Biology, Honors Biology, and AP Biology Power Standards

Biology, Honors Biology, and AP Biology Power Standards
The student will:
Be able to apply the scientific inquiry process to investigate the natural world.
Be able to explain and apply communication, collaboration, and scientific honesty to the
advancement of science.
Be able to explain how science and technology are essential in solving critical issues that affect
society, and analyze critical issues that influence society.
Be able to recognize when a systems approach is appropriate; if so, describe the interdependence
of a system’s components and predict the consequences of changes to the system
Be able to explain the role of complex molecules in essential cellular and life functions.
Be able to explain the role of cellular structures in essential life functions.
Be able to explain how genetic information encoded in DNA/RNA molecules regulates protein
production, cell growth and division, and genetic variation.
Be able to explain how matter is cycled and energy is transferred through ecosystems.
Be able to explain and evaluate the factors that affect population growth and population
dynamics in an ecosystem.
Be able to explain the major factors that determine biological evolution.
Be able to explain how the factors that determine biological evolution account for the diversity of
life on Earth.
Be able to explain evolutionary relationships in the biological classification of organisms.
Science as a Process—Science is a way of knowing. It can involve a discovery
process using inductive reasoning, or it can be a process of hypothesis testing.
Example: The theory of evolution was developed based on observation and
Evolution—Evolution is the biological change of organisms that occurs over
time and is driven by the process of natural selection. Evolution accounts for the
diversity of life on Earth.
Example: Widespread use of antibiotics has selected for antibiotic resistance in
disease-causing bacteria.
Energy Transfer—Energy is the capacity to do work. All living organisms are
active (living) because of their abilities to link energy reactions to the biochemical
reactions that take place within their cells.
Example: The energy of sunlight, along with carbon dioxide and water, allows plant
cells to make organic materials, synthesize chemical energy molecules, and
ultimately release oxygen to the environment.
Continuity and Change—All species tend to maintain themselves from
generation to generation using the same genetic code. However, there are
genetic mechanisms that lead to change over time, or evolution.
Example: Mitosis consistently replicates cells in an organism; meiosis (and hence
sexual reproduction) results in genetic variability.
Relationship of Structure to Function—The structural levels from molecules
to organisms ensure successful functioning in all living organisms and living
Example: Aerodynamics of a bird’s wing permits flight.
Regulation—Everything from cells to organisms to ecosystems is in a state of
dynamic balance that must be controlled by positive or negative feedback
Example: Body temperature is regulated by the brain via feedback mechanisms.
Interdependence in Nature—Living organisms rarely exist alone in nature.
Example: Microscopic organisms can live in a symbiotic relationship in the intestinal
tract of another organism; the host provides shelter and nutrients, and the
microorganisms digest the food.
Science, Technology, and Society—Scientific research often leads to
technological advances that can have positive and/or negative impacts upon
society as a whole.
Atomic Structure
The student will:
Know the properties and locations of the three major subatomic particles
Know the differences between the Bohr model and the Quantum Mechanical Model
Know the relationships and definitions of isotopes, atomic number, mass number and average
atomic mass
The student will:
Recognize and characterize the different kinds of chemical bonding
Know the rules for naming ionic compounds, covalent compounds and acids
Write formulas for the above mentioned compounds if given the proper name
Role of Energy in Chemical Reactions
The student will:
Investigate and understand the how the conservation of energy is expressed in chemical reactions
-Be able to explain why a reaction might release energy or take in energy but all reactions require
activation energy
Understand the meaning of specific heat capacity and how it applies to outside life
Conservation of Mass in Reactions
The student will:
Be able to balance a chemical reaction
Do stoichiometric calculations
Describe and understand the difference between a limiting reagent and excess reagent
Reaction Dynamics
The student will:
Know the difference between a reaction that goes to completion and one that comes a state of
Describe the factors that influence the rate of a reaction
Phases of Matter
The student will:
Know the behavior of the 3 phases of matter
Recognize the state of matter of an element based on the periodic table
Know how gas behavior varies based on pressure, volume, number of moles and temperature both
qualitatively and quantitatively
Periodic Table
The student will:
Decipher the arrangement of electrons of an element from its location on the periodic table
Predict reactivity, atom size, ion size and other properties of elements by their arrangement on the
periodic table
Use data provided to profile an atom
Solution Chemistry
The student will:
Describe the amount of compound dissolved in water with words and in terms of molarity
Describe the properties of acids and bases
The student will be able to state and apply the scientific method to the content areas of
Physics, Earth Science, and Chemistry.
The student will be able to cite specific examples of events and scientists as their ideas
apply in daily life.
The student will be able to record, evaluate and mathematically apply measurements in
scientific investigations.
The student will be able to model, experimentally determine and mathematically
analyze simple velocity, accelerated motion, Newton’s Laws and Conservation Laws.
The student will be able to state and explain the principles of earth science including
rock formation, plate tectonics, and the geologic history of the earth..
The student will be able to state and conceptually apply principles of charge, current,
voltage, energy and power in simple circuit applications.
The student will be able to state and conceptually apply principles of magnetism and
electromagnetic induction.
8 The student will be able to state and conceptually apply chemical principles of atomic
structure, and the equations of formation for simple chemical compounds.
The student will be able to state and apply the 5 step problem solving process.
The student will be able to use scientific formulae to guide their thinking process in
understanding physical systems.
The student will be able to state and apply the scientific method to the content areas of
Physics, Earth Science, and Chemistry.
The student will be able to cite specific examples of events and scientists as their ideas
apply in daily life.
The student will be able to record, evaluate and mathematically apply measurements in
scientific investigations.
The student will be able to model, experimentally determine and mathematically
analyze simple velocity, accelerated motion, Newton’s Laws and Conservation Laws.
The student will be able to state and explain the principles of earth science including
rock formation, plate tectonics, and the geologic history of the earth..
The student will be able to state and conceptually apply principles of charge, current,
voltage, energy and power in simple circuit applications.
The student will be able to state and conceptually apply principles of magnetism and
electromagnetic induction.
8 The student will be able to state and conceptually apply chemical principles of atomic
structure, and the equations of formation for simple chemical compounds.
The student will be able to use the factor-label method of unit conversion.
The student will be able to state and apply the 5 step problem solving process.
The student will be able to use scientific formulae to guide their thinking process in
understanding physical systems.
The student will be able to state and apply the scientific method to the content areas of
The student will be able to cite specific examples of events and physicists pertinent to
the development and current application of classical and modern physics in the
scientific community.
The student will be able to record, evaluate and mathematically apply measurements in
scientific investigations.
The student will be able to model, experimentally determine and mathematically
analyze motion using a variety of techniques.
The student will be able to use vectors qualitatively and quantitatively to express vector
quantities used in Physics
The student will be able to state and mathematically apply Newton’s Laws in identifying,
analyzing and measuring forces for objects in linear or circular motion.
The student will be able to state and mathematically apply the conservation laws of
momentum and energy in mechanical and electrical systems
The student will be able to state and mathematically apply principles of charge, field,
voltage, current, energy and power in systems involving electricity and magnetism.
The student will be able to analyze and apply principles of fluid motion and pressure.
The student will be able to define and apply wave concepts in the transmission of light
and sound.