Ulotka Journal

Journal of
Plant Protection Research
Journal of Plant Protec on Research
Ins tute of Plant Protec on
– Na onal Research Ins tute
Wladyslawa Wegorka 20,
60-318 Poznan, Poland
email: office@plantprotec on.pl
Phone (48.61) 8649030,
Fax (48.61) 8676301
Journal of
Plant Protection Research
We invite YOU to publish in
Journal of Plant Protec on Research, where are published
original papers and reviews
covering all scien fic aspects of
modern plant protec on.
Subjects include i.a.:
• phythopathological virology,
• bacteriology,
• plant pathology,
• mycology,
• entomology,
• biological control,
• weed science and protec on
• pes cide residue research.
We published papers describing
an interdisciplinary approach
showing how different control
strategies can be integrated into
pest management programmes,
covering high and low input agricultural system worldwide, within the framework of ecologically
sound and economically responsible land cul va on.
Relevant topics included advanced methods of
diagnos c, computer-assisted diagnos c, research and new findings in the field of plant,
biological methods of plant protec on, selecve chemical methods of plant protec on, and
effects of plant-protec ng agents and their toxicology, methods to induce and u lize crop resistance, techniques of applica on and economic
aspects of plant protec on.
The journal is published in both print and online versions.
JPPR is now indexed with and included in i.a.:
AGRICOLA, AGRIS, AGRO, Bibliographie
der Pflanzenschutzliteratur, CABI, Chemical
Abstracts Service, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google
Scholar, Index Copernicus Interna onal, Polish
Scien fic Journal Contents, ProQuest, SCOPUS,
Thomson Reuters – Biosis Previews and
Zoological Record.
Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with ISI.
Send your manuscript via Editor Manager system, which you will
find on: h p://www.editorialmanager.com/jppr/default.asp
For more informa on, visit the official website of the journal:
h p://www.plantprotec