Teaching Thinking- The Cognitive Domain.pptx

Professional Development Teaching Thinking: The Cogni8ve Domain Believe Understand, and Realize Goals Framework for Session 1.  Build conceptual understanding and capacity 2.  Guided Prac@ce on Instruc@onal Modali@es 3.  Independent Prac@ce on Instruc@onal Modali@es The Thinking Paradigm Metacogni8on Mental Processes Cogni@on The Cogni@ve Domain Theories of Cogni@ve Development Piaget, Kohlberg, Erikson Metacogni@ve Knowledge Metacogni@ve Regula@on The Learning Process (Marzano, 2008) Bloom’s Domains of Learning •  Cogni8ve (knowledge) – Mental skills •  Affec8ve (aFtude) – Growth in feelings or emo@onal areas •  Psychomotor (skills) – Manual or physical skills Perspec@ves of the Cogni@ve Domain The Current Trend Standards, Assessment, Accountability… (ummmmm….And where is what’s good for the kids?) Comparing the standards Math LAL/ELA Cogni@ve Demand State Common Core Cogni@ve Demand State Common Core Memorize 2.11 9.50 Memorize 9.06 8.07 Perform procedures 48.82 43.74 Perform Procedures 29.00 23.07 Demonstrate Understanding 28.66 35.65 Generate 37.92 29.88 Conjecture 7.78 5.96 Analyze 16.47 33.35 Solve Rou@ne Problems 2.63 5.16 Evaluate 7.53 5.64 Source: Porter, McMaken, Hwang, & Yang. (2011). Common core standards: The new U.S. intended curriculum. Educa&onal Researcher, 40(3), 103-­‐116. Comparing the standards ELA ELA Topic Area State Common Core Phonemic Awareness 0.82 0.05 Phonics 0.83 Vocabulary Topic Area State Common Core Wri@ng processes 8.34 5.16 0.29 Elements of presenta@on 10.78 12.72 8.72 9.85 Wri@ng applica@ons 6.28 9.48 Text and print features 3.82 1.75 Language Study 6.87 12.12 Reading fluency 2.98 2.64 Listening and viewing 3.72 3.67 Reading comprehension 21.38 14.57 Speaking and presen@ng 5.85 8.60 Reading cri@cal reasoning 9.75 11.24 Reading author’s crac 9.87 7.85 Source: Porter, McMaken, Hwang, & Yang. (2011). Common core standards: The new U.S. intended curriculum. Educa&onal Researcher, 40(3), 103-­‐116. Comparing the standards Math Topic Area Math State Common Core Number Sense 13.84 32.75 Opera@ons 15.08 Measurement Topic Area State Common Core Data Displays 2.83 2.76 22.72 Sta@s@cs 4.72 3.16 0.00 17.79 Probability 0.15 0.00 Consumer Applica@ons 11.58 0.05 Analysis 0.03 0.00 Basic Algebra 0.03 13.40 Trigonometry 0.64 0.00 Advanced Algebra 14.47 0.00 Special Topics 0.32 0.00 Geometric Concepts 0.24 5.73 Func@ons 1.09 0.00 Advanced Geometry 9.27 1.64 Instruc@onal Technology 25.71 0.00 Source: Porter, McMaken, Hwang, & Yang. (2011). Common core standards: The new U.S. intended curriculum. Educa&onal Researcher, 40(3), 103-­‐116. Building a Pathway to College and Career Readiness for All Students K-­‐2 forma8ve assessment being developed, aligned to the PARCC system Timely student achievement data showing students, parents and educators whether ALL students are on-­‐track to college and career readiness K-­‐2 3-­‐8 College readiness score to iden8fy who is ready for college-­‐level coursework Targeted interven8ons & supports: th
• 12 -­‐grade bridge courses •  PD for educators High School SUCCESS IN FIRST-­‐
BEARING, POSTSECONDARY COURSEWORK ONGOING STUDENT SUPPORTS/INTERVENTIONS (NGA, CCSSO, 2012) 13 PARCC Assessment Design Flexible Diagnos8c Assessment •  Early indicator of student knowledge and skills to inform instruc@on, supports, and PD Summa8ve, Required assessment 14 Mid-­‐Year Assessment • Performance-­‐based • Emphasis on hard-­‐to-­‐
measure standards • Poten@ally summa@ve Non-­‐summa@ve, op@onal assessment Performance-­‐Based Assessment (PBA) •  Extended tasks •  Applica@ons of concepts and skills Speaking And Listening End-­‐of-­‐Year Assessment • Innova@ve, computer-­‐
based items (NGA, CCSSO, 2012) Key is the BALANCE between what we know is good for the kids and the law Cogni@on •  Instruc@onal Planning and Delivery –  Understanding your strategy for teaching what you do (cogni@ve) •  A simple way for understanding teaching thinking •  Developing the plan –  Teacher-­‐Centered vs. Student-­‐Centered –  Instruc@onal strategy •  Mul@-­‐layered •  Looks different in every classroom – not cookie cuher Basic Instruc@onal Elements • 
Specific Learning Objec@ves Introduc@on Modeling Guided Prac@ce Independent Prac@ce Checking for Understanding Closure Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs