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New challenges indicated in the renewed
Territorial Agenda for EU
Jacek Zaucha
Gdańsk University
Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and EU Cohesion Policy
ESPON Open seminar 21-22 June 2011,Gödöllő
Drafting team members:
Ole Damsgaard (SE)
Philippe Doucet (BE)
Zsuzsanna Drahos (HU)
László Gere (HU)
Iván Illés (HU)
Marek Jetmar (CZ)
Tomasz Komornicki (PL)
Isidro Lopez (ES)
Márton Péti (HU)
Réka Prokai (HU)
Ádám Radvánszki (HU)
Judit Ricz (HU)
Géza Salamin (HU)
Volker Schmidt-Seiwert (DE)
Peter Schön (DE)
Ágnes Somfai (HU)
Attila Sütő (HU)
Kyra Tomay (HU)
Liesl Vanautgaerden (BE)
Jacek Zaucha (PL)
with the contribution of the European Environment Agency
Challenges and potentials for territorial development
Increased exposure to globalisation,
structural changes after the global economic crisis
Challenges of EU integration and the growing
interdependences of regions
Territorially diverse demographic and
social challenges, segregation of vulnerable groups
Climate change and environmental risks: geographically
diverse impacts
Energy challenges threatening regional competitiveness
Loss of biodiversity, vulnerable natural, landscape and
cultural heritage
The structure
TA 2020
TSP 2020
Structural changes after the global economic crisis
Background story: we should expect even higher volatility of economy in
the future
Key words: growing vulnerability to external shocks
Policy response (1) : strengthening adaptive capacity at different territorial
Social capital
Structural changes after the global economic crisis
Policy response (2) : strengthening ability of both SMESTO and MEGA to
initiate and sustain different networks (economy of flows) – to absorb much
easier external shocks
TA corresponding priorities:
3. Territorial integration in cross-border and transnational functional
4. Ensuring global competitiveness of the regions based on strong
local economies
5. Improving territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and
Key messages for ESPON: need for measurement of adaptive capacity and
ability to network.
Social challenges, segregation of vulnerable groups
Background story: Relative poverty has been growing despite positive
economic tendencies. Social and economic divides =>the risk of instability.
Key words (1): migrants, Roma population, demographic imbalances
Social challenges, segregation of vulnerable groups
Among key words should be
also (2): e-excluded (if we are
heading towards information
based society)
Social challenges, segregation of vulnerable groups
Policy response (1): access to services of general interest
Policy response (2): integrative urban policy
TA corresponding priorities:
2. Encouraging integrated development in cities, rural and specific
5. Improving territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and
Key messages for ESPON: need for measurement of access to services of
general interest, progress in achieving Leipzig Charter ambitions/goals.
Challenges of EU integration – core periphery
Do we still have an
Eastern Europe?
From vision to action
In response to the question on the general performance of
implementation of TA2007 in the Member States, conducted by
Hungary in 2010, many countries reported a kind of tension or
insufficient coordination between macro-economic and spatial
“Performance in the spatial planning community is strong, in
the sectoral policies weak.”
Key challenge is how translate TA2020 into routine policy making
From vision to action
Issue based concentration?
Key challenge is how translate TA2020 into routine policy making
From vision to action
New policy paradigm is a chance
Key challenge is how translate TA2020 into routine policy making
Thank you
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