive Board:
1. Regional Jr. Chairperson
2. Regional Jr. Vice Chairperson
3. Regional Jr. Secretary
4. Regional Jr. Treasuerer
5. Regional Jr. Programs Chair
A) Regional Junior Chairperson shall:
1. Preside over all official meetings of the Region VI Junior Executive Board.
2. Serve as the representative and liaison of the Regional Junior Executive Board on the
Regional Executive Board.
3. Appoint Chairpersons of all standing and ad-hoc committees with the approval and
consent of the junior executive board.
4. Produce a yearly "State of the Region 5 PCI" report addressing issues faced during term
of office at the end of term.
5. Perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Regional
Chairperson, Regional PCI Chairperson, or Regional Programs Chairperson.
Region 5 – “5 Deep”
The National Society of Black Engineers
B) Regional Junior Vice Chairperson shall:
1. Serve as internal manager of the RJEB.
2. Preside in the absence or inability of the Regional Junior Chairperson.
3. Perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Regional Junior
Chairperson, Regional PCI Chairperson, or Regional Programs Chairperson.
C) Regional Junior Secretary shall:
Serve as Editor-in-Chief for the RJEB, with the assistance of the Regional Secretary.
Create and maintain a RJEB roster.
Record minutes of the RJEB meetings.
Assist the Regional Secretary in the creation and distribution of bimonthly updates to the
REB and Regional membership.
Formulate and maintain updated files of all regional correspondences.
Keep records of all proceedings of Region II PCI.
Distribute Regional information to all chapters, with the assistance of the Regional
Maintain timeline of regional activities and events.
Perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Regional Junior
Chairperson, Regional Secretary, Regional PCI Chairperson, or Regional Programs
D) Regional Junior Treasurer shall:
1. Assist the Regional Treasurer in preparing Regional Junior operating budgets for following
two (2) fiscal years.
2. Assist the Regional Treasurer with the coordination and approval of RJEB travel expenses.
3. Perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Regional Junior
Chairperson, Regional Treasurer, Regional PCI Chairperson, or Regional Programs
E) Regional Junior Programs Chairperson shall:
1. Assist the Regional PCI Chairperson and Regional Programs Chairperson in developing and
implementing innovative programs consistent with the National and Regional Directives and
the Long Range Plan.
2. Perform any activities, duties, and responsibilities as designated by the Regional Junior
Chairperson, Regional Programs Chairperson, Regional PCI Chairperson, or Regional
Programs Chairperson.