SEARCH Lesson Plans 2011-2012

Santa Fe and Heritage Trails
Week One:
Multiple Intelligences
Brief overview of plans for the
year to include Ancient Greek
Studies as well as a short unit
over Aeronautics in the spring
 Students will learn about Dr.
Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences. They will be
self-assessing their own
intelligences and will be
graphing their Intelligences in
strengths in each area
 After Graphing, students will
be creating a mosaic art piece
with construction paper to
represent their individual
assessment of their
Week Two: Continue Multiple Intelligences Mosaic
Begin Introduction into Ancient Greece Studies
 Interpersonal
 Logical/Mathematic
 Visual/Spatial
 Linguistic
 Musical (MUSIC)
 Intrapersonal (SELF)
 Bodily/ Kinesthetic
 Naturalist
Graphing and Mosaic:
Multiple Intelligences
wk 3
September 15,16,19,20,21  Self-Assess MIs based on how you
believe each statement fits you
 Each graph must have at least one
½ inch ½ inch square to represent
that intelligence
 When done graphing the original
seven statements, re-assess the
graph making certain that the top
one or two go all the way to the top
of the page. Make certain the
middle ones are in the middle and
leave the lower ones as is.
 Add colors as needed making
certain to keep your ratios the
same in order for the art work to
represent your self-assessment of
your Multiple Intelligences
Week Three:
Begin Introduction into Ancient Greece Studies
September 22, 23,26,27,28
 Geography and History
with cartography and creating a
time line
 Assembly
(Government) along with debates
over controversial issues like
women’s rights and slavery
 Techikos
Technology from the Ancient
Greeks including earth sciences,
forces, motion, energy, physical
science, and lab experiences
 Acropolis
Greek Architecture, Art, Forms
of Government, Temple Building
Students study Greek theater,
write their own original scripts,
create costumes and props,
 Symposium
Students research Greek
“celebreties” in philosophy,
politics, literature, science,
military and give oral
presentations as the celebrity they
 Olympics
History, competition, math and
 Festival
Sing, dance, cook, illustrate,
compose, construct projects and
hold awards ceremony
Week 4: Why Study Ancient Greece?
 Choose Greek Names
 Read and Discuss “Why Study
Ancient Greece?”
 Assign Polis Groups:
 Assign Leadership:
****Review Chiton (Greek Clothing) info:
Due date will be Oct 6th
Begin answering Questions : Why Study
Ancient Greece?
10 points for completions (12 for first to
September 29,30,October 3,4,5
September 29, 30, October 3, 4, 5
 Students will finish their
 Students will begin
planning their 3-5 minute
questions over “Why Study
presentation over their
Ancient Greece? If they have not
teams Polis Profile
already done so
 Review Presentation
 Student s will read their
individual Polis Profiles and
 Organize Polis Notebooks
answer questions individually
 Organize Individual
 Argon
Folders and take home
 Athens
last years assignments
 Corinth
 Megara
 Sparta
Week 5: Work on Polis Profile Presentation
October 6, 7, 10, 11, out sick on September 12 (makeup date is October 18th)
 Organize notebooks
 Complete Polis Paperwork
for all assignments up to
this point!!!!!! (This will
include individual work)
 Why Study Ancient Greece
(10 Points) (12 for first to have all
 Polis Profile (10 points)
 Draw Fate Cards and
record in Polis Records
 Student will create,
develop and rehearse
scripts for the Polis
Profile Presentation
 Review Presentation
Wk6: Begin Working on
Respect Diversity Project
Oct 13,14,17,24,26
 Yamodo!
Common Core Preparation Activity based on the game: students
get nonsense words which they make up definitions and depictions in short time
periods, pass clockwise and add to their neighbor’s definition and depiction with the
intent of making a “clearer picture” with added details and depictions:
 Wamotatosis * Herdadored
 Diversity? What is it?
 Students will create 8 visual representations
of what diversity means to them
 Respect Diversity Project: Students will brainstorm and
discuss what diversity means to them after visiting the Respect Diversity Web page
Week 7/8 Plans:
October 27- November 10th
 Discuss Recycled Light Bulb Project
 Discuss “Diversity Tree” Project and Greek
 Get Polis Profile Presentations finished and
ready to record
 Work on Record Keeping for Polis
 ********* Classes are at various entry points
due to missed classes. The goal is to have the
majority starting on ornaments and to have
all recordings completed by
Weeks 9 & 10
November 14 thru 22
 Would You Rather???? Core Curriculum Preparation:
Persuasive Writing & Processing observations, connections, helpfulness
 Don’t forget to draw FATE CARDS
Must at least be recorded
 Greeks and Oracles/ 12 Major Gods and The Oracles
must be read and all questions answered. ( Worth 10 pts each) Please
record properly in Polis Folder
After Thanksgiving Break Week 11/12:
November 28,29,30 December 1,2, 5,6,7,8,9
 Waker Upper
 Sharing/ Inquiry or Would You Rather?
