Train bulletin April 4th - Huntingdon Labour Party

To: Contact Creator users, CLP Chairs & Secretaries, Branch Chairs & Secretaries,
Labour Group Leaders, key campaigners, Campaign Creator users and recent
training attendees, PLP, EPLP, NEC, TULO and EU Referendum Officers. It's always
a good idea to log into your Membersnet account before opening up the links in this
email, if you're having trouble getting into your account please call 0345 092 2299
Dear Philip,
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Flying Start action day. We would love to hear
what you got up to over the weekend.
As a training team we are constantly seeking to share new ideas and best practice with
Labour Party members. Across the country we know that many of you are creative in your
campaigning, fantastic in your fundraising and energetic in engaging with thousands of our
new members. Please email us at [email protected] and let us know your ideas, what
has worked well, and we will share them across the country – you never know, you may
win a Best Practice Award at Labour Party Conference.
Today's bulletin also explains what is new to support your campaign, and where you can
find extra help and resources.
Also in this bulletin:
Print 2016 Update
Campaign leaflets
Get Out The Postal Vote 2016 (GOTPV) Script
Labour In for Britain - resources/referendum question/social media
Appoint an EU Referendum Officer
Local Election Campaign Handbook
Training support until polling day – EU Spending for CLPS special webinar
Latest Print 2016 Update
The deadline for ordering GOTV materials through Campaign Creator is THIS FRIDAY 8
April. All GOTV materials ordered for this deadline will be delivered to your seat on the
week of 25 April, the week before polling day.
You can still order posted direct mail to drop during the short campaign. The two remaining
deadlines for posted direct mail are:
Order between before Weds 6 April – DM will drop 20-22 April
Order between Thursday 7 April and Weds 13 April – DM will drop 27 – 29 April
Campaign Shop leaflets
Visit the Labour Party campaign shop to purchase off the shelf materials to support your
local campaigning. Recently added products include:
Worst ever A&E waits under the Tories- campaign leaflet
Standing up Not Standing by economy leaflet
Labour In for Britain campaign leaflets
2016 GOTPV (Get Out The Postal Vote) Script
We have created a script which can be used during GOTPV (Get Out The Postal Vote)
operations for the upcoming elections. It is designed to be given to your volunteers as a
reminder of the important questions to ask when speaking to voters on the doorstep or over
the phone and how to ask them effectively. It also has spaces for your campaign’s
messaging and contains useful reminders of the party codes entered into voter ID sheets,
the Campaigners’ Code of Conduct and the date after which voters should chase up
missing postal ballot papers.
If you would like to use the GOTPV Script, it is available from this page: If you need any further information
or have any feedback then please email: [email protected].
Labour In for Britain resources
Don’t forget you can find a range of Labour In for Britain resources on the Campaign
Creator Asset Library, under the ‘Labour in for Britain’ tag. There you will find model
newsletter and direct mail copy, 6 versions of the Labour in for Britain logo (including
Scottish and Welsh bilingual versions) and other resources. These can be inserted into
Campaign Creator print products or downloaded and used in offline campaign materials.
Access all the Labour In for Britain campaign resources here You can drop the Labour In
for Britain copy and images into a wide range of newsletter, direct mail and other templates.
Start customising your templates here.
Order your leaflets on our campaign shop for use on the doorstep and in your campaigns.
Ask the Referendum Question on the doorstep
You can now run campaigns and record information on our EU membership in your
community. Click here for information on how to add the VOTER ID question to Contact
Creator and a doorstep script.
The question is exactly as it will be in the referendum itself, Should the United Kingdom
remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? Possible answers
and the short-codes to enter then are:
R - Remain in the European Union
L- Leave the European Union
D - Don't Know
X - Won't Say
Social Media
The official @UKLabourIN twitter handle has been launched please follow us for the latest
from Labour’s campaign to keep Britain in Europe.
Please use #LabourInForBritain to promote your campaigning activity during the campaign
Appoint an EU Referendum Officer
We are asking each CLP to appoint an EU Referendum Officer to help us roll out our
campaign across the country and to ensure every CLP’s campaign is effective as possible.
This will be a non-constitutional role, so it is up to your CLP to decide who you appoint. It
could be an existing CLP officer, Chair, secretary or campaign co-ordinator or a newly
appointed person. Once you have appointed someone, please send their contact details to
Kylie Hammond at [email protected] so that they can be provided with
material to support your campaigns to keep Britain in the EU.
Local Elections Campaign Handbook
Our local elections campaign handbook can be downloaded here.
The handbook sets out:
Labour’s messages for the May elections
Advice and guidelines on running an effective campaign
Information about where you can find help and support for your campaign
Training programme until polling day
We have a full schedule of online webinar training supporting you in your campaigning up
until 5 May. Please help circulate this list and encourage local members to sign up and join.
Signing up is easy just click on the relevant link below. Ensure you are also logged into
membersnet so you can follow the link.
The period during which Referendum spending is regulated begins on 15 April and
continues until 23 June. Immediately the Referendum CLPs will need to report all spending
via a page on Membersnet, including uploading invoices or receipts for items of more than
£200, so that the General Secretary can submit the Referendum Expenses Return to the
Electoral Commission. Make sure you know how by attending this week’s webinar EU
Spending for CLPs , 6:30pm Wednesday 6th April, as we will look at how we monitor and
record spending on the EU Referendum. The webinar will be of particular interest to CLP
Treasurers, Chairs, Secretaries, Campaign Co-ordinators and EU Champions.
Don't forget you can catch up with all our webinars by visiting the webinar library.
6 April 2016/ 6:30 / EU Spending for CLPs
12 April 2016 / 6:30 / Organising to Win - Planning polling day with the polling day app
13 April 2016 / 6:30 / Polling day planning
19 April 2016 / 6:30 / Organising to Win - Planning polling day with WARP sheets
20 April 2016 / 6:30 / Running a polling day
27 April 2016 / 6:30 / The Count
Thanks for taking the time read this email, if you have any questions do not hesitate to get
in touch with us at [email protected]
Best wishes
The Training Team
To manage your email preferences or unsubscribe from Labour party emails please click
here. We won't pass on your email address to anyone else: see our privacy policy.
Reproduced from an email sent by the Labour Party, promoted by Iain McNicol on behalf
of the Labour Party both at Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT.