East Sussex Care Home in Reach

East Sussex Care Home in Reach
Who are we?
We are a commissioned specialist mental health multi-disciplinary team consisting of community mental
health nurses, occupational therapists, a psychiatrist and pharmacist. We work in partnership with Care
and Nursing Homes to improve the quality of life of people with dementia.
Would you like to receive dementia training bespoke to your home?
We offer workshops on all aspects of dementia care in your own care environment and support care home
staff to implement learning into practice by:• Role modeling person centred care
• Sharing and celebrating innovative thoughts and ideas
• Offering individual clinical assessments and reviews
Would you like support in changing your environments and developing activities
to add purpose to your residents’ day?
We offer environmental assessments to help enhance your environment and make it dementia friendly.
We will work with your care staff and activity workers to provide person-centred activity plans.
Would you like to network and learn from other homes?
We offer a Leadership Forum for people with a leading role in the care home and an activity workers
forum for activity champions and activity workers.
What is the referral process?
Homes are welcome to refer themselves to our service. For more information please contact:
East Sussex Care Home in Reach Team
Woodside, The Drive
East Sussex.
BN27 4ER
T: 01323 446041
Email: [email protected]
Service Feedback
“I found the Care Home in Reach team to be very
helpful. They gave us advice on several aspects of
care. Challenging behaviour is a difficult thing to
deal with and the workshops gave us lots of new
ideas. As a result our care staff are now able to
respond in more appropriate ways”
“A fantastic experience overall. This has bought
new ideas to our workplace benefiting our
resident’s wellbeing. Team very approachable and
made each session understandable and
knowledgeable. I highly recommend this service.”