 Try to catch up: Mrs. Fergeson had the flu
before Thanksgiving and now we are behind
 Work on Light Bulb Ornaments for Respect
Diversity Foundation Exhibit!!!!!!!
Continue wks 12/13………
December 5,6,7,8,9,12,13,
 Would You Rather Students will be utilizing the game as
writing prompts to aid in argumentive/persuasive writing
as a preparation tool for Core Curriculum Testing
 Students who have not finished their
Polis Profile Presentations will continue
working on these. All must be recorded
before Winter Break
 Organize your folders to turn in
 If you have not finished any assignment, you need to
ASAP and get it turned in!
January 4,5,6,10: Happy New Year!!!!!
(This is week 13/14)
Greek Academy (School for Ancient Greeks)
Day One
 1. Welcome to the Academy
 2. Assign Power Point Presentations to partners. Names and
numbers will be drawn to make certain we are working with a
partner not in our
own polis group.
3. Go over Bilbliography Power point as
well as reference pages for citations,
and specific instructions for power points
 4. Read Education in Ancient Greece
and begin making power points if time allows
Making your
Power Point
Day One:
To open to start a new power point
Click “START” on bottom left hand of page
Go to Programs
Go to Microsoft Office
Click on Microsoft Power point
Open a new slide
We are doing this because sometimes the title slide looks different
than the rest of the slides
It is also good to see layout plans before you begin planning your
power point
Click on Home
Click on New Slide
(If you want a different layout for your slide, click on layout)
Design Plan
Sometimes you get everything planned in the black and white and
your format looks great. Then, when you go to the design, it
messes up your format
You have only 5 minutes to decide: Choose your layout and you
can change the color or make changes if you finish the rest of your
power point early
Click on Design
You can get additional by pressing the down arrow
Decide color
Change font etc if time allows
Title Page
Please title your page by discussing the main point of your essay
You can put Essay 3 etc as your subtitle
Be certain to include the first and last name of you and your partner
Slide Planning
This is the time to read your Essay
After completing reading the essay, please read the questions in the margins if
your essay includes them
All of these questions should be answered in your PowerPoint
You and your partner can decide how best to title your slides
If you and your partner decide you want to look up further information for a
slide, be certain to put “FOR KIDS” or “for Children” at the end of your search
engine. And example of this would be to Google King Minos for kids as your
search engine
If you look up information on another site, you will need to include it in your
citations / bibliography
You may only do this after the rest of your power point is COMPLETELY
FINISHED!!!!!! This is the LAST step!!!!!
Photos must be non-copyrighted materials
Copy righted means someone else owns the photo so using it is stealing (a form
of plagiarism)
Sometimes you can find non-copyrighted pictures. A good source for this is
Creative Commons photos
If you use a photo you must site the source in your Bibliography page.
If you use clipart then you would site Microsoft for their clip art.
Day 2
WK 14/15 January 11,12,13,
MLK on Monday: Classes are behind as I was sick on Monday the 9th
 Finish Power Points for the Greek History
 Watch video: Ancient Greece for Children
(Schlessinger Media) 23 minutes)
Chapter 1: Introduction/ Overview
Chapter 2: The Acropolis
Chapter 3: Athens
Chapter 4: Greek Architecture
Chapter 5: Greek Art & Culture
Chapter 6: The People of
Ancient Greece
Wk 15/16 January 18,19,20,23,23
 Waker Upper?????
Yamodo????? Definition
Game????? (Mrs. F chooses)
View Polis Profile Presentation
videos made by each Polis
Read about Ancient Greek
Education Overview
Present Power Points if time
Lacey, Bill. Greeks: A Simulation of the
History and Culture of Ancient Greece.
Culver City, CA: Interact. 2007. print
 For more information on Bibliographies and Citations
for additional sources, (book, internet, encyclopedia,
photos) please go to my web page and look in
information and forms for Parents